From 5fd322636a3a6fc4a71d46e64c36778bbcc070ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: github-actions Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 00:09:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update generated palettes listing --- src/PaletteList.elm | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/PaletteList.elm b/src/PaletteList.elm index d58b100..27dca66 100644 --- a/src/PaletteList.elm +++ b/src/PaletteList.elm @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ module PaletteList exposing ( paletteList - , p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, acradeHero, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, corruption16, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkNight, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, godblood8, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natural26, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalGameboy, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, palindrome28, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, posca12, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punolitePlusRemake, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sad, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shroom8, shroomyWoods, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, softserve4, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spoohouse, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, sprinkleCake36, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, t60Vibrant, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool + , p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, acradeHero, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, claudeMonet12, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkNight, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, galeth100, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harristhoth12, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalGameboy, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, paletaoscuradegoya, palindrome28, palletexe, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbg36, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shoshone5, shroom8, shroomyWoods, sicklyRainbow, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spoohouse, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superInk, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool ) {-| The comprehensive list of Lospec palettes @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The list of all palettes follows. There's a lot of them! If you need a specific one, it's probably easier to check the official list -@docs p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, acradeHero, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, corruption16, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkNight, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, godblood8, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natural26, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalGameboy, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, palindrome28, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, posca12, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punolitePlusRemake, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sad, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shroom8, shroomyWoods, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, softserve4, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spoohouse, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, sprinkleCake36, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, t60Vibrant, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool +@docs p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, acradeHero, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, claudeMonet12, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkNight, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, galeth100, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harristhoth12, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalGameboy, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, paletaoscuradegoya, palindrome28, palletexe, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbg36, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shoshone5, shroom8, shroomyWoods, sicklyRainbow, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spoohouse, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superInk, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool -} @@ -2541,6 +2541,14 @@ cl8uds = createPalette "CL8UDS" [ rgb255 252 176 140, rgb255 239 157 