This project is a small 3D game made with C and OpenGL.
This was developped on MSVC compiler of Visual Studio 2022 and not tested on any other environment.
To save the games, the game need a Mysql Database with the name 'Cproject2i' on localhost, database.sql is the
script to create this database
git clone --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --remote
- glfw 3
- glad 4.6 core
- freetype 2
- stb_image 2
- libmysql 6.1.11
- libcurl with https support
NasaApodApiKey.h ( Where NASA_API_KEY has to be replaced with your NASA apod api key that you can get on : )
#pragma once
DatabaseLogin.h (where root and root have to be replace with your local mysql login)
#pragma once
#define DATABASE_USER "root"
#define DATABASE_PASSWORD "root"