- mkdocs: 3fa71fe9 - correct mkdocs image name [ !73 ]
- commit_footer_refs: 0f6e06c5 - enable automated jobs without MR to succeed. [ #44 !72 ]
- commit_footer_refs: b8199586 - dont update git submodules [ !71 #42 !2 ]
- sub_module_update: fc9f3761 - wbsite-template [ !44 ]
- mkdocs: 3fbd4317 - update requirements.txt to current versions [ !73 !13 !44 ]
- mkdocs: c4087c70 - update python to 3.11.2 [ !73 !13 !44 ]
- docker: 359c664d - always build on tag [ !68 #37 ]
- build: 799de6c9 - adjust to enforce [ !66 ]
- docker: 4ea999ce - ensure on any changes to directory path, build occurs [ !64 #38 !76 ]
- template: 4da44b77 - issue comment patch remove setting role path [ !62 ]
- conventional_commits: 3918686e - do not run on master branch [ !70 #40 ]
- sub_module_update: 8eb57c58 - enable passing commit type and category [ !69 #39 !122 #39 !96 !28 ]
- deploy: 86a0292f - add new nfc repos [ !68 ]
- release: 837311c0 - annotate git tag with changelog [ !68 ]
- build: e8758c4c - no docs/docker build on master push, only tag [ !68 ]
- docker: 0d797415 - add debugging to publish [ #36 !68 #36 #11 ]
- deploy: 1a168593 - added ansible.docker.os repo [ !67 ]
- docker_publish: 9489c99f - on merge to dev always publish [ !65 ]
- template: da40e027 - added auto job mr from issue comment patch [ !61 ]
- lint: 4462ec04 - all lint to immediatly start job [ !57 ]
- ci: 9b00af99 - correct dockerhub tag [ !57 ]
- ci: 6af454be - remove spaces from regex exists and changes [ !56 ]
- ansible_lint: 46d85bcf - enable first level dir paths [ !55 ]
- docker_build: 11b62099 - on success push container to docker hub [ !53 ]
- docker_build: e90b938b - init submodule submodules [ !53 ]
- ci: 0ec520f0 - add resource groups [ !55 #33 ]
- sync: e75464c7 - immediatee git sync [ !55 ]
- latest_artifacts: 755fcac0 - ensure artifats for jobs are always avail on branches [ !54 #34 #331232 ]
- latest_artifacts: 22dd4985 - ensure artifats for jobs are always avail on branches [ !52 #34 #331232 ]
- mkdocs: 5ffc68d7 - adjust rules to match lint [ !51 ]
- docker: 097725c1 - detect canges in include path corrected [ !50 ]
- ci: 9e098245 - typo in docker build [ !49 !20 ]
- ansible_playbook: 13ee3bf5 - No4 enable parent pipelines [ !47 ]
- ansible_playbook: 3c0543f7 - No3 enable parent pipelines [ !45 ]
- ansible_playbook: f3fa9c5a - enable parent pipelines [ !45 ]
- ansible_playbook: 3ee48daa - enable parent pipelines [ !44 ]
- ansible_lint: 6a149f6e - added inventory & playbooks directories [ !50 #22 !27 ]
- ci: 1dcb3ed5 - dont git submodule recurse [ !50 ]
- commit_footer_refs: f3256c58 - only run on changes [ !50 ]
- ci: d8a6d5f7 - git gubmodule update trigger moved to api call via curl [ !48 !62 ]
- ci: 35cfa92c - git submodule job moved to own definition [ !48 !62 ]
- ansible_playbook: a86d17ef - rules set to never 'ONLY' [ !48 !62 ]
- gitlab_yaml_lint: efa62710 - adjust logic to detect changes [ !42 ]
- commit_footer_check: 6accd863 - run on non master/dev branches only [ !42 ]
- submodule_update_trigger: 86b05338 - only update own submodule [ !41 #16 !60 ]
- mkdocs_build: ff8c43c1 - always build on git tag [ !41 ]
- ci_rules: 04e7e928 - add exists and changes for rules [ !41 #32 ]
- yaml_anchors: 862176f9 - initial conditional checks [ !41 #32 ]
- ci: 6f810f80 - add more repos to update [ !39 ]
- ansible_playbook: 73ea66e6 - always pull image [ !37 ]
- mkdocs_build: c47be421 - ensure config file exists when run on branch [ !36 ]
