- Under the hood, we are leveraging hortonworks-spark connector
- Read/Write API : Doesn't support multi-column ROWKEY
- Read/Write API : Performance is bounded on how HBase table is created
Following are the advantages of using SHC
- This provides support for spark hbase integration on Dataframe and Dataset level
- BulkLoad not supported yet
- Writes are converted to HBase Puts and for each partition Puts are executed code
- shc-github
Following are the limitations if one writes own write implementations via JAVA Client for HBASE
- Only updates on single or very few rows should be performed using this
- If we use this option, we have to sequentially run all the puts in driver which takes a lot of time even for small amount of data (>40,000)
- As Put Object is not Serializable, we have to serialize it first and then call it for each partition but all this is done by hortonworks in their Spark HBase Connector (SHC)
The following hive table points to a hbase table named adp_bdpe:test_emp with column families personal and professional
`id` string,
`name` string,
`address` string,
`age` string ,
`company` string ,
`designation` string ,
`salary` string
Property | Mandatory? | Description | Example | Default |
gimel.hbase.table.name | Y | HBASE Table Name | test | |
gimel.hbase.namespace.name | Y | HBASE Name Space | default | default |
hbase.columns.mapping | Y | Key Space in Cassandra | :key,cols:column2,cols:column3 | while writes, this is taken implicitly from DataFrame |
hbase.rowkey | Y | Mandataory only for write API | id | |
hbase.columns.specified.flag | N | Used for Write API only true - Write only columns specified in hbase.columns.mapping option false - Write all columns in dataframe |
true/false | false |
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import com.paypal.gimel._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._;
import spray.json._;
def stringed(n: Int) = s"""{"id": ${n},"name": "MAC-${n}", "address": "MAC-${n+1}", "age": "${n+1}", "company": "MAC-${n}", "designation": "MAC-${n}", "salary": "${n * 10000}" }"""
val numberOfRows=10000
val texts: Seq[String] = (1 to numberOfRows).map { x => stringed(x) }.toSeq
val rdd: RDD[String] = hiveContext.sparkContext.parallelize(texts)
val dataFrameToWrite: DataFrame = hiveContext.read.json(rdd)
//Write all columns(also present in ddl) in Dataframe to HBase table
val dataSet: DataSet = DataSet(sparkSession)
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.rowkey"->"id")
val dataFrameWritten = dataSet.write("default.hbase_emp",dataFrameToWrite,options)
//Write new columns(not in ddl) along with other columns in dataframe to HBase table
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.rowkey"->"id","gimel.hbase.columns.mapping"->"personal:dob")
val dataFrameWritten = dataSet.write("default.hbase_emp",dataFrameToWrite,options)
//Write specific columns (given in input option hbase.columns.mapping by user) only to HBase table
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.rowkey"->"id","gimel.hbase.columns.mapping"->"personal:dob", "gimel.hbase.columns.specified.flag"-> true)
val dataFrameWritten = dataSet.write("default.hbase_emp",dataFrameToWrite,options)
//Read all columns from HBase table
val dataFrameRead = dataSet.read("default.hbase_emp")
//Read specific columns(given in input option hbase.columns.mapping by user) from HBase table
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.rowkey"->"id","gimel.hbase.columns.mapping"->"personal:name,professional:salary")
val dataFrameRead = dataSet.read("default.hbase_emp", options)
//Get all columns of all column families in a row
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.operation"->"get","gimel.hbase.get.filter"->"rowKey=1")
val dataFrameRead = dataSet.read("default.hbase_emp",options)
//Get all columns in a column family
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.operation"->"get","gimel.hbase.get.filter"->"rowKey=1:toGet=personal")
val dataFrameRead = dataSet.read("default.hbase_emp",options)
//Get particular cells
val options: Map[String,Any] = Map("gimel.hbase.operation"->"get","gimel.hbase.get.filter"->"rowKey=1:toGet=personal-name,address|professional-company")
val dataFrameRead = dataSet.read("default.hbase_emp",options)