127, rgb255 214 147 138, rgb255 180 141 146, rgb255 165 151 161, rgb255 143 160 191, rgb255 154 171 201, rgb255 165 183 212 ] [ "clouds", "sunset", "unsettled" ] (Just "_Nicola") "" +{-| Claude Monet 12 by connoisseur9787 + +-} +claudeMonet12 : Palette.Palette +claudeMonet12 = + createPalette "Claude Monet 12" [ rgb255 156 73 65, rgb255 115 69 52, rgb255 158 112 60, rgb255 196 152 83, rgb255 190 210 179, rgb255 118 131 74, rgb255 83 108 69, rgb255 61 83 79, rgb255 48 113 124, rgb255 70 146 158, rgb255 109 183 205, rgb255 190 156 121 ] [ "septemberstudypalettecontest" ] (Just "connoisseur9787") "" + + {-| Clément 8 by Clément 🌞 -} @@ -2973,14 +2981,6 @@ corruption = createPalette "Corruption" [ rgb255 217 235 238, rgb255 209 203 34, rgb255 172 57 57, rgb255 135 0 108, rgb255 51 0 150, rgb255 27 9 0, rgb255 47 37 186, rgb255 61 137 0 ] [ "bold", "gameboy", "marchmadnesspalettecontest", "saturated" ] (Just "3dcrepper") "" -{-| Corruption-16 by Creepy Cute Games - --} -corruption16 : Palette.Palette -corruption16 = - createPalette "Corruption-16" [ rgb255 225 216 203, rgb255 195 177 151, rgb255 166 138 100, rgb255 97 79 56, rgb255 54 44 32, rgb255 130 153 143, rgb255 82 94 90, rgb255 58 64 64, rgb255 34 35 38, rgb255 10 13 10, rgb255 32 51 31, rgb255 73 88 64, rgb255 136 143 114, rgb255 199 199 165, rgb255 222 141 125, rgb255 131 49 33 ] [ "16", "corruption", "horror", "lovecraft", "muddy", "muted", "mystery", "roguelike", "sad" ] (Just "Creepy Cute Games") "" - - {-| COSMIC by Elvin Martin Cabrera -} @@ -3501,12 +3501,12 @@ deliciousPurpleCandy = createPalette "Delicious purple candy" [ rgb255 7 0 43, rgb255 42 1 123, rgb255 93 15 162, rgb255 143 45 188, rgb255 198 89 217, rgb255 231 130 222, rgb255 255 183 238, rgb255 255 227 244 ] [ "analogous", "cool", "purple" ] (Just "man") "" -{-| DELIRI4 by chupeta +{-| DELIRI4 by smog -} deliri4 : Palette.Palette deliri4 = - createPalette "DELIRI4" [ rgb255 252 255 225, rgb255 255 245 12, rgb255 225 130 86, rgb255 138 45 76 ] [ "4colors", "monoramp", "orange", "yellow" ] (Just "chupeta") "" + createPalette "DELIRI4" [ rgb255 252 255 225, rgb255 255 245 12, rgb255 225 130 86, rgb255 138 45 76 ] [ "4colors", "monoramp", "orange", "yellow" ] (Just "smog") "" {-| Denim by gabs @@ -4853,6 +4853,14 @@ galacticPizza = createPalette "Galactic Pizza" [ rgb255 58 0 65, rgb255 196 119 162, rgb255 242 241 139, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "4color", "pizza" ] (Just "timconceivable") "" +{-| Galeth-100 by jl476gyd + +-} +galeth100 : Palette.Palette +galeth100 = + createPalette "Galeth-100" [ rgb255 181 133 96, rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 255 190 139, rgb255 255 173 139, rgb255 255 157 116, rgb255 255 138 89, rgb255 255 125 70, rgb255 173 82 43, rgb255 213 127 69, rgb255 255 154 86, rgb255 228 128 59, rgb255 181 95 37, rgb255 146 75 26, rgb255 109 55 19, rgb255 82 41 13, rgb255 154 27 27, rgb255 239 46 46, rgb255 213 21 69, rgb255 181 30 89, rgb255 146 22 131, rgb255 98 28 128, rgb255 65 18 85, rgb255 186 131 42, rgb255 255 180 59, rgb255 255 136 36, rgb255 255 122 38, rgb255 255 98 36, rgb255 255 77 44, rgb255 181 53 29, rgb255 199 198 20, rgb255 255 254 27, rgb255 255 221 21, rgb255 255 190 21, rgb255 255 162 21, rgb255 255 119 21, rgb255 178 83 14, rgb255 150 202 44, rgb255 190 255 56, rgb255 40 186 0, rgb255 0 130 44, rgb255 0 88 57, rgb255 0 77 88, rgb255 0 44 50, rgb255 40 179 181, rgb255 59 253 255, rgb255 59 204 255, rgb255 59 148 255, rgb255 59 109 255, rgb255 59 63 255, rgb255 40 43 181, rgb255 40 102 181, rgb255 59 145 255, rgb255 59 99 255, rgb255 59 59 255, rgb255 70 45 255, rgb255 93 33 255, rgb255 71 23 202, rgb255 111 43 197, rgb255 134 54 236, rgb255 100 54 236, rgb255 83 45 199, rgb255 75 26 146, rgb255 62 22 122, rgb255 42 14 82, rgb255 210 51 190, rgb255 255 65 231, rgb255 215 55 149, rgb255 181 35 121, rgb255 165 32 110, rgb255 138 27 84, rgb255 114 21 69, rgb255 181 95 143, rgb255 255 135 203, rgb255 255 113 193, rgb255 255 102 189, rgb255 255 84 181, rgb255 255 58 170, rgb255 255 43 118, rgb255 47 55 72, rgb255 65 77 101, rgb255 51 60 80, rgb255 42 49 64, rgb255 33 39 50, rgb255 24 29 37, rgb255 10 12 16, rgb255 199 202 207, rgb255 246 249 255, rgb255 176 183 197, rgb255 136 143 157, rgb255 86 95 112, rgb255 53 60 74, rgb255 30 34 42, rgb255 186 208 255, rgb255 236 242 255, rgb255 214 228 255, rgb255 176 202 255, rgb255 121 142 183, rgb255 88 108 146, rgb255 57 71 96, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "g100", "galeth100", "gleth100", "gth100" ] (Just "jl476gyd") "" + + {-| GAME BOY (SNOWFLAKE) by Vectorial Transcooler -} @@ -5213,14 +5221,6 @@ goblin = createPalette "GOBLIN" [ rgb255 11 12 24, rgb255 118 127 89, rgb255 222 241 167, rgb255 249 23 103 ] [ "4color", "fluorescent", "flyer", "gameboy", "goblin", "minimal", "neon" ] (Just "RABBITKNG") "" -{-| GODBLOOD8 by Subscribbl - --} -godblood8 : Palette.Palette -godblood8 = - createPalette "GODBLOOD8" [ rgb255 0 5 17, rgb255 5 18 51, rgb255 18 42 94, rgb255 21 82 107, rgb255 34 122 122, rgb255 56 186 139, rgb255 85 255 121, rgb255 197 255 140 ] [ "blue", "godblood", "godblood8", "green", "hueshift", "subscribbl" ] (Just "Subscribbl") "" - - {-| GOG-64 by GMoon -} @@ -5669,6 +5669,14 @@ happyNewYears = createPalette "happy new years!!!" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 91 91 91, rgb255 142 142 142, rgb255 255 255 170, rgb255 234 153 0, rgb255 170 93 0, rgb255 80 73 0, rgb255 55 135 0, rgb255 134 187 0, rgb255 0 163 168, rgb255 76 75 151, rgb255 90 20 89, rgb255 200 10 72, rgb255 255 114 133 ] [ "ilove", "newyears", "saturated", "viktororbanisafemboy" ] (Just "polyphrog") "" +{-| HarrisThoth - 12 by Aurel L. + +-} +harristhoth12 : Palette.Palette +harristhoth12 = + createPalette "HarrisThoth - 12" [ rgb255 182 184 173, rgb255 187 160 107, rgb255 174 87 68, rgb255 94 24 35, rgb255 141 160 141, rgb255 94 126 79, rgb255 10 67 76, rgb255 67 113 126, rgb255 139 115 149, rgb255 107 72 89, rgb255 152 117 38, rgb255 17 21 30 ] [ "desaturated", "septemberstudypalettecontest", "tarot" ] (Just "Aurel L.") "" + + {-| Harvest Goldy by Arisuki -} @@ -8381,14 +8389,6 @@ natfee5 = createPalette "NatFee5" [ rgb255 236 255 188, rgb255 189 180 13, rgb255 102 169 76, rgb255 28 79 20, rgb255 211 17 85 ] [ "drawfee", "fantasy", "green", "jungle", "magenta", "nathanyafee", "serpents" ] (Just "ValiantMouse") "" -{-| Natural 26 by Orbitron - --} -natural26 : Palette.Palette -natural26 = - createPalette "Natural 26" [ rgb255 27 28 31, rgb255 32 35 43, rgb255 46 51 59, rgb255 52 61 79, rgb255 127 170 176, rgb255 255 255 247, rgb255 181 228 230, rgb255 79 117 143, rgb255 41 70 112, rgb255 30 42 77, rgb255 47 85 102, rgb255 61 112 88, rgb255 101 158 101, rgb255 176 214 159, rgb255 226 235 191, rgb255 219 161 123, rgb255 156 92 70, rgb255 133 57 103, rgb255 96 53 97, rgb255 76 35 84, rgb255 48 31 59, rgb255 71 31 56, rgb255 89 46 37, rgb255 138 86 55, rgb255 194 145 93, rgb255 232 205 156 ] [ "lmao" ] (Just "Orbitron") "" - - {-| nature country by evyn -} @@ -8477,12 +8477,12 @@ neonMinusTheNeon = createPalette "Neon minus the neon" [ rgb255 40 39 39, rgb255 111 209 77, rgb255 55 103 255, rgb255 255 104 104 ] [ "4colours", "simple" ] (Just "RingFire Miko") "" -{-| Neon Moon Tarot by Interprete-me +{-| Neon Moon Tarot by Interprete Pixel -} neonMoonTarot : Palette.Palette neonMoonTarot = - createPalette "Neon Moon Tarot" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 95 72 134, rgb255 135 103 189, rgb255 112 185 251, rgb255 254 0 148 ] [ "bubbaloo", "bubblegum", "candy", "chiclets", "cyberpunk", "neon", "neonpink", "pink", "purple", "tarot", "tuttifrutti" ] (Just "Interprete-me") "" + createPalette "Neon Moon Tarot" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 95 72 134, rgb255 135 103 189, rgb255 112 185 251, rgb255 254 0 148 ] [ "bubbaloo", "bubblegum", "candy", "chiclets", "cyberpunk", "neon", "neonpink", "pink", "purple", "tarot", "tuttifrutti" ] (Just "Interprete Pixel") "" {-| Neon Night Sky by SoundsDotZip @@ -8653,12 +8653,12 @@ nightclub = createPalette "nightclub" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 10 38 77, rgb255 19 79 163, rgb255 56 197 248, rgb255 247 254 254 ] [] (Just "Razor") "" -{-| Nightfall in the City by Interprete-me +{-| Nightfall in the City by Interprete Pixel -} nightfallInTheCity : Palette.Palette nightfallInTheCity = - createPalette "Nightfall in the City" [ rgb255 12 43 37, rgb255 24 53 48, rgb255 66 95 89, rgb255 92 122 116, rgb255 87 16 16, rgb255 125 22 22, rgb255 236 80 40, rgb255 250 188 42 ] [ "city", "cold", "hot", "night", "nightfall", "nightsky", "sky", "sunset" ] (Just "Interprete-me") "" + createPalette "Nightfall in the City" [ rgb255 12 43 37, rgb255 24 53 48, rgb255 66 95 89, rgb255 92 122 116, rgb255 87 16 16, rgb255 125 22 22, rgb255 236 80 40, rgb255 250 188 42 ] [ "city", "cold", "hot", "night", "nightfall", "nightsky", "sky", "sunset" ] (Just "Interprete Pixel") "" {-| Nightsky Bricks by Mememellow @@ -9189,6 +9189,14 @@ paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa = createPalette "Paleta estilo gameboy com turquesa" [ rgb255 28 55 51, rgb255 77 138 122, rgb255 139 193 179, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "gameart", "gameboyadvance", "gameboycolor", "pixelart" ] (Just "jere