In order to use a Reagent component in UIx you need to wrap Reagent's Hiccup with r/as-element
so that Reagent can take care of Hiccup and convert it into React calls.
(defn reagent-component []
(defui uix-component []
($ :div (r/as-element [reagent-component])))
When using a UIx component in Reagent (or anywhere else) you can continue to use the$
macro without changing anything. The macro will make sure that UIx component is properly created no matter which context it is used in.
(defui uix-component []
(defn reagent-component []
[:div ($ uix-component)])
External data sources can be consumed in hooks-based components via useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector
from the "use-sync-external-store"
package. This part is only concerned about making the UI components reactive on external data sources.
To sync UIx components with re-frame or Reagent's reactions use
hooks respectively.
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[ :as urf]
[uix.core :as uix :refer [defui $]]))
(def counter (r/atom 0))
(defui title-bar []
(let [n (urf/use-reaction counter) ;; Reagent's reaction
title (urf/use-subscribe [:app/title])] ;; re-frame subscription
($ :div
($ :button {:on-click #(swap! counter inc)}