fix+perf(QCarousel/QStepper/QTabPanels): active panel renders twice initially 17698
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): svgGrade removed. Use svgStar. Used in iconsets as “rating”. 17640
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(iconsets): svgGrade removed. Use svgStar. Used in iconsets as “rating”. (17640)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QTree): incorrect type for tickStrategy (17618)
fix(QSelect): .value(opt).toLocaleLowerCase is not a function 16698
fix(QSelect): regression when options is not an array 1761317598
Revert “fix(ui): prevent disabled styling on disabled=false (17527)” 17616
fix(ui): fix File-based types for q-upload and q-file (fix: 17605) 17624
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(ui): upgrade to Sass v1.80+ specs on not using builtin globals
Revert “fix(ui): IME composition detection not working (17476)” 17536
fix(ui): fix QuasarDirectives type (fix: 17554) (17559)
fix(ui): allow number[] in QSlider markerLabels type (fix: 17450) (17555)
fix(ui): make headingN and sizeN optional in icon set types
fix(ui): prevent disabled styling on disabled=false (17527)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
The “Platform” Quasar plugin now explicitly holds all Boolean props in Object. Previously, only the active/“true” ones were contained. So, for example, on a non-Firefox browser, if previously would not have been declared, now it will be defined and its value is going to be false. So, if you were doing 'firefox' in or === undefined, change it to!
feat+refactor(ui/Platform): explicitly specify all boolean props (they were previously undefined if “false”) 17482
perf(QScrollArea): prevent content re-rendering on scroll or mousemove (fix 16579) 17041
feat(QScrollArea): add scroll viewport to create overscrolling effect 17208
feat(QUploader): New prop -> thumbnail-fit (17494)
feat(QSelect): New prop: disable-tab-select (17362)
feat(QMenu/QTooltip): new Quasar CSS vars -> $menu-max-height, $tooltip-max-width, $tooltip-max-height 16072
feat+perf(QOptionsGroup): new props -> option-value, option-label & option-disable 16874
fix(QScrollArea): correctly compute snap position for thumb 17206 (17207)
fix(QTabs): Active route tab doesn’t update on reactivation when it’s a descendant of 17495
fix+feat(QSelect/QMenu/QTooltip): the position engine should not override max-width/height set in CSS for QMenu/QTooltip 16072
fix(ui): Type-Error because of ‘declare module “@vue/runtime-core”’ 17416
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): memleak in QCheckbox/QRadio/QSpace/QSpinner(s) due to globally created vdom nodes 17485
fix(ui): allow Font Awesome fa-classic in QIcon (fix: 17483) (17486)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): IME composition detection not working (17476)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): apply styles to only aria-disabled=“true” (17436)
fix(QIcon): rounded floating q-badge not “round” when working with q-icon 17342
fix(ui): invalid icons for the Quasar IconSets on Material Symbols (webfont + svg)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
chore(QBtn): remove useless re-define of aria-hidden on icons (QIcon already has it)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): correctly apply iOS safe area padding when using q-tabs (17055)
fix(ui): avoid Sass warning by upgrading to latest specs in QSkeleton (no declaration after nested rule)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): support for legacy build systems that don’t know about “exports” field 17190
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QDate): transitions not working correctly 17183
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat+fix(ui): ensure Quasar can be used without Quasar CLI or @quasar/vite-plugin or vue-cli-plugin-quasar 17174
fix(QInput): declare FileList as possible modelValue type (QInput can be used with type=“file”)
fix(QField): unexpected data clearing with “clearable” prop enabled 17113
fix(QInput): lazy model + clearable - not emitting “change” event on clear btn
fix(QField): button in slots gets focus+click after QField focuses 17177
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): correctly declare typings with “exports” 17172
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Converted “quasar” package internal build system to ESM (built dist/*.js are now renamed).\nWill require these minimum CLI/plugin versions (if using any of the following):
q/app-vite v1.9+ / v2.0.0-beta.12+
q/app-webpack v3.13+ / v4.0.0-beta.13+
q/vite-plugin v1.7+
vite-cli-plugin-quasar v5.1+
If you have hard-coded imports from quasar/lang or quasar/icon-set with the extension specified (eg. quasar/lang/de.mjs) please change the extension to .js.
