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Cost Management Power BI Charts

Technical Design Specification Document


The Technical design specification documents the system architecture for the Microsoft Power BI reports built for the Cost Management data. The document also covers the technical design technologies like Microsoft Excel involved in extracting the data from Cost Management and methods of extraction (REST APIs).


Term Definition
MS Microsoft
BI Business Intelligence
REST API Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface
RBAC Role-based access control


  1. Cost Management data is exposed through REST APIs for RBAC service accounts defined for the user accounts.
  2. Microsoft Excel (2016 or above) uses Power Query to extract data using the REST APIs.
  3. Excel files with the extracted data will be loaded into a directory on a local machine or a cloud hosted service.
  4. Microsoft Power BI Desktop connects to this folder to collect the data to present in different visualizations.

Physical Architecture


Logical Architecture


Assumptions and Dependencies

  1. REST APIs will be available for MS Excel to connect and extract data.
  2. Any changes to the REST API URL structure or response structure can impact the data processing in MS Excel or Power BI.

Detailed Design

Cost Management

  1. The following tabs in the Cost Management console will be presented in the Power BI Report.

    1. Overview
    2. OpenShift
    3. Amazon Web Services
    4. Cost Explorer
  2. The console user account used should have atleast one service account created. Service Accounts should have access to appropriate groups & roles to retrieve data from the APIs. Please refer to document for related groups & roles required.

  3. Service token based authentication should be used to access the REST APIs. A REST API call to retreive the service token should be executed prior to making a API call to get the cost data. The client credentials, available in the console, generated for the service account should be used as an authentication protocol.

  4. The token received should be used as an authentication protocol for the REST API call to extract cost related data. The time limit for token is 5 minutes.

Microsoft Excel

  1. Microsoft Excel should be version 2016 or later in order to use Power Query.
  2. Power Query is used to connect to REST APIs to extract the data from Cost Management, transform into the model required and load into the Excel Worksheets.
  3. Each Cost Management tab might need one more excel files to present the data. This is dependent on the number of REST APIs being called and the amount of data being extracted.
  4. The client id and client secret used for authentication will be stored in a csv file named auth.csv. This file will be loaded as one of the data sources in each of the excel files. The authentication provided in the file will be used as part of the REST API call to get the service token.
  5. Each Excel file will have a worksheet named "Date_Period" with Start and End Date fields. The dates entered in these fields will be used as a period for which the Power Query will request the data for from the REST APIs. The guidelines about the date values that need to be entered will be available in the Excel file template.
  6. Cost Management records data upto 90 days in the past. Multiple Excel files can be generated with different date ranges in the last 90 days.

