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341 lines (248 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

341 lines (248 loc) · 10.2 KB


Contribute to the Anthropocene Quiz

Thank you for wanting to help us!

How can I help?

You can contribute to the project in many ways:

  • Contribute to the questions database:

    • Add new questions
    • Propose modifications on existing questions
  • Contribute to the application:

    • Notify us about bugs
    • Propose improvements (through Github Issues)
    • Help the development of the application (through Github Issues and Pull Requests)
    • Help with translation

Add or modify questions

Every question (finalised or in draft) is currently in a shared plateform (, which is regularly synchronised with the database.

You can see an export of the whole databse of the application in folder /data (Note : this is not the database, just an export).

You can propose new questions directly in Contribuer (TODO translate page and update link).

Questions are then validated in the shared plateform.

Suggest improvements to the application

Did you find a bug? Do you find the interface counter-intuitive, or you have an idea to improve the design?

There are 2 options to share your feedback:

  • via Contribuer (TODO translate page and update link).
  • on Github Issues by creating a new issue (here).

Contribute to the development of the application

The technical stack is detailed further down.

You can help with code review, documentation, add tests, improve design, add new features...

If you want to add a new feature:

  • comment an Issue to give your rationale or create a new one if it does not exist, we will then discuss in the Issue thread on how to proceed.
  • Start coding! and create a new PR with a review request

Additional informations

Technical stack


  • Our Backend uses Python Django :
    • API with Django Rest Framework
    • Admin console
  • PostgreSQL database

We use the backend to:

  • validate data coming from the share plateform
  • Create new quizzes
  • have an endpoint for stats


repo : quiz-anthropocene/public-frontend

  • Our Frontend uses Vue.js
  • Bootstrap 4

Currently, the data is directly read from yaml files in folder /data. An API is under construction


  • Our Backend is hosted on Scalingo
  • Our Frontend is hosted on Netlify (free tier)
  • CI/CD with Github Actions
  • Cron jobs with Github Actions

Architecture diagram

View folder quiz-anthropocene/public-frontend/data/architecture

Start the project locally

Install the application

  • You need Python 3.9 & Pipenv already installed.
  • Clone the code locally (you can also Fork the project if you plan to add modifications and do PR)
    git clone
  • Install Backend dependencies
    cd backend
    pipenv sync
  • Duplicate file backend/.env.example and rename into backend/.env
  • Install PostgreSQL
  • Build the database
    // optional: dropdb quiz_anthropocene
    psql -c "CREATE USER quiz_anthropocene_team WITH PASSWORD 'password'"
    psql -c "CREATE DATABASE quiz_anthropocene OWNER quiz_anthropocene_team"
    psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE quiz_anthropocene to quiz_anthropocene_team"
    psql -c "ALTER USER quiz_anthropocene_team CREATEROLE CREATEDB"
    * If you haven't created a USER to login to postgresql, please do before the previous commands. Alternatively, during postgresql installation, you need to choose a superuser (postgres) password and you just need to add '-U postgres' to the previous commands.
  • Start migrations
    pipenv run python migrate
    * Go to the Windows section if you have an issue with a Windows environment
  • Load the database
    pipenv run python init_db_from_yaml --with-sql-reset
  • Install pre-commit git hook
    pre-commit install

* Go to the Windows section if you have an issue with a Windows environment

Start the application

cd backend
pipenv run python runserver

You can reach the backen at url http://localhost:8000

You can reach the API documentation at url http://localhost:8000/api/docs/

Access the admin console

First start by creating an admin user

cd backend
pipenv run python createsuperuser --username --email

Start the backend and go to url http://localhost:8000/django

Start tests


pipenv run python test

Linting ? with pre-commit


First install gettext

The tranlation files can be found under /locale

In the code

Use tags {% translate "Word" %}

Then update .po files

python makemessages --all --no-wrap --no-location

Add a new language

python makemessages -l <LANGUAGE_CODE>

Add the language code in

Translatation improvement or addition in an existing language

Use Poedit to simplify your job.

It will update the .po files in /locale.

Then compile the .po files into .mo

python compilemessages

Other useful commands

Note : for the backend, every command should start with pipenv run

Backend commands

Import the whole database

python init_db_from_yaml --with-sql-reset

Import questions into the database

// doesn't work since files in /data are "flat"
python loaddata ../data/questions.yaml

// works only if questions have been deleted previously in database
python loaddata ../data/questions.yaml --model=question --format=yaml-pretty-flat

Export questions from database to YAML files

// We use a slightly different format to simplify the files
python dumpdata api.question --output=../data/questions.yaml  --format=yaml-pretty-flat

// but it's still possible to do a normal data dump
python dumpdata api.question --output=../data/questions.yaml

Reinitialise statistics of a question

python reset_question_stats <question_id>

Reinitialise the whole database

python reset_db // django-extensions
python migrate
python init_db_from_yaml --with-sql-reset

Import a PGSQL dump

// if it's a .tar.gz, run first
tar -xvzf <dump_name>.tar.gz

pg_restore -d quiz_anthropocene --clean --no-owner --no-privileges <dump_name>.pgsql

// if there are permission issues
for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public';" quiz_anthropocene` ; do  psql -c "alter table \"$tbl\" owner to quiz_anthropocene_team" quiz_anthropocene ; done
for tbl in `psql -qAt -c "select sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = 'public';" quiz_anthropocene` ; do  psql -c "alter sequence \"$tbl\" owner to quiz_anthropocene_team" quiz_anthropocene ; done

Queries M2M

qz1 = Quiz.objects.first()



q = Question.objects.first()


Generate the model graph

pip install pygraphviz
python graph_models -a -X ContentType,LogEntry,AbstractUser,User,AbstractBaseSession,Session,Group,Permission -o graph.png


Install dependencies

pipenv sync

Update dependencies

pipenv update
// Runs $ pipenv lock then $ pipenv sync

Update a specific package

// First edit the Pipfile
pipenv install

Other commands

Update the Metabase instance on Heroku

Resize images (PNG)

  • Install pngquant
  • Run the software on a specific file: pngquant -f --ext .png <filename>
  • Run the software fol all files in a folder: pngquant -f --ext .png **/*.png

Windows specific

You might have encoding issues with Windows during database import for example

pipenv run python -X utf8 init_db_from_yaml --with-sql-reset
  • Install pre-commit
pip install pre-commit

Error UnicodeDecodeError: charmap codec can't decode byte

  • Add -X utf8