fix(QCarousel): declare navigationPosition before using it
fix(QBtnDropdown/QBtn): declared properties (btn related & router-link related)
fix(QTooltip): should not end up with “context-menu” as prop after injecting useAnchor composable
fix(QField/QFile/QInput/QSelect): declare “maxlength” prop only for components using it; popupShow & popupHide should be declared only for QSelect; correctly override virtualScrollItemSize for QSelect; correctly override modelValue for QInput
fix(QDate/QTime): harden the modelValue validation
fix(QCarousel/QStepper/QTabPanels): JSON > model-value should be “required”
fix(QCarousel): JSON > some default values
fix(ui): JSON > model-value definition for QBtnDropdown/QDialog/QDrawer/QExpansionItem/QFab/QMenu/QTooltip/QFab
fix(QCheckbox/QToggle): JSON > model-value default value
fix(QTable/QVirtualScroll): JSON > “virtualScrollSliceSize” default value; QVirtualScroll “items-size” default value
fix(QRadio): JSON > “model-value” & “val” types
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QColor): slider triggers “Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded” in onHueChange (fix 16999) (17001)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(QSelect): new prop: popup-no-route-dismiss (Boolean) 6420
feat(QDialog): new prop: backdrop-filter (String) 16971
perf(QColor): small tweak: refactor some events without useCache()
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): Platform -> use when available + other tweaks 16921
fix(ui): provide correct types for Quasar.lang (fix: 14569) (16936)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix+refactor(QCard): border radius management; add exceptions for QInnerLoading and QResizeObserver (with object) 16909
chore(QNoSsr): small tweaks
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QImg): correctly set “alt” prop on the img tag 16886
fix(QSliderItem): avoid Vue reusing elements and thus wrongly assigning slot refs 16902
fix(ui/lang): German Abbreviation for March potentially wrong 16901
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Vue 3.4 --> fix(Dark): [Vue 3.4] Hydration issue with Dark Quasar plugin on SSR 16818
fix(QAjaxBar): fix infinite fetch loop in watchEffect 16767 (16780)
fix(ui): expose updateScrollTarget method for QInfiniteScroll (16182)
fix(QTab): softError.message is undefined when opening tab with control-key 16791
fix(QField/QInput/…): lazy validation breaks when clearable button is clicked 16723
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QSlider/QRange): when step is 0 -> QSlider key change is incorrect & QRange snaps to integer on dragRange 16700
fix(QRange): dragRange interval when using inner-min/max
fix(a11y): remove aria-readonly from labels for QField, QCodeol, QDate, QEditor 16705 (16708)
fix(QResizeObserver): trigger() method not attached correctly when using a native Observer 16697
fix(QInput/QField/…): when lazy-rules -> should not trigger validation after first focusout and every input change
fix(Notify): allow exponential notation for the “timeout” value
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QSlider/QRange): slider value should start from innerMin instead of min on drag 16614 (16615)
fix(QCircularProgress): 16586 account for stroke-linecap behavior for rounded style (16593)
fix(QDate): the “today” btn should keep time from model when available (and not reset it) 16623
fix(QTime): TS type for the return value of “options” prop 16587
fix(QSelect): “option” slot has incorrect “selected” param value when the option is disabled 16567
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
When using Quasar UI (this package) with our Quasar CLI or our Vite plugin, it will require the latest Sass v1 (which has breaking changes – though your Sass code will work albeit with deprecation banners on the console). It will be easy for you to upgrade to the newer Sass requirements for your code (and most might not even need anything changed). The console logs will tell you what lines to change and to what exactly. There is also a sass-migrator tool available (written by the Sass team).
We have postponed this moment as much as possible and we apologize for introducing this change in a minor version, but a major version for something so small is not really feasible nor desired (and again, it is due to Sass introducing changes in one of their minor versions).
