Integració ICG-Prestashop
You need some views prepared in MS SQL Server and access avaiable from outside in order to work.
You need to create a database (maybe in the same server of your Prestashop) and create integration tables
Also you need to activate WebService in your Prestashop installation.
This models files get data from integration tables and publish into your Prestashop
Create new products and new combinations
Update stock of every combinations
Update price of every combinations
This scripts get data from the ICG Manager database and insert into integration database tables
This is the first script that you have to run. Get the last products, stocks and prices from ICG and put into integration tables in mysql.
Some generic modules to access to recurses
A simple module to get data from ICG Manager tables in the MS SQL Server database
A simple module to get, insert and update data to MySQL integration database
Last WebService library from Prestashop repository
Private zone, change to configuration.php and don't commit it!
To declare some variables to access to Modules. You have to modify with your credentials that in order to get it works.