notebook") "" +{-| PaletaOscuraDeGoya by CrappyLizard + +-} +paletaoscuradegoya : Palette.Palette +paletaoscuradegoya = + createPalette "PaletaOscuraDeGoya" [ rgb255 223 224 197, rgb255 8 8 7, rgb255 38 39 34, rgb255 205 194 170, rgb255 184 201 205, rgb255 205 192 156, rgb255 158 148 121, rgb255 112 97 75, rgb255 193 160 102, rgb255 147 129 93, rgb255 224 202 166, rgb255 147 46 31 ] [ "septemberstudypalettecontest" ] (Just "CrappyLizard") "" + + {-| palindrome-28 by bsharp -} @@ -9197,6 +9205,14 @@ palindrome28 = createPalette "palindrome-28" [ rgb255 107 41 12, rgb255 105 75 66, rgb255 158 48 53, rgb255 125 98 89, rgb255 174 100 51, rgb255 231 93 202, rgb255 243 179 101, rgb255 247 247 171, rgb255 239 255 239, rgb255 148 214 243, rgb255 97 207 202, rgb255 195 130 231, rgb255 81 155 204, rgb255 149 77 197, rgb255 167 40 116, rgb255 49 49 49, rgb255 16 0 16, rgb255 8 8 84, rgb255 12 76 154, rgb255 60 125 24, rgb255 24 162 53, rgb255 106 178 58, rgb255 88 215 139, rgb255 206 206 206, rgb255 150 180 189, rgb255 170 170 170, rgb255 130 157 166, rgb255 85 85 85 ] [ "colors", "invert", "vibrant", "yes" ] (Just "bsharp") "" +{-| PALLET.EXE by v3sp\_ + +-} +palletexe : Palette.Palette +palletexe = + createPalette "PALLET.EXE" [ rgb255 14 9 11, rgb255 43 17 13, rgb255 233 11 11, rgb255 37 23 24, rgb255 78 26 19, rgb255 163 24 15 ] [ "bright", "creepy", "edgy", "red" ] (Just "v3sp_") "" + + {-| Pantheons16 by Nukman147 -} @@ -10037,14 +10053,6 @@ portrait = createPalette "portrait" [ rgb255 1 0 1, rgb255 12 14 19, rgb255 17 19 32, rgb255 21 28 38, rgb255 33 42 52, rgb255 59 73 79, rgb255 90 113 121, rgb255 129 145 151, rgb255 166 177 175, rgb255 196 203 202, rgb255 229 231 227, rgb255 29 31 57, rgb255 38 65 103, rgb255 60 118 166, rgb255 82 161 201, rgb255 129 197 216, rgb255 185 221 234, rgb255 28 39 53, rgb255 25 52 37, rgb255 53 101 41, rgb255 101 153 58, rgb255 165 191 92, rgb255 216 216 155, rgb255 67 44 55, rgb255 108 68 72, rgb255 159 102 96, rgb255 213 167 141, rgb255 237 200 171, rgb255 237 213 190, rgb255 52 32 44, rgb255 96 46 54, rgb255 153 76 58, rgb255 202 119 70, rgb255 233 169 101, rgb255 242 198 138, rgb255 31 20 35, rgb255 77 25 45, rgb255 131 40 55, rgb255 179 49 51, rgb255 227 76 71, rgb255 225 124 79, rgb255 39 31 57, rgb255 71 39 81, rgb255 130 55 101, rgb255 196 76 134, rgb255 233 115 147, rgb255 242 168 186 ] [] (Just "Tâm Phạm") "" -{-| Posca-12 by lonelyfloat - --} -posca12 : Palette.Palette -posca12 = - createPalette "Posca-12" [ rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 149 146 152, rgb255 0 0 1, rgb255 254 210 136, rgb255 128 71 31, rgb255 255 237 0, rgb255 159 0 0, rgb255 98 195 20, rgb255 2 64 1, rgb255 75 180 255, rgb255 24 39 230, rgb255 255 119 247 ] [ "retro", "smallpalette" ] (Just "lonelyfloat") "" - - {-| Preanortalium by SteamC68 -} @@ -10165,14 +10173,6 @@ punolit = createPalette "Punolit" [ rgb255 202 235 224, rgb255 114 154 161, rgb255 68 96 119, rgb255 46 56 80, rgb255 30 24 46, rgb255 20 8 26, rgb255 7 1 9, rgb255 9 24 32, rgb255 18 55 53, rgb255 47 107 78, rgb255 75 151 79, rgb255 145 185 91, rgb255 230 226 158, rgb255 220 205 147, rgb255 183 131 107, rgb255 153 81 84, rgb255 107 44 64, rgb255 49 14 37, rgb255 58 33 64, rgb255 110 63 95, rgb255 151 87 108 ] [ "blue", "green", "lighthing", "purple", "red", "yellow" ] (Just "Punoli") "" -{-| Punolite Plus Remake by Punoli - --} -punolitePlusRemake : Palette.Palette -punolitePlusRemake = - createPalette "Punolite Plus Remake" [ rgb255 159 60 145, rgb255 69 32 96, rgb255 41 21 70, rgb255 7 12 29, rgb255 61 20 48, rgb255 99 34 64, rgb255 145 58 82, rgb255 188 89 96, rgb255 226 181 112, rgb255 238 233 138, rgb255 183 217 116, rgb255 93 167 93, rgb255 57 117 92, rgb255 40 84 84, rgb255 31 57 77, rgb255 25 27 63, rgb255 25 45 80, rgb255 40 96 128, rgb255 63 160 164, rgb255 134 224 206, rgb255 227 245 241, rgb255 129 175 181, rgb255 68 99 116, rgb255 50 73 95, rgb255 24 46 65 ] [ "25", "blue", "contrast", "generaluse", "green", "red" ] (Just "Punoli") "" - - {-| Punolite Streetlight by Punoli -} @@ -10717,6 +10717,14 @@ rgb13 = createPalette "rgb13" [ rgb255 68 61 53, rgb255 102 98 88, rgb255 168 166 155, rgb255 215 211 199, rgb255 134 92 74, rgb255 177 122 90, rgb255 205 170 116, rgb255 99 92 142, rgb255 125 132 162, rgb255 152 174 172, rgb255 67 100 64, rgb255 99 141 89, rgb255 159 179 131 ] [ "13", "3", "4", "blue", "cozy", "green", "muted", "red", "rgb", "warm" ] (Just "Dr. Jetson") "" +{-| RGBG 36 by OSS + +-} +rgbg36 : Palette.Palette +rgbg36 = + createPalette "RGBG 36" [ rgb255 25 1 26, rgb255 51 3 45, rgb255 77 12 53, rgb255 112 22 42, rgb255 148 15 6, rgb255 179 73 16, rgb255 245 