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Bayesian implementation of capture-recapture models with robust design


I am currently involved in the estimation of the population size of the brown bear population in the Pyrenees. So far, we have been using a frequentist capture-recapture approach using the robust design. Because it is a small population, I'm interested in implementing a Bayesian approach. To do so, Thomas Riecke and colleagues have proposed a parameterization and some BUGS code to fit robust-design capture-recapture methods. Here, I am using the code they made available, tweaking it a bit and making it generic. Also, I provide a fully reproducible example. For more details about the robust design, check out the dedicated chapter in the Gentle Introduction to Mark. For extension of the Riecke's model to Jolly-Seber models, see here, and for an alternative Bayesian implementation of the robust design, check out the work by Robert Rankin and colleagues there.

Frequentist approach

I will use a robust design example data set that comes with program MARK, check out ?RMark::robust.

First, we load the packages we will need in this section:



Then we load the data

##                ch freq
## 1 000000111011101    1
## 2 000000111111000    1
## 3 000001000000000    2
## 4 000001001110100    1
## 5 000001010000000    1
## 6 000001100000010    1

We need to define the time intervals:

time.intervals <- c(0, 1,            # primary occasion 1, 2 secondary occasions
                    0, 1,            # primary occasion 2, 2 secondary occasions
                    0, 0, 0, 1,      # primary occasion 3, 4 secondary occasions
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 1,   # primary occasion 4, 5 secondary occasions
                    0)               # primary occasion 5, 2 secondary occasions

Random emigration

We fit a model with constant survival, constant detection and random temporary emigration: <- list(formula=~1, share = TRUE) <- list(formula=~1) <- list(formula=~1, 
                                share = TRUE)
model.1 <- mark(data = robust, 
                model = "Robust",
                time.intervals = time.intervals,
                model.parameters = list(S =,
                                        GammaDoublePrime =,
                                        p =,
                output = FALSE)

Print the parameter estimates:

##                        estimate         se         lcl         ucl fixed
## S g1 c1 a0 t1         0.8312500  0.0079641   0.8150602   0.8462897      
## Gamma'' g1 c1 a0 t1   0.1336015  0.0109793   0.1135085   0.1566228      
## p g1 s1 t1            0.6064105  0.0059031   0.5947827   0.6179190      
## f0 g1 a0 s1 t0      163.3785700 15.0915830 136.3746200 195.7296700      
## f0 g1 a0 s2 t0      125.0667300 12.9788300 102.1040500 153.1936000      
## f0 g1 a0 s3 t0       15.9713820  4.2317023   9.5856695  26.6110840      
## f0 g1 a0 s4 t0        4.2875764  2.2322650   1.6418392  11.1967790      
## f0 g1 a0 s5 t0       52.8422130  8.1674652  39.1011790  71.4121550      
##                        note
## S g1 c1 a0 t1              
## Gamma'' g1 c1 a0 t1        
## p g1 s1 t1                 
## f0 g1 a0 s1 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s2 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s3 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s4 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s5 t0

and the population size estimates:

model.1$results$derived$`N Population Size`
##    estimate       lcl       ucl
## 1 1057.3786 1030.3746 1089.7297
## 2  810.0667  787.1041  838.1936
## 3  685.9714  679.5857  696.6111
## 4  507.2876  504.6418  514.1968
## 5  343.8422  330.1012  362.4122

Markovian emigration

We fit the same model with Markovian temporary emigration now: <- list(formula=~1, share = TRUE) <- list(formula=~1) <- list(formula=~1) <- list(formula=~1)
model.2 <- mark(data = robust, 
                model = "Robust",
                time.intervals = time.intervals,
                model.parameters = list(S =,
                                        GammaPrime =,
                                        GammaDoublePrime =,
                                        p =,
                output = FALSE)

Print the parameter estimates:

