# my global config
scrape_interval: 60s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 60s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
# scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
# Alertmanager configuration
- static_configs:
- targets:
# - alertmanager:9093
# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
# - "first_rules.yml"
# - "second_rules.yml"
# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: "prometheus"
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
- targets: ["localhost:9090"]
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: "delay_queue_1"
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
metrics_path: "/metrics"
- targets: ["",""]%
config job_name, e.g. delay_queue_1
config targets, e.g. ["",""]
is delay queue ip, 8080
is delay queue port
add datasource prometheus
you should:
- replace
name in json, e.g.test2
- replace
in json, e.g.ca547f68-c185-4008-9fe7-0ffa290eb12c
# HELP info Delay Queue Info
# TYPE info gauge
info{camellia_version="1.3.2",arch="x86_64",os_name="Mac OS X",os_version="10.16",system_load_average="4.025390625",vm_vendor="Oracle Corporation",vm_name="Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",vm_version="25.311-b11",jvm_info="mixed mode",java_version="1.8.0_311",} 1
# HELP uptime Delay Queue Uptime
# TYPE uptime gauge
uptime 4723
# HELP start_time Delay Queue StartTime
# TYPE start_time gauge
start_time 1703496263296
# HELP memory_info Delay Queue Memory
# TYPE memory_info gauge
memory_info{type="free_memory"} 1830046763
memory_info{type="total_memory"} 5368709120
memory_info{type="max_memory"} 5368709120
memory_info{type="heap_memory_usage"} 2247304530
memory_info{type="no_heap_memory_usage"} 258527269
memory_info{type="netty_direct_memory"} 1168484143
# HELP cpu Delay Queue Cpu
# TYPE cpu gauge
cpu{type="cpu_num"} 12
cpu{type="usage"} 229
# HELP gc Delay Queue gc
# TYPE gc gauge
gc{name="PS Scavenge", type="count"} 3
gc{name="PS Scavenge", type="time"} 43
gc{name="PS MarkSweep", type="count"} 2
gc{name="PS MarkSweep", type="time"} 71
# HELP request Delay Queue Request
# TYPE request gauge
request{topic="queue1", type="sendMsg"} 38
request{topic="queue1", type="pullMsg"} 31
request{topic="queue1", type="deleteMsg"} 69
request{topic="queue1", type="ackMsg"} 37
request{topic="queue1", type="getMsg"} 18
request{topic="queue1", type="triggerMsgReady"} 49
request{topic="queue1", type="triggerMsgTimeout"} 13
request{topic="queue1", type="triggerMsgEndLife"} 107
request{topic="queue2", type="sendMsg"} 80
request{topic="queue2", type="pullMsg"} 104
request{topic="queue2", type="deleteMsg"} 82
request{topic="queue2", type="ackMsg"} 51
request{topic="queue2", type="getMsg"} 49
request{topic="queue2", type="triggerMsgReady"} 36
request{topic="queue2", type="triggerMsgTimeout"} 102
request{topic="queue2", type="triggerMsgEndLife"} 38
# HELP pull_msg_time_gap Delay Queue Pull Msg Time Gap
# TYPE pull_msg_time_gap gauge
pull_msg_time_gap{topic="queue1", type="count"} 47
pull_msg_time_gap{topic="queue1", type="avg"} 52.288458
pull_msg_time_gap{topic="queue1", type="max"} 385
pull_msg_time_gap{topic="queue2", type="count"} 19
pull_msg_time_gap{topic="queue2", type="avg"} 48.057658
pull_msg_time_gap{topic="queue2", type="max"} 665
# HELP ready_queue_time_gap Delay Queue Ready Queue Time Gap
# TYPE ready_queue_time_gap gauge
ready_queue_time_gap{topic="queue1", type="count"} 42
ready_queue_time_gap{topic="queue1", type="avg"} 10.714888
ready_queue_time_gap{topic="queue1", type="max"} 401
ready_queue_time_gap{topic="queue2", type="count"} 54
ready_queue_time_gap{topic="queue2", type="avg"} 49.430709
ready_queue_time_gap{topic="queue2", type="max"} 1125
# HELP topic_info Delay Queue Topic Info
# TYPE topic_info gauge
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="readyQueueSize"} 1
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="ackQueueSize"} 8
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="waitingQueueSize"} 5
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_0_1min"} 1
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_1min_10min"} 5
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_10min_30min"} 4
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_30min_1hour"} 2
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_1hour_6hour"} 8
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_6hour_1day"} 0
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_1day_7day"} 5
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_7day_30day"} 5
topic_info{topic="queue1", type="size_30day_infinite"} 1
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="readyQueueSize"} 6
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="ackQueueSize"} 0
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="waitingQueueSize"} 3
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_0_1min"} 8
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_1min_10min"} 9
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_10min_30min"} 3
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_30min_1hour"} 6
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_1hour_6hour"} 5
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_6hour_1day"} 9
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_1day_7day"} 2
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_7day_30day"} 7
topic_info{topic="queue2", type="size_30day_infinite"} 6