2.8.0 (2020-08-06)
Closed issues:
- Fatal error for NewsContentType::create() #212
Merged pull requests:
- EWPP-74: Apply default css to body and a tags. #525 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-19: Test that the favicon provided by the theme is being used. #524 (22Alexandra)
- D8TEWPPE-60: Adapt privacy link to use also internal links. #519 (drishu)
- EWPP-89: Fix translation file extension render. #517 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-3290: Sort menu local tasks by weight. #512 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3387: Fix translated media rendering for paragraphs and Event. #511 (22Alexandra)
- EWPP-16: Add temporary patch to fix search input width. #509 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-3331: Fix document rendering. #508 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-3282: Add oe_contact_forms integration. #503 (drishu)
2.7.0 (2020-06-19)
Merged pull requests:
2.6.0 (2020-06-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.6.0. #498 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-3180: Fix issue with failed patch for oe_content. #497 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2950: Invalidate container after changing twig_extension service definition #495 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-3180: Fix venue active language. #494 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2068: Hide icon field for Accordion item paragraph. #492 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2892: Set 2xs margin-top for embedded media in ecl-editor. #491 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3248: Add secondary links to navigation list. #490 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-3006: Add support for event listing to patterns #489 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2950: Refactor theme trimming function as a Twig filter. #458 (sergepavle)
2.5.1 (2020-05-25)
Closed issues:
- Responsive interface for a mobile – ECL1-1 and ECL-2 #433
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-2892: Add margin-top to ecl-file class. #487 (22Alexandra)
- Merge release branch 2.4.x in 2.x #486 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-3212: Replace caching service with new component. #483 (22Alexandra)
2.5.0 (2020-05-13)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-3184: Fix banner alignment. #478 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-3142: Prepare for sub theme capabilities. #474 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3090: Update package.json ecl version to the latest release. #464 (22Alexandra)
2.4.2 (2020-05-14)
Merged pull requests:
2.4.1 (2020-04-30)
Merged pull requests:
2.4.0 (2020-04-29)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-3138: Refactor text with feature media to use videos. #469 (imanoleguskiza)
- Merge hotfix branch Release 2.3.x back into 2.x #468 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-3091: Adapt banner preprocess for optional link. #465 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3096: Update banner paragraph and patterns to support full width. #463 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3095: Adapt theme to support full width elements. #459 (22Alexandra)
2.3.1 (2020-04-23)
Merged pull requests:
2.3.0 (2020-03-30)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-3051: Use correct day format in date shown in news meta. #455 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2943: Update composer.json file. #452 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-0001: Use drupal/core instead of drupal/core-recommended. #451 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-3052: Remove ecl-editor wrapper from timeline tpl. #449 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2988: Upgrade PHP version. #448 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-3020: Style Timeline paragraph. #447 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2604: Drupal 8 recommended project. #444 (upchuk)
- OPENEUROPA-3009: Update ECL version. #443 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2873: Style Facts and figures paragraph. #440 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2840: Add Navigation links composition and pattern. #435 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2851: Add banner pattern and style Banner paragraph. #432 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2821: Implement ECL pagination behavior for component. #428 (kp77)
2.2.0 (2020-03-03)
Closed issues:
- oe_theme v2.1.3 Language switcher doesn't work using subtheme #426
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.2.0: Update changelog. #439 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-2803: Add a length field for featured items and list items. #438 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2871: Upgrade ecl-twig to 2.23 version. #434 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2416: Style the "main content" view mode for document media. #431 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-2863: [EWCMS] News featured media image doesn't scale on smaller screens. #430 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2809: Add Ratio 3:2 medium image style. #420 (22Alexandra)
2.1.3 (2020-02-05)
Fixed bugs:
- The module oe_theme_helper has conflicts with the module Drupal/redirect #406
Closed issues:
- blockquote paragraph #415
- oe_theme CSS and JS libraries are not loaded when child theme is the active theme #409
