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File metadata and controls

559 lines (407 loc) · 12.3 KB

The PeriodO reconciliation API

Describe the reconciliation service

Fetch a description of the reconciliation service. Returns a JSON object as documented in the service metadata section of the OpenRefine Reconciliation API documentation.

  • URL path


  • Method


  • Query parameters




    callback=[function name] specify callback function for JSONP requests

  • Successful response

    • Status code

      200 OK

      Body content

        "name": "PeriodO reconciliation service",
        "identifierSpace": "",
        "schemaSpace": "",
        "defaultTypes": [
            "id": "",
            "name": "Period definition"
        "view": {
          "url": "{{id}}"
        "preview": {
          "width": 380,
          "height": 390,
          "url": "http://localhost:8142/preview?id={{id}}"
        "suggest": {
          "property": {
            "service_url": "http://localhost:8142",
            "service_path": "/suggest/properties"
          "entity": {
            "service_url": "http://localhost:8142",
            "service_path": "/suggest/entities",
            "flyout_service_path": "/preview?flyout=true&id=${id}"
  • Sample call

    curl http://localhost:8142/

Reconcile period names (using GET)

Given a set of period names (and optionally some other descriptive properties of the named periods), return a ranked list of matching period definitions.

  • URL path


  • Method


  • Query parameters


    queries=[JSON object literal]

    The JSON object literal has arbitrary strings as keys, and as values JSON objects specifying individual queries. Individual queries require

    • a query key, the value of which is a string specifying a (partial) period name

    and optionally may have:

    • a limit key, the value of which is an integer specifying how many results to return (by default all potential matches are returned)

    • a properties key, the value of which is an array of JSON object literals, each of which requires:

      • a p key, the value of which matches the id of one of the additional properties supported by the reconciliation service

      • a v key, the value of which is an appropriate value for the additional property

    For example, a JSON object specifying three queries:

      "basic-query": {
        "query": "北宋"
      "limited-query": {
        "query": "bronze age",
        "limit": 1
      "additional-properties-query": {
        "query": "Ранньоримський",
        "properties": [
            "p": "location",
            "v": "Ukraine"
            "p": "start",
            "v": "200"
            "p": "stop",
            "v": "600"


    callback=[function name] specify callback function for JSONP requests

  • Successful response

    • Status code

      200 OK

      Body content

      A successful request will return a JSON object with keys corresponding to the ones provided in the queries object. Each value is a JSON object with a single result key, the value of which is an array of JSON result objects. Each result object describes a single period definition and has the following keys:

      • id is the permanent identifier URL of the period definition
      • name is a descriptive label for the period definition
      • type asserts that the period definition is a skos:Concept
      • score can be used for ranking matches by "closeness," lower numbers indicate closer matches
      • match will be true if and only if there was just a single match

      For example, a successful response to the queries above:

        "basic-query": {
          "result": [
              "id": "",
              "name": "Northern Song [China, China: 0960 to 1127]",
              "type": [
                  "id": "",
                  "name": "Period definition"
              "score": 0,
              "match": true
        "limited-query": {
          "result": [
              "id": "",
              "name": "Bronze [Palestine, Israel, Jordan: -3299 to -1199]",
              "type": [
                  "id": "",
                  "name": "Period definition"
              "score": 0,
              "match": false
        "additional-properties-query": {
          "result": [
              "id": "",
              "name": "Ранньоримський період [Ukraine, Ukraine: -0049 to 0175]",
              "type": [
                  "id": "",
                  "name": "Period definition"
              "score": 0,
              "match": true
  • Error response

    • Status code

      400 Bad Request

      Body content

      A 400 error indicates that the value of queries could not be parsed:

      malformed queries

  • Sample call

    curl http://localhost:8142/ \
        --get \
        --data-urlencode 'queries={"basic-query":{"query":"北宋"},"limited-query":{"query":"bronze age","limit":1},"additional-properties-query":{"query":"Ранньоримський","properties":[{"p":"location","v":"Ukraine"},{"p":"start","v":"-0050"},{"p":"stop","v":"0175"}]}}'

Reconcile period names (using POST)

If you are reconciling a large number of period names at once, you may need to send a POST request rather than a GET request.

