Simply Combine all your DataSets & express your entire Logic as a single SQL via SQL API.
In a Single SQL - Join data from various systems (Kafka, ES, HBASE, Hive, Teradata, more to come).
Execute your SQL in Batch Mode or Continuous Streaming Mode.
Controlling SQL output and behaviour
Property for SQL results
Set this to "true" to stop getting all these messages. (Default : false)
Number of rows to display in interactive mode (Default : 1000)
SQL on Scala (spark-shell | spark-submit)
Execute Batch SQL - Spark Shell / Program
sparkSession.conf.set("" ," true" )
sparkSession.sql(" set gimel.kafka.throttle.streaming.window.seconds=20" );
sparkSession.sql(" set gimel.kafka.throttle.streaming.parallelism.factor=20" );
sparkSession.sql(" set" );
sparkSession.sql(" set gimel.kafka.kafka.reader.checkpoint.clear=false" );
sparkSession.sql(" set gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.fetchRowsOnFirstRun=100" );
sparkSession.sql(" set gimel.kafka.throttle.batch.maxRecordsPerPartition=50" );
sparkSession.sql(" set gimel.logging.level=INFO" );
sparkSession.sql(" set" );
val df = gimel.sql.GimelQueryProcessor .executeBatch(" SELECT count(*) FROM pcatalog.flights_kafka" ,sparkSession);
Execute Stream SQL - Spark Shell / Program
gimel.sql.GimelQueryProcessor .executeStream(" INSERT into pcatalog.flights_elastic SELECT count(*) FROM pcatalog.flights_kafka" ,sparkSession);