diff --git a/DDB_EpiDoc_XML/sb/sb.14/sb.14.11652.xml b/DDB_EpiDoc_XML/sb/sb.14/sb.14.11652.xml index dbd9332ea892..5ad4509c951a 100644 --- a/DDB_EpiDoc_XML/sb/sb.14/sb.14.11652.xml +++ b/DDB_EpiDoc_XML/sb/sb.14/sb.14.11652.xml @@ -31,6 +31,15 @@ + Finalized - done + Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - lin2 => ἑαυ3.- τοῦ=BL 9.275. This is referenced by van Minnen, who also refers to 'W. Schubart, Griechische Papyri. Urkunden und Briefe vom 4. Jahrh. v. Chr. bis ins 8. Jahrh. n. +Chr. (Bielefeld–Leipzig 1927), the Kommentar volume to no. 48c' for τῇ Ἀφροδίτης, but this can stay (add space before Ἀφροδίτης). + Submit - It becomes clear whose wedding is meant and what day it takes place. + Commit - line 2: ἐπὶ -> ἑαυ; line 3: τῆ(ς) -> τῇ It becomes clear whose wedding is meant and what day it takes place. rationalized languages in langUsage changed editor names to URIs Automatically updated revision description