This repository will contain data and information regarding the arrayMap based implementation of a GA4GH schema structure. While it is not expected that GA4GH compliant resources mirror the schema in their internal structure, this project is aimed at showing the principle feasibility of such an approach, mainly to test & drive schema development.
Data & schemas represented here are not kept in a stable/versioned status, but are updated together with or anticipating GA4GH schema changes.
- data: JSON dumps of data from the arraymap2ga4gh conversion of arrayMap collections (subsets)
- examples: JSON-nice single/few selected records (biosamples, variants ...) etc. to show value encodings...
- tools: scripts for manipulating the test data and providing e.g. servers side implementations
The data is in JSON format, you can use MongoDB for easy import and manipulation
The download and installation instructions of the community version of MongoDB can be found here.
Each zip file contains not only the demo data in json, but also a shell script to import the data into json. You can simply run:
To query from MongoDB shell
use test
db.biosamples.find({'' : 'United Kingdom'})
db.biosamples.findOne({'description' : {'$regex' : 'breast'}})
db.variants.find({variant_type:"DEL", reference_name:"17", start:{$gte:30000000}, end:{$lte:31000000}},{"calls.call_set_id":1})
In the tools directory, IPython/Jupyter notebooks are provided for exploring the datasets and -structures.
The instruction for installing Jupyter can be found here
A Perl based backend and Beacon+ UI can be found at beaconplus-server and beaconplus-ui.