Implement the missing code, denoted by ellipses. You may not modify the pre-existing code.
Implement a function that, given an integer n
, uses a specific method on it and returns the number of bits in its binary representation.
Note: in this task and most of the following tasks you will be given a code snippet with some part of it replaced by the ellipsis (...
). Only this part is allowed to be changed.
For n = 50
, the output should be
solution(n) = 6
50~10~ = 110010~2~
, a number that consists of 6
digits. Thus, the output should be 6
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] integer n
A positive integer.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ n ≤ 10^9^
. -
[output] integer
The number of bits in binary representation of
--- ## Solution
def solution(n):
return n.bit_length()