- GET: serve static resources
- GET: render index (twirl)
- GET: render lesson (twirl + markdown)
POST: Create a new sub-resource representing a session.
Should respond with 201 CREATED, or 403 FORBIDDEN if somebody's spamming.
POST: send code to be interpreted.
Should respond with 200 OK normally, 400 BAD REQUEST if the code is broken, 403 FORBIDDEN if the user does something malicious like
, or 404 NOT FOUND if the session id doesn't exist. -
DELETE: kill the session.
Should return 204 NO CONTENT normally, 404 NOT FOUND if the session id doesn't exist.
GET: submit a partial string identifier for autocompletions.
Should respond with 200 OK (media type application/json) containing an array of completions, or 404 NOT FOUND if the session id doesn't exist.