  • URL path


  • Method


  • Data


    queries=[JSON object literal]

    The form of the JSON object literal is as specified above for a GET request.


    callback=[function name] specify callback function for JSONP requests

  • Success Response

    • Code

      200 OK


      Same as for a successful GET request.

  • Error Response

    • Code

      400 Bad Request


      A 400 error indicates that the value of queries could not be parsed:

      malformed queries

  • Sample Call:

    curl http://localhost:8142/ \
        --data-urlencode 'queries={"basic-query":{"query":"北宋"},"limited-query":{"query":"bronze age","limit":1},"additional-properties-query":{"query":"Ранньоримський","properties":[{"p":"location","v":"Ukraine"},{"p":"start","v":"-0050"},{"p":"stop","v":"0175"}]}}'

Suggest property names

Fetch a list of names of additional properties (such as location) that can be specified when reconciling period names.

  • URL path


  • Method


  • Query parameters




    callback=[function name] specify callback function for JSONP requests

  • Successful response

    • Status code

      200 OK

      Body content

        "code": "/api/status/ok",
        "status": "200 OK",
        "result": [
            "id": "location",
            "name": "Spatial coverage"
            "id": "start",
            "name": "Year or start year"
            "id": "stop",
            "name": "End year"
  • Sample call

    curl http://localhost:8142/suggest/properties

Suggest period definitions

Given a specified sequence of characters, fetch a list of period definitions with labels containing that sequence. Intended to be used for auto-suggesting input fields.

  • URL path


  • Method


  • Query parameters


    prefix=[character sequence]


    callback=[function name] specify callback function for JSONP requests

  • Successful response

    • Status code

      200 OK

      Body content

        "code": "/api/status/ok",
        "status": "200 OK",
        "result": [
            "id": "",
            "name": "Bashkëkohore [Albania, Albania: 1944 to 2000]",
            "type": [
                "id": "",
                "name": "Period definition"
            "score": 0,
            "match": false
            "id": "",
            "name": "Bashkëkohore [Albania, Albania: 1944 to 2000]",
            "type": [
                "id": "",
                "name": "Period definition"
            "score": 0,
            "match": false
  • Sample call

    curl http://localhost:8142/suggest/entities?prefix=bashkekohore

Preview period definition details

  • URL path


  • Method


  • Query parameters


    id=[period definition identifier]


    flyout=true send HTML as the value of a JSON object with a single html property

    callback=[function name] specify callback function for JSONP requests

  • Successful response

    • Status code

      200 OK

      Body content

      <!doctype html>
      <body bgcolor="white">
        dl {
          font-family: sans-serif;
          font-size: 13px !important;
          margin: 0.5em !important;
        dh { color: #93a1a1 }
        dd {
          margin-bottom: 1em !important;
          margin-left: 1em !important;
        p { margin: 0.5em 0; font-size: 13px !important; }
        a { color: #4272db; text-decoration: none }
          <p><a target="_blank" href="">Northern Song</a></p>
          <p><i>北宋, Beisong, 北宋</i></p>
            <a target="_blank"
               href="">Merrick Lex Berman. CHGIS: Major Chinese Periods Chronology. 2015.</a>
            <i>contains 52 period definitions</i>
        <dh>Earliest start</dh>
          <p><i>ISO year 960</i></p>
        <dh>Latest stop</dh>
          <p><i>ISO year 1127</i></p>
        <dh>Spatial coverage</dh>
  • Error Response

    • Code

      404 Not Found


      A 404 error indicates that the value of id does not identify a period definition:

      'foo' is not a period definition URI

  • Sample Call:

    curl http://localhost:8142/preview?id=