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There are several ways for controlling the OpenBot robot.
The easiest way to control the robot is to connect a game controller via bluetooth. Most BT game controllers should work. We have tested the PS4 controller, XBox controller and several aftermarket controllers such as the X3.
This controller requires your phone and a computer (e.g. laptop, rasberry PI) to be connected to the same WiFi network. After successful connection you get a live low-latency video feed and can use your keyboard to control the robot from the browser.
Special thanks to Ivo Zivkov izivkov@gmail.com for the development.
This controller requires your phone and a computer (e.g. laptop, rasberry PI) to be connected to the same WiFi network. After successful connection you get a live RTSP video stream and can use your keyboard to control the robot from the terminal. You can use the Python script as a template to develop your own controller.
Special thanks to Ivo Zivkov izivkov@gmail.com for the development.
This controller app serves as a remote controller for the OpenBot vehicle similar as a BT controller (e.g. PS3/4 or Xbox). It runs on another Android/iOS device and supports live video/audio streaming in addition to control.
This is a cloud server version of the local Node.js controller. It allows for remote teleoperation of the OpenBot robot via internet.