From e3796e270044d98f2cc1ed92b27497ce8632b056 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: github-actions <>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2024 00:10:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update generated palettes listing

 src/PaletteList.elm | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/PaletteList.elm b/src/PaletteList.elm
index f9c0a5a..d9f6e5f 100644
--- a/src/PaletteList.elm
+++ b/src/PaletteList.elm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 module PaletteList exposing
     ( paletteList
-    , p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, better16, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkRx32, bloodTide, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chaoticNeutral, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, claudeMonet12, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, ecoaction, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, galeth100, gameBoyGirls, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, guchokipanya, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harristhoth12, hartungGameMaster, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hiddenLibrary, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalGameboy, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, paletaoscuradegoya, palindrome28, palletexe, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinEclipse, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rakichrome58, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbg36, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shoshone5, shroom8, shroomyWoods, sicklyRainbow, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectral16, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spoohouse, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superInk, superInkY, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terminus, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, theNightmareBefore, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicHaze, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yourComputerHasAVirus13, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool
+    , p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnButterfly, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, better16, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkRx32, bloodTide, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chaoticNeutral, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, claudeMonet12, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, devilFood, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, ecoaction, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallen31, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, galeth100, gameBoyGirls, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, guchokipanya, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harristhoth12, hartungGameMaster, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hiddenLibrary, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, juicyfruit16, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, paletaoscuradegoya, palindrome28, palletexe, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinEclipse, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rakichrome58, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbg36, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shoshone5, shroom8, shroomyWoods, sicklyRainbow, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectral16, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spooky13, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superInk, superInkY, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terminus, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, theNightmareBefore, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicHaze, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yourComputerHasAVirus13, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool
 {-| The comprehensive list of Lospec palettes
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ The list of all palettes follows. There's a lot of them!
 If you need a specific one, it's probably easier to check the official list
