Homogenize the format of notes about missing pages with
. -
Delete unimportant "FIXED" notes.
Fix: Markup
has no effect in EPUB because class "sidebar" is not specified in the CSS. -
Study how to change the width of thematic breaks (horizontal rules) in Asciidoctor PDF.
Add and check styles for
Convert constrained bold markup.
Add a block markup before the blocks following the content lists which are at the end of the issues. These last sections generally contain news about new books.
Use bold markup in "I-esim Capitul: Fonologie", after the original.
Mark "Vocabularium del centres de interesse in Occidental" with definition lists.
Mark articles intros with
. See "Evolution del lingues" by Jespersen. -
Mark underlined texts with
. See Text Span and Built-in Roles | Asciidoctor Docs. -
Footnotes in headings don’t work in Asciidoctor yet. See GitHub issue: footnote on heading numbered incorrectly. In fact the possible workarounds don’t work with Asccidoctor 2.0.18. 2023-04-08: As a temporary workaround, they were replaced by
admonitions. -
Asciidoctor and Asciidoctor PDF render captioned titles, but Asciidoctor EPUB3 ignores them.
Mark also author’s names in the "Cronica" sections.
Fix remaining symbols that are used as abbreviatures (km and m are already fixed).
Add footnotes about the new headings?
Homogenize the format of the APIS new addresses: dashes, language abbreviations, etc. The countries must be headings. The addresses must be list items. In the items, family names and cities are underlined. When there’s only one city in the country list, it is part of the heading. See exemple: http://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=e0m&datum=1938&page=59&size=48
Convert all of the old abbreviatons of language names, e.g. "A.F.G.Esp.". Use their full names in Interlingue, separated by commas.
Move full stops outside the quotes, when they don’t belong to it, e.g. "«aaa.»" → "«aaa»."?
Convert long quotes at the end of a paragraph into quotes blocks, e.g. "bla bla: «…»".
Homogenize "A.P.I.S.", "U.E.A.", "U.S.A.", "C.E.L.I.A.", "S.A.P.O." and others, without spaces. E.g. compact "P. E. N.".
Convert "1. januar" to "1 januar"? The dot is used in other languages, e.g. Slovak.
"Lettre à un idist". "à"?
Update "illi"?
Update "mei" → mi.
Update "sui" → su?
Homogenize "p. e." into "p. ex.", depending on the article.
Update orthography: systema, appoy, theatre, thecnica, hyenes, Sylvestre, typic, sinthese, aphoteca, menthol, tachotypie, sinthetic, Pithagoras…
Homogenize the decimal numbers notation after the article in Cosmoglotta A 95 (apr 1934).
Update "ley"/"lege".
Unificar notation de parol-partes in exemples: "-" e "/" → "·".
Consult wether "till" has to be updated to "til".
Add chapter numbers to the titles of "Complet grammatica de Occidental".
Check the render of the footnote in poem "In obscuritá".
Fix: add a space after articles without vowel: "l'".
Add "Doc. 8 in hispan: La lengua internacional moderna", which is after page 40 of Cosmoglotta A 1934.
Mark the article introductions with italics, after the original.
Add a subtitle to the book.
Convert surnames' "De" to titlecase when they don’t follow the personal name. This convention, used in Spanish and other languages, is already used many times in Cosmoglotta. This change improves legibility, making clear "De" is not the ordinary preposition "de".
Add the universal calendar to "Li reforme del calendare", after the original.
Update "app…" → "ap…"
Update remaining "th", "ph"…
Consult "extrat-/extract-".
Replace roman numbers in chapters of "Complet grammatica de Occidental".
Improve apostrophes, e.g. "C’est".
Expand "E." → "Esperanto".
Move "Al la Esperantistaro (continuation de pág. 37)".
Remove repetition "Ancor in 1909 De Courtenay scrit:".
Consult about notation "Occidental’ist(es)".
Check and expand month abbreviatures, e.g. «jan».
Homogenize notation of "ex-libris".
Update "secue…" → "seque…".
Homogenize notation of numbers (spaces, decimal points).
Search for bold and italic marks that should be quotes instead.
Mark letters in section "Corespondentie".
Title sections "Eigentümer, Herausgeber und Verleger…".
Homogenize section title "Contene/Contene:".
Fix: sometimes authors are mentioned only in the "Contene/Contenete" section, not in the article.
Update "commun"?
Confirm "collar" <> "collation" → "colation".
Confirm "Richard Schirrmann".
Mark the article «Signification del prepositiones (cardinal senses)».
Capitals in «exposition universal», «exposition international».
Confirm «effeminar» (angles «effeminate») vs. regular «afeminar».
Check numbers notation with trailing dots, which is usual in some languages, e.g. «Napoleon I. in Russia», «chef del 1. regiment».
Replace «'» with curved version, in English, e.g. in «don’t».
Expand «Germ.».
«ec.» → «e c.»/«etc.»?
Homogenize «de De Wahl», e.g. «secun li proposition de Wahl», «subtenet de Wahl», «qualitás de Wahl». Likewise about «de De Beaufront».
Mark the staff paragraphs as lists?, e.g. «Chef redactor:», etc.
Confirm «pointer» in «quande li pointer stoppa». English word?
Check the result of the «Lexico atomic» definition list, especially the formulas.
Check usage of
. -
Fix «nequi» (112) → «nequí» (35).
Fix «nequo» (52) → «nequó» (48).
Convert «²» to markup or the other way around.
Confirm notes of the transcriptor: "(?)", "(??)", "????"… and convert all of them to
. -
Fix «alquícos» → «alquicos»; «alqui» → «alquí».
Update y→i: «presbyt…», «myop…»…
Mark bold and underline (which was not marked during the transcription) as bold.
Fix «ínfam/ie» → «infam/ie».
Change notes «ci esset li marca originale de págine» to «ci esset li fine de págine».
Homogenize the format of titles of numbered documents, e.g. "Doc. 173".
Homogenize the format of list items in paragraphs? E.g. "1/" → "1)"?
Search for section "Anuncies" in the original tables of contents and update the headings accordingly.
Change «-ésim» → «-esim»?
Separate the parts of «Ex li paper-corb» with horizontal rules.
Update prices "x.—" and "—.xx" to "x,00" and "0,xx"?
Review notation in "Cassa de propaganda".
Homogenize the layout of section "Concurs de traduction": markup, blocks, headings, lists…
Add missing page 87 from Cosmoglotta A 72 (1930-09): (http://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=e0g&datum=1930&page=90&size=24).
Fix Podobsky/ý/ỳ. It seems the right name is "Podobský".
Fix Svec/Švec.
Check usage of "°".
Update "annunc" → "anunc".
Check the price lists of "Abonnament a Cosmoglotta": some of them are broken into several paragraphs.
Quote the words written about in the text (but mark foreign words with italics).
Homogenize notation «IALA», without dots.
Update "es-que" → "esque"?
Homogenize titles "On scri nos(…)".
«red.» → «redactor».
Homogenize abbreviation of "numeró": nro, nró, no, nó, nr…
Homogenize format of the original TOC items, e.g. dots.
Fix "R Bg." → "R. Bg.".
Expand "AZR".
Fix Kobenhavn/Köbenhavn/Köbenhaven.