If using Quasar CLI
Minimum quasar/app-vite supported version is v1.7.0\nMinimum quasar/app-webpack supported version is v3.12.0
If using Vite or Vue CLI
Minimum “sass” version is v1.33.0 (although we recommend installing the very latest v1 available)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QField/QInput/…): wrong type ValidateProps.error / QFieldProps.error 16560
fix(ui): types for component props where default value is null 16560
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QInput): when using mask then model is forced to empty string even if cleared (by clearable prop) 16346
fix(QScrollArea): mouse events on contents trigger on first tap in iOS 16210 (16211)
fix(ui/build): remove internal definitions from the API JSONs
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QSlider): wrong ticks when inner-min is equal to inner-max 16323
fix(QTree): Custom body slot is not hidden when using no-transition prop 16318
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): add ref property to QTable virtual-scroll event type (fix: 16246) (16251)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): allow dynamic names in QEditorSlots type (16069)
feat(ui): generate types for vue directives (16068)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): click-outside triggered when tooltip is active in dialog, 15974 (16023)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui): Mark QTable.pagination.sortBy as nullable (15881)
fix(QEditor): Event names for link toolbar cause warning (15826)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(TouchSwipe): should not trigger if user is trying to select text with the mouse 15503
fix(QTree): expandAll() should not duplicate the already expanded nodes 15764
fix(QFile): use indexOf instead of findIndex in removeFile 15727
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(QIcon): 15635 add support of font awesome Pro sharp (15653)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(QEditor): add events for the link toolbar (link-show and link-hide) (15615)
fix(ui): import transformation build script should not touch the new test files 15608
fix(QInput): mask - add forgotten text selection for DEL/BS 15594 (15597)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(QEditor): emit events from dropdowns inside the toolbar (15546)
fix(QTable): ‘#top-left’ slot results in class ‘q-table__control’ instead of ‘q-table-control’ [15509] (15510)
fix(ui): Set QDate’s first day of the week to Sunday for Japanese calendar (fix: 15319) (15505)
fix(QInput): fix sizing problems for autogrow 15498 (15541)
fix(QSelect): bind listeners to control 15267 (15543)
fix(QInput): cursor movement and selection 15453 (15542)
fix(QInput): fix floating label for non-text input types 13868 (15580)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(BottomSheet): add “style” prop to bottom sheet actions (15338)
fix(ui): Remove focus for nodes that have “selectable” set to “false” (fix: 15328) (15444)
fix(QDate): retain time when model changes from outside the component 15442
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(ui/ts): allow data-* attributes in dialog plugin prompt/options (15325)
refactor(ui/ts): remove useless file needed by TS <2 (15371)
fix(ui): Remove warning log during “factory-failed” emit (fix: 15395) (15410)
fix(ui): add missing SVG icons sets for Typescript support
fix(lang): fix SL translation for OK 15386 (15389)
fix(QInput): tweak mask processing to get the last typed char 15320 (15367)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
fix(QDialog): can’t open it on Safari if its not persistent (edge case) 14779
fix(ui): copyToClipboard fallback mechanism in dialog 15076
fix(Loading/QDrawer/QDialog): prevent scroll - do not scroll back if route has changed since it was activated 15211
fix(Loading): initialize the instance with the parent app 15245
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(QMenu): touch-position and context-menu support for offset 14944
fix(ui): fullscreen management when more than 1 dialogs are active 15223
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(ui): Ability to disable Quasar automatically adding “dir” and “lang” HTML attributes to the html tag 15010
fix(QRadio/QCheckbox): checked must be set as .prop to change the native form value and as .attr to change the html attr 15182 (15183)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(QTabs): prepare for SSG while avoiding subsequent re-renders
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(ui): dark mode shadows (and Quasar sass variables)
feat(ui): Improve QInput and QFile nativeEl types (fix 15128) (15129)
fix(QInput): set margin first and then decrease height to keep parent scroll (regressing from fixing firefox undo) 15023 (15047)
fix(QDialog): listen for click on backdrop on ios because the refocus does not make sense and ios in non-desktop mode does not focus the backdrop on tap 13619 (14958)
fix(QInfiniteScroll): hide transitions and animations for invisible items 15094 (15097)
fix(ui/build): ignore .spec.js files when building UI package (has negative effects on the CLI auto-import feature)
fix(QCard): do not mess with padding for non-rectangle buttons inside QCardActions
fix(QLinearProgress): “stripe” prop not taking account of “instant-feedback”
Breaking change fix
We are sorry but we really had to push the following because it’s a bug with various implications. Should you use this language pack, you should convert kz to kk as language name:
fix(ui): Kazakh language pack renamed from kz to kk as per ISO standard (14985)
Designer considerations (important!)
Since we added shadows for Dark mode:
The shadow-*, shadow-up-*, inset-shadow and inset-shadow-down CSS helper classes will now output light-colored shadows when Dark mode is enabled.
Quasar components that handle dark mode will now output light-colored shadows when Dark mode is enabled (unless “flat”). These include: QCard, QColor, QDate, QTime, QMenu, QStepper, QTable, QUploader.
QHeader/QFooter/QDrawer with “elevated” prop will now output light-colored shadows when Dark mode is enabled.
QDialog will no longer attach any default shadow to its main child element/component. This won’t change anything if you’re using a QCard (because it already has a shadow). However, any other element/component (including your own) might require you to attach a shadow-* class to work the same.
QKnob & QChip will output a light-colored shadow when it’s focused and Dark mode is enabled. For QKnob on light-mode (and new dark mode), this shadow has been changed from elevation level 4 to 2.