- automagic: 8ced1720 - fix git submodule so it runs on schedule [ !35 #31 ]
- docs_environment: b68f6cb4 - don't define empty env path [ !34 ]
- doc_pages: 91ac4476 - use updated job name [ !34 #30 ]
- ansible_lint: 75968b14 - only run if tasks/main.yaml exists [ !34 ]
- mkdocs_build_website: 0bc72554 - renamed and normalized [ !34 #30 ]
- sub_folder_changelog: 203a9990 - dont create changelog for docs [ !34 ]
- jobs: a010f7ba - jobs that occur on push should also run on 'trigger' [ !33 #26 ]
- docker_publish: 79855cdb - job only run on dockerfile exists [ !32 #28 ]
- docker: 502f12c2 - job only run on dockerfile exists [ !31 #28 ]
- e79b5545 - rename website to documentation [ !34 ]
- ci: 681b8f1a - update deploy job name [ !34 ]
- docker_hub: 7b4b01bd - move needs to template [ !31 ]
- 87165450 - refine [ !34 ]
- automagic: 95bc6a5b - added initial autmagic docs [ !34 ]
- ansible_playbook: 39881505 - document ci job definition [ !34 #26 #27 ]
- ci: 7018440d - on push to dev, update git sub modules on specified [ !38 ]
- mkdocs_build_docs: 5e491285 - keyword needs does not belong in definition [ !36 ]
- lint_markdown_docs: 9ebd0a27 - ensure also detects website [ !36 ]
- ci: 44076553 - use automagic ci template [ !34 ]
- automagic: 18bc18c2 - add ansible template [ !34 ]
- ansible_play: fff7d314 - force output colour in job logs [ !33 ]
- ansible_playbook: f9af921e - final logic adjustment for job [ !29 #25 ]
- automation: 1f6ee9ea - final logic changes [ !29 #25 ]
- auto_jobs: c5d27e83 - created initial template to auto-create jobs [ !29 #26 ]
- variables: 158cc94d - added pipeline trigger and schedule [ !29 #26 ]
- automation: 0d3eaa6a - job to run ansible playbooks [ !29 !8 !25 #5 ]
- sub_folder_changelog: 0482c014 - dont create in git submodules [ !28 #23 ]
- md_linting: e26f590e - must lint on git tag [ !27 !3 ]
- mkdocs: 7a9aca3a - default to docs directory as root [ !26 ]
- template: 0b9e7375 - use correct path for build artifact [ !25 ]
- markdown_lint: 18af7f83 - use new lint path [ !25 ]
- markdown_lint: 12d3a412 - typo in config variable [ !25 ]
- mkdocs: f42b0ecf - add placeholder pages [ !25 ]
- docker: f604c6e2 - ensure qemu binfmt is loaded [ !24 !1861 ]
- docker_hub: 8e0f16c5 - push correct image [ !24 ]
- lint: a754aa81 - use correct path for requirements.txt [ !24 ]
- gitlab_release: 18a28087 - allow skip on dev branch [ !17 ]
- docs: 7c385b75 - pages dir renamed to docs [ !26 ]
- template_website: 1b59d623 - adjust names of jobs [ !25 ]
- markdown_lint: bce7396d - move md linting to lint folder [ !25 ]
- docs: 3a2a135d - markdown linting errors fix [ !25 ]
- mkdocs: dacb9f22 - use locked version from website repo [ !25 ]
- docker: a90ccb81 - move docker jobs to their own file [ !24 ]
- c34e382a - use name that makes sense [ !24 ]
- 539e40e3 - move ansible and yaml lint job to linting folder [ !24 ]
- 28c04fb2 - add job definitions to page [ !26 ]
- 657df7a5 - add job definition to page [ !26 ]
- 0bc3451b - added edit url [ !25 ]
- 4fb85408 - move readme to project pages index [ !25 ]
- b66abc19 - notate under development [ !25 ]
- 61200e52 - update structure [ !25 ]
- template: e40310fc - add index and website [ !25 ]
- 55061ad5 - use project template [ !25 ]
- mkdocs: 1ec2666e - moved to pages folder [ !25 ]
- conventional_commits: 70dfb826 - added config file requirement [ !25 ]
- template_website: bef76847 - enable specifying the url slug [ !27 ]
