Implement the missing code, denoted by ellipses. You may not modify the pre-existing code.
One of your friends has an awful writing style: he almost never starts a message with a capital letter, but adds uppercase letters in random places throughout the message. It makes chatting with him very difficult for you, so you decided to write a plugin that will change each message
received from your friend into a more readable form.
Implement a function that will change the very first symbol of the given message
to uppercase, and make all the other letters lowercase.
For message = "you'll NEVER believe what that 'FrIeNd' of mine did!!1"
the output should be
solution(message) = "You'll never believe what that 'friend' of mine did!!1"
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] string message
A string consisting of English letters, whitespace characters, digits and punctuation marks.
Guaranteed constraints:
1 ≤ message.length ≤ 65
. -
[output] string
with its first letter capitalized, and all other letters converted to lowercase.
--- ## Solution
def solution(message):
return message[0].upper() + message[1:].lower()