NOTE: The steps described in this document, create a private S3 Bucket using CloudFront Distribution, was introduced to
using the flag--create-private-s3-bucket
. We are keeping this document to provide an overview of the steps used in this solution.
To create an IAM OpenID Connect identity provider you should expose the OIDC config using a public HTTPS endpoint. The steps described here will guide you to create one CloudFront Distribution to expose the HTTPS endpoint, serving objects from a private S3 Bucket accessed by Origin Access Identity.
- oc
- ccoctl
- aws-cli
- You followed the Steps 1 to in the section "Steps to install an OpenShift Cluster with STS"
considering that the installer directory is the same you are running this command
export CLUSTER_NAME=$(awk '/infrastructureName: / {print $2}' manifests/cluster-infrastructure-02-config.yml)
export CLUSTER_REGION=$(awk '/region: / {print $2}' manifests/cluster-infrastructure-02-config.yml)
export DIR_CCO="${PWD}/_output"
export OIDC_BUCKET_CONTENT="${DIR_CCO}/bucket-content"
Steps to create the Origin Access Identity (OAI) to be used to access the bucket through CloudFront Distribution:
- Create the OAI and set the variable
aws cloudfront create-cloud-front-origin-access-identity \
--cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config \
export OAI_CLOUDFRONT_ID=$(aws cloudfront \
list-cloud-front-origin-access-identities \
--query "CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList.Items[?Comment==\`OAI-${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME}\`].Id" \
--output text)
- Create the private Bucket
aws s3api create-bucket \
--bucket ${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME} \
--region ${CLUSTER_REGION} \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=${CLUSTER_REGION} \
--acl private
- Create the respective tags on the Bucket (Recommended if you would like to use the
to delete resources)
aws s3api put-bucket-tagging \
--bucket ${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME} \
--tagging "TagSet=[{Key=Name,Value=${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME}},{${CLUSTER_NAME},Value=owned}]"
- Download the s3 bucket policy template that restricts access to CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI)
- Create the Bucket Policy configuration (cli-input-json) allowing OAI to retrieve objects
cat sts-oidc-bucket-policy.json.tpl \
| envsubst \
> ${DIR_CCO}/oidc-bucket-policy.json
- Apply the policy to the Bucket to block public access
aws s3api put-bucket-policy \
--bucket ${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME} \
--policy file://${DIR_CCO}/oidc-bucket-policy.json
aws s3api put-public-access-block \
--bucket ${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME} \
--public-access-block-configuration \
- Download the CloudFront Distribution template
- Create a CloudFront Distribution configuration (cli-input-json)
cat sts-oidc-cloudfront.json.tpl \
| envsubst \
> ${DIR_CCO}/oidc-cloudfront.json
- Create the CloudFront Distribution with Tags
aws cloudfront create-distribution-with-tags \
--distribution-config-with-tags \
Wait until the Distribution resource has been created
Get the CloudFront's Distribution URL
export CLOUDFRONT_URI=$(aws cloudfront list-distributions \
--query "DistributionList.Items[?Comment==\`${CLUSTER_NAME}\`].DomainName" \
--output text)
- Generate the key pair used to create the service account tokens
./ccoctl aws create-key-pair \
--output-dir ${DIR_CCO}
- Generate the OpenID configuration
./ccoctl aws create-identity-provider \
--name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--region=${CLUSTER_REGION} \
--public-key-file=${DIR_CCO}/serviceaccount-signer.public \
--output-dir=${DIR_CCO}/ \
- Update the CloudFront URI's endpoint to the CloudFront distribution's address:
A. Patch the issuer URL on the OpenID configuration file /.well-known/openid-configuration
mkdir -p ${OIDC_BUCKET_CONTENT}/.well-known
cat ${DIR_CCO}/02-openid-configuration \
| sed "s/https:\/\/${CLUSTER_NAME}[a-z.-].*\//https:\/\/${CLOUDFRONT_URI}\//" \
| sed "s/https:\/\/${CLUSTER_NAME}[a-z.-].*/https:\/\/${CLOUDFRONT_URI}\",/" \
> ${OIDC_BUCKET_CONTENT}/.well-known/openid-configuration
B. Copy keys.json
cp -v ${DIR_CCO}/03-keys.json \
C. Patch the issuer url on Authentication
CRD in cluster-authentication-02-config.yaml
sed -i "s/https:\/\/[a-z.-].*/https:\/\/${CLOUDFRONT_URI}/" \
D. Update the IdP OIDC object configuration
sed -i "s/https:\/\/[a-z.-].*/https:\/\/${CLOUDFRONT_URI}\",/" \
Check the output of
jq . ${DIR_CCO}/04-iam-identity-provider.json
- Upload the bucket content
aws s3 sync ${OIDC_BUCKET_CONTENT}/ \
- Make sure you can access the content through the public URL
NOTE: CloudFront can take some time to deploy the distribution. Please be sure the distribution has been deployed and it's available before running this step (
andLast Modified!=Deploying
). You can access the CloudFront Console to check it.
