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Erfan Riazati ErfanRzt

Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

Zhi (Leo) Wang TX-Leo
UGrad@ Tsinghua; Prev@ Microsoft Research @ UIUC CS; 🤖️Robotics & 💻AI.

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

Joshua Yao NekoTops
"You are a force of nature. Nothing will stop you"— A Million Miles Away. Just another nerd enamored with the world around him. Shall we code?
Feiyu Xiao feiyuxiaoThu
Husband and Dad. Motion Planning in autonomous systems. Former researcher intern in @ToyotaCRDL and student in SVM in @Automobile-Crash-Lab

Tsinghua University Haidian, Beijing

Tianyu Qiu TianyuQ
Ph.D. Student @CLeARoboticsLab, UT Austin

Austin, TX

Jaehan Im iamjaehan
Aerospace Engineer - Multi-Agent Systems, Autonomous Systems, Game Theory, Routing Problem, Distributed Control, ATM, UAM

Austin, Texas

Cade Armstrong cadearmstrxng
Sophomore Aerospace Engineering Major at the University of Texas


Brett Barkley bebark
CS PhD student at UT Austin
Fernando Palafox fernandopalafox
PhD student @CLeARoboticsLab.

@CLeARoboticsLab Austin, TX

Justin Hart jhart4593

UT Austin Austin, Texas

Hany Hamed hany606
Working on Reinforcement Learning and robotics

Daejeon, South Korea