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.1.3. #419 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2734: Upgrade version of @ecl/ec-preset-editor. #418 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2753: CSS and JS libraries are not loaded when child theme is the active theme #413 (ademarco)
- Update 2.x branch with patch release #411 (sergepavle)
2.1.2 (2020-01-23)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-2674: Remove dialog.js library. #403 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2558: Override oe webtools social share template. #399 (22Alexandra)
2.1.1 (2020-01-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Release-2.1.1 #401 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-2642: Revert changes related to oe_event into 2.x. #398 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2693: On IE11 the icons are not displayed. #397 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2642: [oe_theme] Create a formatter for address field. #396 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2393: Make sure that javascript behaviours are bind once. #387 (nagyad)
2.1.0 (2019-12-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.1.0. #395 (ademarco)
- ISSUE-386: Add support for extra container classes in select template. #392 (kp77)
- OPENEUROPA-2606: Render optional link of Social media follow paragraph. #391 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2614: Make sure elements are not shown when related fields are empty. #389 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2612: Remove underline from cards title. #388 (22Alexandra)
2.0.0 (2019-11-28)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.0.0. #384 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2557: Add wrapper around meta information on page header. #383 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-0000: Remove missing component template and other deprecation before stable release #381 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2340: Implement site specific footer 2.x. #342 (sergepavle)
2.0.0-beta2 (2019-11-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.0.0-beta2. #380 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2391: Switch between the EC and EU footer blocks. #379 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2480: Add ECL Editor preset. #378 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2509: Use media title for document name. #374 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-2485: Theme Text with Featured media paragraph. #363 (imanoleguskiza)
2.0.0-beta1 (2019-11-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.0.0-beta1. #376 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2480: Fix inpage navigation. #375 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2482: Add 4 / 6 columns layout and a link pattern #373 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2480: Prepare for Theme 2.0.0-beta1 release #372 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2479: Use a navigation menu pattern. #371 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2427: Ship with translations for strings in Theme 2.x templates. #366 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2474: Make sure that teaser display modes are properly themed. #362 (sergepavle)
2.0.0-alpha4 (2019-11-14)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-2398: Prepare release 2.0.0-alpha4 #370 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2398: Update ECL Twig to 2.15 #368 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2013: Re-enable language switcher on page header pattern. #367 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2015: Make Search label translatable. #365 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2013: Add content language switcher #364 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2467: Remove SASS source mapping from final CSS artifacts. #359 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2478: Add vertical and horizontal variants to fields patterns #358 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-2471: Style Social media follow paragraph for 2.x #357 (22Alexandra)
- OPENEUROPA-2152: Fix remaining tests on 2.x branch #355 (ademarco)
2.0.0-alpha3 (2019-11-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Update CHANGELOG.md for release 2.0.0-alpha3. #356 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2144: ECL 2.0: Gallery pattern. #353 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2449: Make sure that all content types are properly themed. #350 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2430: Create an "Icons with text" pattern. #348 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1988: Update featured item using card. #347 (imanoleguskiza)
- Add "Tag" pattern #325 (haringsrob)
2.0.0-alpha2 (2019-10-31)
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-1962: Update changelog for the release 2.0.0-alpha2. #352 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2448: Update dev dependencies. #346 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2431: Add pattern for text with featured media. #345 (nagyad)
- OPENEUROPA-1987: Port Dropdown to 2.x. #343 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2093: Port field pattern to ECL 2.x and add field_list pattern. #341 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-1962: Update ECL Twig to 2.11.1. #338 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2192: Use ECL background image attribute and document image styles. #337 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-2281: Add configuration to load the EU component library. #336 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2376: Update ECL Twig to 2.11.0. #335 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2096: Fix artifact build. #334 (ademarco)
