- extended 'Description' with: Location Type (Warehouse/Project), Case Code, Manufacturer, and Part-Nunber.
- extended 'Summary' with: Product Request, Type, Case Code, Manufacturer, and Part-Nunber.
- extended 'Warehouse Locations' with: Location Type (Warehouse/Project) and Write protected.
- extended 'Products' with: Product Request, Type, Case Code, Manufacturer, Part-Nunber and Write protected.
- extended 'ProductMovement-Summary' with: Product Request, Location Type (Warehouse/Project) and write protected.
- extended 'ProductMovement-Logistics History' with: Named table-content instead of IDs.
- coloured table-header sticky on the top.
- coloured current selected table-raw (hover).
- write protection selectable for products and locations.
- location type selectable 'Warehouse' or 'Project'.
- configuration-file 'inventory/config.py' added.
- start-script 'runinventory.sh' added.
- Summary (default database)
- Location (default database)
- Products (default database)
- Product Movement (default database)
- the application is startable now with script 'runinventory.sh'. Port- and host-numbers are changeable.
python3 -m flask run --port=5000 --host=
- the configuration-file: inventory/config.py hold the information: database-name and secret-key. if required they can be changed.
Product-moveing to 'Project' -locations is possible now with higher quantity as 'Allocated'. This results in new 'Product Request' quantity.
write protection is now selectable for products and locations. Deletion and adding data are then not possible for this product/location. Usable for Project-BOMs, common used products etc.