202 15, rgb255 201 109 16, rgb255 163 59 21, rgb255 130 28 29, rgb255 12 47 61, rgb255 16 92 89, rgb255 24 128 84, rgb255 33 173 66, rgb255 56 230 30, rgb255 54 245 255, rgb255 43 179 224, rgb255 34 119 189, rgb255 27 56 143, rgb255 43 3 92, rgb255 8 9 26, rgb255 73 25 39, rgb255 109 35 73, rgb255 146 35 111, rgb255 198 24 108, rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 175 188 219, rgb255 100 154 193, rgb255 95 101 156, rgb255 73 78 120, rgb255 62 57 83, rgb255 42 39 57, rgb255 27 25 36, rgb255 156 92 87, rgb255 224 159 81, rgb255 224 193 161 ] [ "gaming", "mockup", "rgbg", "tileset", "vibrant" ] (Just "OSS") "" + + {-| RGBI Improved by Jay Walker -} @@ -11109,14 +11117,6 @@ saccharide = createPalette "saccharide" [ rgb255 192 157 195, rgb255 235 174 188, rgb255 255 202 187, rgb255 255 229 186, rgb255 200 220 190, rgb255 160 202 194, rgb255 135 175 187, rgb255 157 204 215, rgb255 195 222 235, rgb255 166 199 231, rgb255 151 171 212, rgb255 139 143 176, rgb255 181 165 211, rgb255 225 182 219, rgb255 255 203 215, rgb255 255 232 220, rgb255 244 210 205, rgb255 226 183 190, rgb255 193 156 175, rgb255 125 115 144, rgb255 173 163 185, rgb255 203 191 207, rgb255 229 217 225, rgb255 255 247 240 ] [ "artist", "desaturated", "faded", "musthbly", "new24palettecontest", "pastel", "soft" ] (Just "musthbly") "" -{-| SAD! by Orbitron - --} -sad : Palette.Palette -sad = - createPalette "SAD!" [ rgb255 26 22 24, rgb255 64 52 47, rgb255 93 69 97, rgb255 115 114 143, rgb255 118 158 166, rgb255 163 204 171, rgb255 230 230 230 ] [ "desaturated", "lonely", "sad" ] (Just "Orbitron") "" - - {-| SAGE57 by strawbrysage -} @@ -11405,12 +11405,12 @@ seoulCity = createPalette "Seoul City" [ rgb255 38 84 124, rgb255 239 71 111, rgb255 247 140 107, rgb255 255 209 102, rgb255 6 214 160, rgb255 255 252 249 ] [ "6colors", "bright", "retro", "vibrant" ] (Just "perxam") "" -{-| Sepia Tone by Interprete-me +{-| Sepia Tone by Interprete Pixel -} sepiaTone : Palette.Palette sepiaTone = - createPalette "Sepia Tone" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 78 21 3, rgb255 154 100 30, rgb255 214 169 86, rgb255 255 253 163 ] [ "ancident", "antique", "brown", "old", "oldphoto", "sepia", "sepiatone" ] (Just "Interprete-me") "" + createPalette "Sepia Tone" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 78 21 3, rgb255 154 100 30, rgb255 214 169 86, rgb255 255 253 163 ] [ "ancident", "antique", "brown", "old", "oldphoto", "sepia", "sepiatone" ] (Just "Interprete Pixel") "" {-| Septembit 2021 by Donkey Kong @@ -11637,6 +11637,14 @@ shogun = createPalette "Shogun" [ rgb255 41 50 49, rgb255 76 106 106, rgb255 183 100 80, rgb255 197 148 131, rgb255 63 97 124, rgb255 86 78 73 ] [ "japan", "samurai", "ukiyoe" ] (Just "Merak Stewart") "" +{-| Shoshone 5 by glottal + +-} +shoshone5 : Palette.Palette +shoshone5 = + createPalette "Shoshone 5" [ rgb255 255 225 143, rgb255 255 159 116, rgb255 222 76 99, rgb255 124 24 60, rgb255 49 17 45 ] [ "artist", "autumn", "fall", "summer", "sunset", "warm" ] (Just "glottal") "" + + {-| Shroom 8 by Professor Ape -} @@ -11653,6 +11661,14 @@ shroomyWoods = createPalette "Shroomy Woods" [ rgb255 46 46 58, rgb255 101 46 73, rgb255 185 58 82, rgb255 238 75 106, rgb255 89 87 88, rgb255 255 177 0, rgb255 247 200 171, rgb255 238 225 217, rgb255 102 204 125, rgb255 130 255 158, rgb255 114 132 168, rgb255 144 168 215, rgb255 74 30 74, rgb255 148 60 148, rgb255 176 123 172, rgb255 234 158 228 ] [] (Just "-Stickie-") "" +{-| Sickly Rainbow by bleucheese + +-} +sicklyRainbow : Palette.Palette +sicklyRainbow = + createPalette "Sickly Rainbow" [ rgb255 250 255 236, rgb255 211 214 240, rgb255 171 174 245, rgb255 132 133 250, rgb255 200 255 0, rgb255 214 204 23, rgb255 227 153 46, rgb255 241 102 69, rgb255 173 214 64, rgb255 146 174 128, rgb255 119 133 191, rgb255 90 90 255, rgb255 133 82 214, rgb255 174 72 174, rgb255 214 61 133, rgb255 255 50 90 ] [ "16", "artist", "bleucheese", "colorful", "psychedelic" ] (Just "bleucheese") "" + + {-| Silent Five by SilentPixel\_ -} @@ -11997,14 +12013,6 @@ softie108 = createPalette "Softie-108" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 35 36 41, rgb255 65 67 78, rgb255 98 101 115, rgb255 133 137 153, rgb255 171 174 190, rgb255 212 214 225, rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 255 193 142, rgb255 247 149 117, rgb255 227 108 98, rgb255 198 71 83, rgb255 162 38 71, rgb255 121 9 63, rgb255 74 0 57, rgb255 83 0 30, rgb255 116 32 42, rgb255 147 62 53, rgb255 178 92 64, rgb255 210 123 76, rgb255 242 155 87, rgb255 247 198 125, rgb255 236 244 174, rgb255 240 214 0, rgb255 214 178 0, rgb255 189 143 0, rgb255 165 109 0, rgb255 