Excel Date_Period

Power Query Groups

  • The objects being built in Power Query will be segregated into Groups to put together entities with similar features. Below are the details related to groups.
Group Entity Type
Functions Power Query M functions
Parameters Parameters
Connections Placeholder queries that extract data using REST APIs or hard-coded values, for the output to be transformed and used in subsequent queries. The outcome of these queries are not loaded into worksheets.
Other Queries Final Queries that will have the output loaded into worksheets.
  • The below functions will be used in Excel files across all tabs of the Console.
Function Name Purpose
get_token Calls the Token REST API and returns the service token using the authentication from the auth connection
get_cost_loop_data Takes REST API filters as inputs, appends the default limit & offset, calls the cost API and records the data. This activity is looped for one or more times with incrementing offsets till all the data is retrieved. The final outcome of all API calls is returned as an output.
replace_field_name Used to rename certain fields in a record by taking the record, field name to be replaced and new name as parameters. This is usually used in case of Tags or other group bys which have dynamic field naming convention in the API response to ensure all Tag Names have same column name despite of being related to different tags.
get_no_loop_data Used in case where no API paging exists and does not need to loop for different offsets. The function takes API filter as a parameter, calls the API and returns a response.
get_usage_loop_data Takes REST API filters as inputs, appends the default limit & offset, calls the Usage API and records the data. This activity is looped for one or more times with incrementing offsets till all the data is retrieved. The final outcome of all API calls is returned as an output.
  • The below parameters will be used in Excel files across all tabs of the Console.
Parameter Name Purpose Value
Console_URL URL of the console that will be appended with other parts of the URL based on the REST API being called
Currency_URL REST API URL to get Currency master data /api/cost-management/v1/currency/?filter%5Blimit%5D=15&limit=100&offset=0
Costs_URL Part of the REST API URL for OpenShift costs /api/cost-management/v1/reports/openshift/costs/
Usage_URL Part of the REST API URL for OpenShift cost Usage (Compute, Memory & Volumes) /api/cost-management/v1/reports/openshift/
Tags_URL Part of the REST API URL for tags associated with OpenShift projects /api/cost-management/v1/tags/openshift/
AWS_Costs_URL Part of the REST API URL for OpenShift costs /api/cost-management/v1/reports/aws/costs/
AWS Tags_URL Part of the REST API URL for tags associated with AWS /api/cost-management/v1/tags/aws/
AWS Organizations_URL Part of the REST API URL for Organizations associated with AWS /api/cost-management/v1/organizations/aws/
AWS Category_URL Part of the REST API URL for tags associated with AWS /api/cost-management/v1/resource-types/aws-categories/?key_only=true
Default_Configs_URL Part of the REST API URL to get default user configurations /api/cost-management/v1/account-settings/
Opt_URL Part of the REST API URL for Optimizations /api/cost-management/v1/recommendations/openshift
API_Limit Default limit when paging is used for REST API calls 10
API_Offset Default offset value for the first API call when paging is used. Though the parameter always remains 0, the value is incremented in the function itself till all the data is extracted 0
Console Tab Name Used for Group By Description Sample API
Not Applicable auth Not Applicable Client ID and Client Secret authentication
Not Applicable Currency_Master Not Applicable Currency master data Currency API
Not Applicable Default_Configurations Not Applicable Default user settings data Configurations API
OpenShift Cost_Data_Project_Daily_Extract Project Projects REST API call and expand meta data OS Projects API
OpenShift Cost_Data_Master_Projects_Daily Project Distinct projects extracted out of Cost_Data_Project_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Cost_Data_Projects_Daily Project Projects and associated costs extracted out of Cost_Data_Projects_Daily_Dist_Cost
OpenShift Cost_Data_Clusters_Daily_Extract Cluster Clusters REST API call and expand meta data OS Clusters API
OpenShift Cost_Data_Master_Clusters_Daily Cluster Distinct clusters extracted out of Cost_Data_Clusters_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Cost_Data_Clusters_Daily Cluster Clusters and associated costs extracted out of Cost_Data_Master_Clusters_Daily
OpenShift Cost_Data_Nodes_Daily_Extract Node Nodes REST API call and expand meta data OS Nodes API
OpenShift Cost_Data_Master_Nodes_Daily Node Distinct nodes extracted out of Cost_Data_Nodes_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Cost_Data_Nodes_Daily Node Nodes and associated costs extracted out of Cost_Data_Master_Nodes_Daily
OpenShift Cost_Data_Tags_Daily_Extract Tag Tags REST API call and expand meta data. Tag keys are extracted into table OS Tag Keys and joined to this query prior to invoking the API OS Tags & Keys API
