diff --git a/psp-papers-mod/src/Patches/ImagePatch.cs b/psp-papers-mod/src/Patches/ImagePatch.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 608d4d8..0000000
--- a/psp-papers-mod/src/Patches/ImagePatch.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-using app.vis;
-using haxe.io;
-using System.IO;
-using HarmonyLib;
-using Cpp2IL.Core.Extensions;
-using Il2CppInterop.Runtime.InteropTypes.Arrays;
-namespace psp_papers_mod.Patches;
-/// This patch is a workaround to reverse-engineering the game's "art.dat" file, which is a heavily compressed (or encrypted?)
-/// binary file containing all the art assets for the game.
-public class ImagePatch {
- private static int ct;
- [HarmonyPrefix]
- [HarmonyPatch("fromPng", typeof(Bytes))]
- private static void FromPngPrefix(ref Bytes bytes) {
- Directory.CreateDirectory("img/");
- int cCt = ++ct;
- using FileStream fsw = new($"img/{cCt}.png", FileMode.Create);
- fsw.Write(bytes.b, 0, bytes.b.Length);
- string patchPath = $"img_patch/{cCt}.png";
- // Replace the image if there is one available
- if (!File.Exists(patchPath)) return;
- using FileStream fsr = new(patchPath, FileMode.Open);
- byte[] rBytes = fsr.ReadBytes();
- Il2CppStructArray il2cppBytes = new(rBytes);
- bytes = new Bytes(il2cppBytes.Length, il2cppBytes);
- }
\ No newline at end of file