- docs: a8f675c1 - temp adding of requirements [ !26 ]
- mkdocs: 71a335c2 - install website-template requirements [ !26 !7 ]
- pages: 480502a7 - don't include projects in nav [ !25 ]
- template: 8e2a2338 - always deploy to pages on dev manual other [ !25 ]
- mkdocs_build: a0b6d05a - always build [ !25 ]
- mkdocs_build: 6d2e50e9 - add manual build [ !25 ]
- template: 4fa90d4c - use md lint config from website-template [ !25 ]
- markdown_lint: 38d46900 - enable specifying the lint config path [ !25 ]
- pages: 15750124 - use repo name [ !25 ]
- website: 16d47d5e - add pages job for website [ !25 ]
- template: 91a50eb1 - created website job template [ !25 ]
- mkdocs: 5556a57e - only run on success [ !25 ]
- conventional_commits: 088c9fb0 - ensure .cz.yaml exists [ !24 ]
- docker_build: 6765894c - enable spcifying the dockerfile to use [ !24 ]
- template: 67f39d96 - added a ansible-role job template [ !24 ]
- gitlab_release: d89941df - dont automagic run on dev [ !4 #21 !23 #21 !4 ]
- ci: b0024c99 - v no longer suffix to tag [ !22 ]
- docker: 72f52898 - setup ROOT_DIR [ !3 !1 !22 !3 !1 ]
- conventional_commits: 76db5b17 - never run on git tag [ !7 !22 !7 ]
- markdown_lint: 8581981a - fix search paths [ !21 ]
- yaml_lint: a04b272c - remove extra var creation [ !21 ]
- yaml_lint: 3b686a46 - ensure config is within double quote [ !21 ]
- yaml_lint: 52c6ceda - scan all [ !21 ]
- yaml_lint: 0d59871a - enable specifying additional config [ !21 ]
- markdown_lint: cf10e289 - enable job for md in sub folders [ !21 #19 !2 ]
- d389d141 - validation jobs on all except merge [ !21 ]
- gitlab_release: a745ceac - fixed rule to match nfc_bot [ !20 !21 !20 ]
- gitlab_release: e76378dd - only run on master on_success [ !21 #16 ]
- ci: 934a401a - specify the commitizen version [ !21 ]
- markdown_lint: 8391bf65 - remove quotes from search path variable. [ #18 ]
- ci: 02e9e5f4 - inconsistant tabs [ !21 ]
- adc720bb - cleanup non-needed dir [ !21 ]
- gitlab_release: 1fa7fec3 - show debug before command [ !21 ]
- 408e4eab - move docs as part of restructure [ !21 ]
- 9a7ae710 - set correct commit details for nfc_bot [ !20 ]
- 1233d6ad - disable licence scanning until fixed [ !22 ]
- yaml_lint: ca60625b - update to python 11
- markdown_linting: 47e39849 - exclude .gitlab and changelog [ !21 ]
- 49282457 - dont lint git submodule website-template [ !21 ]
- docs: 72f8eb72 - added mkdocs config [ !21 ]
- conventional: 93931cb9 - job not to run when bot pushes change [ !22 ]
- ci: 7ed3f92d - exclude website-template from yaml lint [ !21 ]
- ci: bbbf9e35 - set correct search path [ !21 ]
- yaml_lint: 0b4e85c3 - added var to prevent job from runnng [ !21 ]
- gitlab_release: e06ffef6 - run on merge to development [ !21 ]
- gitlab_release: 199ea1f2 - never run on merge or git tag [ !21 ]
- git_push_mirror: 1db2209d - always sync git tag [ !21 ]
- template: 8b9a0356 - added new template for ci pipeline for docker containers [ !21 ]
- common: 9670fc47 - created a common ci file for inclusion [ !21 ]
- commit_footer_refs: 8d512a9a - ability to disable job with variable [ !21 ]
- gitlab_release: a37acbfc - ability to disable job with variable [ !21 ]
- git_push_mirror: 81445c06 - ability to disable job with variable [ !21 ]
- conventional_commits: 9e7d357b - ability to disable job with variable [ !21 ]
- markdown_lint: d75e9599 - artifact locations to be hard set [ !19 ]
- ansible: 0df60b12 - remove duplicate lines that last code review didn't remove.
