From 7c2cd905330cfa7632850a582a1a4805a6b779d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: github-actions Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 00:07:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update generated palettes listing --- src/PaletteList.elm | 180 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 90 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/PaletteList.elm b/src/PaletteList.elm index e42c8de..537c4ff 100644 --- a/src/PaletteList.elm +++ b/src/PaletteList.elm @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ module PaletteList exposing ( paletteList - , p1Bit, p1BitChill, p1BitDesolation, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1BitPepper, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitMatrix, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitDemiboy, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p3BitCmy, p3BitRgbPerceptuallyLinear, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p32, p3x4Rgb, p3xdesk, p4Bit, p4BitRgb, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4pi, p4seas, p5Sheep, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p6Violets, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8BitRgbm, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidicGb, acradeHero, aerugo, afr32, ag500, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, ajsPico8Palette, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, allioop20, almostLikeARainbow, amigaPixels64, anarkis27, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, andrewKenslers16, androidScreenshotEditor, angelic, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, anotherRetro, ansi32, antiquity16, apple1, appleIiHiRes, apricot, aquaColors, aquaverse, aragon16, arcadian16, arch, archaon15, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asheaPallette, aspiria32, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitFamilyGtia, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, atom8, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnDecay, autumnFire12, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avatarPalette, avocado, awkward8, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, baksu13, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, batpalette, battletaleGb, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, beret12, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, bioChronicle, biome19, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitInterior, bitUnit8, bitbee, bitbitsNeon, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bittersweet, bittersweet16, blackAndBlood, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackwhitered, blankCanvas, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkNx64, bloodCrow, bloodMints, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodmoon21, bloom, bloom16, bloxelsPalette, bluberry6, blueExe, blueGlass, blueMania, blueMemories, blueMonochromeLcd, blueNewspaper, blueNight, blueSnow, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, bluedawn7, bluedream4, bluegold8, blues, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bly14, bly16, bly44, bmo, bobobo, bold30, bolder28, boldsouls16, bonehead7, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bosque, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, bounce16, brGbDesaturated, brashPink, brawlin, brazilFlag, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breathlessCalm, brewerviridis, bricklinkCatalog, bright, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, bronzePalette, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumbleBee, bumblebit, burningNeon, burntsweet, buzzyBees, byrne5, byte12, cafeNouveau, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camo2, camouflage7, campfireGb, candy12, candyCloud2Bit, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cartoonCandy, cascadeGb, casioBasic, categoryColors, catk1ng26, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chasm, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, cherry7, chiba, choco16, chocoDream, chocolate, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, ciboulette6, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudsAtSunset, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, clubhouseGamesChat, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffee, coffeeCafe, coinGold, coldLight, coldMorning32, coldSands, coldShoulder9, coldgb, coldrCt15, coldsnow, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorbit16, colorblind16, colordome24, colordome32, colorful42, colorpop28, colorpop32, colorquest16, colorquestRetroRecolor, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, compliment6, console16, contrast4, cookie, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolSweater, coolbit4, coolpix, cophee4, copicGb, coral4, coralReef, corruption16, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyChristmas, cozyCupOCoffee, cozyValley, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crayon16, crazyMoon, creamy, cretaceous16, crimsonBlood4, crimsonGold, crm37, crypticOcean, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, curiosities, custodian8, cvd3, cyanAbyss, cybear9, cyber37, cyberCharge, cyberPingPong, cyberPunk, cybergum6, cyberpunkNeons, cyberwav16, cyclope6, cygnusx18, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkNight, darkautumn, darkflower20, darkvania, dat25, dawn14, daydream16, daylight16, deadCrabExoskeleton, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, derezzed, desat, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desserted, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dibbles, digitalDisco, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord2021, discord8, discord32, discordant6, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dnotFroget, dollar, dotoppenal16, downwellVivid, dr20, dracula, dralette, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dream6, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamHaze8, dreamPaint, dreamer3, dreamer5, dreamfulSpace, dreamhaze8, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, dstnr48, dubiousGb, dullAquatic, dullGlow8, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, duneGb, dungeon14, duolingo, duskArmy, dustbyte, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, easy8, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eggdealer6, elChavo, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, enon32, entomophobia, environmentalStationAlpha, ephemera, epik80, equalrgb, eris18, escape, escape9, evaladarr, evangelist16, evening32, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evilCurse, ex24, expandeddreamland, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fairydust8, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, farlands48, farmland20, fartgator07, feelinwitchy9, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryFlamingo, fieryPlagueGb, fim38, finale53, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florast8, florentine24, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffy8, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forest16, fourGreen, fourbit, fourseasons, fr0lic, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyCoco, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitJuice, fruitful24, fruitpunch, fruitpunch8, fruitpunch24, fullCircle, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, gameBoySnowflake, gameWatchGb, game27, gameboyYellow, gamingInTheFlowers, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gateway10, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueJpi, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcslinger, gbfriendlyspider, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, genericmonochrome, ggameos, ghostTown, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, goblin, godblood8, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldenSunset, goldiblocks, goodboy, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gora63, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeSodaArcade, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayfruit8, grayscale16, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gumballBoyGb, gunMetalRussia, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gxGame, gyb, h2o, h4llow, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallowenDream, hallucinationQuest, hamaBeadsTub, hamburgerTime, hamletum, hamond, harvestGoldy, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyGlow, hazyNebulae, headache96, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, henge5, heptarainbow, heroBeyondTime, hetzelfde, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hillGb, hollowkeen4, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hopeDiamond, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotgirl9, huc16, huemeister, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hyperchill10, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCream16, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, iceGb, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, icyCold, icywitch, illumin18, illumination, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, infinite6, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, intellivision, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irlboy, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, jigglypuff11, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jonk16, journey6, jrTattoo, juiciful8, juliet, juneFlower, junglePunch5Colors, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, krzywinskiColorblind16, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lateNightBath, laugh8, lava, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColorsPearl, legoColorsSolid, legoColorsTransparent, legoColours2021, lemon16, lemonLime, lemonlimeGb, leonSoul, leopoldsDreams, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, libra8, lightAcademia8, lightFantasyGame, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, loopHero, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecEmoji, lospecGb, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInTheDesert, lostgb, lovePuppy, lovepal16, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, ltro1, lucky13, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunarscape, lushGreen, mGb, macPaint, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magik16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, mariposa4, marlinsDreams, maroonVintage, marshMadness, martianMadness, marumaruGum, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, master28, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mazzical20, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaDriveBlue, megaball, melanie, meldPlus, melody16, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, mesaVapor, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, miamiSunset8, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftConcrete, minecraftDyes, minecraftMapPaletteFor116, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monday4, monkeyBrains, monologos, mononokeAshitaka, mononokeSan, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moor64, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morning32, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, mroning, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddygrass16, mudstone, mulfok62, multa24, multa32, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, mystic16, mysticSs, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, naples2Bit, natura28, natural26, nature10, nature20, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan45, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, neongp, neonscape, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, niceRabbit, nice69, nicolePunk82, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nm5, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgiaColorPalette, nostalgia15, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceanides20, oceansSeven, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oldComputersBeLike, oldGold7, oldZ64, oldsand16, oldsummer, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oni, ooo, optimism, optimizedGrayscale4, orangeApplePie, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orbeesMasterPalette, orbitron32, orchids4, oria20, origamiClouds, originalGameboy, orsage, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overpast, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, oxygen16, pacMan10, padhiRangulu, paintedParchment9, paintnetBaseColors, paintnetPalette, paleGothPortrait, pantheons16, paperPixels, paperTigers, parchmentAndInk, pastari16, pastel, pastel16, pastelAlienGoop, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPop16Color, pastelQt, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, pastryShop, patina, patreon, pb4801, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, penNPaper, pencilSketch, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, personje, phi32, photocorp, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pigment, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkNeonSign6, pinkPuffGb, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelplacePaletteSelection, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixilartDefault, pixlten, pjDiscordCollab, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, playdate, playful, playful28, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, ponder, pong4, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popstarGb, popular32, portrait, posca12, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, proportion32, puffball6, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, punolit, punolitePlus, punolitePlusRemake, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pxlsDefault, quak60, qudViridian, queenBee, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, questedMountain, questedValley, quinn, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, radioactiveIceCream, radioactive13, rainbow24, rainbowErosion, rainbowGod, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redIshDbLyDesertLikePallet, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redSand, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, retro115, retro2600, retroBricks, retroLines, retroPerfect, retroVibes, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, rettiepunk, reunion46, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rggb4BitColorPalette, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rollercoasterTycoon2ColorMap, rommhakk12Color, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, royalMonarchViii, royal8, royalguard, rpgPaletteVerdachtig, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksCubeColors, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, russian12, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ry64, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, sad, sadakiyo5, saharaPastell, salmon9, sand6, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saver47, sawbuzz12, scaledAndIcy, scattered4, sckMidnight27, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seaside5, seasideView2Bit, segaCube, senpai, sepiaTone, sepia6, septembit23, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sfoAirlines, shadow4, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shallowmarsh26, shanty, sharkbyte26, shelf6, sherbertShark, shido10, shido101, shido50X, shido75, shido50, shifty16, shine16, shinycrops26, shiver14, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shroomyWoods, siegraassFavoriteColors, silentFive, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, singularity, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, skyPirateStudiosPalette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slowly, slso20, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothPolishedGold, smoothPolishedSilver, snailVillage, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowflake4, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, sobeachy8, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, softserve4, soggyNewspapers, solarEclipse, solarize, somber, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spacecake20, spacian, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spemge, spicy07, spinstar, spiral16, spirit4X, splashy08, spoohouse, spooky15, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowers, springMorning, sprinkleCake36, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboy, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyLightgrey, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, starPop, starPrismsPalette, star3a28, stardust5, starea28, starfoxPc98, starry13, starthrall, stationDefender, steampunk4, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberry, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall12, sunflowerPainting7, sunnyDay, sunnyDays, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset8, sunset9, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetGb, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, sunshineValley, superCassetteVision, superColorful3, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superPocketBoy, superSpark, super16, superficial35, survivalHorror32, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweet10, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, synthwave9, synthwaveCity, systemMini16, tLollipop, t60Vibrant, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tarot7, team16, teamFortress2Official, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, ternaryRgb, terracarbon, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCrow, theDark, theFourthDream, theInternetRaisedYou, theJungle, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarOfTheOwl, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, ti84PlusCe256, tilaAlit, tilde, tinkercad, tinyfolks, titanstone, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, tofu20K, tomioka, torchflame, totallyTubular31, toxicSlime, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, tripleFin, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, tvc, twilioquest76, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unearthly, univ1, universalis42, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, urbex16, usefle8, useful25, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, velvetCherryGb, venus, verdigris, versitle16, verso56, verso64, vibrancy, vibrant14, vibrantGun24, vibrantRamps, vibrant09, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyBlue, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualSky, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vividmemory8, vocodes62, voidTrain, voltageWarning, vosp, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, washedOver16, washedOver8, watchmen64, watermelon21, wave, weatheredPaint, webMemories, wednesdayPink, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec, whatTheDec21, wheatField, wheatGb, whiteToBlack, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wild21, wildWest, wildflowers, windowOfOpportunity, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteriaMystery, wisteric17, witch, witchsBrew2Bit, wizardsBreath34, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xdPal, yamazaki, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, yeOldePirateModde, year1997, yeet24, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysFlowersAndAsbestos, ysNeutralGreen, ysPopIt, ysPostapocalypticSunset, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zencillo14, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool, zxSpectrum + , p1Bit, p1BitChill, p1BitDesolation, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1BitPepper, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitMatrix, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitDemiboy, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p3BitCmy, p3BitRgbPerceptuallyLinear, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p32, p3x4Rgb, p3xdesk, p4Bit, p4BitRgb, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4pi, p4seas, p5Sheep, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p6Violets, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8BitRgbm, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidicGb, acradeHero, aerugo, afr32, ag500, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, ajsPico8Palette, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, allioop20, almostLikeARainbow, amigaPixels64, anarkis27, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, andrewKenslers16, androidScreenshotEditor, angelic, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, anotherRetro, ansi32, antiquity16, apple1, appleIiHiRes, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arcadian16, arch, archaon15, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asheaPallette, aspiria32, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnDecay, autumnFire12, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avatarPalette, avocado, awkward8, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, baksu13, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, batpalette, battletaleGb, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, beret12, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, bioChronicle, biome19, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitInterior, bitUnit8, bitbee, bitbitsNeon, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bittersweet, bittersweet16, blackAndBlood, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackwhitered, blankCanvas, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkNx64, bloodMints, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodmoon21, bloom, bloom16, bloxelsPalette, bluberry6, blueExe, blueGlass, blueMania, blueMemories, blueMonochromeLcd, blueNewspaper, blueNight, blueSnow, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, bluedawn7, bluedream4, bluegold8, blues, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bly14, bly16, bly44, bmo, bobobo, bold30, bolder28, boldsouls16, bonehead7, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bosque, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, bounce16, brGbDesaturated, brashPink, brawlin, brazilFlag, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breathlessCalm, brewerviridis, bricklinkCatalog, bright, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, bronzePalette, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumbleBee, bumblebit, burningNeon, burntsweet, buzzyBees, byrne5, byte12, cafeNouveau, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camo2, camouflage7, campfireGb, candy12, candyCloud2Bit, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cartoonCandy, cascadeGb, casioBasic, categoryColors, catk1ng26, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chasm, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chiba, choco16, chocoDream, chocolate, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, ciboulette6, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudsAtSunset, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, clubhouseGamesChat, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffee, coffeeCafe, coinGold, coldLight, coldMorning32, coldSands, coldShoulder9, coldgb, coldrCt15, coldsnow, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorbit16, colorblind16, colordome24, colordome32, colorful42, colorpop28, colorpop32, colorquest16, colorquestRetroRecolor, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, compliment6, console16, contrast4, cookie, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolSweater, coolbit4, coolpix, cophee4, copicGb, coral4, coralReef, corruption16, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyChristmas, cozyCupOCoffee, cozyValley, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crayon16, crazyMoon, creamy, cretaceous16, crimsonBlood4, crimsonGold, crm37, crypticOcean, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, curiosities, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cybear9, cyber37, cyberCharge, cyberPingPong, cyberPunk, cybergum6, cyberpunkNeons, cyberwav16, cyclope6, cygnusx18, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkNight, darkautumn, darkflower20, darkvania, dat25, dawn14, daydream16, daylight16, deadCrabExoskeleton, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, derezzed, desat, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desserted, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dibbles, digitalDisco, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord2021, discord8, discord32, discordant6, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dnotFroget, dollar, dotoppenal16, downwellVivid, dr20, dracula, draculaStandard, dralette, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dream6, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamHaze8, dreamPaint, dreamer3, dreamer5, dreamfulSpace, dreamhaze8, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, dstnr48, dubiousGb, dullAquatic, dullGlow8, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, duneGb, dungeon14, duolingo, duskArmy, dustbyte, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, easy8, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eggdealer6, elChavo, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, enon32, entomophobia, environmentalStationAlpha, ephemera, epik80, equalrgb, eris18, escape, escape9, evaladarr, evangelist16, evening32, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evilCurse, ex24, expandeddreamland, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fairydust8, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, farlands48, farmland20, fartgator07, feelinwitchy9, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryFlamingo, fieryPlagueGb, fim38, finale53, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florast8, florentine24, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffy8, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forest16, fourGreen, fourbit, fourseasons, fr0lic, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyCoco, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitJuice, fruitful24, fruitpunch, fruitpunch8, fruitpunch24, fullCircle, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, gameBoySnowflake, gameWatchGb, game27, gameboyYellow, gamingInTheFlowers, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gateway10, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueJpi, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbfriendlyspider, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, genericmonochrome, ggameos, ghostTown, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, goblin, godblood8, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldenSunset, goldiblocks, goodboy, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gora63, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayfruit8, grayscale16, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gumballBoyGb, gunMetalRussia, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gxGame, gyb, h2o, h4llow, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallowenDream, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamburgerTime, hamletum, hamond, harvestGoldy, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyGlow, hazyNebulae, headache96, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, henge5, heptarainbow, heroBeyondTime, hetzelfde, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hillGb, hollowkeen4, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hopeDiamond, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotgirl9, huc16, huemeister, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hyperchill10, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCream16, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, iceGb, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, icyCold, icywitch, illumin18, illumination, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, infinite6, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, intellivision, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irlboy, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, jigglypuff11, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jonk16, journey6, jrTattoo, juiciful8, juliet, juneFlower, junglePunch5Colors, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, krzywinskiColorblind16, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lateNightBath, laugh8, lava, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColorsPearl, legoColorsSolid, legoColorsTransparent, legoColours2021, lemon16, lemonLime, lemonlimeGb, leonSoul, leopoldsDreams, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, libra8, lightAcademia8, lightFantasyGame, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, loopHero, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecEmoji, lospecGb, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInTheDesert, lostgb, lovePuppy, lovepal16, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, ltro1, lucky13, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunarscape, lushGreen, mGb, macPaint, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magik16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, mariposa4, marlinsDreams, maroonVintage, marshMadness, martianMadness, marumaruGum, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, master28, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mazzical20, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaDriveBlue, megaball, melanie, meldPlus, melody16, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, mesaVapor, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, miamiSunset8, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftDyes, minecraftMapPaletteFor116, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monday4, monkeyBrains, monologos, mononokeAshitaka, mononokeSan, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moor64, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morning32, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, mroning, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddygrass16, mudstone, mulfok62, multa24, multa32, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, mystic16, mysticSs, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, naples2Bit, natura28, natural26, nature10, nature20, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan45, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, neongp, neonscape, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, niceRabbit, nice69, nicolePunk82, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nm5, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgiaColorPalette, nostalgia15, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceanides20, oceansSeven, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oldComputersBeLike, oldGold7, oldZ64, oldsand16, oldsummer, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oni, ooo, optimism, optimizedGrayscale4, orangeApplePie, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orbeesMasterPalette, orbitron32, orchids4, oria20, origamiClouds, originalGameboy, orsage, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overpast, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, oxygen16, pacMan10, padhiRangulu, paintedParchment9, paintnetBaseColors, paintnetPalette, paleGothPortrait, pantheons16, paperPixels, paperTigers, parchmentAndInk, pastari16, pastel, pastel16, pastelAlienGoop, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPop16Color, pastelQt, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, pastryShop, patina, patreon, pb4801, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, penNPaper, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, personje, phi32, photocorp, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pigment, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkNeonSign6, pinkPuffGb, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelplacePaletteSelection, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixilartDefault, pixlten, pjDiscordCollab, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, playdate, playful, playful28, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, ponder, pong4, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popstarGb, popular32, portrait, posca12, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, proportion32, puffball6, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, punolit, punolitePlus, punolitePlusRemake, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pxlsDefault, quak60, qudViridian, queenBee, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, questedMountain, questedValley, quinn, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, radioactiveIceCream, radioactive13, rainbow24, rainbowErosion, rainbowGod, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redIshDbLyDesertLikePallet, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redSand, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, retro115, retro2600, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retroPerfect, retroVibes, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, rettiepunk, reunion46, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rggb4BitColorPalette, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rollercoasterTycoon2ColorMap, rommhakk12Color, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, royalMonarchViii, royal8, royalguard, rpgPaletteVerdachtig, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksCubeColors, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, russian12, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ry64, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, sad, sadakiyo5, saharaPastell, salmon9, sand6, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saver47, sawbuzz12, scaledAndIcy, scattered4, sckMidnight27, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seaside5, seasideView2Bit, segaCube, senpai, sepiaTone, sepia6, septembit23, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sfoAirlines, shadow4, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shallowmarsh26, shanty, sharkbyte26, shelf6, sherbertShark, shido10, shido101, shido50X, shido75, shido50, shifty16, shine16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shroomyWoods, siegraassFavoriteColors, silentFive, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, singularity, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, skyPirateStudiosPalette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slowly, slso20, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothPolishedGold, smoothPolishedSilver, smoothy, snailVillage, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowflake4, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, sobeachy8, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, softserve4, soggyNewspapers, solarEclipse, solarize, somber, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spacecake20, spacian, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spemge, spicy07, spinstar, spiral16, spirit4X, splashy08, spoohouse, spooky15, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowers, springMorning, sprinkleCake36, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboy, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyLightgrey, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, starPop, starPrismsPalette, star3a28, stardust5, starea28, starfoxPc98, starry13, starthrall, stationDefender, steampunk4, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberry, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall12, sunflowerPainting7, sunnyDay, sunnyDays, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset8, sunset9, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetGb, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, sunshineValley, superCassetteVision, superColorful3, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superPocketBoy, superSpark, super16, superficial35, survivalHorror32, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweet10, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, synthwave9, synthwaveCity, systemMini16, tLollipop, t60Vibrant, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tarot7, team16, teamFortress2Official, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, ternaryRgb, terracarbon, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCrow, theDark, theFourthDream, theInternetRaisedYou, theJungle, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarOfTheOwl, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, ti84PlusCe256, tilaAlit, tilde, tinkercad, tinyfolks, titanstone, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, tofu20K, tomioka, torchflame, totallyTubular31, toxicSlime, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, tripleFin, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, tvc, twilioquest76, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unearthly, univ1, universalis42, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, urbex16, usefle8, useful25, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, velvetCherryGb, venus, verdigris, versitle16, verso56, verso64, vibrancy, vibrant14, vibrantGun24, vibrantRamps, vibrant09, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyBlue, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualSky, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vividmemory8, vocodes62, voidTrain, voltageWarning, vosp, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, washedOver16, washedOver8, watchmen64, watermelon21, wave, weatheredPaint, webMemories, wednesdayPink, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec, whatTheDec21, wheatField, wheatGb, whiteToBlack, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wild21, wildWest, wildflowers, windowOfOpportunity, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteriaMystery, wisteric17, witch, witchsBrew2Bit, wizardsBreath34, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xdPal, yamazaki, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, yeOldePirateModde, year1997, yeet24, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysFlowersAndAsbestos, ysNeutralGreen, ysPopIt, ysPostapocalypticSunset, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zencillo14, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool, zxSpectrum ) {-| The comprehensive list of Lospec palettes @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The list of all palettes follows. There's a lot of them! If you need a specific one, it's probably easier to check the official list -@docs p1Bit, p1BitChill, p1BitDesolation, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1BitPepper, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitMatrix, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitDemiboy, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p3BitCmy, p3BitRgbPerceptuallyLinear, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p32, p3x4Rgb, p3xdesk, p4Bit, p4BitRgb, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4pi, p4seas, p5Sheep, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p6Violets, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8BitRgbm, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidicGb, acradeHero, aerugo, afr32, ag500, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, ajsPico8Palette, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, allioop20, almostLikeARainbow, amigaPixels64, anarkis27, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, andrewKenslers16, androidScreenshotEditor, angelic, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, anotherRetro, ansi32, antiquity16, apple1, appleIiHiRes, apricot, aquaColors, aquaverse, aragon16, arcadian16, arch, archaon15, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asheaPallette, aspiria32, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitFamilyGtia, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, atom8, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnDecay, autumnFire12, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avatarPalette, avocado, awkward8, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, baksu13, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, batpalette, battletaleGb, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, beret12, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, bioChronicle, biome19, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitInterior, bitUnit8, bitbee, bitbitsNeon, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bittersweet, bittersweet16, blackAndBlood, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackwhitered, blankCanvas, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkNx64, bloodCrow, bloodMints, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodmoon21, bloom, bloom16, bloxelsPalette, bluberry6, blueExe, blueGlass, blueMania, blueMemories, blueMonochromeLcd, blueNewspaper, blueNight, blueSnow, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, bluedawn7, bluedream4, bluegold8, blues, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bly14, bly16, bly44, bmo, bobobo, bold30, bolder28, boldsouls16, bonehead7, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bosque, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, bounce16, brGbDesaturated, brashPink, brawlin, brazilFlag, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breathlessCalm, brewerviridis, bricklinkCatalog, bright, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, bronzePalette, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumbleBee, bumblebit, burningNeon, burntsweet, buzzyBees, byrne5, byte12, cafeNouveau, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camo2, camouflage7, campfireGb, candy12, candyCloud2Bit, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cartoonCandy, cascadeGb, casioBasic, categoryColors, catk1ng26, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chasm, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, cherry7, chiba, choco16, chocoDream, chocolate, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, ciboulette6, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudsAtSunset, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, clubhouseGamesChat, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffee, coffeeCafe, coinGold, coldLight, coldMorning32, coldSands, coldShoulder9, coldgb, coldrCt15, coldsnow, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorbit16, colorblind16, colordome24, colordome32, colorful42, colorpop28, colorpop32, colorquest16, colorquestRetroRecolor, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, compliment6, console16, contrast4, cookie, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolSweater, coolbit4, coolpix, cophee4, copicGb, coral4, coralReef, corruption16, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyChristmas, cozyCupOCoffee, cozyValley, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crayon16, crazyMoon, creamy, cretaceous16, crimsonBlood4, crimsonGold, crm37, crypticOcean, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, curiosities, custodian8, cvd3, cyanAbyss, cybear9, cyber37, cyberCharge, cyberPingPong, cyberPunk, cybergum6, cyberpunkNeons, cyberwav16, cyclope6, cygnusx18, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkNight, darkautumn, darkflower20, darkvania, dat25, dawn14, daydream16, daylight16, deadCrabExoskeleton, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, derezzed, desat, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desserted, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dibbles, digitalDisco, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord2021, discord8, discord32, discordant6, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dnotFroget, dollar, dotoppenal16, downwellVivid, dr20, dracula, dralette, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dream6, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamHaze8, dreamPaint, dreamer3, dreamer5, dreamfulSpace, dreamhaze8, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, dstnr48, dubiousGb, dullAquatic, dullGlow8, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, duneGb, dungeon14, duolingo, duskArmy, dustbyte, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, easy8, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eggdealer6, elChavo, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, enon32, entomophobia, environmentalStationAlpha, ephemera, epik80, equalrgb, eris18, escape, escape9, evaladarr, evangelist16, evening32, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evilCurse, ex24, expandeddreamland, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fairydust8, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, farlands48, farmland20, fartgator07, feelinwitchy9, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryFlamingo, fieryPlagueGb, fim38, finale53, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florast8, florentine24, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffy8, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forest16, fourGreen, fourbit, fourseasons, fr0lic, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyCoco, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitJuice, fruitful24, fruitpunch, fruitpunch8, fruitpunch24, fullCircle, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, gameBoySnowflake, gameWatchGb, game27, gameboyYellow, gamingInTheFlowers, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gateway10, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueJpi, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcslinger, gbfriendlyspider, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, genericmonochrome, ggameos, ghostTown, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, goblin, godblood8, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldenSunset, goldiblocks, goodboy, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gora63, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeSodaArcade, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayfruit8, grayscale16, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gumballBoyGb, gunMetalRussia, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gxGame, gyb, h2o, h4llow, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallowenDream, hallucinationQuest, hamaBeadsTub, hamburgerTime, hamletum, hamond, harvestGoldy, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyGlow, hazyNebulae, headache96, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, henge5, heptarainbow, heroBeyondTime, hetzelfde, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hillGb, hollowkeen4, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hopeDiamond, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotgirl9, huc16, huemeister, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hyperchill10, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCream16, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, iceGb, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, icyCold, icywitch, illumin18, illumination, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, infinite6, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, intellivision, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irlboy, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, jigglypuff11, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jonk16, journey6, jrTattoo, juiciful8, juliet, juneFlower, junglePunch5Colors, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, krzywinskiColorblind16, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lateNightBath, laugh8, lava, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColorsPearl, legoColorsSolid, legoColorsTransparent, legoColours2021, lemon16, lemonLime, lemonlimeGb, leonSoul, leopoldsDreams, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, libra8, lightAcademia8, lightFantasyGame, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, loopHero, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecEmoji, lospecGb, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInTheDesert, lostgb, lovePuppy, lovepal16, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, ltro1, lucky13, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunarscape, lushGreen, mGb, macPaint, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magik16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, mariposa4, marlinsDreams, maroonVintage, marshMadness, martianMadness, marumaruGum, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, master28, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mazzical20, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaDriveBlue, megaball, melanie, meldPlus, melody16, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, mesaVapor, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, miamiSunset8, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftConcrete, minecraftDyes, minecraftMapPaletteFor116, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monday4, monkeyBrains, monologos, mononokeAshitaka, mononokeSan, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moor64, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morning32, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, mroning, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddygrass16, mudstone, mulfok62, multa24, multa32, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, mystic16, mysticSs, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, naples2Bit, natura28, natural26, nature10, nature20, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan45, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, neongp, neonscape, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, niceRabbit, nice69, nicolePunk82, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nm5, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgiaColorPalette, nostalgia15, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceanides20, oceansSeven, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oldComputersBeLike, oldGold7, oldZ64, oldsand16, oldsummer, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oni, ooo, optimism, optimizedGrayscale4, orangeApplePie, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orbeesMasterPalette, orbitron32, orchids4, oria20, origamiClouds, originalGameboy, orsage, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overpast, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, oxygen16, pacMan10, padhiRangulu, paintedParchment9, paintnetBaseColors, paintnetPalette, paleGothPortrait, pantheons16, paperPixels, paperTigers, parchmentAndInk, pastari16, pastel, pastel16, pastelAlienGoop, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPop16Color, pastelQt, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, pastryShop, patina, patreon, pb4801, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, penNPaper, pencilSketch, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, personje, phi32, photocorp, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pigment, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkNeonSign6, pinkPuffGb, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelplacePaletteSelection, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixilartDefault, pixlten, pjDiscordCollab, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, playdate, playful, playful28, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, ponder, pong4, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popstarGb, popular32, portrait, posca12, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, proportion32, puffball6, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, punolit, punolitePlus, punolitePlusRemake, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pxlsDefault, quak60, qudViridian, queenBee, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, questedMountain, questedValley, quinn, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, radioactiveIceCream, radioactive13, rainbow24, rainbowErosion, rainbowGod, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redIshDbLyDesertLikePallet, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redSand, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, retro115, retro2600, retroBricks, retroLines, retroPerfect, retroVibes, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, rettiepunk, reunion46, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rggb4BitColorPalette, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rollercoasterTycoon2ColorMap, rommhakk12Color, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, royalMonarchViii, royal8, royalguard, rpgPaletteVerdachtig, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksCubeColors, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, russian12, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ry64, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, sad, sadakiyo5, saharaPastell, salmon9, sand6, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saver47, sawbuzz12, scaledAndIcy, scattered4, sckMidnight27, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seaside5, seasideView2Bit, segaCube, senpai, sepiaTone, sepia6, septembit23, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sfoAirlines, shadow4, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shallowmarsh26, shanty, sharkbyte26, shelf6, sherbertShark, shido10, shido101, shido50X, shido75, shido50, shifty16, shine16, shinycrops26, shiver14, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shroomyWoods, siegraassFavoriteColors, silentFive, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, singularity, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, skyPirateStudiosPalette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slowly, slso20, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothPolishedGold, smoothPolishedSilver, snailVillage, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowflake4, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, sobeachy8, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, softserve4, soggyNewspapers, solarEclipse, solarize, somber, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spacecake20, spacian, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spemge, spicy07, spinstar, spiral16, spirit4X, splashy08, spoohouse, spooky15, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowers, springMorning, sprinkleCake36, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboy, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyLightgrey, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, starPop, starPrismsPalette, star3a28, stardust5, starea28, starfoxPc98, starry13, starthrall, stationDefender, steampunk4, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberry, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall12, sunflowerPainting7, sunnyDay, sunnyDays, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset8, sunset9, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetGb, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, sunshineValley, superCassetteVision, superColorful3, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superPocketBoy, superSpark, super16, superficial35, survivalHorror32, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweet10, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, synthwave9, synthwaveCity, systemMini16, tLollipop, t60Vibrant, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tarot7, team16, teamFortress2Official, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, ternaryRgb, terracarbon, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCrow, theDark, theFourthDream, theInternetRaisedYou, theJungle, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarOfTheOwl, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, ti84PlusCe256, tilaAlit, tilde, tinkercad, tinyfolks, titanstone, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, tofu20K, tomioka, torchflame, totallyTubular31, toxicSlime, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, tripleFin, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, tvc, twilioquest76, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unearthly, univ1, universalis42, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, urbex16, usefle8, useful25, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, velvetCherryGb, venus, verdigris, versitle16, verso56, verso64, vibrancy, vibrant14, vibrantGun24, vibrantRamps, vibrant09, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyBlue, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualSky, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vividmemory8, vocodes62, voidTrain, voltageWarning, vosp, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, washedOver16, washedOver8, watchmen64, watermelon21, wave, weatheredPaint, webMemories, wednesdayPink, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec, whatTheDec21, wheatField, wheatGb, whiteToBlack, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wild21, wildWest, wildflowers, windowOfOpportunity, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteriaMystery, wisteric17, witch, witchsBrew2Bit, wizardsBreath34, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xdPal, yamazaki, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, yeOldePirateModde, year1997, yeet24, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysFlowersAndAsbestos, ysNeutralGreen, ysPopIt, ysPostapocalypticSunset, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zencillo14, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool, zxSpectrum +@docs p1Bit, p1BitChill, p1BitDesolation, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1BitPepper, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitMatrix, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitDemiboy, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p3BitCmy, p3BitRgbPerceptuallyLinear, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p32, p3x4Rgb, p3xdesk, p4Bit, p4BitRgb, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4pi, p4seas, p5Sheep, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p6Violets, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8BitRgbm, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, p90schina, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidicGb, acradeHero, aerugo, afr32, ag500, agb, airship14, aj8, ajmsx, ajsPico8Palette, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, allioop20, almostLikeARainbow, amigaPixels64, anarkis27, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, andrewKenslers16, androidScreenshotEditor, angelic, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, anotherRetro, ansi32, antiquity16, apple1, appleIiHiRes, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arcadian16, arch, archaon15, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asheaPallette, aspiria32, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnDecay, autumnFire12, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avatarPalette, avocado, awkward8, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, baksu13, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, batpalette, battletaleGb, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, beret12, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, bigCat, bioChronicle, biome19, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitInterior, bitUnit8, bitbee, bitbitsNeon, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bittersweet, bittersweet16, blackAndBlood, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackwhitered, blankCanvas, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkNx64, bloodMints, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodmoon21, bloom, bloom16, bloxelsPalette, bluberry6, blueExe, blueGlass, blueMania, blueMemories, blueMonochromeLcd, blueNewspaper, blueNight, blueSnow, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, bluedawn7, bluedream4, bluegold8, blues, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bly14, bly16, bly44, bmo, bobobo, bold30, bolder28, boldsouls16, bonehead7, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bosque, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, bounce16, brGbDesaturated, brashPink, brawlin, brazilFlag, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breathlessCalm, brewerviridis, bricklinkCatalog, bright, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, bronzePalette, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumbleBee, bumblebit, burningNeon, burntsweet, buzzyBees, byrne5, byte12, cafeNouveau, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camo2, camouflage7, campfireGb, candy12, candyCloud2Bit, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cartoonCandy, cascadeGb, casioBasic, categoryColors, catk1ng26, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chariot, chasingLight, chasm, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chiba, choco16, chocoDream, chocolate, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, ciboulette6, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudsAtSunset, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, clubhouseGamesChat, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffee, coffeeCafe, coinGold, coldLight, coldMorning32, coldSands, coldShoulder9, coldgb, coldrCt15, coldsnow, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorbit16, colorblind16, colordome24, colordome32, colorful42, colorpop28, colorpop32, colorquest16, colorquestRetroRecolor, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, compliment6, console16, contrast4, cookie, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolSweater, coolbit4, coolpix, cophee4, copicGb, coral4, coralReef, corruption16, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyChristmas, cozyCupOCoffee, cozyValley, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crayon16, crazyMoon, creamy, cretaceous16, crimsonBlood4, crimsonGold, crm37, crypticOcean, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, curiosities, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cybear9, cyber37, cyberCharge, cyberPingPong, cyberPunk, cybergum6, cyberpunkNeons, cyberwav16, cyclope6, cygnusx18, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkNight, darkautumn, darkflower20, darkvania, dat25, dawn14, daydream16, daylight16, deadCrabExoskeleton, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, denim, depthBlueAerugo, depths, derezzed, desat, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desserted, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dibbles, digitalDisco, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord2021, discord8, discord32, discordant6, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dnotFroget, dollar, dotoppenal16, downwellVivid, dr20, dracula, draculaStandard, dralette, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dream6, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamHaze8, dreamPaint, dreamer3, dreamer5, dreamfulSpace, dreamhaze8, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, dstnr48, dubiousGb, dullAquatic, dullGlow8, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, duneGb, dungeon14, duolingo, duskArmy, dustbyte, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, easy8, echo8, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eggdealer6, elChavo, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, enon32, entomophobia, environmentalStationAlpha, ephemera, epik80, equalrgb, eris18, escape, escape9, evaladarr, evangelist16, evening32, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evilCurse, ex24, expandeddreamland, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fairydust8, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, farlands48, farmland20, fartgator07, feelinwitchy9, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryFlamingo, fieryPlagueGb, fim38, finale53, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florast8, florentine24, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffy8, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forest16, fourGreen, fourbit, fourseasons, fr0lic, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frost, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyCoco, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitJuice, fruitful24, fruitpunch, fruitpunch8, fruitpunch24, fullCircle, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, gameBoySnowflake, gameWatchGb, game27, gameboyYellow, gamingInTheFlowers, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gateway10, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueJpi, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbfriendlyspider, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, genericmonochrome, ggameos, ghostTown, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, goblin, godblood8, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldenSunset, goldiblocks, goodboy, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gora63, gorge36, gotham30, gothicBit, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayfruit8, grayscale16, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greenyBoy4, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, gumballBoyGb, gunMetalRussia, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gxGame, gyb, h2o, h4llow, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallowenDream, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamburgerTime, hamletum, hamond, harvestGoldy, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyGlow, hazyNebulae, headache96, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, henge5, heptarainbow, heroBeyondTime, hetzelfde, hexpress4, heythere, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hillGb, hollowkeen4, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hopeDiamond, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotgirl9, huc16, huemeister, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hyperchill10, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCream16, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, iceGb, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, icyCold, icywitch, illumin18, illumination, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, infinite6, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, intellivision, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irlboy, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, jigglypuff11, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jonk16, journey6, jrTattoo, juiciful8, juliet, juneFlower, junglePunch5Colors, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, krzywinskiColorblind16, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lateNightBath, laugh8, lava, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColorsPearl, legoColorsSolid, legoColorsTransparent, legoColours2021, lemon16, lemonLime, lemonlimeGb, leonSoul, leopoldsDreams, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, libra8, lightAcademia8, lightFantasyGame, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, linkAwakeningLinksColour, lit71, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, loopHero, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecEmoji, lospecGb, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInTheDesert, lostgb, lovePuppy, lovepal16, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, ltro1, lucky13, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunarscape, lushGreen, mGb, macPaint, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magik16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, mariposa4, marlinsDreams, maroonVintage, marshMadness, martianMadness, marumaruGum, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, master28, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mazzical20, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaDriveBlue, megaball, melanie, meldPlus, melody16, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, mesaVapor, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, miamiSunset8, microsoftMakecodeArcade, microsoftVga, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftDyes, minecraftMapPaletteFor116, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monday4, monkeyBrains, monologos, mononokeAshitaka, mononokeSan, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moor64, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morning32, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, mroning, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddygrass16, mudstone, mulfok62, multa24, multa32, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, mystic16, mysticSs, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, naples2Bit, natura28, natural26, nature10, nature20, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan45, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, neongp, neonscape, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, niceRabbit, nice69, nicolePunk82, nieu15, nightLight, nightLight2Bit, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nm5, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgiaColorPalette, nostalgia15, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceanides20, oceansSeven, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oldComputersBeLike, oldGold7, oldZ64, oldsand16, oldsummer, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oni, ooo, optimism, optimizedGrayscale4, orangeApplePie, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orbeesMasterPalette, orbitron32, orchids4, oria20, origamiClouds, originalGameboy, orsage, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overpast, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, oxygen16, pacMan10, padhiRangulu, paintedParchment9, paintnetBaseColors, paintnetPalette, paleGothPortrait, pantheons16, paperPixels, paperTigers, parchmentAndInk, pastari16, pastel, pastel16, pastelAlienGoop, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPop16Color, pastelQt, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, pastryShop, patina, patreon, pb4801, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, penNPaper, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, personje, phi32, photocorp, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pigment, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkNeonSign6, pinkPuffGb, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelplacePaletteSelection, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixilartDefault, pixlten, pjDiscordCollab, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, playdate, playful, playful28, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, ponder, pong4, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popstarGb, popular32, portrait, posca12, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, proportion32, puffball6, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, punolit, punolitePlus, punolitePlusRemake, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pxlsDefault, quak60, qudViridian, queenBee, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, questedMountain, questedValley, quinn, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, radioactiveIceCream, radioactive13, rainbow24, rainbowErosion, rainbowGod, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redIshDbLyDesertLikePallet, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redSand, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, retro115, retro2600, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retroPerfect, retroVibes, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, rettiepunk, reunion46, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rggb4BitColorPalette, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rollercoasterTycoon2ColorMap, rommhakk12Color, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, royalMonarchViii, royal8, royalguard, rpgPaletteVerdachtig, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksCubeColors, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, russian12, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruzikb64, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzziCpc, ruzzi30, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ry64, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, sad, sadakiyo5, saharaPastell, salmon9, sand6, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saver47, sawbuzz12, scaledAndIcy, scattered4, sckMidnight27, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seaside5, seasideView2Bit, segaCube, senpai, sepiaTone, sepia6, septembit23, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sfoAirlines, shadow4, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shallowmarsh26, shanty, sharkbyte26, shelf6, sherbertShark, shido10, shido101, shido50X, shido75, shido50, shifty16, shine16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shroomyWoods, siegraassFavoriteColors, silentFive, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, singularity, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skribblioPalette, skyHighPallette, skyPirateStudiosPalette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slowly, slso20, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothPolishedGold, smoothPolishedSilver, smoothy, snailVillage, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowflake4, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, sobeachy8, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, softserve4, soggyNewspapers, solarEclipse, solarize, somber, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spacecake20, spacian, spaff16, spazbol8, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spemge, spicy07, spinstar, spiral16, spirit4X, splashy08, spoohouse, spooky15, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowers, springMorning, sprinkleCake36, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboy, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyLightgrey, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, starPop, starPrismsPalette, star3a28, stardust5, starea28, starfoxPc98, starry13, starthrall, stationDefender, steampunk4, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberry, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall12, sunflowerPainting7, sunnyDay, sunnyDays, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset8, sunset9, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetGb, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, sunshineValley, superCassetteVision, superColorful3, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superPocketBoy, superSpark, super16, superficial35, survivalHorror32, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweet10, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, synthwave9, synthwaveCity, systemMini16, tLollipop, t60Vibrant, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tarot7, team16, teamFortress2Official, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, ternaryRgb, terracarbon, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCrow, theDark, theFourthDream, theInternetRaisedYou, theJungle, theLastAutumn, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarOfTheOwl, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, ti84PlusCe256, tilaAlit, tilde, tinkercad, tinyfolks, titanstone, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, tofu20K, tomioka, torchflame, totallyTubular31, toxicSlime, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, treeFrog, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, tripleFin, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, tvc, twilioquest76, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unearthly, univ1, universalis42, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, urbex16, usefle8, useful25, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, velvetCherryGb, venus, verdigris, versitle16, verso56, verso64, vibrancy, vibrant14, vibrantGun24, vibrantRamps, vibrant09, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyBlue, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualBoyExpanded, virtualSky, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vividmemory8, vocodes62, voidTrain, voltageWarning, vosp, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, washedOver16, washedOver8, watchmen64, watermelon21, wave, weatheredPaint, webMemories, wednesdayPink, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec, whatTheDec21, wheatField, wheatGb, whiteToBlack, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wild21, wildWest, wildflowers, windowOfOpportunity, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteriaMystery, wisteric17, witch, witchsBrew2Bit, wizardsBreath34, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xdPal, yamazaki, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, yeOldePirateModde, year1997, yeet24, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysFlowersAndAsbestos, ysNeutralGreen, ysPopIt, ysPostapocalypticSunset, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zencillo14, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool, zxSpectrum -} @@ -789,14 +789,6 @@ apricot = createPalette "Apricot" [ rgb255 59 37 36, rgb255 115 80 68, rgb255 183 107 83, rgb255 228 131 98, rgb255 255 159 114, rgb255 255 255 213 ] [ "6", "brown", "chase", "dark", "light", "orange", "pastel", "warm", "yellow" ] (Just "Chase Stemel") "" -{-| Aqua Colors by Broliant 112 - --} -aquaColors : Palette.Palette -aquaColors = - createPalette "Aqua Colors" [ rgb255 25 25 25, rgb255 26 50 100, rgb255 21 66 110, rgb255 31 153 152, rgb255 64 201 188, rgb255 19 237 179 ] [ "aqua", "blue", "pallete" ] (Just "Broliant 112") "" - - {-| Aquaverse by SteelSoldier -} @@ -981,14 +973,6 @@ atari2600PalettePalVersion = createPalette "Atari 2600 palette PAL version" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 128 88 0, rgb255 68 92 0, rgb255 112 52 0, rgb255 0 100 20, rgb255 112 0 20, rgb255 0 92 92, rgb255 112 0 92, rgb255 0 60 112, rgb255 88 0 112, rgb255 0 32 112, rgb255 60 0 128, rgb255 0 0 136, rgb255 64 64 64, rgb255 148 112 32, rgb255 92 120 32, rgb255 136 80 32, rgb255 32 128 52, rgb255 136 32 52, rgb255 32 116 116, rgb255 132 32 116, rgb255 28 88 136, rgb255 108 32 136, rgb255 28 60 136, rgb255 84 32 148, rgb255 32 32 156, rgb255 108 108 108, rgb255 168 132 60, rgb255 116 144 60, rgb255 160 104 60, rgb255 60 152 80, rgb255 160 60 80, rgb255 60 140 140, rgb255 148 60 136, rgb255 56 116 160, rgb255 128 60 160, rgb255 56 88 160, rgb255 108 60 168, rgb255 60 60 176, rgb255 144 144 144, rgb255 188 156 88, rgb255 140 172 88, rgb255 180 132 88, rgb255 88 176 108, rgb255 180 88 108, rgb255 88 164 164, rgb255 168 88 156, rgb255 80 140 180, rgb255 148 88 180, rgb255 80 116 180, rgb255 128 88 188, rgb255 88 88 192, rgb255 176 176 176, rgb255 204 172 112, rgb255 160 192 112, rgb255 200 152 112, rgb255 112 196 132, rgb255 200 112 132, rgb255 112 184 184, rgb255 180 112 176, rgb255 104 164 200, rgb255 164 112 200, rgb255 104 136 200, rgb255 148 112 204, rgb255 112 112 208, rgb255 200 200 200, rgb255 220 192 132, rgb255 176 212 132, rgb255 220 172 132, rgb255 132 216 156, rgb255 220 132 156, rgb255 132 200 200, rgb255 196 132 192, rgb255 124 184 220, rgb255 180 132 220, rgb255 124 160 220, rgb255 168 132 220, rgb255 132 132 224, rgb255 220 220 220, rgb255 236 208 156, rgb255 192 232 156, rgb255 236 192 156, rgb255 156 232 180, rgb255 236 156 180, rgb255 156 220 220, rgb255 208 156 208, rgb255 144 204 236, rgb255 196 156 236, rgb255 144 180 236, rgb255 184 156 236, rgb255 156 156 236, rgb255 236 236 236, rgb255 252 224 176, rgb255 212 252 176, rgb255 252 212 176, rgb255 176 252 200, rgb255 252 176 200, rgb255 176 236 236, rgb255 224 176 224, rgb255 164 224 252, rgb255 212 176 252, rgb255 164 200 252, rgb255 200 176 252, rgb255 176 176 252 ] [] (Just "Sombra Verde [pc]") "" -{-| Atari 8-Bit Family GTIA by PixelCrunch - --} -atari8BitFamilyGtia : Palette.Palette -atari8BitFamilyGtia = - createPalette "Atari 8-Bit Family GTIA" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 17 17 17, rgb255 34 34 34, rgb255 51 51 51, rgb255 68 68 68, rgb255 85 85 85, rgb255 102 102 102, rgb255 119 119 119, rgb255 136 136 136, rgb255 153 153 153, rgb255 170 170 170, rgb255 187 187 187, rgb255 204 204 204, rgb255 221 221 221, rgb255 238 238 238, rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 25 7 0, rgb255 42 24 0, rgb255 59 41 0, rgb255 76 58 0, rgb255 93 75 0, rgb255 110 92 0, rgb255 127 109 0, rgb255 144 126 9, rgb255 161 143 26, rgb255 179 160 43, rgb255 195 177 60, rgb255 212 194 77, rgb255 229 211 94, rgb255 247 228 111, rgb255 255 245 130, rgb255 255 255 150, rgb255 49 0 0, rgb255 63 0 0, rgb255 83 23 0, rgb255 100 40 0, rgb255 117 57 0, rgb255 134 74 0, rgb255 151 91 10, rgb255 168 108 27, rgb255 185 125 44, rgb255 202 142 61, rgb255 219 159 78, rgb255 236 176 95, rgb255 253 193 112, rgb255 255 210 133, rgb255 255 227 156, rgb255 255 244 178, rgb255 66 4 4, rgb255 79 0 0, rgb255 96 8 0, rgb255 113 25 0, rgb255 130 42 13, rgb255 147 59 30, rgb255 164 76 47, rgb255 181 93 64, rgb255 198 110 81, rgb255 215 127 98, rgb255 232 144 115, rgb255 249 161 131, rgb255 255 178 152, rgb255 255 195 174, rgb255 255 212 196, rgb255 255 229 218, rgb255 65 1 3, rgb255 80 0 15, rgb255 97 0 27, rgb255 114 15 43, rgb255 131 32 60, rgb255 148 49 77, rgb255 165 66 94, rgb255 182 83 111, rgb255 199 100 128, rgb255 216 117 145, rgb255 233 134 162, rgb255 250 151 179, rgb255 255 168 200, rgb255 255 185 222, rgb255 255 202 239, rgb255 251 220 246, rgb255 51 0 53, rgb255 68 0 65, rgb255 85 0 76, rgb255 102 12 92, rgb255 119 29 109, rgb255 136 46 126, rgb255 153 63 143, rgb255 170 80 160, rgb255 187 97 177, rgb255 204 114 194, rgb255 221 131 211, rgb255 238 148 228, rgb255 255 165 228, rgb255 255 182 233, rgb255 255 199 238, rgb255 255 216 243, rgb255 29 0 92, rgb255 46 0 104, rgb255 64 0 116, rgb255 81 16 132, rgb255 98 33 149, rgb255 115 50 166, rgb255 132 67 183, rgb255 149 84 200, rgb255 166 101 217, rgb255 183 118 234, rgb255 200 135 235, rgb255 217 152 235, rgb255 233 169 236, rgb255 251 186 235, rgb255 255 203 239, rgb255 255 223 249, rgb255 2 0 113, rgb255 19 0 125, rgb255 36 11 140, rgb255 53 28 157, rgb255 70 45 174, rgb255 87 62 191, rgb255 104 79 208, rgb255 121 96 225, rgb255 138 113 242, rgb255 155 130 247, rgb255 172 147 247, rgb255 189 164 247, rgb255 206 181 247, rgb255 223 198 247, rgb255 240 215 247, rgb255 255 232 248, rgb255 0 0 104, rgb255 0 10 124, rgb255 8 27 144, rgb255 25 44 161, rgb255 42 61 178, rgb255 59 78 195, rgb255 76 95 212, rgb255 93 112 229, rgb255 110 129 246, rgb255 127 146 255, rgb255 144 163 255, rgb255 161 180 255, rgb255 178 197 255, rgb255 195 214 255, rgb255 212 231 255, rgb255 229 248 255, rgb255 0 10 77, rgb255 0 27 99, rgb255 0 44 121, rgb255 2 61 143, rgb255 19 78 160, rgb255 36 95 177, rgb255 53 112 194, rgb255 70 129 211, rgb255 87 146 228, rgb255 104 163 245, rgb255 121 180 255, rgb255 138 197 255, rgb255 155 214 255, rgb255 172 231 255, rgb255 189 248 255, rgb255 206 255 255, rgb255 0 26 38, rgb255 0 43 60, rgb255 0 60 82, rgb255 0 77 104, rgb255 6 94 124, rgb255 23 111 141, rgb255 40 128 158, rgb255 57 145 175, rgb255 74 162 192, rgb255 91 179 209, rgb255 108 196 226, rgb255 125 213 243, rgb255 142 230 255, rgb255 159 247 255, rgb255 176 255 255, rgb255 193 255 255, rgb255 1 37 10, rgb255 2 54 16, rgb255 0 70 34, rgb255 0 87 56, rgb255 5 104 77, rgb255 22 121 94, rgb255 39 138 111, rgb255 56 155 128, rgb255 73 172 145, rgb255 90 189 162, rgb255 107 206 179, rgb255 124 223 196, rgb255 141 240 213, rgb255 158 255 229, rgb255 175 255 241, rgb255 192 255 253, rgb255 4 38 13, rgb255 4 56 17, rgb255 5 71 19, rgb255 0 90 27, rgb255 16 107 27, rgb255 33 124 44, rgb255 50 141 61, rgb255 67 158 78, rgb255 84 175 95, rgb255 101 192 112, rgb255 118 209 129, rgb255 135 226 146, rgb255 152 243 163, rgb255 169 255 179, rgb255 186 255 191, rgb255 203 255 203, rgb255 0 35 10, rgb255 0 53 16, rgb255 4 70 19, rgb255 21 86 19, rgb255 38 103 19, rgb255 55 120 19, rgb255 72 137 20, rgb255 89 154 37, rgb255 106 171 54, rgb255 123 188 71, rgb255 140 205 88, rgb255 157 222 105, rgb255 174 239 122, rgb255 191 255 139, rgb255 208 255 151, rgb255 225 255 163, rgb255 0 23 7, rgb255 14 40 8, rgb255 31 57 8, rgb255 48 74 8, rgb255 65 91 8, rgb255 82 108 8, rgb255 99 125 8, rgb255 116 142 13, rgb255 133 159 30, rgb255 150 176 47, rgb255 167 193 64, rgb255 184 210 81, rgb255 201 227 98, rgb255 218 244 115, rgb255 235 255 130, rgb255 252 255 142, rgb255 27 7 1, rgb255 44 24 1, rgb255 60 41 0, rgb255 77 59 0, rgb255 95 76 0, rgb255 112 94 0, rgb255 129 111 0, rgb255 147 128 9, rgb255 164 146 26, rgb255 178 160 43, rgb255 199 180 61, rgb255 216 198 78, rgb255 234 215 96, rgb255 246 228 111, rgb255 255 250 132, rgb255 255 255 153 ] [ "calculated", "computer", "hardware", "linear" ] (Just "PixelCrunch") "" - - {-| Atari 8-Bit Series - GTIA by PixelCrunch -} @@ -1013,6 +997,14 @@ atom8 = createPalette "atom-8 ☢" [ rgb255 179 0 0, rgb255 255 128 0, rgb255 255 255 170, rgb255 108 217 0, rgb255 0 128 0, rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 64 64 128, rgb255 136 136 136 ] [ "atom", "polyphrog", "retro", "vibrant" ] (Just "polyphrog") "" +{-| Atropoeia by CopheeMoth + +-} +atropoeia : Palette.Palette +atropoeia = + createPalette "Atropoeia" [ rgb255 48 53 58, rgb255 64 73 73, rgb255 78 89 85, rgb255 97 110 100, rgb255 128 139 126, rgb255 161 185 167, rgb255 111 183 171, rgb255 83 151 153, rgb255 63 120 135, rgb255 47 71 97, rgb255 39 49 63, rgb255 37 40 45, rgb255 31 25 25, rgb255 33 35 31, rgb255 36 44 38, rgb255 43 61 50, rgb255 50 76 58, rgb255 55 94 61, rgb255 62 120 59, rgb255 88 145 71, rgb255 135 173 85, rgb255 175 193 104, rgb255 209 199 132, rgb255 205 183 95, rgb255 187 139 76, rgb255 167 103 62, rgb255 149 74 53, rgb255 128 56 45, rgb255 78 39 35, rgb255 97 61 45, rgb255 130 76 53, rgb255 143 100 67, rgb255 157 130 87, rgb255 195 173 122, rgb255 213 211 193, rgb255 185 181 155, rgb255 145 141 113, rgb255 113 106 83, rgb255 82 74 61, rgb255 62 59 49, rgb255 45 40 36, rgb255 37 33 31, rgb255 45 31 33, rgb255 66 39 48, rgb255 97 47 71, rgb255 118 69 89, rgb255 145 102 115, rgb255 179 151 151 ] [ "dark", "desaturated", "gloomy" ] (Just "CopheeMoth") "" + + {-| autom8ion by cheepling -} @@ -1517,14 +1509,6 @@ blkNx64 = createPalette "BLK NX64" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 18 23 61, rgb255 41 50 104, rgb255 70 75 140, rgb255 107 116 178, rgb255 144 158 221, rgb255 193 217 242, rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 162 147 196, rgb255 123 106 165, rgb255 83 66 127, rgb255 60 44 104, rgb255 67 30 102, rgb255 93 47 140, rgb255 133 76 191, rgb255 180 131 239, rgb255 140 255 155, rgb255 66 188 127, rgb255 34 137 110, rgb255 20 102 91, rgb255 15 74 76, rgb255 10 42 51, rgb255 29 26 89, rgb255 50 45 137, rgb255 53 74 178, rgb255 62 131 209, rgb255 80 185 235, rgb255 140 218 255, rgb255 83 161 173, rgb255 59 118 143, rgb255 33 82 107, rgb255 22 55 85, rgb255 0 135 130, rgb255 0 170 165, rgb255 39 211 203, rgb255 120 250 230, rgb255 205 197 153, rgb255 152 143 100, rgb255 92 93 65, rgb255 53 63 35, rgb255 145 155 69, rgb255 175 211 112, rgb255 255 224 145, rgb255 255 170 110, rgb255 255 105 90, rgb255 178 60 64, rgb255 255 102 117, rgb255 221 55 69, rgb255 165 38 57, rgb255 114 28 47, rgb255 178 46 105, rgb255 229 66 134, rgb255 255 110 175, rgb255 255 165 213, rgb255 255 211 173, rgb255 204 129 122, rgb255 137 86 84, rgb255 97 57 59, rgb255 63 31 60, rgb255 114 51 82, rgb255 153 76 105, rgb255 195 114 137, rgb255 242 159 170, rgb255 255 204 208 ] [ "artist", "blkirl", "multiuse", "pixelart", "update" ] (Just "BurakoIRL") "" -{-| Blood Crow by Groxguy - --} -bloodCrow : Palette.Palette -bloodCrow = - createPalette "Blood Crow" [ rgb255 25 0 0, rgb255 86 9 9, rgb255 173 32 32, rgb255 242 230 230 ] [ "4color", "4colour", "evil", "groxguy", "red", "sinister" ] (Just "Groxguy") "" - - {-| blood mints by polyphrog -} @@ -2421,14 +2405,6 @@ cherryLove = createPalette "Cherry Love" [ rgb255 245 115 127, rgb255 226 88 104, rgb255 207 61 81, rgb255 188 34 58, rgb255 169 6 35, rgb255 234 215 211, rgb255 222 191 186, rgb255 210 166 160, rgb255 198 142 135, rgb255 186 117 109, rgb255 147 51 79, rgb255 117 40 65, rgb255 86 28 50, rgb255 55 16 36, rgb255 24 4 21, rgb255 233 211 174, rgb255 223 194 156, rgb255 212 176 137, rgb255 201 159 119, rgb255 190 141 100, rgb255 214 244 224, rgb255 196 237 210, rgb255 178 230 196, rgb255 160 222 181, rgb255 136 191 157, rgb255 112 160 132, rgb255 88 129 108, rgb255 64 98 83 ] [ "burgundy", "cherries", "cherry", "cherrylove", "cream", "fruit", "fruity", "green", "lostinindigo", "palegreen", "pink", "red", "vintage" ] (Just "LostInIndigo") "" -{-| cherry7 by Mustard - --} -cherry7 : Palette.Palette -cherry7 = - createPalette "cherry7" [ rgb255 255 220 222, rgb255 255 178 182, rgb255 255 134 141, rgb255 248 65 78, rgb255 210 34 71, rgb255 173 21 68, rgb255 118 15 66 ] [ "7 color", "7 colour", "red" ] (Just "Mustard") "" - - {-| Chiba by Gors -} @@ -3373,14 +3349,6 @@ custodian8 = createPalette "CUSTODIAN-8" [ rgb255 43 54 52, rgb255 71 72 72, rgb255 110 95 82, rgb255 162 133 108, rgb255 160 162 148, rgb255 220 185 160, rgb255 243 219 198, rgb255 255 254 254 ] [] (Just "Shmeuh") "" -{-| CVD3 by SZIEBERTH Ádám - --} -cvd3 : Palette.Palette -cvd3 = - createPalette "CVD3" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 181 72 201, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "colorblind", "cvd", "friendly", "safe" ] (Just "SZIEBERTH Ádám") "" - - {-| Cyan Abyss by Cabezinu -} @@ -3557,6 +3525,14 @@ deadCrabExoskeleton = createPalette "Dead Crab Exoskeleton" [ rgb255 246 244 228, rgb255 229 207 43, rgb255 199 37 21, rgb255 46 50 130, rgb255 2 3 31 ] [ "artist", "blue", "braquen", "crab", "red", "yellow" ] (Just "Braquen") "" +{-| dead grass by Dr. Jetson + +-} +deadGrass : Palette.Palette +deadGrass = + createPalette "dead grass" [ rgb255 72 34 8, rgb255 110 69 29, rgb255 153 148 75, rgb255 158 194 79, rgb255 215 222 126, rgb255 233 237 210 ] [ "6", "brown", "ew", "green", "yellow" ] (Just "Dr. Jetson") "" + + {-| Dead Knights Dark Lights 36 by michdev -} @@ -3901,6 +3877,14 @@ dracula = createPalette "Dracula" [ rgb255 23 23 23, rgb255 51 62 9, rgb255 72 52 34, rgb255 118 0 100, rgb255 54 136 0, rgb255 147 11 11, rgb255 201 0 199, rgb255 109 185 54, rgb255 24 254 137, rgb255 226 253 76, rgb255 233 111 111, rgb255 216 148 226, rgb255 181 250 170, rgb255 227 254 182, rgb255 214 255 234, rgb255 236 247 243 ] [ "colombia", "dracula", "mierdinsky", "paletadracula" ] (Just "Mierdinsky Pixelart") "" +{-| Dracula Standard by outer\_spec + +-} +draculaStandard : Palette.Palette +draculaStandard = + createPalette "Dracula Standard" [ rgb255 40 42 54, rgb255 68 71 90, rgb255 98 114 164, rgb255 248 248 242, rgb255 255 85 85, rgb255 255 184 108, rgb255 241 250 140, rgb255 80 250 123, rgb255 139 233 253, rgb255 189 147 249, rgb255 255 121 198 ] [ "code", "dracula", "hardware", "neon" ] (Just "outer_spec") "" + + {-| Dralette by Karol Wojtasiuk -} @@ -5237,6 +5221,14 @@ gbRemixed2Bit = createPalette "GB-Remixed [2-BIT]" [ rgb255 27 37 61, rgb255 55 122 100, rgb255 154 173 92, rgb255 227 226 213 ] [ "2bit", "4colour", "gb", "gbremixed", "soundsdotzip" ] (Just "SoundsDotZip") "" +{-| GBC COLOR RETRO STYLE by keyros + +-} +gbcColorRetroStyle : Palette.Palette +gbcColorRetroStyle = + createPalette "GBC COLOR RETRO STYLE" [ rgb255 240 238 239, rgb255 242 211 201, rgb255 241 174 177, rgb255 237 109 139, rgb255 238 23 100, rgb255 148 47 85, rgb255 138 123 165, rgb255 72 62 90, rgb255 253 229 167, rgb255 235 172 125, rgb255 167 136 141, rgb255 122 86 109, rgb255 52 53 90, rgb255 161 239 238, rgb255 34 118 164, rgb255 254 206 124, rgb255 237 134 49, rgb255 237 13 15, rgb255 114 29 40, rgb255 239 239 128, rgb255 149 222 64, rgb255 83 154 54, rgb255 33 115 25, rgb255 180 86 31, rgb255 208 164 109, rgb255 141 115 32, rgb255 90 84 31, rgb255 225 235 176, rgb255 179 189 133, rgb255 93 120 65, rgb255 27 16 32 ] [ "classic", "classicgbc", "color", "colorfull", "funny", "gameboy", "gb", "gbc", "oldschool", "retro", "zelda" ] (Just "keyros") "" + + {-| GBCslinger by Shmorp -} @@ -5325,20 +5317,20 @@ girlsbestfriend12 = createPalette "GirlsBestFriend12" [ rgb255 53 13 2, rgb255 107 43 27, rgb255 140 71 50, rgb255 173 99 74, rgb255 255 182 171, rgb255 217 127 112, rgb255 195 88 56, rgb255 173 49 0, rgb255 214 250 255, rgb255 140 222 250, rgb255 116 178 219, rgb255 83 127 219 ] [ "beige", "blue", "brown", "cool", "diamond", "gem", "jewel", "pastel", "shiny", "skin", "warm" ] (Just "Sarahboev") "" -{-| Glomzy 0.5 by Cactus Celery +{-| Glomzy 05 by Cactus Celery -} glomzy05 : Palette.Palette glomzy05 = - createPalette "Glomzy 0.5" [ rgb255 167 119 107, rgb255 105 71 68, rgb255 62 39 48, rgb255 138 46 63, rgb255 168 63 72, rgb255 198 85 80, rgb255 211 119 85, rgb255 223 155 91, rgb255 225 201 122, rgb255 172 181 101, rgb255 111 151 94, rgb255 59 107 88, rgb255 45 73 75, rgb255 70 111 119, rgb255 108 155 167, rgb255 163 189 201, rgb255 126 138 167, rgb255 82 79 115, rgb255 71 51 84, rgb255 124 58 103, rgb255 186 97 124, rgb255 211 160 146, rgb255 95 128 166, rgb255 86 103 148, rgb255 217 211 217, rgb255 160 151 161, rgb255 107 94 107, rgb255 42 32 42 ] [ "cloudy", "cozy", "glomzy", "gloomy", "muted", "nostalgic", "rainy" ] (Just "Cactus Celery") "" + createPalette "Glomzy 05" [ rgb255 167 119 107, rgb255 105 71 68, rgb255 62 39 48, rgb255 138 46 63, rgb255 168 63 72, rgb255 198 85 80, rgb255 211 119 85, rgb255 223 155 91, rgb255 225 201 122, rgb255 172 181 101, rgb255 111 151 94, rgb255 59 107 88, rgb255 45 73 75, rgb255 70 111 119, rgb255 108 155 167, rgb255 163 189 201, rgb255 126 138 167, rgb255 82 79 115, rgb255 71 51 84, rgb255 124 58 103, rgb255 186 97 124, rgb255 211 160 146, rgb255 95 128 166, rgb255 86 103 148, rgb255 217 211 217, rgb255 160 151 161, rgb255 107 94 107, rgb255 42 32 42 ] [ "cloudy", "cozy", "glomzy", "gloomy", "muted", "nostalgic", "rainy" ] (Just "Cactus Celery") "" -{-| Glomzy 0.6 by Cactus Celery +{-| Glomzy 06 by Cactus Celery -} glomzy06 : Palette.Palette glomzy06 = - createPalette "Glomzy 0.6" [ rgb255 217 211 217, rgb255 184 176 185, rgb255 160 151 161, rgb255 107 94 107, rgb255 72 61 72, rgb255 42 32 42, rgb255 167 119 107, rgb255 134 93 86, rgb255 105 71 68, rgb255 62 39 48, rgb255 138 46 63, rgb255 168 63 72, rgb255 198 85 80, rgb255 211 119 85, rgb255 220 153 93, rgb255 222 197 117, rgb255 168 177 100, rgb255 111 151 94, rgb255 59 107 88, rgb255 45 73 75, rgb255 70 111 119, rgb255 108 155 167, rgb255 157 184 197, rgb255 126 138 167, rgb255 82 79 115, rgb255 71 51 84, rgb255 97 54 97, rgb255 124 58 103, rgb255 186 97 124, rgb255 211 160 146, rgb255 95 128 166, rgb255 86 103 148, rgb255 116 98 143, rgb255 108 67 122, rgb255 84 55 58, rgb255 97 43 56, rgb255 54 55 61, rgb255 67 45 66 ] [ "cozy", "gloomy", "muted", "nostalgic" ] (Just "Cactus Celery") "" + createPalette "Glomzy 06" [ rgb255 217 211 217, rgb255 184 176 185, rgb255 160 151 161, rgb255 107 94 107, rgb255 72 61 72, rgb255 42 32 42, rgb255 167 119 107, rgb255 134 93 86, rgb255 105 71 68, rgb255 62 39 48, rgb255 138 46 63, rgb255 168 63 72, rgb255 198 85 80, rgb255 211 119 85, rgb255 220 153 93, rgb255 222 197 117, rgb255 168 177 100, rgb255 111 151 94, rgb255 59 107 88, rgb255 45 73 75, rgb255 70 111 119, rgb255 108 155 167, rgb255 157 184 197, rgb255 126 138 167, rgb255 82 79 115, rgb255 71 51 84, rgb255 97 54 97, rgb255 124 58 103, rgb255 186 97 124, rgb255 211 160 146, rgb255 95 128 166, rgb255 86 103 148, rgb255 116 98 143, rgb255 108 67 122, rgb255 84 55 58, rgb255 97 43 56, rgb255 54 55 61, rgb255 67 45 66 ] [ "cozy", "gloomy", "muted", "nostalgic" ] (Just "Cactus Celery") "" {-| Gloomy Dungeon by SandwichBlamwich @@ -5501,14 +5493,6 @@ gracefulLich = createPalette "Graceful Lich" [ rgb255 241 248 180, rgb255 114 238 207, rgb255 32 197 184, rgb255 20 129 144, rgb255 10 65 92 ] [] (Just "MirruTatep 🦩") "" -{-| Grape Soda Arcade by Pixle Gator - --} -grapeSodaArcade : Palette.Palette -grapeSodaArcade = - createPalette "Grape Soda Arcade" [ rgb255 24 33 93, rgb255 80 49 151, rgb255 191 83 201, rgb255 225 124 183, rgb255 239 170 165, rgb255 246 224 200 ] [ "arcade", "city", "night", "retro", "space" ] (Just "Pixle Gator") "" - - {-| GRAPEBOY by RABBITKING -} @@ -5781,6 +5765,14 @@ hallucinationQuest = createPalette "HALLUCINATION QUEST" [ rgb255 224 224 224, rgb255 255 128 0, rgb255 255 75 255, rgb255 0 128 255, rgb255 0 180 0, rgb255 31 31 31 ] [ "ae", "aepalette", "calculated", "luminance", "mynaevisweloveyou" ] (Just "LKR0.5420820") "" +{-| halowen by Solitaire + +-} +halowen : Palette.Palette +halowen = + createPalette "halowen" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 41 13 41, rgb255 166 8 63, rgb255 204 102 43, rgb255 235 206 42, rgb255 115 112 115, rgb255 212 214 206, rgb255 167 201 44, rgb255 12 173 0, rgb255 0 123 189, rgb255 47 0 156, rgb255 128 27 171, rgb255 214 60 163 ] [ "blue", "green", "halloween", "orange", "pink", "purple", "rainbow", "red", "yellow" ] (Just "Solitaire") "" + + {-| Hama beads tub by Jan Halsema -} @@ -6634,7 +6626,7 @@ kArambole = -} kalimba26 : Palette.Palette kalimba26 = - createPalette "Kalimba 26" [ rgb255 28 28 28, rgb255 62 74 86, rgb255 107 114 122, rgb255 170 175 179, rgb255 210 211 205, rgb255 241 241 241, rgb255 117 59 84, rgb255 160 70 82, rgb255 205 97 87, rgb255 239 132 100, rgb255 108 74 65, rgb255 171 124 78, rgb255 221 152 75, rgb255 243 197 103, rgb255 55 102 92, rgb255 80 136 91, rgb255 149 183 89, rgb255 196 199 110, rgb255 71 89 129, rgb255 85 133 169, rgb255 122 184 195, rgb255 139 202 181, rgb255 106 91 134, rgb255 174 146 184, rgb255 213 142 186, rgb255 237 179 191 ] [ "26", "desaturated", "minimal" ] (Just "JRiggles") "" + createPalette "Kalimba 26" [ rgb255 28 28 28, rgb255 62 74 86, rgb255 107 114 122, rgb255 170 175 179, rgb255 210 211 205, rgb255 241 241 241, rgb255 117 59 84, rgb255 160 70 82, rgb255 205 97 87, rgb255 239 132 100, rgb255 108 74 65, rgb255 171 124 78, rgb255 221 152 75, rgb255 243 197 103, rgb255 55 102 92, rgb255 80 136 91, rgb255 149 183 89, rgb255 196 199 110, rgb255 71 89 129, rgb255 85 133 169, rgb255 122 184 195, rgb255 139 202 181, rgb255 106 91 134, rgb255 174 146 184, rgb255 213 142 186, rgb255 237 179 191 ] [ "26", "desaturated", "jriggles", "minimal" ] (Just "JRiggles") "" {-| Kawaii16 by Arisuki @@ -7933,14 +7925,6 @@ mindustryCanvas = createPalette "Mindustry Canvas" [ rgb255 54 