-@docs p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, better16, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkRx32, bloodTide, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chaoticNeutral, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, claudeMonet12, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, ecoaction, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enhancedGraphicsAdapter, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, galeth100, gameBoyGirls, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, guchokipanya, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harristhoth12, hartungGameMaster, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hiddenLibrary, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, isas20, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalGameboy, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, paletaoscuradegoya, palindrome28, palletexe, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinEclipse, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rakichrome58, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbg36, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shoshone5, shroom8, shroomyWoods, sicklyRainbow, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sonicManiaMainPalette, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectral16, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spoohouse, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superInk, superInkY, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terminus, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, theNightmareBefore, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicHaze, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yourComputerHasAVirus13, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool
+@docs p1Bit, p1BitDesolation, p1BitError4, p1BitFlames, p1BitGb, p1BitNight, p1000Degrees, p106ColorPalette, p12BitRainbow, p12Rcc, p16ColorArtNouveau, p16Metallic, p18Bytes, p1bitRainbowHorror, p1bitStyx, p1bitpinkDark, p2BitBlue, p2BitPips, p2020Vision, p2022RPlacePallette, p2bitSunrise, p2dComicExplorationGameDafridgesadventures2, p2k21, p2pow4, p3Am, p3ColorGray, p3LevelRgb, p3x4Rgb, p4Bit, p4Spoopy4U, p420BlazeIt, p4am, p4pi, p4seas, p5leepy, p6Bit12ColourChallenge, p6PerfectLevels, p7GrandDad, p7x4Roygcbv, p8BitPalatte, p8MinutesPast8, p8Vision, p80sAmerican, a1, aBeautifulDayOutside, aBizarreConcotion, aBloodSteepedCorridor, aDarkishSky, aHorribleDeath, aNiceRoom, aShortHike, aapDga16, aapRadiantplus, abandon8, abbacchiojojo5, abc123, abomina61eGlowmanKuusikymmentayksi, absolutley18, absxii, acidew, acidicGb, adbHybrid32, aetherQuartet, aetherQuartetRelaunched, ag500Redux, agb, airship14, aj8, akc12, alexnompesDragon45, algunosColores, alia16, aliengarden32, alkaline6, almostLikeARainbow, amberGlow5, amigaPixels64, anb16, ancientAnimation, ancientScroll, ancientheritage30, androidScreenshotEditor, animalCrossingPatternPalette, anomalyB8, anomalyRg8, ansiForlorn64, ansi32, apothecary, apple1, appleCrumble, apricot, aquaverse, aragon16, arakiAgainPallete, arcadian, arcadian16, arch, archererer24, archimedes64, archipelago, arcticDust, ardoh18, aren32, arjibi8, ark4, armyPallet, arne199X, arneFrontier16, aroacidic, artHoeAesthetic7, artbound, asenses, asheaPallette, astartes18, astriaSolseturs, asympix18, atari2600PaletteNtscVersion, atari2600PalettePalVersion, atari8BitSeriesGtia, atbLava, ate, atom8, atropoeia, autom8ion, autumVillan6, autumnBerry, autumnBreeze, autumnButterfly, autumnComfort18, autumnHarvest37, autumnThanksgivingMeal, autumnTree, autumnal16, autumngb, avocado, awkward8, axCoral32Color, axulart32ColorPalette, ayaka18, azione16, azureAbyss, b4sement, baldurNeonDarkness, banan4, bananaCartoon, barbie4, basic16, basicBit, basicBubblegum, bastille8, bathHouse, bathypalegic8, batpalette, beachBash, beachedBoogaloo, beginnersRainbow, berriesAndCream, berryJam, berryNebula, berrybush4, besalt, betterLivingThroughChemistry, better16, bigCat, birdbath, birthdaysPc98TitleScreen, bisexualSunset, bitDream, bitZantine, bitball, bitbybit, bitbybitbybit, bitbybitbybitbybit, bits38, bittersweet, bittersweet16, bjgStarWarsPosterPalette, blackAndWhite6, blackCherry, blackGameboy, blackHoleBlues, blackIcePcGameboy, blackrockPalette, blackwhitered, blakeAndMortimer, blankVhsBox, blindfold, blkRx32, bloodTide, bloodinkAndPaper, bloodlust, bloodshotSun, bloom, blossomX6, bloxelsPalette, bluScribbles, bluberry6, blueExe, blueMania, blueMemories, blueNight, blueToYellow, bluebellRot, blueberryGb, blueberryVanilla, blueberry3, bluedawn7, bluegold8, blues, blurple, blushNGunmetal, blushroom, bluuberryDonutGb, bly14, bly16, bly32, bly44, bobobo, bobolink04, bold30, bolder28, bonehead7, bonesky, bootlegByPixelshift, bootleg44, borealis, bornana12, bot16, bottomlessAbyss, boubaSatura, brashPink, brawlin, brazilianAfternoon, breadBerry, breakingPoint, briars, bricklinkCatalog, bricksAndGreen8, brightAndEarly, brightBasic24, brightday40, brightnessGpy, brilliance16, brilliance32, brite12, brite24, bronzeStar, brzezinski32, buba, bubblegum6, bubblegumSoft, bubbly44, bulbOrb14, bulbOrb17, bumblebit, bunnyMural, burningNeon, burntsweet, burtonsOwn, buzzyBees, byrne5, cafeNouveau, calculated, caliban, calico4, calm48, calm37, calmerThanCalm17, calmingGrey, camelette, camellia, camo2, campfireGb, candiedHeart, candyCloud2Bit, canvasKrampus, caramelAutumn, caramelSpice, cardboardPaint, cardplay, carnival32, cartoonArmy, cascadeGb, castern, categoryColors, cattales56, cattenCandyDream, caveMoss, cc12, cc48, celestialhalo9, cgaMibend4, chaos, chaoticNeutral, chariot, chasingLight, chee48, cheerful24, cheerful32, cherryBlossomGb, cherryBomb6, cherryLove, chess, chiba, choco16, chocolateIchor, chocomilk8, choconana2, christmas23, chromaNoir, circuitBoard, cityFilter, citySilhouette5, cityStreet6, city28, cjp11Ddl, cl8uds, claudeMonet12, clement8, cloods, cloudfrenzy, cloudyBeach, clownWingMonster, clubSeoul16, cmykPrinter, cmyk4, cmykool, cnpUltimate, cobaltDesert7, cobsOfficialColourKit, codeGreen, coffe4, coffeeCafe, coffee8, coinGold, coldLight, coldShoulder9, coldrCt15, coldwood8, colir28, collaborative64betaLospec1000, colorCity8, colorMore12, colorbase32, colorful42, colors, colorsBasic, colorsOfCascadia, colors11, colortastic, colorum, comfy52, comicscapes50, commodore8, commodoreTedPlus4C16, console16, contrast4, contrast3, contrast5, cookie, cookieCrumbs08, cookiesNCream, coolBeansOfficial, coolBone7, coolCoolLethalLavaLand, coolPallet, coolSweater, coolbit4, coral4, coralReef, cormorant14, corruption, cosmic, cosmicCastleByClonethirteen, cosmicCreamGb, cosmo4, cosmonaut64, cottoncandy, cottoncandy3, cottonville, cozyAdventure, cozyChristmas, cozyTones, cozyValley, crabBeach7, crabsOrangeRedPalette, crayola84, crayonPaint, crazy08, crazyMoon, crblx25, creamy, crypt, cryptidcore6, crystalAttack, crystalDecay, crystalFlames, crystalight56, cs106, cs108, cs112V1, cs112V2, cs84Vibrant, cs96, cube30, cucumberRichard, custodian8, cyanAbyss, cyber37, cyberArcade32, cyberCharge, cyberPunk, cyberwav16, cygnusx18, daifukuDelights24, darkAutumn, darkKnight, darkMode, darkautumn, darkberry, darkvania, dat25, daydream16, daylight16, deadGrass, deadKnightsDarkLights36, deadbeatGb, deadland2Bit, deathValley, decoyworld2, deepblue, deepsleepTerminal, def16, delete, deleteThisPalette, deliciousPurpleCandy, deliri4, depthBlueAerugo, depths, desatur8, desaturatedSurvivalHorror29, desertified, desserted, detectiveBass, deuteraruzi, deuterospill, devilFood, dewdropDynasty40, dewdropDynasty96, dharm3215Bit, dibbles, digitalDisco, digitalFractal, dimbloomcore, dingy99, diplomacy, discord8, discord32, discordant6, ditherMeRgb, dkSecrets, dmcToRgbConversionPart1, dmcToRgbConversionPart2, dmg01Accurate, dmgNso, dmg4evr, dollar, dotoppenal16, dotpictKnightOrWizard, downwellVivid, dr20, drDarkworldNeon, drNeonReflection, dracula, draculaStandard, drawnToLifeTheNextChapter, dreamBasedVideogame, dreamCandy, dreamPaint, dreamfulSpace, dreamyForest, dreamySummer, droplets, drySea, dstnr48, dullAquatic, dullishRainbow, dumptruck12, dungeon14, duo5, duolingo, duskArmy, dusk04, dustyRainbow9, dusty4, dyingContrast, dyscountersFfeElite3Safe, dystopia19, e16, e36, earthbun20, easiestJoe, echo8, ecoaction, eddieMunson, eerieGlow, eighexplore, eightHuesOfToxicOoze, elChavo, electricSun, electropolis, ellenCPirogArt, elveneight, emberCity, emeraldPeach, emeraldVision, emphasis10, emptySpace4, emptytitle123, enbydiade6, enbynana, enchanted6, enchantedPurple, endless, endlessWarmth, enneagon, ennisBlade, enon32, entomophobia, ephemera, epik216, epik80, equinox8, eris18, escape, essence24, essence24Refreshed, evaladarr, evangelist16, eventuallyMorning, everglowDiamond, evidenceInDarkness, evilCurse, ex24, exophobia, expandeddreamland, extremeVibrancy41, fadedWorld12, fadedpage12, fake24BitModdedWeb, fallen31, fallin, famicube16, fancade32, fancade32SecretPalette, fanmoji, fantasy, fantasyKitchen16, fantshat8, feelnFrogy, feelthesun16, felixgb, festivepanthera10, fevrier, fggg, fieryDreams, fieryFlamingo, fim38, fireAndIce, firecracker, firelight23, fireplaceglow, fishClouds, fishNSea, fishfighters8, fistat6, flipnote3Ds, flipnoteDsi, florescence, fluffyCats, fluffytronPlus, flycatcher4, foggy, foggyDepths8, forest, forgottenMemories41, forgottenSwamp, fourseasons, fractalsDieDieDie, franzston30, fresco18, friendsPallete, frilxy, fromBlueToGreen, frostbite2Bit, frostical, frostyGb, frozen4, frozenFire, fruitCandy, fruitpunch, fruitpunch24, g4b8Bit, galacticGreens, galacticPizza, galeth100, gameBoyGirls, gameBoySnowflake, game27, gameboyYellow, gameflowerGreen, garden18, gardener, garfieldGameboydBlue, garticPhoneDefault, gasStation12, gated, gateway10, gawr8, gayaSoul, gaz74, gbAm90, gbAmanita, gbBlueSteel, gbFerrari, gbHokusai, gbLeTigre, gbMagnum, gbMbius, gbMorris, gbNoods, gbOrca, gbRemixed2Bit, gbcColorRetroStyle, gbcslinger, gbgTextureSpriteEditor, gbpNso, geisha, gemsShinies, gemspark16, genderQueer6, ggameos, ghostTown, gigaboy, girlsbestfriend12, glomzy05, glomzy06, gloom8, gloomyDungeon, glossFinish22, glozzom24, goblin, gog64, gold, goldMire, goldToad, goldenBoyGb, goldenFlame, goldenHaze, goldiblocks, googleExpandedPallete, gooseberryGhost, gooseberryThistle, gorge36, gotham30, gracefulLich, grapeboy, gravelSlushGrass, graveyardMist, gravityfallsPalette, grayWeather, greedpit, greenAccent, greenTopDown, greenestGreen8, greengenta, greenline, greyteen, grim32, grimbo, grixelGrotto, groove96, grue, guchokipanya, gulfSpillGb, gumballBoyGb, gummyPickles, gunmetal12, gunsgax20, guyWithAGoldenCircleOnHead, gyb, h16da, h2o, h4llow, h8fulMadness, hallobean, halloween, halloweenCandy, halloweenInJulyWhyNot, halloweenPalette, hallucinationQuest, halowen, hamaBeadsTub, hamletum, hamond, happyAkuHarisen, happyNewYears, harristhoth12, hartungGameMaster, harvestGoldy, hatter8, haunted14, hazardStripes, hazyNebulae, headache96, headspace, heartGem, heartGem2, heathcliff, hemospectrum, heptarainbow, herbsNSpices, hexpress4, heythere, hiddenLibrary, hidingInTheWildflowers, highHeavens, highlighter24, hiker20, hilda, hilda32, hillGb, hkBetweenEssence, hkPillbugBeachParty, homework, homeyHoney12, honeyMilk, honeygb, honeyskinPalette, hope11, hortensiaDiamond, hotHighlightsColdShadows, hotelPaintings6, hotpanda, hunt, hunterRuizMasterPalleteV3, hypernova5, hypnospaceColorPalette, iAccidentallyRuzzihuntuu, ibm51, iceAndFireAndFire, iceCreamLand, iceCreamShoppe, iceCreamSpice, icecreamAdventure, icedCoffee, idyllicSummer, ifItAintBaroqueDontFixIt, illumin18, illumination, imFoolery64, imagine8, implausible20, improvedWitchy, inTheDark, inkAndCream, inkCrimson, insecta, insettaccioV5, intacto14, integritea, interstate28, interstellar15, interstellarIndigo, invertCompatible, iowaSummer, iridescentCrystal, irisModLogo, iroshizuku16, islandshore, isolated16, itCrowd, itWasSoDark, italy4, itatsi23, izkOasis8, janvier, japanesePrint56, jawbreakerMono, jehkoba16, jehkoba32, jehkoba64, jelo4, jewelToneAppalachia28, jewerlriesEmbededCrown, jexru64, joeb, johnoliver14, johtoRedrawnModernisedGbc, joker6, jokersCard8, journey24, jrTattoo, jugdral21, juiciful8, juicyfruit16, jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh, kArambole, kalimba26, kawaii16, kidpixDeluxe4Pallette, kikekako, kikiSaturare, kinkan, kippetsQuares16, kirb32, kiwami64V1, kjottusOctober2021, klaricsFilmic, kotomasho8, koukasita, krea8, kule16, kulupuKule, kulupuKuleSuli, lacking64, ladyday14, lagoNenufarLakeWaterLily, lagoon, lakeHorizon8, lamoreLuce, landscapebase18, lapyros7, lateNightSunrise, lateNightSunriseRelit, laugh8, lava, lavaHasTheViscosityOfKetchup, lavenderBliss, lavender4, lavendertown, layingInTheShade, lazyBitExtended, lazybit, lcdDrab4, leMasterosPaletas, lePlace, leflautt0, legerdemain16, legoColours2021, lemonLime, lemondrop, leonSoul, lesTrueMasterPalette, lethargic8, lexip32, liberty, libra8, light, lightAcademia8, lighthouseIsland, lightningCrush, lilacSkies5, limeMagenta, limsLostIsMissingVirbants, lit71, liteBrite, liteR, lithium64, livinInTheSunlight, lll, lloyds3Bit, lmao, lns15, loam8, lobotomy16, logDog, logDogIi, logcabin, longneckpalette, lookOfHorror, lordOfTheMaps, losingIsFun, lospec2000, lospec2000Mini, lospecCdi, lospecGetsTrolled, lostInAbyss, lostWoods, lostgb, lovecraftianLens, lovelyAmaranthus16, loveos, low8, lowcolors, lowlands15, lucky13, ludpiratepalette128, ludpiratepalette64, luftrausers7, lunargb, lunarscape, lushGreen, lustful, mGb, macao12, machiniePalette, macintosh8BitSystemPalette, macintoshDefault16Color, maggot24, magiaWow10, magicCarpet, magicMoon, magicWaters9, magicolor16, magus, mahyellaw22, makecodeArcadeExpanded, malachite6, manaRift, mandelaCatalogue, mangoCocktail, mannCoPaintCans, manon, maomaoytsDoodle, maplebar36, marbleOlive, marginalia14, mariposa4, marjourn, marlinsDreams, maroonGorge, maroonVintage, marrow4, marshMadness, marshgy, maseclasBasic, massillon6, massillon8, masterful103, match, matchalatte2, matsuri, maw, mayhaps, mazzical20, meadowvale, meadowyDays, meanMachine, megaball, megara, melanie, meldPlus, melonMix, melonTree, mem16, merfolk111, merfolk112, merlot, merry12, merryMountain, mesquitasMonochromaticRed, messengerFromDarkNightPc98, messy12, mf16, mf8, microRoguelike, microsoftMakecodeArcade, midnight, midnightGameboy, midnightGlow, midnightHoney, midnightIllustrator, midnightMagic, mierdinsky1, migue, mikuFresh, mikuFreshRetuned, milkyTea, mincedmeat55, mindaro14, mindustryCanvas, minecraftMapPaletteFor117, minecraftia16, miniPerlerBeadsColor, minimalistRetro, minimax32, mintJams, mintyNeapolitan, mintySteel, miri16, mistyRainforest, mixedbag20, miyazaki16, modern4, moderna24, mojave20, mokky, moltenGod7, molten5, mona, monekey6, monologos, monsterBit, monstrousFlora, moonSquid7, moondrom, moonlight15, moonlightgb, moorland46, moradosAzulados, morganne16, morningGlow, morningMist2Bit, morningSky, morningcoffee3, moss, mossTone2Bit, mossy20, moth, motherNature, mountain, mrColors, mrColorsV3, msPaintBasic, msPaintPlus, mspaintVistaPalette, muckAndGrime13, muddledMania, muddygrass16, mudstone, mupix9, murky16, murkyWater10, mushbloom, mushfairy, mushroom, mutedAlly6, mutedRoseLeaf, myPalette, myrcilin56, nBrulee, nLEs, nanner2022, nannerMuffins, nanones, natfee5, natureCountry, naturesGrasp, neapolitan, neapolitan5, nebulaspace, nebulosa, nectarJackpot, neo5, neonCyber, neonFlesh, neonMinusTheNeon, neonMoonTarot, neonNightSky, neonRain, nes13, nesAesprite, nesDimmed, nesMakerPaletteColors, nesWikipedia, nethack, neupop, neutral32, neutralizeRecalibrated, neverendinglegacy, newTableau10, newWorlds46, nice69, nicelyDead, nieu15, nightLight2Bit, nightRain, nightclub, nightfallInTheCity, nightskyBricks, nighty, ninetiesNine, nintendoInternal, nintendoSwitchProfileIconBackgroundColors, noellesRoom, nopriNopri, noraasof01032024, northernWoods38, nostalgi14, nostalgi2, nostalgi8, nostalgi8re, nostalgicDreams, nostalgicMemories, nostalgos12, notABauhausABauhome, notDeadDesignPallet, notepad, nuclearFission, nyx4Gb, o2aProject, oasisKlub8, ocean, oceanGlass, oceanicDepth11, oceansSeven, octo80, octoyuuPretendified2022, oekaki, oilOak, oilPainting, oilsfortyeights, okRainbow, oldGold7, oldMug, oldZ64, oldsand16, olooPalette, omni25, omnia, on70, oneBitMoonbeam, oni, optimism, orangeApplePie, orangeBlossom, orangeCityGlow, orangeDreamsicle, orangeYouSad, orchids4, oria20, originalLegoPalette, orsage, otterpop14, outdatedBadThePerfect40, outrunner16, overgrown42, overworld32, oxidizedMoss, oxyd, pacMan10, paito24, paleGothPortrait, paletaEstiloGameboyComTurquesa, paletaoscuradegoya, palindrome28, palletexe, pantheons16, paperTigers, paper10, parchmentAndInk, pastel, pastel16, pastelAndDarks58Palette, pastelColorPalette, pastelHorizon, pastelPalette, pastelPop16Color, pastelRanibow9, pastelRefinado, pastelWell3, pastelapple, pastelito2, pastleCuteMinimalLofiColors, pastry, patina, patreon, paulette, pbAndJ, pbpfpbtt464, pc66, peachBlizzard, peelyweelybananyicecreamy, pelennor8, penginette18, perchance10, perilsndragons, periwinkleIsAWeirdWord, perryTheGbPalette, personje, petesPalette, phi32, phineasAndFerbDsItemPalette, photofiltre7, pi25, pickleJuice2Bit, picoDeLasPaletas, picoMicro, picotronWipV3, picotronWipV4, pieceOfCake, piet, piggyPink, pinballGb, pinkBrownGb, pinkChocolate, pinkMarshmallows6, pinkNeonSign6, pinka5, pinkgreen, piratesAdventureIi, pitxel24, pixBrix, pixBrixOfficialBrickColours, pix3d, pixelJointRanks, pixelLands, pixelMage, pixelStreet, pixelunalivedPaletteV1, pixlten, plantAesthetic5, plantAesthetic7, plastic6, playata14, playdate, playful, playful28, pleaseDoNotUseThisitsVeryBadmyFirstPalette, pleaseForTheLoveOfGodDontUseThisGarbage, plumbersParadise, plumeEdema, pocketMemories, pocketgb, poisonBubble8, poisonCloud, poisonRainbow, poisonUkka, poisson23, pokemonDppPoketchBlue, pokemonDppPoketchGreen, pokemonDppPoketchOrange, pokemonDppPoketchPurple, pokemonDppPoketchRed, pokemonDppPoketchTurquoise, pokemonDppPoketchWhite, pokemonDppPoketchYellow, pokemonGen2OverworldObjects, pokemonRubySapphireExterior, pokemonRubySapphireInterior, polxel42, polxel43, polybius, ponder, pong4, ponpon16, popRox, popSection, popSundae, popcorn12, popular32, portrait, preanortalium, prettyPinky, primaryCold, primeiroProjeto, prism, projectRuzikb86, propaganda, proportion32, puffball6, puffyPoyo, pumpkinEclipse, pumpkinPatch2Bit, pumpkinPie, pumpkinSpice, punkmyc, punolit, punoliteStreetlight, pureColor, purejoygb, purpleSunset, purplemorning8, purpleskin, purpleskygb, pwscowden, pxlsDefault, pxlsspaceNov2023, quak60, qudViridian, quentinTarantinosColorPalette, quinncolors, quirky11, rAL, rPlace202232Colors, rPlace2022Day2, rPlace2022Day3, rPlace2022Expanded, rPlace2023, rPlace2023Day1UJertopiaROnepiece, r05, rabbit5am, rabbit5pm, rabbitking, radGrenNBlu, rainbowErosion, rainbowpop11, raindrop65, rainyAfternoon, rainyDay, rainyDream, rakichrome58, rampRainbow, rampy16, rangedPunch, raspberry, raspberryPalette, razzCandy, rdn60, readingMode, rebirth, redBloodPain, redDragon18, redHorns, redPanda, redPlum10, redPoster, redVelvet, redboyvibes, redeV1, redreen, redux63, reesesPuffs1Bit, regal10, regu16, reha16, rem24, retroBricks, retroCtrlr, retroLines, retromud, retrorainbow, retrostalgia, retrotronic, retrotronicDx, rettiepunk, rgb13, rgbg36, rgbiImproved, rgbp, rgrPapercut4, rgrProto16, rhb14, rhythmmmo90, rhythmmmo95, risograph3, robotDistopia, robots, rommhakk12Color, roseBush, roseGold, rosemoss8, roserust, roughSeas, rove18, royalguard, rpgvania, rubble4, rubiksPaint, rubix48, runesSpells, rust, rusticRainbow, rustingCopper, rusty2Bit, rustyCryaonBox9, rustyMetalGb, rusty24, ruzGb, ruzicold, ruzikb32Color, ruziwarm, ruzxSpectrum, ruzxSpectrumRevision2, ruzzidore96, ruzzihuntuuMasterPalleteV2, ruzzisUltimatePaletteYet, ruzzishakedmilk, ruzzishakedmilkV2, ryb12, sLucky, sSunset7, s16, saccharide, sage57, saharaPastell, salmon9, salmonSnap, sand6, sandSapphire, sandstormByDarude, sandy06, sangre, sangria, sanguepear24, sara98A, sara98B, sashimi, satelliteSky16, satur8d, saturation16, saveMeFromMyself, saver47, sawbuzz12, scolorFi, scrapMechanic, scrjXxxvi, seaOfFire, seaSorcerer, seabed1, seafoam8, sealava, seasaltTomatoSlice, seashore, seasideView2Bit, seasonofwishes, segaCube, segaGenesisEvangelion, sendhelp50, seoulCity, sepiaTone, septembit2021, septembit22, septembit23, septembit24, serene12, serene18, serenity25, serpentineEmergence, sexy04, sfoAirlines, shadok, shadowSlime, shadowViolet, shadowWizardMoneyGang, shagCarpet, shallowmarsh26, sharkbyte26, shelf6, shido101, shido75, shido50, shikabaneNoOdori, shiny16, shinycrops26, shockngore, shockwaverV1, shockwaverV2, shogun, shoshone5, shroom8, shroomyWoods, sicklyRainbow, silentFive, silly04, silverAge, simpleFeudalJapanese, simpleMushroom, sk24, sketchHeadsPalette, sketchbook48, sketchy, sketchy8, skinCoolColors, skinNeutralColors, skinWarmColors, skyHighPallette, sky5, skyline, skyline12, sleepyBoy, slime16, slimeBender, slimeGirl, slimy05, slso20, slurpo12, slynyrd128, smm2superballGameBoyPalette, smoky09, smoothy, snap12, sneaky12, sness, snowl16, snowmansLand, soapy10, softAndCat, softCga, softDemon7, softGameboy, softIceCreamKl, softYetRich, softel16, softie108, soggy20, soggyNewspapers, solarize, sotc12, soulOfTheSea, soulscape, sovietX12, spaceDust9, spaceIcecream, spaceMagicCocainePyramid, spaceTree, spaff16, spazbol8, spectral16, spectralScarab, spectrumOmocV1, spectrumRamps, spicy07, spirit4X, splashy08, spongbob14, spooky13, spooky15, spooky6, spoopyKnight, spoozy, spoozy2, springFlowerfield, springFlowers, springMorning, squidgame6, srkXl, ss24, st1BitEndgame, st16Commodore, st16Natural, st18Myths, st24, st24Christmas, st64Natural, st8BlueNPink, st8Greenery, st8Halloween, st8Moonlight, st8Ocean, st8Phoenix, st8RBRemake, st8Sapphire, stGameboyAqua, stGameboyCga, stGameboyDeluxe, stGameboyMagma, stGameboyRedrose, stGameboyRemake, standardHeat, starPop, starPrismsPalette, stardust5, starfoxPc98, starry12, starry13, stationDefender, steampunk9, steampunkFire, steamstep, stellarWinds, stickynote, stonehearth, stop, stormsAndCyan, strangeFantasy, stratus, strawberryClassroom, suburbGameboy, sugaryStupor, suite24, sulu, sumerBreeze, summerBreeze24, summerCream, sundae48, sundropDiamond, sunfall, sunflowerPainting7, sunlitDays, sunny14, sunnyDay, sunnyValley6, sunraze, sunriseCafe, sunrisegb, sunset, sunset9, sunsetBlue, sunsetCave11, sunsetDrive, sunsetFunk, sunsetHorizon, sunsetLantern, sunsetMkIii, sunsetMkii, sunsetRed, sunsetRedIi, sunshine35, superCustard, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteA, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteB, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteC, superGameBoyMenu1PaletteD, superInk, superInkY, superMarioGoompa, superNesMaker, superSpark, super16, supremo, surfingInRam, surfsUp, survivalHorror32, survivalKidsGbc42, swamperRomper, swampySummer, sweaft64, sweetDreams, sweet24, sweetcyan, sweetdusk5, sweethope, sweets24, swordp, tLollipop, tMascTuesday, taliwan, tandyColorComputerRgb, tangerineNoir, tankPalette, tanopal48, tapestriesAndTextiles, tar, tarot7, team16, tearsOnTheSand, teaviie, technogarten, tempoppyWitchyMuted, tenfourRamp82, terminus, terracarbon, testFreak, testTrash, tetravibe6, textdoc15, theAbyss, theAfter, theBattleOfColoursV3, theBloodyThree, theCosmos, theCrow, theDark, theFatedEight, theFourthDream, theGreatestBird, theLastAutumn, theNightmareBefore, thePurpleVibe, thePurrfectCrimeGamejam, theRain, theReckoning, theRgbPalette, theRoarin80SV2, theSilverKnight, theSpookyChase, theYGiganteReverted, theYMasters, theYPastelia, thebattlesofcoloursV2, theoryOf5, tiefling20, tilaAlit, tilde, timelessNight, tinkercad, tinyfolks, tlp, tms9918Vdp, tnr64, tnr8, toasted40, tofu20K, tomatoAndPewter, torchflame, totallyTubular31, totiFroti, toxicHaze, toxicSlime, toybox32, transOracularJam2024Palette, trashPanda, treasureMapPaperColor, trekeWastes, trickOrTreat8, trike12, trirampo, tritanopia, tritaruzi, tritone, trixbit, tropicalCone24, tropicalFruit04, trs80, truckAnimal, tsunami, tupm1987, turquoiseEclipse, turtle16, twilioquest76, twistedFantasy35, twoBitHissyFit, ty128Engine, ty4ThDimensionRealm28, tyAbruptHorror2, tyAbruptHorror4, tyAbruptHorror7, tyAdventureKit16, tyAlienWorld7, tyAncientMagis10, tyAncientMagis16, tyAncientRocca5, tyAndroidFantasy5, tyArcanixium13, tyArtificialHappiness12, tyArtificialHappiness16, tyArtificialHappiness8, tyAssembly12K, tyBlackSouls16, tyBleu8, tyBloodSiren8, tyBlueMoon12, tyBlueMoon5, tyBlueSeed7, tyBonesAshes16, tyBonesAshes27, tyCaveExplorer20, tyCelestialSapien26, tyChillWave6, tyChillWaveIi6, tyChillingSpine21, tyChillingSpine8, tyColdBlooded14, tyCollectiveData13, tyColorConsole17, tyDarkAutumns15, tyDarkGoon25, tyDarkRebellion24Color, tyDarkRebellion25, tyDarkRebellion36, tyDarkRpg10, tyDarkRpg16, tyDeathParadise20, tyDeeperDepths16, tyDeeperDepths4, tyDeeperDepths9, tyDeltaComputer24, tyDementiaGirl16, tyDementiaGirl24, tyDesertedWasteland14, tyDisasterGirl16, tyDisasterGirl20, tyDistortedKingdom16, tyDistortedKingdom24, tyDistortedPrincess10, tyFallenMajestic18, tyFantasiaForest13, tyFateDestiny12, tyFateDice16, tyFateDice6, tyFictionalComputerOs16, tyFictionalComputerOs26, tyFictionalComputerOs32, tyForestOfMiracles17, tyForgottenTimes51, tyForgottenTimes9, tyForgottenWasteland7, tyFutureComputer20, tyGardenOfSinners16, tyGlassFeelings12, tyGlassFeelings4, tyHauntedMansion10, tyHeartOfTheBeast16, tyHighFantasy40, tyIceCold12, tyIceCold18, tyIndustrialFactory10, tyIndustrialFactory16, tyJingleGems6, tyKingsQueens10, tyLegendOfTheLoop7, tyLivingMachine4, tyMicroPastel16, tyMiniPrism16, tyMonsterDungeons11, tyMonsterDungeons16, tyMonsterDungeons22, tyMudSwamp4, tyMurderMystery16, tyMurderMystery8, tyNeverFound7, tyNightCreeper16, tyNightLight2, tyNightLight5, tyNightLight7, tyOld90SAdventure16, tyOld90SAdventure29, tyOldFilm4, tyOldMansion8, tyOldNostalgia16, tyPlanetNetwork20, tyPlanetNetwork29, tyPlayWin7, tyPostArcanixium13, tyPsygnosia26, tyQuietNight10, tyQuietNight4, tyRedAutumns4, tyRetroPrism30, tyRetroWave16, tyRottenCity9, tyRoyalty10, tySacrilland28, tySeedOfDespair10, tyShadesOfNokia12, tyShadesOfNokia4, tyShiningGems24, tySpaceMission14, tyTaikoncolor16, tyTaikoncolor24, tyWashedOut16, tyndustre22042201, tzi24, uinbrowGuyPalette, unclaimedbaggage08a, uncuredOfficial, undeadColors, underTheSeas, undertaleBitsAndPiecesRuins, unfamiliarDeliciousWorld, univ1, universalis42, unstable, untitled37, uranium5, urbanHaze, usefle8, useful25, valentinesDay12, vaporcraze8, vaporhaze16, vapornes, vaporsthetic, vaporwaveVibes, venus, venusAndMars, verdantDeepWoods, verdantValley, verdigris, verso56, verso64, vibe20, vibin, vibrancy, vibrantGun24, vibrantMagic, vibrantWorld40, vibrantskies48, vicron, videoGraphicsArray, vieillesCartes, vieleFarben66, viewline64, vigaros16, vigor, villageHouse, vintageAutumn, vintageRuby, vintageSapphire, vintageVoltage, vintagedalsy, violetDreams, violetVoyage, vireo4, viridianBlue, viridianVibrant, virtualBoyCorrectedPalette, virtualcat, vivaMagenta5, vividEga64, vivid16, vividmemory8, voidTrain, voltageWarning, voyager, wackyWorldsCreativityStudio, wahtermelon, waldgeist, walkInTheWoods9, walkingInTheWoods8, wall10, waltz, wam, wanted21, warTrain, wariowareDiyPalette, warmBreezeOnSunnyDays, warmC64, warmOchre, warmSpace, warmSpringSunset, warmTwilight, warmySpring, wartorn4, watchmen64, watercolorBjg, watermelon21, wateryAccent, wave, waxun, weatheredPaint, webMemories, weeklyRelease, ween8, weirdAutumn, whatColorPalette, whatTheDec21, wheatField, whiteScape, whiteboardfoxPaletteBasic, wholePunch64, wholePunch64PleaseReplace, wholesome76, wildWest, wildflowers, willsWill, windowOfOpportunity, windyGb, wineGameboy, wingedYeti, winterNight, wintercode, wishingpotion9, wisteric17, witchsBrew2Bit, woodenGameboy, woodenTeeth, woodlandFantasy, woodspark, worldOfHorror, wormsOpenWarfare2, wortmore10, woygab24, woygab24Prototype, wyoming20, wyrm24, wyrmMoth48, xanthoparmelia, xdPal, yanasModernizedPokemonSgb, yaya13, year1997, yeetzi32, yellowAdrift, yellowSubmarine, yellue, yes, yoghurtish, yourComputerHasAVirus13, yperochaChromata, ysCoffeCalm, ysConcreteJungle, ysPopIt, yuka4, yumeNikki, z0rn, zamphaMasterPal, zant, zantasticdiscord, zantsPastels, zantsgame, zeeZeZeZeZe, zencillo14, zenit184, zenit241, zenith, zombieApocalipse, zool
@@ -1037,6 +1037,14 @@ autumnBreeze =
     createPalette "Autumn Breeze" [ rgb255 45 26 21, rgb255 107 37 17, rgb255 182 29 29, rgb255 206 66 26, rgb255 229 101 32, rgb255 231 126 27, rgb255 247 163 27, rgb255 255 187 24, rgb255 217 205 189, rgb255 246 240 233, rgb255 229 209 163, rgb255 229 197 123, rgb255 225 179 106, rgb255 112 52 36, rgb255 144 73 54, rgb255 163 92 73 ] [ "16", "autumn", "fall", "orange", "red", "yellow" ] (Just "Fractured Polygon") ""
+{-| Autumn Butterfly by Benjamin Yandon
+autumnButterfly : Palette.Palette
+autumnButterfly =
+    createPalette "Autumn Butterfly" [ rgb255 54 29 64, rgb255 88 20 129, rgb255 165 72 176, rgb255 87 119 195, rgb255 58 49 137, rgb255 116 178 56, rgb255 230 222 205, rgb255 191 64 43 ] [ "bright", "bugs", "color", "fall" ] (Just "Benjamin Yandon") ""
 {-| Autumn Comfort 18 by River
@@ -3581,6 +3589,14 @@ deuterospill =
     createPalette "DeuteroSpill" [ rgb255 21 52 87, rgb255 24 60 92, rgb255 29 73 97, rgb255 69 88 93, rgb255 109 110 70, rgb255 127 128 104, rgb255 150 153 142, rgb255 172 178 177, rgb255 203 213 252 ] [ "9colors", "blue", "colorblind", "deuteranopia", "dust", "mechanical", "pollution", "royalnaym", "sick", "water", "yellow" ] (Just "Naym") ""
