The Binary is static:
- LLVM embeded
- Clang embeded
- Libc embeded
(build on ubuntu)
cmake -S . -DBINARY:BOOL=ON -B build && cmake --build build -- -j `nproc`
Google Test
cmake -S . -DTEST:BOOL=ON -B build && cmake --build build -- -j `nproc`
cd build && ctest
./pdic ../PDI_test_parse.h --
./pdic ../PDI_test_parse.h --stdout on -- # on/off
./pdic ../PDI_test_parse.h ../level_1.c --outputfilename out.yml --
is for Compilation databases for Clang-based tools
Note that anything before the double dash “--” is an input to your LibTooling program, argv in main(), while anything after the double dash is an input to Clang itself (you won’t concern yourself with those). (source
LibTooling Example
./pdic ../examples/level_1.c --
pdic extract all information from AST and write PDI representation.