Depth-first search (DFS) is often used to explore the whole graph, not just the part reachable from a given vertex — which would typically call for breadth-first search. “Recursively” explore the graph, backtracking as necessary while being careful not to repeat vertices
NOTE: it might not use the stack to do recursive function calls, and instead might just use a stack.
O (V + E)
just like BFS.
- Maze solving
- Edge classification (tree, forward, backward, cross-edge)
- Cycle detection (particularly for a directed graph, so that would be directed cycles) which is done —in linear time— by finding a back edge.
- Topological sort (e.g. job scheduling), “sorting vertices in a (acyclic) graph”.
- Run DFS and output the reverse of the “finishing times” of vertices.
interface AdjacencyLists {[index: string]: string[]}
* Performs a depth-first search (DFS) visit of every node reachable from a specific startNode.
* Running time: O(V + E)
function dfsVisit(graph: AdjacencyLists, startNode: string, parent: Map<string, string> = new Map()) {
// The parent variable is essentially used to mark a node/vertex as visited.
// But it can also be used to walk a path back.
if (!parent.has(startNode)) { parent.set(startNode, '') };
var dfsVisitImpl = function(node: string) {
console.log(`Visiting ${node}.`);
for (let adjacent of graph[node]) {
if (!parent.has(adjacent)) {
parent.set(adjacent, node);
* Performs a depth-first search (DFS) visit of *every* node.
* Running time: O(V + E)
function dfsVisit(graph: AdjacencyLists) {
const parent = new Map<string, string>();
for (const node of Object.keys(graph)) {
if (!parent.has(node)) {
parent.set(node, '');
dfsVisit(graph, node, parent);
Given a directed acyclic graph (DAG), order vertices so that all edges point from lower order to higher order.
Run DFS and output the reverse of the “finishing times” of vertices.