diff --git a/HGV_meta_EpiDoc/HGV107/106174.xml b/HGV_meta_EpiDoc/HGV107/106174.xml
index 8183b2fea564..8e3680114cd6 100644
--- a/HGV_meta_EpiDoc/HGV107/106174.xml
+++ b/HGV_meta_EpiDoc/HGV107/106174.xml
@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@
Vote - HGVAccept - Check the entry carefully.
Submit - Entered the text and metadata for CPL 215, which is a close paralle but NOT a copy of CPL 214 = Chr.Mitt. 327 (as in TM, but not yet in HGV). Double-checked it with previous editions (ed.pr. by de Ricci, and new collation by Guéraud in BIFAO 27). In the text, I don't know whether the lines with the witnesses should get a Div (.witnesses.part ?). See previous notes for other, minor questions.
+ who="http://papyri.info/editor/users/pheilpor">Submit - Entered the text and metadata for C.Pap.Lat. 215, which is a close paralle but NOT a copy of CPL 214 = Chr.Mitt. 327 (as in TM, but not yet in HGV). Double-checked it with previous editions (ed.pr. by de Ricci, and new collation by Guéraud in BIFAO 27). In the text, I don't know whether the lines with the witnesses should get a Div (.witnesses.part ?). See previous notes for other, minor questions.
Commit - Corrected title to the one in CPL
+ who="http://papyri.info/editor/users/pheilpor">Commit - Corrected title to the one in C.Pap.Lat.
Commit - Title (among others) needs to be double-checked. I couldn't get the "region" = Ägypten to save.
Commit - Tried to create HGV-record for CPL 215 by following the example of the HGV record for CPL 214 (= M.Chr. 327). TM number already exists (http://www.trismegistos.org/tm/detail.php?tm=106174).
+ who="http://papyri.info/editor/users/pheilpor">Commit - Tried to create HGV-record for C.Pap.Lat. 215 by following the example of the HGV record for C.Pap.Lat. 214 (= M.Chr. 327). TM number already exists (http://www.trismegistos.org/tm/detail.php?tm=106174).
Entered the text and metadata for CPL 215, which is a close paralle but NOT a copy of CPL 214 = Chr.Mitt. 327 (as in TM, but not yet in HGV). Double-checked it with previous editions (ed.pr. by de Ricci, and new collation by Guéraud in BIFAO 27). In the text, I don't know whether the lines with the witnesses should get a Div (.witnesses.part ?). See previous notes for other, minor questions.
+ who="http://papyri.info/editor/users/pheilpor">Entered the text and metadata for C.Pap.Lat. 215, which is a close parallel but NOT a copy of C.Pap.Lat. 214 = Chr.Mitt. 327 (as in TM, but not yet in HGV). Double-checked it with previous editions (ed.pr. by de Ricci, and new collation by Guéraud in BIFAO 27). In the text, I don't know whether the lines with the witnesses should get a Div (.witnesses.part ?). See previous notes for other, minor questions.
Automated creation from template