- Pass the checked state to radio buttons. #333 (haringsrob)
- OPENEUROPA-2096: ECL 2.0: Table #328 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2326: Add tabs and sub-tabs. #319 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1992: ECL 2.0: Deprecate site switcher #305 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2085: ECL 2.0: Navigation Menu #303 (voidtek)
2.0.0-alpha1 (2019-09-24)
Closed issues:
- 1.0.0 Release #227
- InvalidArgumentException: The language code fr does not exist or is not enabled. #168
- Docker composer install requires authentication when installing drupal/coder #125
- Main menu dropdown doesn't work #114
- Impossible to enable or set oe_theme as default using UI #51
- Status messages miss an icon #38
- Form inputs are implement ECL presentation #37
- Dropdown list missing icon #35
- Instead of image presentation displayed the input field #34
- Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Loader: "The "themes/custom/oe_theme/templates/components" directory does not exist #33
- The comment form fields contain double quotes #25
- The ecl-dialog overlaps the content of the page #24
- OPENEUROPA-43: Create Theme Helper module #17
- OPENEUROPA-43: Integrate UI Patterns module #16
- OPENEUROPA-43: Consolidate theme development workflow #15
- Update ECL #13
- NEPT-1103: Integrate ECL components in theme #9
- NEPT-1103: Update ECL library to 0.12.0 #7
- Rename project before release #6
- Provide basic layout using ECL grid #4
- Style tabs #3
- Style breadcrumb #2
- Setup theme #1
Merged pull requests:
- OPENEUROPA-1766: Update the changelog for the release 2.0.0-alpha1. #331 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2328: Fix artifact build. #327 (ademarco)
- OPENEUROPA-2124: ECL 2.0: List item patterns (other) #323 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1766: Update ecl-twig to 2.9. #322 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2083: ECL 2.0: Use extra_blocks on form. #321 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1985: Update date blocks pattern. #320 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1974: Update ecl to 2.11.0 #317 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2259: Fix behat/mink-selenium2-driver missing branch by aliasing. #314 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2259: Fix behat/mink-selenium2-driver missing branch by aliasing. #312 (voidtek)
- Fix wrong path reference if using subtheme #309 (golddragon007)
- OPENEUROPA-2092: ECL 2.0: Link blocks #304 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2058: ECL 2.0: Social media Icons #302 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2027: File link patterns #301 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2018: Add remaining form elements - Checkbox #300 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1766: Update @ecl packages to 2.10.0. #297 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1990: ECL 2.0: List item blocks. #292 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1986: ECL 2.0: Deprecate the dialog pattern #291 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2088: ECL 2.0: Inpage Navigation. #290 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1962: Update the branch 2.x. #289 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2077: ECL 2.0: Skip Link #287 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1983: Update video banner to ECL2. #286 (imanoleguskiza)
- ECL 2.0: List item patterns #283 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2086: ECL 2.0: Timeline. #277 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-2054: Skip avoidance of deprecated error after new version of code review. #273 (dxvargas)
- OPENEUROPA-2062: update 2.x branch with latest master changes. #267 (brummbar)
- OPENEUROPA-2034: ECL2: Change Accordion to Accordion2 component. #265 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2026: ECL2: Add link on file translation item and fix js issue. #264 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2012: ECL2: Add Identity on the page header. #261 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1982: ECL2: Update hero banner to ECL2.0 #259 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1991: Update social media to ECL2.0. #258 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1766: ECL2: Update @ecl to 2.7.0. #257 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1984: ECL2: Add the contextual navigation component. #256 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-2015: ECL2: Update Site header. #255 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1981: ECL2: Update the component pattern file to ECL2. #248 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1976: ECL2: Update pager to ECL 2.0. #247 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1979 #245 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1980: Upgrade Accordion to ECL2. #244 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1975: Upgrade blockquote to ECL2. #243 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1978: Add message library. #242 (imanoleguskiza)
- OPENEUROPA-1974: ECL 2.0: Multilingual components. #240 (sergepavle)
- OPENEUROPA-1973: ECL2: Update page-header and footer to ecl2. #239 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-1977: Update @ecl/buttons for ecl2. #238 (voidtek)
- OPENEUROPA-736: Setup theme to start upgrade to ECL 2.0. #235 (ademarco)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator