diff --git a/incubation/interpolation/interpolation.csv b/incubation/interpolation/interpolation.csv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b61671c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/incubation/interpolation/interpolation.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+linear,,linear interpolation,linear interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/12-049
+quadratic,,quadratic interpolation,quadratic interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/12-049
+nearest-neighbor,,nearest-neighbor interpolation,nearest-neighbor interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/12-049
+cubic,,cubic interpolation,cubic interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/12-049
+bicubic,,bicubic interpolation,bicubic interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=22364
+lost-area,,lost area interpolation,lost area interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=22364
+barycentric,,barycentric interpolation,barycentric interpolation method,https://portal.ogc.org/files/?artifact_id=22364
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/incubation/interpolation/interpolation.ttl b/incubation/interpolation/interpolation.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59ca69c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/incubation/interpolation/interpolation.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "bicubic interpolation" .
+ .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243418"^^ .
+ "nearest-neighbor interpolation method" .
+ .
+ .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243091"^^ .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243982"^^ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "nearest-neighbor interpolation" .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "cubic interpolation" .
+ .
+ "cubic interpolation" .
+ "linear interpolation" .
+ "lost area interpolation method" .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243553"^^ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "linear interpolation" .
+ "Interpolation Method Register" .
+ "cubic interpolation method" .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243276"^^ .
+ "barycentric interpolation method" .
+ "linear interpolation method" .
+ .
+ "bicubic interpolation" .
+ .
+ "quadratic interpolation" .
+ "Interpolation Method Register" .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "Interpolation Method Register" .
+ "Interpolation Method Register" .
+ .
+ "quadratic interpolation" .
+ .
+ .
+ "bicubic interpolation method" .
+ "quadratic interpolation method" .
+ .
+ .
+ .
+ "nearest-neighbor interpolation" .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243705"^^ .
+ "lost area interpolation" .
+ "lost area interpolation" .
+ "barycentric interpolation" .
+ .
+ "barycentric interpolation" .
+ "2023-10-11T16:24:36.243843"^^ .
+ .
+ .
+ .
diff --git a/incubation/interpolation/process.py b/incubation/interpolation/process.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22132b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/incubation/interpolation/process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Script created to support the generation of Turtle-encoded content for the OGC GeoTIFF Tag Register
+# Created: 2021-02-16
+# Author: Gobe Hobona (OGC)
+import csv
+import rdflib
+from datetime import datetime
+from rdflib.namespace import DC, DCTERMS, DOAP, FOAF, SKOS, OWL, RDF, RDFS, VOID, XMLNS, XSD
+csvFileName = "interpolation.csv"
+ttlOutputFileName = "interpolation.ttl"
+conceptNamespace = "http://www.opengis.net/def/interpolation/OGC/1"
+schemeURI = "http://www.opengis.net/def/interpolation/OGC/1"
+collectionAndSchemeLabel = "Interpolation Method Register"
+collectionAndSchemeDefinition = "This is a register of Interpolation Methods used by OGC Standards. "
+# Do not edit below this line
+collectionURI = schemeURI+"/"
+g = rdflib.Graph()
+g.bind("foaf", FOAF)
+g.bind("xsd", XSD)
+g.bind("skos", SKOS)
+g.bind("dcterms", DCTERMS)
+ rdflib.URIRef("http://www.opengis.net/def/register/"),
+ SKOS.member,
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI)
+# Generation of Collection
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI),
+ SKOS.inScheme,
+ rdflib.URIRef(schemeURI)
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI),
+ RDF.type,
+ rdflib.URIRef(SKOS.Collection)
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI),
+ SKOS.prefLabel,
+ rdflib.Literal(collectionAndSchemeLabel)
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI),
+ RDFS.label,
+ rdflib.Literal(collectionAndSchemeLabel)
+# Generation of ConceptScheme
+ rdflib.URIRef(schemeURI),
+ SKOS.prefLabel,
+ rdflib.Literal(collectionAndSchemeLabel)
+ rdflib.URIRef(schemeURI),
+ RDF.type,
+ rdflib.URIRef(SKOS.ConceptScheme)
+ rdflib.URIRef(schemeURI),
+ RDFS.label,
+ rdflib.Literal(collectionAndSchemeLabel)
+ rdflib.URIRef(schemeURI),
+ rdflib.URIRef("http://www.opengis.net/def/metamodel/ogc-na/collectionView"),
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI)
+# Generation of Concept
+with open(csvFileName, 'r') as csvfile:
+ tagreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
+ for row in tagreader:
+ conceptURI = conceptNamespace+"/"+row[0]
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ RDF.type,
+ rdflib.URIRef(SKOS.Concept)
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ RDFS.label,
+ rdflib.Literal(row[2])
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ SKOS.prefLabel,
+ rdflib.Literal(row[2])
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ SKOS.definition,
+ rdflib.Literal(row[3])
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ RDFS.seeAlso,
+ rdflib.URIRef(row[4])
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ DCTERMS.created,
+ rdflib.Literal(datetime.now(), datatype=XSD.dateTime)
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI),
+ SKOS.inScheme,
+ rdflib.URIRef(schemeURI)
+ ))
+ g.add((
+ rdflib.URIRef(collectionURI),
+ SKOS.member,
+ rdflib.URIRef(conceptURI)
+ ))
+fout = open(ttlOutputFileName,'w')