141 75 0, rgb255 116 40 0, rgb255 87 0 0, rgb255 0 69 12, rgb255 30 95 22, rgb255 57 121 33, rgb255 85 149 47, rgb255 115 176 66, rgb255 149 204 89, rgb255 190 231 122, rgb255 252 249 188, rgb255 167 235 144, rgb255 127 209 121, rgb255 96 181 106, rgb255 70 153 94, rgb255 48 126 84, rgb255 27 99 75, rgb255 0 73 67, rgb255 35 66 97, rgb255 44 94 111, rgb255 53 121 125, rgb255 65 150 140, rgb255 83 179 154, rgb255 108 208 169, rgb255 147 236 184, rgb255 223 255 200, rgb255 180 254 235, rgb255 121 229 228, rgb255 94 201 210, rgb255 78 173 188, rgb255 67 144 165, rgb255 60 117 142, rgb255 54 90 119, rgb255 48 64 97, rgb255 0 0 77, rgb255 24 33 112, rgb255 49 64 146, rgb255 73 98 177, rgb255 99 134 204, rgb255 126 172 225, rgb255 154 212 236, rgb255 255 219 230, rgb255 225 183 226, rgb255 193 150 213, rgb255 158 120 194, rgb255 123 92 172, rgb255 87 66 146, rgb255 50 42 119, rgb255 0 22 90, rgb255 0 20 107, rgb255 81 35 112, rgb255 126 55 119, rgb255 165 80 129, rgb255 200 109 143, rgb255 228 142 161, rgb255 249 178 187, rgb255 255 231 196, rgb255 255 207 157, rgb255 241 186 143, rgb255 225 165 133, rgb255 210 145 122, rgb255 194 125 112, rgb255 179 105 102, rgb255 163 85 92, rgb255 148 66 82, rgb255 132 45 71, rgb255 116 24 60, rgb255 97 0 48, rgb255 51 43 61, rgb255 62 58 76, rgb255 73 73 91, rgb255 85 89 107, rgb255 97 106 123, rgb255 109 123 139, rgb255 121 140 156, rgb255 134 157 174, rgb255 147 175 191, rgb255 160 193 209, rgb255 174 212 227, rgb255 203 227 242, rgb255 242 240 255 ] [ "artist", "chroma", "fun", "js", "soft" ] (Just "le") "" -{-| SOFTSERVE 4 by Snowy Owl - --} -softserve4 : Palette.Palette -softserve4 = - createPalette "SOFTSERVE 4" [ rgb255 230 66 112, rgb255 100 193 189, rgb255 234 215 98, rgb255 227 230 232 ] [ "light", "pastel", "soft", "vibrant" ] (Just "Snowy Owl") "" - - {-| soggy 20 by green guy -} @@ -12245,14 +12253,6 @@ springMorning = createPalette "Spring Morning" [ rgb255 156 102 255, rgb255 178 115 255, rgb255 217 140 255, rgb255 255 166 254, rgb255 255 191 232, rgb255 255 217 242, rgb255 0 94 102, rgb255 0 115 98, rgb255 0 140 108, rgb255 0 153 102, rgb255 0 166 83, rgb255 0 191 48, rgb255 68 204 41, rgb255 146 217 76, rgb255 210 242 121, rgb255 255 251 179, rgb255 255 253 230, rgb255 77 9 0, rgb255 102 17 0, rgb255 115 29 0, rgb255 120 34 0, rgb255 128 45 0, rgb255 153 61 0, rgb255 166 80 0, rgb255 176 115 18, rgb255 191 153 57, rgb255 217 195 108, rgb255 230 216 161, rgb255 89 145 255, rgb255 92 179 255, rgb255 102 204 255, rgb255 128 232 255, rgb255 184 255 255, rgb255 214 71 0, rgb255 230 122 0, rgb255 166 25 93, rgb255 191 27 106 ] [] (Just "slide") "" -{-| sprinkle cake 36 by UchiMama - --} -sprinkleCake36 : Palette.Palette -sprinkleCake36 = - createPalette "sprinkle cake 36" [ rgb255 235 171 153, rgb255 217 87 99, rgb255 179 76 90, rgb255 243 188 145, rgb255 235 125 67, rgb255 193 106 64, rgb255 250 204 126, rgb255 251 158 39, rgb255 206 132 41, rgb255 245 228 135, rgb255 230 201 18, rgb255 189 166 25, rgb255 211 227 135, rgb255 167 208 58, rgb255 139 171 57, rgb255 189 232 152, rgb255 117 219 96, rgb255 100 180 87, rgb255 153 228 232, rgb255 42 201 222, rgb255 41 166 186, rgb255 174 202 248, rgb255 99 155 255, rgb255 86 129 213, rgb255 194 188 228, rgb255 137 131 236, rgb255 116 111 199, rgb255 210 179 230, rgb255 170 110 219, rgb255 142 94 184, rgb255 237 178 229, rgb255 221 108 217, rgb255 182 92 183, rgb255 245 185 216, rgb255 237 119 180, rgb255 195 101 153, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "candy", "cozy", "cute", "kawaii", "pastel", "rainbow", "sweet" ] (Just "UchiMama") "" - - {-| SquidGame6 by Marisa B -} @@ -12885,6 +12885,14 @@ superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD = createPalette "Super Game Boy Menu 1 Palette D" [ rgb255 255 248 175, rgb255 192 128 79, rgb255 255 0 0, rgb255 80 24 0 ] [ "supergameboy" ] (Just "real_problems") "" +{-| Super Ink by Cactus Celery + +-} +superInk : Palette.Palette +superInk = + createPalette "Super Ink" [ rgb255 243 242 240, rgb255 169 177 182, rgb255 70 70 74, rgb255 8 8 10, rgb255 111 125 178, rgb255 87 125 119, rgb255 140 199 89, rgb255 234 181 67, rgb255 227 199 176, rgb255 244 147 140, rgb255 200 119 92, rgb255 164 70 90 ] [ "ink", "inking", "septemberstudypalettecontest" ] (Just "Cactus Celery") "" + + {-| Super Mario Goompa by Çınar Ada -} @@ -12965,12 +12973,12 @@ swamperRomper = createPalette "Swamper Romper" [ rgb255 110 123 86, rgb255 51 114 103, rgb255 48 78 78, rgb255 64 32 71, rgb255 49 92 47, rgb255 101 89 48, rgb255 117 85 112 ] [ "dark", "hidden", "swamp", "whatthedec" ] (Just "Noah Rowlands") "" -{-| Swampy Summer by Interprete-me +{-| Swampy Summer by Interprete Pixel -} swampySummer : Palette.Palette swampySummer = - createPalette "Swampy Summer" [ rgb255 245 225 110, rgb255 217 143 65, rgb255 140 67 35, rgb255 74 24 22, rgb255 111 242 174, rgb255 23 166 104, rgb255 2 115 46, rgb255 0 71 38 ] [ "brown", "forest", "gold", "green", "halloween", "leaf", "orange", "pumpkin", "summer", "swamp", "swampy" ] (Just "Interprete-me") "" + createPalette "Swampy Summer" [ rgb255 245 225 110, rgb255 217 143 65, rgb255 140 67 35, rgb255 74 24 22, rgb255 111 242 174, rgb255 23 166 104, rgb255 2 115 46, rgb255 0 71 38 ] [ "brown", "forest", "gold", "green", "halloween", "leaf", "orange", "pumpkin", "summer", "swamp", "swampy" ] (Just "Interprete Pixel") "" {-| Sweaft-64 by Zoxv @@ -13053,14 +13061,6 @@ tMascTuesday = createPalette "T-Masc Tuesday" [ rgb255 68 56 160, rgb255 188 54 116, rgb255 120 154 221, rgb255 160 205 218 ] [ "2buarypalettecontest", "blue", "lgbt" ] (Just "Aurel L.") "" -{-| T60 Vibrant by Tendan - --} -t60Vibrant : Palette.Palette -t60Vibrant = - createPalette "T60 Vibrant" [ rgb255 255 183 128, rgb255 223 109 92, rgb255 180 42 67, rgb255 135 22 56, rgb255 71 13 47, rgb255 253 243 201, rgb255 255 231 137, rgb255 255 193 92, rgb255 214 107 77, rgb255 94 32 57, rgb255 201 225 122, rgb255 133 210 90, rgb255 51 171 71, rgb255 21 103 74, rgb255 9 58 60, rgb255 138 203 232, rgb255 108 137 225, rgb255 86 66 202, rgb255 38 28 101, rgb255 22 11 45, rgb255 216 171 208, rgb255 190 126 197, rgb255 108 69 148, rgb255 66 39 112, rgb255 28 18 45, rgb255 249 206 200, rgb255 227 143 158, rgb255 199 98 138, rgb255 154 63 114, rgb255 67 30 57, rgb255 199 158 158, rgb255 142 95 100, rgb255 88 52 69, rgb255 60 34 48, rgb255 28 15 24, rgb255 170 156 204, rgb255 95 85 141, rgb255 69 64 112, rgb255 36 33 62, rgb255 18 18 34, rgb255 163 216 179, rgb255 92 182 138, rgb255 43 128 116, rgb255 28 88 94, rgb255 14 40 54, rgb255 219 191 158, rgb255 202 151 124, rgb255 174 106 82, rgb255 114 54 62, rgb255 71 25 48, rgb255 228 226 234, rgb255 205 201 216, rgb255 164 159 182, rgb255 134 128 154, rgb255 91 85 111, rgb255 69 63 86, rgb255 50 46 66, rgb255 34 31 45, rgb255 19 17 26, rgb255 9 8 13 ] [ "large", "vibrant" ] (Just "Tendan") "" - - {-| Taliwan by Inkpendude -} @@ -13565,12 +13565,12 @@ trashPanda = createPalette "Trash Panda" [ rgb255 246 198 168, rgb255 209 124 124, rgb255 65 58 66, rgb255 31 31 41, rgb255 16 15 19 ] [] (Just "pp nn") "" -{-| Treasure Map & Paper Color by Interprete-me +{-| Treasure Map & Paper Color by Interprete Pixel -} treasureMapPaperColor : Palette.Palette treasureMapPaperColor = - createPalette "Treasure Map & Paper Color" [ rgb255 118 66 32, rgb255 234 148 57, rgb255 255 186 85, rgb255 254 209 108, rgb255 255 254 159, rgb255 128 140 140, rgb255 184 195 195, rgb255 218 225 228, rgb255 211 26 21, rgb255 230 112 136 ] [ "brown", "brownpaper", "letter", "map", "paper", "parchment", "parchmentscroll", "scroll", "sealstamp", "treasuremap", "waxseal" ] (Just "Interprete-me") "" + createPalette "Treasure Map & Paper Color" [ rgb255 118 66 32, rgb255 234 148 57, rgb255 255 186 85, rgb255 254 209 108, rgb255 255 254 159, rgb255 128 140 140, rgb255 184 195 195, rgb255 218 225 228, rgb255 211 26 21, rgb255 230 112 136 ] [ "brown", "brownpaper", "letter", "map", "paper", "parchment", "parchmentscroll", "scroll", "sealstamp", "treasuremap", "waxseal" ] (Just "Interprete Pixel") "" {-| Tree Frog by gabs @@ -15149,12 +15149,12 @@ virtualcat = createPalette "VirtualCat" [ rgb255 106 6 58, rgb255 172 72 89, rgb255 252 148 142, rgb255 255 225 218 ] [ "2bit", "2buarypalettecontest", "gameboy", "red", "virtualboy" ] (Just "Springy") "" -{-| Viva Magenta 5 by Interprete-me +{-| Viva Magenta 5 by Interprete Pixel -} vivaMagenta5 : Palette.Palette vivaMagenta5 = - createPalette "Viva Magenta 5" [ rgb255 69 0 32, rgb255 144 19 49, rgb255 187 38 73, rgb255 213 91 121, rgb255 252 203 215 ] [ "magenta", "pantone", "red", "vivamagenta" ] (Just "Interprete-me") "" + createPalette "Viva Magenta 5" [ rgb255 69 0 32, rgb255 144 19 49, rgb255 187 38 73, rgb255 213 91 121, rgb255 252 203 215 ] [ "magenta", "pantone", "red", "vivamagenta" ] (Just "Interprete Pixel") "" {-| VIVID-EGA-64 by The Dice Doctor @@ -16266,6 +16266,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "city28", city28 ) , ( "cjp-11ddl", cjp11Ddl ) , ( "cl8uds", cl8uds ) + , ( "claude-monet-12", claudeMonet12 ) , ( "clement-8", clement8 ) , ( "cloods", cloods ) , ( "cloudfrenzy", cloudfrenzy ) @@ -16320,7 +16321,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "coral-reef", coralReef ) , ( "cormorant14", cormorant14 ) , ( "corruption", corruption ) - , ( "corruption-16", corruption16 ) , ( "cosmic", cosmic ) , ( "cosmic-castle-by-clonethirteen", cosmicCastleByClonethirteen ) , ( "cosmic-cream-gb", cosmicCreamGb ) @@ -16555,6 +16555,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "g4b-8bit", g4b8Bit ) , ( "galactic-greens", galacticGreens ) , ( "galactic-pizza", galacticPizza ) + , ( "galeth-100", galeth100 ) , ( "game-boy-snowflake", gameBoySnowflake ) , ( "game27", game27 ) , ( "gameboy-yellow", gameboyYellow ) @@ -16600,7 +16601,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "gloss-finish-22", glossFinish22 ) , ( "glozzom24", glozzom24 ) , ( "goblin", goblin ) - , ( "godblood8", godblood8 ) , ( "gog-64", gog64 ) , ( "gold", gold ) , ( "gold-mire", goldMire ) @@ -16657,6 +16657,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "hamond", hamond ) , ( "happy-aku-harisen", happyAkuHarisen ) , ( "happy-new-years", happyNewYears ) + , ( "harristhoth-12", harristhoth12 ) , ( "harvest-goldy", harvestGoldy ) , ( "hatter-8", hatter8 ) , ( "haunted-14", haunted14 ) @@ -16996,7 +16997,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "nanner-muffins", nannerMuffins ) , ( "nanones", nanones ) , ( "natfee5", natfee5 ) - , ( "natural-26", natural26 ) , ( "nature-country", natureCountry ) , ( "natures-grasp", naturesGrasp ) , ( "neapolitan", neapolitan ) @@ -17097,7 +17097,9 @@ paletteList = , ( "paito24", paito24 ) , ( "pale-goth-portrait", paleGothPortrait ) , ( "paleta-estilo-gameboy-com-turquesa", paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa ) + , ( "paletaoscuradegoya", paletaoscuradegoya ) , ( "palindrome-28", palindrome28 ) + , ( "palletexe", palletexe ) , ( "pantheons16", pantheons16 ) , ( "paper-tigers", paperTigers ) , ( "paper10", paper10 ) @@ -17203,7 +17205,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "popcorn-12", popcorn12 ) , ( "popular32", popular32 ) , ( "portrait", portrait ) - , ( "posca-12", posca12 ) , ( "preanortalium", preanortalium ) , ( "pretty-pinky", prettyPinky ) , ( "primary-cold", primaryCold ) @@ -17219,7 +17220,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "pumpkin-spice", pumpkinSpice ) , ( "punkmyc", punkmyc ) , ( "punolit", punolit ) - , ( "punolite-plus-remake", punolitePlusRemake ) , ( "punolite-streetlight", punoliteStreetlight ) , ( "pure-color", pureColor ) , ( "purejoygb", purejoygb ) @@ -17288,6 +17288,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "retrotronic-dx", retrotronicDx ) , ( "rettiepunk", rettiepunk ) , ( "rgb13", rgb13 ) + , ( "rgbg-36", rgbg36 ) , ( "rgbi-improved", rgbiImproved ) , ( "rgbp", rgbp ) , ( "rgr-papercut4", rgrPapercut4 ) @@ -17337,7 +17338,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "s-sunset7", sSunset7 ) , ( "s1-6", s16 ) , ( "saccharide", saccharide ) - , ( "sad", sad ) , ( "sage57", sage57 ) , ( "sahara-pastell", saharaPastell ) , ( "salmon-9", salmon9 ) @@ -17403,8 +17403,10 @@ paletteList = , ( "shockwaver-v1", shockwaverV1 ) , ( "shockwaver-v2", shockwaverV2 ) , ( "shogun", shogun ) + , ( "shoshone-5", shoshone5 ) , ( "shroom-8", shroom8 ) , ( "shroomy-woods", shroomyWoods ) + , ( "sickly-rainbow", sicklyRainbow ) , ( "silent-five", silentFive ) , ( "silly04", silly04 ) , ( "silver-age", silverAge ) @@ -17448,7 +17450,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "soft-yet-rich", softYetRich ) , ( "softel16", softel16 ) , ( "softie-108", softie108 ) - , ( "softserve-4", softserve4 ) , ( "soggy-20", soggy20 ) , ( "soggy-newspapers", soggyNewspapers ) , ( "solarize", solarize ) @@ -17479,7 +17480,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "spring-flowerfield", springFlowerfield ) , ( "spring-flowers", springFlowers ) , ( "spring-morning", springMorning ) - , ( "sprinkle-cake-36", sprinkleCake36 ) , ( "squidgame6", squidgame6 ) , ( "srk-xl", srkXl ) , ( "ss-24", ss24 ) @@ -17559,6 +17559,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "super-game-boy-menu-1-palette-b", superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB ) , ( "super-game-boy-menu-1-palette-c", superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC ) , ( "super-game-boy-menu-1-palette-d", superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD ) + , ( "super-ink", superInk ) , ( "super-mario-goompa", superMarioGoompa ) , ( "super-nes-maker", superNesMaker ) , ( "super-spark", superSpark ) @@ -17580,7 +17581,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "swordp", swordp ) , ( "t-lollipop", tLollipop ) , ( "t-masc-tuesday", tMascTuesday ) - , ( "t60-vibrant", t60Vibrant ) , ( "taliwan", taliwan ) , ( "tandy-color-computer-rgb", tandyColorComputerRgb ) , ( "tangerine-noir", tangerineNoir )