OpenShift Cost_Data_Master_Tags_Daily Tag Distinct nodes extracted out of Cost_Data_Tags_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Cost_Data_Tags_Daily Tag Tags and associated costs extracted out of Cost_Data_Master_Tags_Daily
OpenShift Usage Not Applicable Hardcoded table with different OS usage models
OpenShift Usage_Data_Daily_Extract Not Applicable Usage REST API Call for a combination of each Group By to each usage model OS Usage API
OpenShift Usage_Data_Projects_Daily Project Usage data for Projects extracted out of Usage_Data_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Usage_Data_Clusters_Daily Cluster Usage data for Clusters extracted out of Usage_Data_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Usage_Data_Nodes_Daily Node Usage data for Nodes extracted out of Usage_Data_Daily_Extract
OpenShift Usage_Data_Tags_Daily Tag Usage data for Tags extracted out of Usage_Data_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Cost_Accounts_Daily_Extract Accounts AWS Accounts REST API call and expand meta data AWS Accounts API
AWS AWS_Costs_Master_Accounts_Daily Accounts AWS Distinct Accounts extracted out of AWS_Cost_Accounts_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Costs_Accounts_Daily Accounts Accounts and associated costs extracted out of AWS_Costs_Master_Accounts_Daily
AWS AWS_Cost_Services_Daily_Extract Services AWS Services REST API call and expand meta data AWS Services API
AWS AWS_Costs_Master_Services_Daily Services AWS Distinct Services extracted out of AWS_Cost_Services_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Costs_Services_Daily Services Services and associated costs extracted out of AWS_Costs_Master_Services_Daily
AWS AWS_Cost_Regions_Daily_Extract Regions AWS Regions REST API call and expand meta data AWS Regions API
AWS AWS_Cost_Master_Regions_Daily Regions AWS Distinct Regions extracted out of AWS_Cost_Regions_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Cost_Regions_Daily Regions Regions and associated costs extracted out of AWS_Cost_Master_Regions_Daily
AWS AWS_Cost_Tags_Daily_Extract Tags AWS Tags REST API call and expand meta data AWS Tags API
AWS AWS_Cost_Master_Tags_Daily Tags AWS Distinct Tags extracted out of AWS_Cost_Tags_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Cost_Tags_Daily Tags Tags and associated costs extracted out of AWS_Cost_Master_Tags_Daily
AWS AWS_Cost_Categories_Daily_Extract Categories AWS Categories REST API call and expand meta data AWS Categories API
AWS AWS_Cost_Master_Categories_Daily Categories AWS Distinct Categories extracted out of AWS_Cost_Categories_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Cost_Categories_Daily Categories Categories and associated costs extracted out of AWS_Cost_Master_Categories_Daily
AWS AWS_Cost_Orgs_Daily_Extract Orgs AWS Orgs REST API call and expand meta data AWS Orgs API
AWS AWS_Cost_Master_Orgs_Daily Orgs AWS Distinct Orgs extracted out of AWS_Cost_Orgs_Daily_Extract
AWS AWS_Cost_Orgs_Daily Orgs Orgs and associated costs extracted out of AWS_Cost_Master_Orgs_Daily
Optimizations Recommendations_Extract Not Applicable Optimizatoins REST API call and expand meta data Optimizations API
Optimizations Recommendations_Base Not Applicable List of clusters, associated entities like containers and current configuration
Optimizations Recommendations_ST Not Applicable Short term recommendations/openshift
Optimizations Recommendations_MT Not Applicable Medium term recommendations/openshift
Optimizations Recommendations_LT Not Applicable Long term recommendations/openshift
Other Queries
Console Tab Name Worksheet Description
Not Applicable Data_Period Data_Period Date range with in which the data needs to be extracted
Not Applicable Default Master Settings Default Master Settings Default user currency description and cost types
OpenShift OpenShift Group Bys OpenShift Group Bys Hardcoded table with different group by models
OpenShift Project Overhead Cost Types Project Overhead Cost Types Hardcoded tables for overhead cost types (distributed vs non-distributed)
OpenShift OS Costs Daily OS Costs Daily Daily OpenShift costs for all group by models
OpenShift OS Cost Project Tags OS Cost Project Tags Tags and keys associated with each OpenShift project
OpenShift OS Cost Cluster Projects OS Cost Cluster Projects Projects associated with each OpenShift cluster
OpenShift OS Tag Keys OS Tag Keys OpenShift Tag keys
OpenShift OS Daily Usage OS Daily Usage Daily OpenShift Usage for a combination of each group by and usage models
AWS AWS Group Bys AWS Group Bys Hardcoded table with different group by models
AWS AWS Tag Keys AWS Tag Keys AWS Tag keys
AWS AWS Cost Categories AWS Cost Categories AWS Cost Categories
AWS AWS Org Units AWS Org Units AWS Org Units
AWS AWS Daily Costs AWS Daily Costs Daily AWS costs for all group by models
AWS AWS Cost Account Tags AWS Cost Account Tags Tags and keys associated with each AWS Account
AWS AWS Group By Account AWS Group By Account AWS all group by cost grouped based on Accounts
AWS AWS Group By Service AWS Group By Service AWS all group by cost grouped based on Services
AWS AWS Group By Region AWS Group By Region AWS all group by cost grouped based on Regions
Optimizations Recommendations Recommendations Optimizations with all recommendations merged

