Use your Notion table as a data source.
Export Notion pages as Markdown recursively.
Not affiliated with Notion but uses the official API.
The documentation is available here:
Library is published to the Maven Central repository.
How to get a token and the database ID:
val notion = Notion.fromToken(
token = "token",
httpClient = HttpClient(CIO)
val schema = notion.retrieveDatabase("databaseId")
val database = notion.queryDatabase("databaseId")
val uncheckedRowSelectedOptionsIds = database.results
.first { row ->
val checkboxColumnSelected = (row.columns
.value as NotionDatabaseProperty.Checkbox)
.let { column -> column.value as NotionDatabaseProperty.MultiSelect } { option -> }
val availableOptions = databaseInfo.schema.getValue("MultiSelectColumn")
.let { property -> property as NotionDatabasePropertySchema.MultiSelect }
val uncheckedRowIgnoredOptionsNames = availableOptions
.filter { option -> !in uncheckedRowSelectedOptionsIds }
.map { option -> }
// Output:
// [OptionThree]
// Output:
// NotionDatabase(
// rows=[
// NotionDatabaseRow(
// columns={
// MultiSelectColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=MultiSelectColumn, value=MultiSelect(id=MWKa, selected=[])),
// CheckboxColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=CheckboxColumn, value=Checkbox(id=%5CUbj, selected=true)),
// LastEditedByColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=LastEditedByColumn, value=LastEditedBy(id=d%3EIW, lastEditedBy=User(id=UUID, name=Peter Samokhin, avatarUrl=,,
// TitleColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=TitleColumn, value=Title(id=title, text=second row title))
// }
// ),
// NotionDatabaseRow(
// columns={
// MultiSelectColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=MultiSelectColumn, value=MultiSelect(id=MWKa, selected=[Option(id=UUID, name=OptionOne), Option(id=UUID, name=OptionTwo)])),
// CheckboxColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=CheckboxColumn, value=Checkbox(id=%5CUbj, selected=false)),
// LastEditedByColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=LastEditedByColumn, value=LastEditedBy(id=d%3EIW, lastEditedBy=User(id=UUID, name=Peter Samokhin, avatarUrl=,,
// TitleColumn=NotionDatabaseColumn(key=TitleColumn, value=Title(id=title, text=first row title))
// }
// )
// ],
// nextCursor=null,
// hasMore=false
// )
How to get a token and the page (block) ID:
val notion = Notion.fromToken(
token = "token",
httpClient = HttpClient(CIO)
val blocks: List<NotionBlock> = notion.retrieveBlockChildren("page-id").results
val exporter = NotionMarkdownExporter.create()
// the simplest way
val markdown: String = exporter.export(blocks = blocks)
// or a bit more complicated way
val markdown: String = exporter.exportRecursively(
blocks = blocks,
settings = Settings(), // please read the KDocs
notion = notion,
depthLevel = 3,
What is supported:
- All block types which have the content returned from the API (i.e. except the table of contents, etc.).
- Formatting
- Indentation for the children pages embedded content
What is NOT supported:
- HTML blocks like aside (callout), summary+details (spoiler aka toggle), font colors
- Many of other advanced blocks, they are simplified
This library is intended to help with retrieving the info from the Notion databases and pages.
Mostly, this is a handy tool which covers only the specific needs if you use Notion as a convenient data source.
Also, it can help to migrate from Notion to any other tool by exporting the pages as Markdown.