##                        estimate         se         lcl         ucl fixed
## S g1 c1 a0 t1         0.8308413  0.0082652   0.8140186   0.8464294      
## Gamma'' g1 c1 a0 t1   0.1335610  0.0109476   0.1135226   0.1565119      
## Gamma' g1 c1 a1 t2    0.1246823  0.0513209   0.0536314   0.2636393      
## p g1 s1 t1            0.6064240  0.0059038   0.5947949   0.6179338      
## f0 g1 a0 s1 t0      163.3651400 15.0911060 136.3621600 195.7153600      
## f0 g1 a0 s2 t0      125.0566200 12.9783840 102.0948400 153.1826500      
## f0 g1 a0 s3 t0       15.9690640  4.2314181   9.5839088  26.6082450      
## f0 g1 a0 s4 t0        4.2867419  2.2320757   1.6413658  11.1956500      
## f0 g1 a0 s5 t0       52.8378900  8.1671244  39.0975140  71.4071650      
##                        note
## S g1 c1 a0 t1              
## Gamma'' g1 c1 a0 t1        
## Gamma' g1 c1 a1 t2         
## p g1 s1 t1                 
## f0 g1 a0 s1 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s2 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s3 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s4 t0             
## f0 g1 a0 s5 t0

and the population size estimates:

model.2$results$derived$`N Population Size`
##    estimate       lcl       ucl
## 1 1057.3651 1030.3622 1089.7154
## 2  810.0566  787.0948  838.1827
## 3  685.9691  679.5839  696.6082
## 4  507.2867  504.6414  514.1956
## 5  343.8379  330.0975  362.4072

Now that we have our results with the frequentist approach, let's implement the Bayesian approach and compare the estimates.

Bayesian approach


First, we separate the columns of the capture-recapture dataset:

chx <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(robust)){
  chx <- rbind(chx, unlist(str_split(robust$ch[i],'')))
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
## [1,] "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "1"  "1"  "0"   "1"   "1"   "1"   "0"  
## [2,] "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "1"  "1"  "1"   "1"   "1"   "0"   "0"  
## [3,] "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"  
## [4,] "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "1"   "1"   "0"   "1"   "0"  
## [5,] "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "0"  "1"  "0"  "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"  
## [6,] "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "0"  "1"  "1"  "0"  "0"  "0"   "0"   "0"   "0"   "1"  
##      [,15]
## [1,] "1"  
## [2,] "0"  
## [3,] "0"  
## [4,] "0"  
## [5,] "0"  
## [6,] "0"

Now we need to duplicate the encounter histories for which there more than one individual with that partcular history:

encounter <- NULL 
for (i in 1:length(robust$freq)){
  if (robust$freq[i] == 1) encounter <- rbind(encounter, as.numeric(chx[i,]))
  if (robust$freq[i] > 1) encounter <- rbind(encounter, matrix(rep(as.numeric(chx[i,]), robust$freq[i]), nrow = robust$freq[i], byrow= T))
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,13] [,14]
## [1,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1     0     1     1     1     0
## [2,]    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1     1     1     1     0     0
## [3,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0     0     0     0     0     0
## [4,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0     0     0     0     0     0
## [5,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    1     1     1     0     1     0
## [6,]    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    1    0     0     0     0     0     0
##      [,15]
## [1,]     1
## [2,]     0
## [3,]     0
## [4,]     0
## [5,]     0
## [6,]     0

We compute several quantities that we will need:

n.ind <- nrow(encounter) # number of individuals
n.secondary <- c(2, 2, 4, 5, 2) # number of secondary occasions per primary occasion
n.primary <- length(n.secondary) # number of primary occasions
index <- list(1:2,
              14:15) # the secondary occasions

We calculate the number of individuals caught in each primary occasion, which we will need to get an estimate of population size:

caught <- rep(NA, n.primary)
for (i in 1:n.primary){
  tmp <- encounter[,index[[i]]]
  caught[i] <- nrow(tmp[rowSums(tmp)!=0,])
## [1] 894 685 670 503 291

We format the data as an array with dimensions the number of individuals times the number of primary occasions times the number of secondary occasions:

obs <- array(NA, dim = c(n.ind, n.primary, max(n.secondary)))
for (i in 1:n.primary){
    obs[,i,1:n.secondary[i]] <- encounter[,index[[i]]]
## [1] 991   5   5

Now we format the data as required in the Bayesian implementation of the robust design:

ch <- matrix(NA, n.ind, n.primary)
for (i in 1:n.ind){
  for (t in 1:n.primary){
    ifelse(any(obs[i,t,1:n.secondary[t]] == 1), ch[i,t] <- 1, ch[i,t] <- 2)

We summarize detections by primary and secondary occasions:

test <- matrix(NA, n.ind, n.primary)
for (i in 1:nrow(test)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(test)){
    test[i,j] <- sum(obs[i,j,], na.rm = TRUE)

seen <- array(NA, c(n.ind, n.primary, max(n.secondary)))
missed <- array(NA, c(n.ind, n.primary, max(n.secondary)))

for (i in 1:nrow(test)){
  for (t in 1:ncol(test)){
    for (j in 1:n.secondary[t]){
      if(test[i,t] > 1 & obs[i,t,j] == 1){seen[i,t,j] <- 1}
      if(test[i,t] >= 1 & obs[i,t,j] == 0){missed[i,t,j] <- 1}

yes <- matrix(NA, n.primary, max(n.secondary))
no <- matrix(NA, n.primary, max(n.secondary))

for (i in 1:nrow(yes)){
  for (j in 1:ncol(yes)){
    yes[i,j] <- sum(seen[,i,j], na.rm = TRUE)
    no[i,j] <- sum(missed[,i,j], na.rm = TRUE)

total <- yes + no
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]  649  690    0    0    0
## [2,]  466  509    0    0    0
## [3,]  652  628  644  652    0
## [4,]  497  501  491  494  499
## [5,]  187  195    0    0    0

Get first occasions of capture:

get.first <- function(x)min(which (x != 2))
first <- apply(ch,1,get.first); first[first == "Inf"] <- NA

Cut individuals released in last primary occasion:

ch <- subset(ch, first != n.primary)
first <- subset(first, first != n.primary)

Define initial values for the latent states:

z.init <- matrix(NA, nrow(ch), ncol(ch))
for (i in 1:nrow(ch)){
  if(first[i] < ncol(z.init)){
    z.init[i,(first[i] + 1):ncol(z.init)] <- 1

Markovian emigration

Load the package we need to carry out Bayesian analyses:


The code:

model <- function() { 
    # priors
    phi ~ dunif(0,1)     # survival 
    gP ~ dunif(0,1)      # gamma'
    gPP ~ dunif(0,1)     # gamma'' 
    gamP <- 1 - gP       # MARK parameterization
    gamPP <- 1 - gPP     # MARK parameterization
    mean.p ~ dunif(0,1)  # detection
    # secondary occasions p's
    for (t in 1:n.years){
      for (j in 1:max(n.sec[1:n.years])){
        p[t,j] <- mean.p

    for (t in 1:n.years){
      for (j in 1:n.sec[t]){
        yes[t,j] ~ dbin(p[t,j], total[t,j])
    # Primary occasions p's or pooled detection probability
    for (t in 1:n.years){
      pstar[t] <- 1 - prod(1 - p[t,1:n.sec[t]])
    # state matrices
    s[1,1] <- phi * gPP
    s[1,2] <- phi * (1 - gPP)
    s[1,3] <- 1 - phi
    s[2,1] <- phi * gP
    s[2,2] <- phi * (1 - gP)
    s[2,3] <- 1 - phi
    s[3,1] <- 0
    s[3,2] <- 0
    s[3,3] <- 1

    # observation matrices
    for (t in 1:n.years){
      o[1,t,1] <- pstar[t]
      o[1,t,2] <- 1 - pstar[t]
      o[2,t,1] <- 0
      o[2,t,2] <- 1
      o[3,t,1] <- 0
      o[3,t,2] <- 1

