description |
Doesn't look like anyone's home! Don't mind if I do |
- Allows players to use a lockpick at specific coordinates within an in-game time range and enter a house where they can search cabinets, drawers, etc. for items!
{% hint style="warning" %} This resource relies on qb-lockpick and qb-skillbar for the mini games and qb-interior for the export to spawn the configured shell {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} If players aren't using an advanced lockpick then they need to have a regular lockpick and screwdriverset {% endhint %}
Config = {}
Config.MinZOffset = 45 -- how far under the ground the shell will spawn
Config.MinimumHouseRobberyPolice = 2 -- minimum amount of police needed to rob
Config.MinimumTime = 5 -- minimum in-game hour to rob
Config.MaximumTime = 22 -- maximum in-game hour to rob
Config.Rewards = {
[1] = {
["cabin"] = { -- this is the searchable location
"plastic", -- these are the list of items you could possibly get
["kitchen"] = {
["chest"] = {
["livingroom"] = {
Config.Houses = {
["perfectdrive1"] = { -- the house name
["coords"] = { -- the house location where players use lockpick
["x"] = -784.72,
["y"] = 459.77,
["z"] = 100.39,
["h"] = 34.89
["opened"] = false, -- changed automatically so don't edit
["tier"] = 1, -- only works with 1 by default but can be modified
["furniture"] = { -- these are the searchable locations
[1] = {
["type"] = "cabin", -- type of searchable location
["coords"] = { -- where
["x"] = 4.15,
["y"] = 7.82,
["z"] = 1.0
["searched"] = false, -- changed automatically so don't edit
["isBusy"] = false, -- changed automatically so don't edit
["text"] = "Search Bedside Cabinet" -- the text that displays
[2] = {
["type"] = "cabin",
["coords"] = {["x"] = 5.95, ["y"] = 9.34, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search Closet"
[3] = {
["type"] = "kitchen",
["coords"] = {["x"] = -1.03, ["y"] = 0.78, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search through the kitchen cabinets"
[4] = {
["type"] = "chest",
["coords"] = {["x"] = 6.904, ["y"] = 3.987, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search Chest"
[5] = {
["type"] = "cabin",
["coords"] = {["x"] = 0.933, ["y"] = 1.254, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search Drawers"
[6] = {
["type"] = "cabin",
["coords"] = {["x"] = 6.19, ["y"] = 3.35, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Night Stand Cabinet"
[7] = {
["type"] = "kitchen",
["coords"] = {["x"] = -2.20, ["y"] = -0.30, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search through the kitchen cabinets"
[8] = {
["type"] = "kitchen",
["coords"] = {["x"] = -4.35, ["y"] = -0.64, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search through shelves"
[9] = {
["type"] = "livingroom",
["coords"] = {["x"] = -6.90, ["y"] = 4.42, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search through shelves"
[10] = {
["type"] = "livingroom",
["coords"] = {["x"] = -6.98, ["y"] = 7.91, ["z"] = 1.0},
["searched"] = false,
["isBusy"] = false,
["text"] = "Search through shelves"
{% hint style="success" %} If you'd like to use different shells for house robberies then navigate here:
qb-houserobbery -> client -> main.lua -> line 54
Once you are there you can change the export or add some elseif statements
{% endhint %}
local function enterRobberyHouse(house)
TriggerServerEvent("InteractSound_SV:PlayOnSource", "houses_door_open", 0.25)
local coords = {
x = Config.Houses[house]["coords"]["x"],
y = Config.Houses[house]["coords"]["y"],
z= Config.Houses[house]["coords"]["z"] - Config.MinZOffset
local data
if Config.Houses[house]["tier"] == 1 then
data = exports['qb-interior']:CreateHouseRobbery(coords)
elseif Config.Houses[house]["tier"] == 2 then
data = myNewExport -- find exports in qb-interior/client/main.lua
elseif Config.Houses[house]["tier"] == 3 then
data = myNewExport -- find exports in qb-interior/client/main.lua
elseif Config.Houses[house]["tier"] == 4 then
data = myNewExport -- find exports in qb-interior/client/main.lua
houseObj = data[1]
POIOffsets = data[2]
inside = true
currentHouse = house