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT-licensed project made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider the following:
feat(ui): Add mdi-v7 icon set (fix: 14696) (14808)
feat(QPopupProxy): expose inner component (QMenu or QDialog) through new computedProp “currentComponent” so their methods can be exposed 14749
feat(a11y): improve refocus after popup close with ESC; improve components with popups (14784)
fix/feat(ui): Fix and improve Dialog plugin types (fix: 14766) (14781)
fix(ui): Fix QPopupProxy.currentComponent API def
fix(QDate): only refocus blurTarget if focus is already in component 14841, 14878 (14868)
fix(QInput): re-emit keydown and animationend events 11120 (14866)
fix(QImg): prevent SSR hydration error in suspense; restore placeholder image on null addImage or onError 14815, 14858 (14869)
fix(QSelect): avoid keyboard reacting when macOS Command key is pressed
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QBtnDropdown): “flat” prop not working with “split” 14657
fix(QSelect): safari scrolls to top when focusing a 0 dimension element 13693 (14628)
fix(mask): trim input to the length of the mask (if mask is not reverse) to avoid regex lock 14558 (14684)
fix(QScrollArea): process rtl mode; keep scroll position on rtl change 14721 (14729)
fix(QBottomSheet): prevent double emit onOk when pressing ENTER on QItem (14741)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QBtnDropdown): only pass QBtn props to these inner components; don’t let junk attributes get attached
fix(mask): improve unmask char in ending position detection (14563)
fix(QChip): use sepparate attrs for chip and remove button 14561 (14565)
fix(QBreadcrumbsEl): remove un-used ‘ripple’ prop from JSON API (14603)
fix(QFile/QUploader): fix dnd on firefox and safari on macOS 13226 (14564)
fix(QDrawer/QResizeObserver): QResizeObserver needs to be initialized as soon as possible otherwise the QLayout totalWidth watcher is called too late for QDrawer 14573
Designer considerations
For those that have tweaked the design of QPagination: Due to the current fixes and new features for QPagination, its inner HTML markup has some small but important changes. You might want to plan some time to revise your tweaks when upgrading to v2.10.
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
feat(QTree): New Boolean prop: no-transition (perf; recommended when using relatively large data) 14521 (14548)
fix(directives): allow camelCase modifiers to work on UMD (14556)
fix(QTabs): guard against acessing route when Vue Router is not available 1455414549
fix(mask): allow masking characters in last position to avoid regex matcher freeze 14558 (14559)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(ui/utils/extend): small glitch (regression in 2.9.0)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
feat(QCheckbox,QRadio,QToggle): set aria-hidden on the whole __inner content (includes visual style and form component) 13093 (14479)
feat(ui/utils): improve private useTick() and useTimeout() - don’t allow to trigger when component gets destroyed
fix(ui): JSON API for QEditor caret computedProp (14476)
fix(lang): update NL translation for expand/collapse (14499)
fix(QTree): Allow no-selection-unset to accept 0 as a key (14506)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
feat(QTable):use virtualScrollStickySizeStart to adjust scrolling with scrollTo when non-virtual-scroll 14450 (14460)
fix(QUploader/QFile): should avoid duplicates when append is set, instead of the other way around
fix(ui): Add missing QLoadingUpdateOptions type (14421)
fix(ui): Add TS definitions for “is” utils (14456)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(ui): Add missing QUploader.isUploading API entry (fix 13217) (14399)
fix(QInput): do not change overflow on autogrow textarea because it breaks undo and does not compute size as expected 14344, 14263, 13196 (14398)
fix(QFile): files wrongly marked as duplicated when non-append after subsequent file picking 14406
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
Auto-register all components and directives in the non-standard prod entry-point 1439114393
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
Adds back the non-standard dist/ entry-point
fix(QField): prevent focus when clicking on bottom slot 14383 (14387)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QSelect): skip tab navigation for autocomplete input 14378 (14376)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QDialog): Impossible to open QDialog since quasar 2.7.6 under certain scenarios (14126)
fix(QDialog): update() method breaks when dialog was instantiated without componentProps
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
feat(DialogPlugin): improve showing of dialog when async components are used (13900)
feat(QExpansionItem): expose internal expanded status for header slot 13915 (13920)
fix(QCheckbox/QRadio/QToggle): refocus target should be rendered when not disable (13863)
fix(ui): QTableColumn[‘field’] type compatibility (13876)
fix(QField): fix detection of floating label when value is number 13985 (13990)
fix(QFile/QUploader): reset file input after files are processed - avoid change event not triggering on reselecting same set of files 14047 (14055)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QSelect): float label when there is inputValue 13801 (13804)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
refactor(ui): workaround Vue 3.2.32+ bug on accessing proxy props 13732
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QTable): Unnecessary border after last row of nested table (13204)
fix(Ripple): don’t trigger duplicate early ripple on mobiles 13596 (13728)
Quasar Framework is an open-source MIT licensed project that has been made possible due to the generous contributions by sponsors and backers. If you are interested in supporting this project, please consider:
fix(QInput): use more lax detection for composition on firefox [10198]( ([13470](