You are given a list of students
who want to apply to the internship at CodeSignal. For the i^th^
student you know their full name students[i]
, which can consist of up to 5
words (where a word is a set of consecutive letters). It is guaranteed that the surname is always the last name of student's full name.
Your task is to sort the students lexicographically by their surnames. If two students happen to have the same surname, their order in the result should be the same as in the original list.
students = ["John Smith", "Jacky Mon Simonoff",
"Lucy Smith", "Angela Zimonova"]
the output should be
solution(students) = ["Jacky Mon Simonoff", "John Smith",
"Lucy Smith", "Angela Zimonova"]
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] array.string students
Array of students, where each student is given by their full name consisting of at most
words. For eachi
consists of English letters and whitespace (' '
) characters.Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ students.length ≤ 30
1 ≤ students[i].length ≤ 50
. -
[output] array.string
Array of
sorted as described above.
def solution(students):
students.sort(key=lambda name: name.split(' ')[-1])
return students