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Heder Alves HederAlves
Desenvolvedor Front-end | Next | React | Vue | TypeScript | JavaScript | TailwindCSS | Styled-Components | GraphQL | Jest | Cypress | Node | Firebase

Contenda-PR, Brasil

Epitacio Neto epitacioneto
Data Scientist at dhauz. Post-graduate student at PUC Minas and UNIESP. Computer Engineering bachelor at UFPB. Former Director @TailUFPB


Caio Rafael Rocha de Andrade Caiocr8
👨‍💻 Desenvolvedor de Software | Apaixonado por Inovação e Código Limpo Especializado em React JS, Javascript, HTML, CSS

João Pessoa

Luca Martins Binder lucamartinsb

João Pessoa, PB - Brasil

Lenildo Luan Lenildo-Luan
I make computes do beep boop

DriveADS João Pessoa - PB - Brazil