41 68, rgb255 196 93 159, rgb255 227 154 172, rgb255 240 218 177, rgb255 100 97 194, rgb255 43 169 180, rgb255 147 212 181, rgb255 240 246 232 ] [] (Just "gameborge") "" -{-| Minecraft Concrete by Jayden Irwin - --} -minecraftConcrete : Palette.Palette -minecraftConcrete = - createPalette "Minecraft Concrete" [ rgb255 207 213 214, rgb255 224 97 1, rgb255 169 48 159, rgb255 36 137 199, rgb255 241 175 21, rgb255 94 169 24, rgb255 213 101 143, rgb255 55 58 62, rgb255 125 125 115, rgb255 21 119 136, rgb255 100 32 156, rgb255 45 47 143, rgb255 96 60 32, rgb255 73 91 36, rgb255 142 33 33, rgb255 8 10 15 ] [ "minecraft" ] (Just "Jayden Irwin") "" - - {-| Minecraft Dyes by Christopher -} @@ -8005,6 +7989,14 @@ mintJams = createPalette "Mint Jams" [ rgb255 250 212 20, rgb255 242 225 140, rgb255 238 240 211, rgb255 240 164 122, rgb255 166 33 66, rgb255 87 35 64, rgb255 19 4 31, rgb255 2 48 18, rgb255 9 92 70, rgb255 79 158 118 ] [ "album", "black", "green", "mint", "red", "yellow" ] (Just "Solitaire") "" +{-| Minty Neapolitan by Mody Hemmings + +-} +mintyNeapolitan : Palette.Palette +mintyNeapolitan = + createPalette "Minty Neapolitan" [ rgb255 0 0 26, rgb255 0 31 51, rgb255 20 74 87, rgb255 71 155 163, rgb255 114 204 179, rgb255 165 245 205, rgb255 213 250 194, rgb255 255 255 216, rgb255 255 235 145, rgb255 255 193 87, rgb255 185 107 39, rgb255 117 34 51, rgb255 255 194 218, rgb255 255 153 206, rgb255 251 111 179, rgb255 191 47 162 ] [ "16color", "cute", "pretty", "simple", "soft" ] (Just "Mody Hemmings") "" + + {-| Minty Steel by SteelSoldier -} @@ -9282,7 +9274,7 @@ outdatedBadThePerfect40 = -} outrunner16 : Palette.Palette outrunner16 = - createPalette "Outrunner 16" [ rgb255 77 0 76, rgb255 143 0 118, rgb255 199 0 131, rgb255 245 0 120, rgb255 255 71 100, rgb255 255 147 147, rgb255 255 213 204, rgb255 255 243 240, rgb255 0 2 33, rgb255 0 7 105, rgb255 0 34 143, rgb255 0 80 199, rgb255 0 139 245, rgb255 0 187 255, rgb255 71 237 255, rgb255 147 255 248 ] [ "80s", "neon", "oldschool", "outrun", "synthwave" ] (Just "JRiggles") "" + createPalette "Outrunner 16" [ rgb255 77 0 76, rgb255 143 0 118, rgb255 199 0 131, rgb255 245 0 120, rgb255 255 71 100, rgb255 255 147 147, rgb255 255 213 204, rgb255 255 243 240, rgb255 0 2 33, rgb255 0 7 105, rgb255 0 34 143, rgb255 0 80 199, rgb255 0 139 245, rgb255 0 187 255, rgb255 71 237 255, rgb255 147 255 248 ] [ "80s", "jriggles", "neon", "oldschool", "outrun", "synthwave" ] (Just "JRiggles") "" {-| Overgrown 42 by Pixel Overload @@ -9605,14 +9597,6 @@ penNPaper = createPalette "pen n paper" [ rgb255 228 219 186, rgb255 164 146 154, rgb255 79 58 84, rgb255 38 13 28 ] [ "drawing", "gb", "ink", "paper", "polyphrog", "purple" ] (Just "polyphrog") "" -{-| Pencil Sketch by Dotchadm!n - --} -pencilSketch : Palette.Palette -pencilSketch = - createPalette "Pencil Sketch" [ rgb255 255 255 224, rgb255 252 239 141, rgb255 246 206 152, rgb255 242 165 97, rgb255 211 123 134, rgb255 255 45 85, rgb255 45 255 105, rgb255 174 255 213, rgb255 89 152 255, rgb255 32 32 32, rgb255 96 96 96, rgb255 128 128 128 ] [ "pencilsketch" ] (Just "Dotchadm!n") "" - - {-| Penginette18 by MisspeltPengin -} @@ -9797,6 +9781,14 @@ piratesAdventureIi = createPalette "Pirate's Adventure II" [ rgb255 7 1 8, rgb255 63 0 74, rgb255 101 33 143, rgb255 75 27 207, rgb255 66 83 237, rgb255 87 134 242, rgb255 118 199 250, rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 156 191 103, rgb255 86 138 55, rgb255 38 94 38, rgb255 24 61 36, rgb255 6 33 5, rgb255 8 2 1, rgb255 61 8 0, rgb255 89 37 5, rgb255 140 82 0, rgb255 199 158 8, rgb255 247 219 35, rgb255 253 255 143, rgb255 255 229 150, rgb255 224 143 119, rgb255 181 128 87, rgb255 138 80 62, rgb255 92 58 65, rgb255 60 41 64, rgb255 30 18 31, rgb255 21 29 64, rgb255 44 67 122, rgb255 35 109 122, rgb255 76 147 173, rgb255 99 194 201, rgb255 136 235 235, rgb255 184 253 255 ] [ "sequel" ] (Just "Siegraas") "" +{-| Pitxel24 by Pit + +-} +pitxel24 : Palette.Palette +pitxel24 = + createPalette "Pitxel24" [ rgb255 23 0 0, rgb255 56 23 36, rgb255 66 37 70, rgb255 97 43 75, rgb255 94 52 41, rgb255 110 64 52, rgb255 114 74 83, rgb255 162 61 93, rgb255 215 67 82, rgb255 234 93 93, rgb255 202 114 114, rgb255 255 132 171, rgb255 255 158 189, rgb255 220 208 208, rgb255 193 161 153, rgb255 152 112 121, rgb255 138 89 125, rgb255 101 48 108, rgb255 158 82 61, rgb255 208 111 40, rgb255 243 162 73, rgb255 122 201 85, rgb255 95 179 74, rgb255 64 144 72 ] [ "pitxel", "soft", "vibrant" ] (Just "Pit") "" + + {-| Pix Brix by Nightmare 3711 -} @@ -10746,7 +10738,7 @@ reesesPuffs1Bit = -} regal10 : Palette.Palette regal10 = - createPalette "Regal10" [ rgb255 232 193 112, rgb255 222 158 65, rgb255 190 119 43, rgb255 136 75 43, rgb255 96 44 44, rgb255 223 132 165, rgb255 198 81 151, rgb255 162 62 140, rgb255 122 54 123, rgb255 43 32 66 ] [ "gem", "gold", "jewel", "limited", "metal", "regal" ] (Just "JRiggles") "" + createPalette "Regal10" [ rgb255 232 193 112, rgb255 222 158 65, rgb255 190 119 43, rgb255 136 75 43, rgb255 96 44 44, rgb255 223 132 165, rgb255 198 81 151, rgb255 162 62 140, rgb255 122 54 123, rgb255 43 32 66 ] [ "gem", "gold", "jewel", "jriggles", "limited", "metal", "regal" ] (Just "JRiggles") "" {-| Regu16 by jeremy @@ -10789,6 +10781,14 @@ retroBricks = createPalette "Retro Bricks" [ rgb255 25 25 25, rgb255 61 59 52, rgb255 228 224 211, rgb255 213 52 52, rgb255 228 189 57, rgb255 231 237 61, rgb255 86 213 52, rgb255 52 145 213, rgb255 135 65 142 ] [ "9color", "bright", "colorful", "rainbow", "retro", "simple" ] (Just "FinniganFlimblez") "" +{-| Retro Ctrlr by atcero + +-} +retroCtrlr : Palette.Palette +retroCtrlr = + createPalette "Retro Ctrlr" [ rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 159 160 186, rgb255 75 77 112, rgb255 21 21 27, rgb255 226 68 108, rgb255 158 30 64, rgb255 105 7 33, rgb255 64 96 205, rgb255 27 54 148, rgb255 28 8 105, rgb255 109 228 98, rgb255 59 150 51, rgb255 12 86 6, rgb255 249 230 157, rgb255 255 201 10, rgb255 148 119 13 ] [ "blue", "green", "grey", "red", "retro", "rgb", "simple", "yellow" ] (Just "atcero") "" + + {-| Retro Lines by VEXED -} @@ -11733,14 +11733,6 @@ shinycrops26 = createPalette "ShinyCrops26" [ rgb255 247 233 104, rgb255 231 195 64, rgb255 212 141 30, rgb255 202 99 45, rgb255 118 22 31, rgb255 188 231 255, rgb255 121 171 234, rgb255 100 117 167, rgb255 79 82 105, rgb255 57 39 96, rgb255 28 27 68, rgb255 219 65 14, rgb255 160 54 23, rgb255 155 26 71, rgb255 199 30 14, rgb255 113 23 105, rgb255 150 245 217, rgb255 110 206 212, rgb255 116 158 176, rgb255 44 92 139, rgb255 107 202 37, rgb255 57 163 54, rgb255 40 130 78, rgb255 7 98 55, rgb255 13 77 72 ] [ "farm", "tools", "vegetables", "vivid" ] (Just "Hotcakes Forger") "" -{-| Shiver14 by Joe - --} -shiver14 : Palette.Palette -shiver14 = - createPalette "Shiver14" [ rgb255 24 27 33, rgb255 68 78 107, rgb255 98 111 138, rgb255 146 157 176, rgb255 204 210 219, rgb255 223 246 245, rgb255 107 219 217, rgb255 66 179 194, rgb255 66 138 179, rgb255 67 93 145, rgb255 71 138 65, rgb255 111 163 65, rgb255 163 194 85, rgb255 202 214 112 ] [ "cold blue green grey rock grass sky" ] (Just "Joe") "" - - {-| Shock'N'Gore by MAKAYLA MARTIN -} @@ -12013,6 +12005,14 @@ smoothPolishedSilver = createPalette "Smooth, polished silver" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 40 33 31, rgb255 74 57 61, rgb255 103 88 76, rgb255 176 146 167, rgb255 242 214 226, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "metal", "okee", "silver" ] (Just "Okee") "" +{-| Smoothy by Curios Voult + +-} +smoothy : Palette.Palette +smoothy = + createPalette "Smoothy" [ rgb255 152 31 48, rgb255 232 59 59, rgb255 251 107 29, rgb255 255 162 20, rgb255 255 190 44, rgb255 251 185 84, rgb255 230 144 78, rgb255 205 104 61, rgb255 158 69 57, rgb255 122 48 69, rgb255 46 34 47, rgb255 62 53 70, rgb255 98 85 101, rgb255 150 108 108, rgb255 171 148 122, rgb255 238 233 138, rgb255 183 217 116, rgb255 93 167 93, rgb255 57 117 92, rgb255 40 84 84, rgb255 201 202 182, rgb255 169 178 162, rgb255 120 138 135, rgb255 92 106 114, rgb255 41 59 73, rgb255 50 51 83, rgb255 72 74 119, rgb255 77 101 180, rgb255 77 155 230, rgb255 199 220 208, rgb255 155 171 178, rgb255 127 112 138, rgb255 105 79 98, rgb255 8 12 26, rgb255 47 12 29, rgb255 74 25 58, rgb255 99 34 64, rgb255 145 58 82, rgb255 198 102 104, rgb255 253 203 176, rgb255 246 129 129, rgb255 240 79 120, rgb255 195 36 84, rgb255 131 28 93, rgb255 138 93 74, rgb255 173 121 98, rgb255 209 159 122, rgb255 230 195 147, rgb255 244 225 177 ] [ "balance", "energy", "harmony", "nature", "optimism", "tranquillity", "vitality" ] (Just "Curios Voult") "" + + {-| Snail Village by Naym -} @@ -16047,7 +16047,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "apple-1", apple1 ) , ( "apple-ii-hi-res", appleIiHiRes ) , ( "apricot", apricot ) - , ( "aqua-colors", aquaColors ) , ( "aquaverse", aquaverse ) , ( "aragon16", aragon16 ) , ( "arcadian-16", arcadian16 ) @@ -16071,10 +16070,10 @@ paletteList = , ( "asympix18", asympix18 ) , ( "atari-2600-palette-ntsc-version", atari2600PaletteNtscVersion ) , ( "atari-2600-palette-pal-version", atari2600PalettePalVersion ) - , ( "atari-8-bit-family-gtia", atari8BitFamilyGtia ) , ( "atari-8-bit-series-gtia", atari8BitSeriesGtia ) , ( "atb-lava", atbLava ) , ( "atom-8", atom8 ) + , ( "atropoeia", atropoeia ) , ( "autom8ion", autom8ion ) , ( "autum-villan-6", autumVillan6 ) , ( "autumn-berry", autumnBerry ) @@ -16138,7 +16137,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "blank-vhs-box", blankVhsBox ) , ( "blindfold", blindfold ) , ( "blk-nx64", blkNx64 ) - , ( "blood-crow", bloodCrow ) , ( "blood-mints", bloodMints ) , ( "bloodink-and-paper", bloodinkAndPaper ) , ( "bloodmoon21", bloodmoon21 ) @@ -16251,7 +16249,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "cherry-blossom-gb", cherryBlossomGb ) , ( "cherry-bomb-6", cherryBomb6 ) , ( "cherry-love", cherryLove ) - , ( "cherry7", cherry7 ) , ( "chiba", chiba ) , ( "choco-16", choco16 ) , ( "choco-dream", chocoDream ) @@ -16370,7 +16367,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "cucumber-richard", cucumberRichard ) , ( "curiosities", curiosities ) , ( "custodian-8", custodian8 ) - , ( "cvd3", cvd3 ) , ( "cyan-abyss", cyanAbyss ) , ( "cybear9", cybear9 ) , ( "cyber-37", cyber37 ) @@ -16393,6 +16389,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "daydream-16", daydream16 ) , ( "daylight-16", daylight16 ) , ( "dead-crab-exoskeleton", deadCrabExoskeleton ) + , ( "dead-grass", deadGrass ) , ( "dead-knights-dark-lights-36", deadKnightsDarkLights36 ) , ( "deadbeat-gb", deadbeatGb ) , ( "deadland-2-bit", deadland2Bit ) @@ -16436,6 +16433,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "downwell-vivid", downwellVivid ) , ( "dr-20", dr20 ) , ( "dracula", dracula ) + , ( "dracula-standard", draculaStandard ) , ( "dralette", dralette ) , ( "drawn-to-life-the-next-chapter", drawnToLifeTheNextChapter ) , ( "dream-6", dream6 ) @@ -16603,6 +16601,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "gb-morris", gbMorris ) , ( "gb-orca", gbOrca ) , ( "gb-remixed-2-bit", gbRemixed2Bit ) + , ( "gbc-color-retro-style", gbcColorRetroStyle ) , ( "gbcslinger", gbcslinger ) , ( "gbfriendlyspider", gbfriendlyspider ) , ( "gbg-texture-sprite-editor", gbgTextureSpriteEditor ) @@ -16636,7 +16635,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "gotham-30", gotham30 ) , ( "gothic-bit", gothicBit ) , ( "graceful-lich", gracefulLich ) - , ( "grape-soda-arcade", grapeSodaArcade ) , ( "grapeboy", grapeboy ) , ( "gravel-slush-grass", gravelSlushGrass ) , ( "graveyard-mist", graveyardMist ) @@ -16671,6 +16669,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "halloween-palette", halloweenPalette ) , ( "hallowen-dream", hallowenDream ) , ( "hallucination-quest", hallucinationQuest ) + , ( "halowen", halowen ) , ( "hama-beads-tub", hamaBeadsTub ) , ( "hamburger-time", hamburgerTime ) , ( "hamletum", hamletum ) @@ -16940,7 +16939,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "mincedmeat-55", mincedmeat55 ) , ( "mindaro14", mindaro14 ) , ( "mindustry-canvas", mindustryCanvas ) - , ( "minecraft-concrete", minecraftConcrete ) , ( "minecraft-dyes", minecraftDyes ) , ( "minecraft-map-palette-for-116", minecraftMapPaletteFor116 ) , ( "minecraft-map-palette-for-117", minecraftMapPaletteFor117 ) @@ -16949,6 +16947,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "minimalist-retro", minimalistRetro ) , ( "minimax-32", minimax32 ) , ( "mint-jams", mintJams ) + , ( "minty-neapolitan", mintyNeapolitan ) , ( "minty-steel", mintySteel ) , ( "miri16", miri16 ) , ( "misty-rainforest", mistyRainforest ) @@ -17149,7 +17148,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "peach-blizzard", peachBlizzard ) , ( "peelyweelybananyicecreamy", peelyweelybananyicecreamy ) , ( "pen-n-paper", penNPaper ) - , ( "pencil-sketch", pencilSketch ) , ( "penginette18", penginette18 ) , ( "perchance10", perchance10 ) , ( "perilsndragons", perilsndragons ) @@ -17173,6 +17171,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "pink-puff-gb", pinkPuffGb ) , ( "pinkgreen", pinkgreen ) , ( "pirates-adventure-ii", piratesAdventureIi ) + , ( "pitxel24", pitxel24 ) , ( "pix-brix", pixBrix ) , ( "pix-brix-official-brick-colours", pixBrixOfficialBrickColours ) , ( "pix3d", pix3d ) @@ -17297,6 +17296,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "retro-115", retro115 ) , ( "retro-2600", retro2600 ) , ( "retro-bricks", retroBricks ) + , ( "retro-ctrlr", retroCtrlr ) , ( "retro-lines", retroLines ) , ( "retro-perfect", retroPerfect ) , ( "retro-vibes", retroVibes ) @@ -17415,7 +17415,6 @@ paletteList = , ( "shifty16", shifty16 ) , ( "shine-16", shine16 ) , ( "shinycrops26", shinycrops26 ) - , ( "shiver14", shiver14 ) , ( "shockngore", shockngore ) , ( "shockwaver-v1", shockwaverV1 ) , ( "shockwaver-v2", shockwaverV2 ) @@ -17450,6 +17449,7 @@ paletteList = , ( "smoky-09", smoky09 ) , ( "smooth-polished-gold", smoothPolishedGold ) , ( "smooth-polished-silver", smoothPolishedSilver ) + , ( "smoothy", smoothy ) , ( "snail-village", snailVillage ) , ( "snap-12", snap12 ) , ( "sneaky-12", sneaky12 )