curl https://${CLOUDFRONT_URI}/keys.json
curl https://${CLOUDFRONT_URI}/.well-known/openid-configuration
- Create the IAM OpenID Connect identity provider
aws iam create-open-id-connect-provider \
--cli-input-json file://${DIR_CCO}/04-iam-identity-provider.json \
> ${DIR_CCO}/04-iam-identity-provider-object.json
- Get the ARN of the IAM OpenID Connect identity provider created above
OIDC_ARN=$(jq -r .OpenIDConnectProviderArn \
echo ${OIDC_ARN}
- Extract
from the release image
./oc adm release extract \
--credentials-requests \
--cloud=aws \
--to=${DIR_CCO}/credrequests \
- Create IAM Roles for the OpenShift components
./ccoctl aws create-iam-roles \
--name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--credentials-requests-dir=${DIR_CCO}/credrequests \
--identity-provider-arn=${OIDC_ARN} \
--output-dir ${DIR_CCO}
We have now created IAM OpenID Connect identity provider and IAM roles, you can return to step 8 to continue with installation in STS mode.
These steps should be followed after you've removed the resources created by ccoctl described in the delete section.
- You should have set the CloudFront Distribution
, as described in the section above. Otherwise, you should specify the value you've set when creating the CloudFront Distribution. - You should have set the CloudFront Origin Access Identity (OAI) with the field
with the valueOAI-${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME}
. Otherwise, you should specify the value you've set when creating the CloudFront OAI.
If the ccoctl delete
command failed due to non-empty Bucket (BucketNotEmpty
), you should follow those steps to complete the Bucket removal.
- Remove the Bucket objects
aws s3api delete-object \
--bucket ${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME} \
--key ".well-known/openid-configuration"
aws s3api delete-object \
--bucket ${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME} \
--key "keys.json"
- Remove the Bucket using
./ccoctl aws delete \
--name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \
CloudFront Distributions can be removed only when it is disabled. To do so, you need to get the current configuration, setting the field Enabled
to false
, apply the new configuration, then remove the Distribution.
- Get the CloudFront Distribution ID
DISTRIBUTION_ID=$(aws cloudfront list-distributions \
--query "DistributionList.Items[?Comment==\`${CLUSTER_NAME}\`].Id" \
--output text)
- Get the CloudFront Distribution Config
ETAG=$(aws cloudfront get-distribution-config \
| jq -r '.ETag')
- Get the CloudFront Distribution Configuration, setting the
field tofalse
aws cloudfront get-distribution-config --id ${DISTRIBUTION_ID} \
| jq '.DistributionConfig' \
| jq '.Enabled=false' \
> ${DIR_CCO}/oidc-cloudfront-to-delete.json
- Apply the new Distribution configuration
ETAG=$(aws cloudfront update-distribution \
--if-match ${ETAG} \
--distribution-config file://${DIR_CCO}/oidc-cloudfront-to-delete.json \
| jq -r '.ETag')
- Get the new ETag (it's also returned on the last command).
The last command updates the
variable referencing to a new configuration (Disabled distribution). If you didn't note it you need to re-run theget-distribution-config
command, as desribed above.
- Delete the CloudFront Distribution
aws cloudfront delete-distribution \
--if-match ${ETAG}
- Get the OAI ID
OAI_CLOUDFRONT_ID=$(aws cloudfront \
list-cloud-front-origin-access-identities \
--query "CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityList.Items[?Comment==\`OAI-${OIDC_BUCKET_NAME}\`].Id" \
--output text)
- Get the OAI ETag by ID
OAI_ETAG=$(aws cloudfront \
get-cloud-front-origin-access-identity-config \
| jq -r .ETag)
- Remove the OAI by ID
aws cloudfront \
delete-cloud-front-origin-access-identity \
--if-match ${OAI_ETAG}