Implement the missing code, denoted by ellipses. You may not modify the pre-existing code.
The Abanamama Version System (AVS) is a software versioning and revision control system used in highly secure environments. In this system, each commit is assigned a unique name, the first part of which consists of the username encrypted in the base-4 system using symbols '0'
, '?'
, '+'
, and '!'
, and the second part consists of symbols of English alphabet.
Given such commit
, your task is go remove the username part from it and return the second part as an answer.
For commit = "0??+0+!!someCommIdhsSt"
, the output should be
solution(commit) = "someCommIdhsSt"
[execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)
[input] string commit
Commit in the format given above. Note, that it is possible that it doesn't contain the first or the second part.
Guaranteed constraints:
5 ≤ commit.length ≤ 45
. -
[output] string
The second part of the
def solution(commit):
return commit.replace('0','').replace('?','').replace('+','').replace('!','')