    # likelihood
    for (i in 1:n.ind){
      z[i,first[i]] <- ch[i,first[i]]
      for (t in (first[i]+1):n.years){
        z[i,t] ~ dcat(s[z[i,t-1], ])   # state equations
        ch[i,t] ~ dcat(o[z[i,t], t, ]) # obsevation equations

Build the list of data

dat <- list(first = first, 
            ch = ch, 
            n.sec = n.secondary, 
            n.years = ncol(ch), 
            n.ind = nrow(ch),
            yes = yes, 
            total = total)

The initial values:

inits <- function(){list(z = z.init)}

Define the parameters we'd like to monitor:

pars <- c('pstar','mean.p','phi','gamP','gamPP')

The MCMC settings (number of iterations for burnin and post-inference probably need to be increased):

n.chains <- 1
n.iter <- 1000
n.burnin <- 500

And run the model:

res_markovian <- jags(data = dat, 
             inits = inits, 
    = pars, 
             model.file = model, 
             n.chains = n.chains,
             n.iter = n.iter, 
             n.burnin = n.burnin)
## Compiling model graph
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 3865
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 3854
##    Total graph size: 16615
## Initializing model

Posterior density distribution of the parameters:

jagsfit.mcmc <- as.mcmc(res_markovian)

Display the results:

## Iterations = 501:1000
## Thinning interval = 1 
## Number of chains = 1 
## Sample size per chain = 500 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##               Mean        SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
## deviance 1428.3359 6.463e+01 2.890e+00      5.188e+00
## gamP        0.1461 4.070e-02 1.820e-03      4.874e-03
## gamPP       0.1332 1.028e-02 4.598e-04      1.238e-03
## mean.p      0.6069 5.824e-03 2.604e-04      3.696e-04
## phi         0.8316 7.961e-03 3.560e-04      6.074e-04
## pstar[1]    0.8454 4.579e-03 2.048e-04      2.908e-04
## pstar[2]    0.8454 4.579e-03 2.048e-04      2.908e-04
## pstar[3]    0.9761 1.416e-03 6.334e-05      9.010e-05
## pstar[4]    0.9906 6.965e-04 3.115e-05      4.434e-05
## pstar[5]    0.8454 4.579e-03 2.048e-04      2.908e-04
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##               2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5%
## deviance 1304.4318 1387.9691 1426.5497 1468.3835 1549.2666
## gamP        0.0738    0.1171    0.1432    0.1724    0.2303
## gamPP       0.1136    0.1264    0.1332    0.1398    0.1538
## mean.p      0.5963    0.6029    0.6067    0.6109    0.6179
## phi         0.8156    0.8268    0.8315    0.8362    0.8488
## pstar[1]    0.8370    0.8423    0.8453    0.8486    0.8540
## pstar[2]    0.8370    0.8423    0.8453    0.8486    0.8540
## pstar[3]    0.9734    0.9751    0.9761    0.9771    0.9787
## pstar[4]    0.9893    0.9901    0.9906    0.9911    0.9919
## pstar[5]    0.8370    0.8423    0.8453    0.8486    0.8540

Provide posterior means for population size:

Nmcmc <- matrix(NA, nrow(res_markovian$BUGSoutput$sims.list$pstar), n.primary)
for (i in 1:n.primary){
  Nmcmc[,i] <- caught[i] / res_markovian$BUGSoutput$sims.list$pstar[,i]
## [1] 1057.5016  810.2781  686.4191  507.7790  344.2203

If we compare to the frequentist results, we're pretty close I'd say. Now let's fit the model with random emigration.

