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Hoki Fung hokifung
Neuroscience Researcher. Data Scientist. Product Tinkerer.
Nosa Osawe Nosa-Osawe
Data scientist l Ecoinformatics | Ecologist


CelestialCoder AstraNexusNebulaInnovations
My work speaks for itself. Proud cat parent 🐱 and coffee enthusiast ☕. Always exploring new technologies and ready for the next big challenge.🌟💻✨

@NebulaInnovations. Somewhere in the Milky Way 🌌

Julien Martin JulienGAMartin

University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Gopal Khanal gopalkhanal11
PhD Student at Gyanor lab UBC @kaitlyngaynor

@gaynor-lab Nepal

Minhazul Islam minhazulislam
Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Sumit Kumar sumit9318
I am working as a Geoscientist in Geological Survey of India. Involved in development of National Landslide Early Warning System.
Taeho 52bloo
Hobbyist who happens to be in research
Muhammad Zain ul Arifeen Zain-ul-arifeen

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)

Kauane Bordin kmbordin
Brazilian Ecologist :)

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre - Brazil

Anne Lewerentz AnneLew
PostDoc at IfGG, KIT, Germany. Topics: Ecosystem Modeling, Macrophytes, Limnology, and Macroecology.

Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IFGG), Karlsruhe Institut of Technology Karlsruhe

Cristian Villegas clobos

Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" Piracicaba

Max Zaret mmzaret
Data Scientist, Ecology, Environmental Science.
Lucas Hertzog lucashertzog

Curtin University Perth WA

Tania Valdivia Carrillo taniavaldiviac
Postdoctoral Researcher


Wesley Neves wesneves
Utilizo ferramentas estatísticas para verificar a qualidade ambiental de ecossistemas marinhos.


Víctor A. López-Agudelo viclopezag
Passionate about metabolic reprogramming, immunometabolism, constraint-based modeling, host-pathogen interactions.

UniversitätsKlinikum Schleswig-Holstein Kiel, Germany

Xianzhang Dong Dongxianzhang
Remote Sensing of Environment; Master of Science

Nanjing Normal University Nanjing , China