Power BI

  1. All Microsoft Excel files with the Cost Management data should be of file extension ".xlsx" and be placed in one directory or sub-directories under a root directory. The path of the root directory should be defined in the Data Source Settings of the Power BI Desktop (.pbix) file.
  2. Power Query in the .pbix file should be used to collect the data from the Excel Worksheets. Though Power BI is able to access the data from the Excel Connections, it is recommended to use the Worksheets to avoid duplicate REST API calls.
  3. All data duplicates should filter out in the Power Query. Ex: Though Default Master Settings can exist in multiple Excel files, Power Query will process only distinct values.
  4. Each Excel worksheet will be defined as a table in Power BI. Some worksheets will be merged with other tables.
  5. Tables marked as "No" for Load Enabled in the below table will not be loaded into Data model though those will be used in Power Query.
Query Tables
Table Name Excel Worksheet Load Enabled Description
Data Source No All Excel files with all worksheets and connections
OpenShift Group Bys OpenShift Group Bys No Hardcoded table with different group by models. This table will be merged with Cost Tags into a new query OpenShift_Groups_Tags
Default Master Settings Default Master Settings Yes Default user currency description and cost types
Tag Dummy Table No Hardcoded record for Tag with blank key. The record will be usefull as part of the filter mechanism when listing Tags in OpenShift details page
Cost Tags OS Tag Keys No OpenShift Tag keys
Data_Period Data_Period Yes Date range acquired across all Excel files
OS Groups Tags Yes Table generated by merging OpenShift Group Bys & Cost Tags to list all group bys and keys associated with tags
OS Project Cost Types Project Overhead Cost Types Yes Hardcoded tables for overhead cost types (distributed vs non-distributed)
OS Daily Costs OS Costs Daily Yes Daily OpenShift costs for all group by models
OS Cost Project Clusters OS Costs Daily Yes Clusters associated with each OpenShift project
OS Cost Cluster Projects OS Cost Cluster Projects Yes Projects associated with each OpenShift cluster
OS Cost Project Tags OS Cost Project Tags Yes Tags and keys associated with each OpenShift project
OS Daily Usage OS Daily Usage Yes Daily OpenShift Usage for a combination of each group by and usage models
AWS Groups Tags Yes Table generated by merging AWS Group Bys & AWS Tags to list all group bys and keys associated with Cost Categories, Organizations & Tags
AWS Group Bys AWS Group Bys No Hardcoded table with different group by models. This table will be merged with AWS Tags into a new query AWS Groups Tags
AWS Dummy Table No Hardcoded record for aws_category & org_unit_id with blank key. The record will be usefull as part of the filter mechanism when listing Cost Categories & Organizations in AWS details page
AWS Tags AWS Tag Keys No AWS Tag keys
AWS Cost Categories AWS Cost Categories No AWS Cost Categories
AWS Org Units AWS Org Units No AWS Org Units
AWS Appended Keys No Appended AWS Tag keys, Cost Categories & Org Units
AWS Daily Costs AWS Costs Daily Yes Daily AWS costs for all group by models
Optimizations Optimizations Yes Recommendations OpenShift
DAX Tables
Table Name Description
DateTable Date range starting with minimum of Start Date and ending with maximum of End Date from Data_Period
MonthTable Distinct Month & Year combinations from DateTable
OS Monthly Costs Monthly aggregated columns from OS Daily Costs
OS Monthly Usage Monthly aggregated columns from OS Daily Usage
AWS Monthly Costs Monthly aggregated columns from AWS Daily Costs
Visualization Pages
Page Name Description
OpenShift Details All OpenShift Group Bys with associated Names and costs
Cost Overview Cluster and Tag/Keys associated with each Project; Projects associated with each Cluster; Usage (CPU, Memory & Volume) details; Running total of daily cost, usage details for selected and previous periods;
Cost Explorer Daily Costs table for each group by; Bar chart visualization of 5 leading costs for each group by
Amazon Web Services All AWS Group Bys with associated Names and costs
Optimizations OpenShift Optimizations