A chat app for mobile devices using React Native.
The app
provide users with a chat interface and options to share images and their
A page where users can enter their name and choose a background color for the chat screen
before joining the chat.
A page displaying the conversation, as well as an input field and submit button.
The chat must provide users with two additional communication features: sending images
and location data.
Data gets stored online and offline.
React Native
Android Studio
Google Firestore Database
Gifted Chat
Expo Command Line Interface
npm install --global expo-cli
Fork this repository and run npm install for install all dependecies.
npm install
expo start
Download Expo app on your mobile phone.
Run expo start on the forked file root in your terminal.
Scan the QR code.
When bundle is ready you will see the app.
Download Android Simulator or XCode which include an iOS Sumiulator.
In the browser after run expo start on the forked file root in your terminal, select "Run on iOS Simulator" or "Run on Android device/emulator".