- Review prerequisite skills and knowledge
- Discuss course focus and project goals in Tweet Generator intro slides
- Show examples of completed projects and similar websites
After completing this class session and the associated tutorial challenges, students will be able to ...
- Create Python scripts and modules
- Access command-line arguments
- Read files and extract lines of text
- Remove whitespace from strings
- Store and access elements in a list
- Generate random integers in a range
Visit Make School's Online Academy to find the Tweet Generator tutorial.
These challenges are the baseline required to complete the project and course. Be sure to complete these before next class session and before starting on the stretch challenges below.
- Page 1: Let’s Get Started
- Python scripts and modules
- Rearrange words script
- Page 2: Random Dictionary Words
- Generate random dictionary words
- Benchmark and optimize for speed
These challenges are more difficult and help you push your skills and understanding to the next level. They are often found in the "Where to Go From Here" section at the bottom of most tutorial pages, although a few bonus challenges are only included here.
- Page 1: Let’s Get Started
- Reverse words/sentences
- Interactive mad libs game
- Simple anagram generator
- Page 2: Random Dictionary Words
- Vocabulary study game
- Autocomplete program
- Real word anagram generator
- Bonus challenges
- Write a script that imitates
– install withbrew install cowsay
- Write your own shuffle function or implement the Fisher–Yates shuffle
- Write a script that imitates
- Make School's OOP coding challenge – covers classes, inheritance, and polymorphism
- Code School's Python tutorial – gentle introduction with strings and conditionals
- HackerRank's Python challenges – try the basic data types and strings sections
- Interview Cake's in-place shuffle interview problem – with helpful detailed hints
- Google's Python class – includes lecture videos and lots of practice exercises