- ansible: 484d9879 - fix typo in job pip file
- dependency_scanning: e1894ec0 - upgraded versions from vulnerability scan.
- 6668c2fb - test specifying must equal.
- markdown_lint: 3096d7ee - Added Linting of Markdown for files in this repository. [ !15 ]
- mkdcos: a2d705de - mkdocs requirements.txt had a '\n' in the filename. renamed. [ !15 ]
- dependency_scanning: 39a76a08 - delete all python 'requirements.txt' files that are not the specified one to be scanned. [ #350949 !15 ]
- dependency_scanning: 4e1da5e8 - python 3.7 not available for dependecy scanning. [ !15 ]
- dependency_scanning: a6afa766 - increase python version to 3.7 [ !15 ]
- dependency_scanning: 7153f9b4 - check python version as pillow 9.0 reported as not found. [ !15 ]
- dependency_scanning: 996ee64a - scanner set to use python 3.6 [ !15 ]
- 725bfaf8 - debug logging for dep scanning
- python_dependency_scan: 2fffa866 - disabled main job and manual setup for all ci jobs. [ !15 ]
- licence_finder: 83cce72a - set to recursive scan so all licence's can be detected.
- scanners: fc816192 - Added dependency and licence scanners
- 5c872f16 - Added a test stage for gitlab specific tests.
- artifacts: e0d8885d - markdown lint and mkdocs build artifacts to expire after 24 hours
- markdown_lint: b6dcb47b - removed no longer needed requirement.
- markdown_lint: fd48316a - updated docs on how to use and view rules.
- mkdocs_build: 347597e3 - include mandatory vars in template ci file.
- mkdocs: 1ef0e224 - Completed the mkdocs build readme [ #15 !15 ]
- markdown_lint: 6363ea37 - completed the job docs. [ #12 ]
- mkdocs: 5c05ed76 - initial adding of mkdocs build readme. [ !15 #5 ]
- markdown_lint: 6383cde3 - initial adding of the docs [ !15 #12 ]
- markdown_lint: 9ab336fb - include junit configuration file '.markdownlint-cli2.jsonc' in ci job.
- mkdocs_build: 906f09e2 - use a pip file for job so that licence scanning can function.
- mkdocs_build: 5a41962a - move ci job dependencies to a pip file so that the ci dependency job can check versions.
- build: 50b5e854 - initial add of mkdocs build job [ !15 #15 ]
- validation: 954aa28d - Added a Markdown linting validation job. [ !15 #12 ]
- MR_Title: 31517b4b - save the merge request title as a variable and debug output in job log. [ !13 ]
- .yaml_lint_defaults: 140985c3 - Always run on all branches as this denotes quality. [ !13 ]
- commit_footer_refs: 82c6c9f5 - never run on development or master. [ !13 ]
- commit.py: 99bdc2a0 - fix typo that caused exception [ #6 !12 ]
- conventional_commits: d03d9fef - fetch all branches prior to check for parent branch [ #6 !12 ]
- ci: d5782d95 - added variable 'GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY' to be 'recursive' [ #10 !12 ]
- conventional_commits: 42ad02ee - use git show-branch to find origin branch [ #6 !11 ]
- commit.py: e5531fc7 - throw an error if no token was supplied. i.e. empty variable. [ #11 !12 ]
- commit.py: 6b7ad95f - confirm a merge request was found, if not output 'ci: No Merge Request found' [ #11 !12 ]
- commit.py: c543c47a - try to us
before the specified token, if any. [ #11 !12 ] - commit.py: b01550e0 - removed ability to fetch first commit or target branch [ #6 #6 !12 ]
- pylint: 4b6cc317 - install the required packages for files being checked [ #7 ]
- pylint: 936299ae - fix bug introduced in code quality commit [ #7 ]
- commit_footer: 2ac22c0e - fix bug introduced in code quality commit [ #7 ]
- !2
- commit_message: 3360a15f - fixed commit message check if there is only one commit to the branch [ !7 ]
- commit_footer_refs: 63af1efb - Use the current git branch for comparison. [ !5 #1 ]
- gitlab_release: f76cabee - Adjust release workflow [ !2 ]
- gitlab_release: eb0bf4c1 - file link to be in local repository for helping fix commit footer ref check failures [ #4 ]
- gitlab_release: 81776223 - use a name for failed test to denote the issue [ #4 ]
- gitlab_release: 7cb676eb - Add a validation job to check if commit messages contain a gitlab reference in the footer [ #4 ]
- readme: 0653766c - Updated badges and intro [ !5 ]
- gitlab_templates: 9f7a24c1 - added issue and merge request templates [ #1 ]
- template: da8eb5c3 - added template readme for CI job folders [ #1 ]
- readme: ace7a034 - explain sync and using github to link gitlab-ci [ !5 #1 ]
- readme: 8790917e - explain repo layout and versioning [ !5 ]
- readme: 19900945 - added how to update gitlab-ci [ !5 ]
- readme: 8a988ebf - Added how to use this repository [ !5 ]
- gitlab_release: dc13d4f2 - Added user docs to fix errors from ci job 'commit footer refs' [ #3 #4 ]
- changelog: 35edb7cf - Updated changelog to new layout [ !3 #3 ]
- gitlab_release: 5f273ce2 - Updated docs with new instructions on version incrementing [ !2 ]
- python_linting: d6105624 - added ci job, python linting, code quality and scoring [ #1 ]
- yaml_lint: d20a56fa - Added job yaml lint for checking yaml files [ #1 ]
- gitlab_release: 22136f7d - Toggle var added to enable switching changelog references. [ #3 ]
- gitlab_release: 756b9406 - be able to toggle commit footer check job [ #4 ]
- gitlab_release: 11e15661 - python module to check if a commit message has gitlab references in the footer [ #4 ]
- gitlab_release: 8699c412 - Add commit footer to changelog [ !1 #3 ]
- gitlab_release: 3e8c3ce7 - On the development brnach, releases to be 'rc' to denote considered non-stable [ #1 ]
- gitlab_release: 588698df - Correctly fetch the CI_PROJECT_URL for the environment
- gitlab_release: 7a69685b - Dont conduct any release, git push or tag delete if the version was not bumped
- gitlab_release: 72e8b6c8 - build gitlab commit url for changelog so that there is a weblink to the changes [ #1 ]
- gitlab_release: 80ca3618 - A 'feat' commit must do a MINOR bump to version [ #1 ]
- gitlab_release: ed5be7fd - ci image is alpine, use '/bin/sh' and add the changlogs to git cache for commiting [ #1 ]
- gitlab_release: 7706085b - All tasks run as part of script including user custom script [ #1 ]
- gitlab_release: 1446c28e - Use a user token to access the git repo for pushing commits back [ #1 ]
- ansible: 2a3266fb - Ensure the default ci directory is populated [ #1 ]
- git_push_mirror: b5935056 - Push repo to github NoFussComputing/gitlab-gi [ #1 ]
- conventional_commits: a2174104 - Add conventional commits job to check commits and MR titles [ #1 ]
- README.md: 247264e3 - Added readme for the repo [ #1 ]
- git_push_mirror: 7ffb2041 - Update workflow and typos [ #1 ]
- job_changelog: 1ecd857c - Create a changelog per job folder [ #1 ]
- git_release: 6678a3db - Migrated from ansible-roles [ #1 ]
- ansible: 2413daef - Added ansible validation job for linting [ #1 ]
- git_push_mirror: 9b28ae59 - Added a job that syncs to a remote git repo [ #1 ]
- conventional_commits: 392a200f - Added conventional commit job [ #1 ]