Random emigration

The code:

model <- function() {
    # priors
    phi ~ dunif(0,1)     # survival  
    gamma ~ dunif(0,1)   # gamma
    gam <- 1 - gamma     # MARK parameterization
    mean.p ~ dunif(0,1)  # detection
    # secondary occasions p's
    for (t in 1:n.years){
      for (j in 1:max(n.sec[1:n.years])){
        p[t,j] <- mean.p

    for (t in 1:n.years){
      for (j in 1:n.sec[t]){
        yes[t,j] ~ dbin(p[t,j], total[t,j])
    # primary occasions p's or pooled detection probability
    for (t in 1:n.years){
      pstar[t] <- 1 - prod(1 - p[t,1:n.sec[t]])
    # likelihood

    for (i in 1:n.ind){
    z[i,first[i]] <- ch[i,first[i]]
      for (t in (first[i]+1):n.years){
        mu1[i,t] <- z[i,t-1] * phi
        mu2[i,t] <- z[i,t] * (gamma) * pstar[t]
        z[i,t] ~ dbern(mu1[i,t])  # state equations
        ch[i,t] ~ dbern(mu2[i,t]) # observation equations

The data

ch[ch == 2] <- 0 # Bernoulli likelihood
dat <- list(first = first, 
            ch = ch, 
            n.sec = n.secondary, 
            n.years = ncol(ch), 
            n.ind = nrow(ch),
            yes = yes, 
            total = total)

Then initial values, parameters to monitor, MCMC settings (number of iterations for burnin and post-inference probably need to be increased)

inits <- function(){list(z = z.init)}  
pars <- c('pstar','mean.p','phi','gam')
n.chains <- 1
n.iter <- 1000
n.burnin <- 500

We are ready to fit the model to the data:

res_random <- jags(data = dat, 
             inits = inits, 
    = pars,
             model.file = model, 
             n.chains = n.chains,
             n.iter = n.iter, 
             n.burnin = n.burnin)
## Compiling model graph
##    Resolving undeclared variables
##    Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
##    Observed stochastic nodes: 3865
##    Unobserved stochastic nodes: 3853
##    Total graph size: 16589
## Initializing model

Posterior density distribution of the parameters:

jagsfit.mcmc <- as.mcmc(res_random)

Display the results:

## Iterations = 501:1000
## Thinning interval = 1 
## Number of chains = 1 
## Sample size per chain = 500 
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
##    plus standard error of the mean:
##               Mean        SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
## deviance 2852.9690 6.053e+01 2.707e+00      5.769e+00
## gam         0.1337 1.058e-02 4.732e-04      8.440e-04
## mean.p      0.6067 5.880e-03 2.629e-04      3.259e-04
## phi         0.8308 7.525e-03 3.365e-04      4.952e-04
## pstar[1]    0.8453 4.627e-03 2.069e-04      2.566e-04
## pstar[2]    0.8453 4.627e-03 2.069e-04      2.566e-04
## pstar[3]    0.9760 1.435e-03 6.416e-05      7.958e-05
## pstar[4]    0.9906 7.065e-04 3.160e-05      3.920e-05
## pstar[5]    0.8453 4.627e-03 2.069e-04      2.566e-04
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
##               2.5%       25%       50%       75%     97.5%
## deviance 2736.3198 2811.8658 2849.3106 2894.0071 2972.9760
## gam         0.1130    0.1265    0.1337    0.1415    0.1528
## mean.p      0.5961    0.6027    0.6065    0.6105    0.6176
## phi         0.8160    0.8253    0.8307    0.8362    0.8451
## pstar[1]    0.8369    0.8422    0.8451    0.8483    0.8538
## pstar[2]    0.8369    0.8422    0.8451    0.8483    0.8538
## pstar[3]    0.9734    0.9751    0.9760    0.9770    0.9786
## pstar[4]    0.9892    0.9901    0.9906    0.9910    0.9918
## pstar[5]    0.8369    0.8422    0.8451    0.8483    0.8538

Provide posterior means for population size:

Nmcmc <- matrix(NA, nrow(res_random$BUGSoutput$sims.list$pstar), n.primary)
for (i in 1:n.primary){
  Nmcmc[,i] <- caught[i] / res_random$BUGSoutput$sims.list$pstar[,i]
## [1] 1057.6403  810.3843  686.4435  507.7878  344.2655

Again, pretty close.