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João Gabriel de Farias JoaoGF21
Collaborating to create Data Products that solve real problems

Florianópolis, Santa Catarina

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Maylla Rabay MayllaRabay
Front-end developer | React | Next.js | TypeScript | Passionate about Clean Architecture and scalable solutions | Experience with Rest/GraphQL APIs

Salvador - BA - Brasil

Lucas Macedo Lmacedox
Software Enginer na Stone Payments. Apaixonado por tecnologia.

Stone Brasil

Gustavo Murdiga Gustavo-Murdiga88

Guarani Sistemas Jaú - SP

caio f f caioffx
Full Stack dev (C/C++/Python/HTML5/CSS3). Linux enthusiast.

SP, Brazil

Igor Anjos IgorAnjos
Analista e desenvolvedor web na @Oficina-Inteligente, apaixonado pelo mundo .Net e professor de Capoeira.

Oficina Inteligente Diadema - São Paulo

Δlex Santos alexsantos-dev
Autenticidade, Consistência e Inovação

Δlex Santos Santa Inês - MA

Matheus_Candido matheus-ts
Software Engineering with React also work with Node.js and Angular

@Pagarme São Paulo

Marcus Vinícius V1nic1us
Quality Assurance @orangebr

Orange Labs Brazil

Wilgnne Alencar wilgnne
I came to program, huh?!


Ricardo Mourão RicardoMourao-py
Data Engineer @stone-payments | Computer Engineering @Insper

@stone-payments São Paulo, Brazil.

Alan Graton Lourenço de Brito Alan-Graton

Valiant Group do Brasil SP, Brasil

Julio Cesar dos Santos julioc98
Software Developer, Golang Enthusiast, Cloud Lover, Agile Spirit, DevOps Culture and More... Worked @avenuesec, @totvs-cloud, @mercadolibre, @acesso-io

@stone-payments São Paulo, Brazil

Fabricio Jardin dos Santos FabricioJardin
I'm Fabricio, 25 years old, Software Engineer since 2017, working mainly with NodeJs, ReactJs and Typescript. AI & Web3 enthusiast.

@stone-payments Rio Grande do Sul

Renata Carmi Armel ReArmel
Student and .NET Developer at Stone Co.


Fabio Santos FSantosx

Campos do Jordão - SP

Ytalo Lopes ytalotech
CEO na Ytalotech. Desenvolvedor web em PHP, Laravel, Javascript, ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS e Next.js

Ytalotech Beberibe

joão neto joaofirmino42

Stone Co. Rio de Janeiro

Developer from Brazil. Computer Science student.


Mario Sergio MariosgFaria

@gabimar-servicos São Gonçalo

Fábio Henrique Mendes Brasileiro fabiobrasileiroo
A year from now, you'll wish you had started today ;)

@canvi @TecToy-Automacao @transire Amazonas, Manaus

Rodivânio Alberto Da Costa ronydevdesgn
I'm a front end programmer and interface designer. I use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript technologies and the ReactJs framework, among others.

NexusTech and @marta-devs Angola, Luanda

Gustavo Henrique GHenriqueP

Stone | Ton Anápolis - GO

Anny Mayara annymayara

@stone-payments Rio de Janeiro - Brasil

Vinicius Trindade viniciustrindade
solidareasy co-founder and musician

Salvador, Brazil

P. Yoshimura ropehapi
Software Engineer @stone-payments (Go | PHP).

@stone-payments Rolândia - PR

Ana Carolyne anadevti
SRE at @stone-payments. Back-End Developer. Volunteer at @codaqui. Organizer of @DeveloperParana, Leader of @AWS-UG-Maringa

@stone-payments Maringá

Geovane Feitosa Cavalcante GeovaneCavalcante
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informações - Senior Software Engineer

@opentrips Imperatriz-MA, Brasil

Rodrigo Fontes rodrigofontesdev
Front-End | React.js | Next.js | JavaScript | TypeScript


Mateus Lazarus mateus-lazarus
Experienced Software Engineer with .NET and Backend Applications. Always available to learn and help with code 😁

StoneCo. Nasdaq São Paulo-Brazil