+{-| devil food by Qirlfriend
+devilFood : Palette.Palette
+devilFood =
+    createPalette "devil food" [ rgb255 22 13 16, rgb255 80 49 70, rgb255 106 60 88, rgb255 147 79 101, rgb255 127 50 101, rgb255 106 34 73, rgb255 145 39 73, rgb255 166 51 60, rgb255 181 72 70, rgb255 191 94 77, rgb255 161 63 47, rgb255 123 44 50, rgb255 88 35 47, rgb255 53 29 50, rgb255 62 37 68, rgb255 74 51 96, rgb255 103 66 104, rgb255 185 120 132, rgb255 75 94 125, rgb255 52 55 126, rgb255 43 41 72, rgb255 30 28 50, rgb255 34 20 37, rgb255 71 31 47, rgb255 101 44 57, rgb255 119 58 64, rgb255 142 82 76, rgb255 93 65 67, rgb255 58 54 60, rgb255 55 39 42, rgb255 75 50 51 ] [ "halloween", "octoberpalettecontest", "qirlfriend" ] (Just "Qirlfriend") ""
 {-| Dewdrop Dynasty-40 by JuhoSprite
@@ -3778,7 +3794,7 @@ dr20 =
 drDarkworldNeon : Palette.Palette
 drDarkworldNeon =
-    createPalette "DR- Darkworld Neon" [ rgb255 51 165 108, rgb255 64 228 212, rgb255 199 226 242, rgb255 105 122 195, rgb255 12 11 59, rgb255 91 32 157, rgb255 160 23 208, rgb255 249 131 216, rgb255 251 206 60, rgb255 244 167 49, rgb255 234 0 150, rgb255 137 23 105 ] [ "bright", "deltarune", "fandom", "neon", "night" ] (Just "StellarBee") ""
+    createPalette "DR- Darkworld Neon" [ rgb255 51 165 108, rgb255 64 228 212, rgb255 199 226 242, rgb255 105 122 195, rgb255 12 11 59, rgb255 91 32 157, rgb255 160 23 208, rgb255 249 131 216, rgb255 251 206 60, rgb255 244 167 49, rgb255 234 0 150, rgb255 137 23 105 ] [ "bright", "challenge", "deltarune", "fandom", "neon", "night" ] (Just "StellarBee") ""
 {-| DR- Neon Reflection by StellarBee
@@ -4205,14 +4221,6 @@ endlessWarmth =
     createPalette "Endless Warmth" [ rgb255 129 29 95, rgb255 232 80 111, rgb255 244 147 110, rgb255 240 240 179 ] [ "2bit", "4", "4color", "4colors", "artist", "colorful", "gameboy", "gb", "warm" ] (Just "flipwix") ""
-{-| Enhanced Graphics Adapter by WareNetwork2000
-enhancedGraphicsAdapter : Palette.Palette
-enhancedGraphicsAdapter =
-    createPalette "Enhanced Graphics Adapter" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 0 0 170, rgb255 0 170 0, rgb255 0 170 170, rgb255 170 0 0, rgb255 170 0 170, rgb255 170 170 0, rgb255 170 170 170, rgb255 0 0 85, rgb255 0 0 255, rgb255 0 170 85, rgb255 0 170 255, rgb255 170 0 85, rgb255 170 0 255, rgb255 170 170 85, rgb255 170 170 255, rgb255 0 85 0, rgb255 0 85 170, rgb255 0 255 0, rgb255 0 255 170, rgb255 170 85 0, rgb255 170 85 170, rgb255 170 255 0, rgb255 170 255 170, rgb255 0 85 85, rgb255 0 85 255, rgb255 0 255 85, rgb255 0 255 255, rgb255 170 85 85, rgb255 170 85 255, rgb255 170 255 85, rgb255 170 255 255, rgb255 85 0 0, rgb255 85 0 170, rgb255 85 170 0, rgb255 85 170 170, rgb255 255 0 0, rgb255 255 0 170, rgb255 255 170 0, rgb255 255 170 170, rgb255 85 0 85, rgb255 85 0 255, rgb255 85 170 85, rgb255 85 170 255, rgb255 255 0 85, rgb255 255 0 255, rgb255 255 170 85, rgb255 255 170 255, rgb255 85 85 0, rgb255 85 85 170, rgb255 85 255 0, rgb255 85 255 170, rgb255 255 85 0, rgb255 255 85 170, rgb255 255 255 0, rgb255 255 255 170, rgb255 85 85 85, rgb255 85 85 255, rgb255 85 255 85, rgb255 85 255 255, rgb255 255 85 85, rgb255 255 85 255, rgb255 255 255 85, rgb255 255 255 255 ] [ "cga", "computer", "hardware" ] (Just "WareNetwork2000") ""
 {-| Enneagon by Gors
@@ -4413,6 +4421,14 @@ fake24BitModdedWeb =
     createPalette "Fake 24 bit (modded Web)" [ rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 17 17 17, rgb255 34 34 34, rgb255 51 51 51, rgb255 68 68 68, rgb255 85 85 85, rgb255 102 102 102, rgb255 119 119 119, rgb255 136 136 136, rgb255 153 153 153, rgb255 170 170 170, rgb255 187 187 187, rgb255 204 204 204, rgb255 221 221 221, rgb255 238 238 238, rgb255 255 255 255, rgb255 255 230 230, rgb255 255 255 230, rgb255 230 255 230, rgb255 230 255 255, rgb255 230 230 255, rgb255 255 230 255, rgb255 228 191 191, rgb255 191 228 191, rgb255 191 191 228, rgb255 255 204 204, rgb255 255 255 204, rgb255 204 255 204, rgb255 204 255 255, rgb255 204 204 255, rgb255 255 204 255, rgb255 204 153 153, rgb255 204 204 153, rgb255 153 204 153, rgb255 153 204 204, rgb255 153 153 204, rgb255 204 153 204, rgb255 178 178 128, rgb255 128 178 179, rgb255 179 127 179, rgb255 255 229 179, rgb255 229 255 179, rgb255 179 229 255, rgb255 230 179 255, rgb255 153 102 102, rgb255 102 153 102, rgb255 102 153 153, rgb255 102 102 153, rgb255 153 102 153, rgb255 79 122 123, rgb255 123 79 123, rgb255 127 126 77, rgb255 255 153 153, rgb255 127 76 76, rgb255 255 204 153, rgb255 255 255 153, rgb255 204 255 153, rgb255 153 255 153, rgb255 76 127 77, rgb255 153 255 204, rgb255 153 255 255, rgb255 153 204 255, rgb255 153 153 255, rgb255 76 76 127, rgb255 204 153 255, rgb255 255 153 255, rgb255 255 153 204, rgb255 99 99 51, rgb255 230 129 255, rgb255 102 51 51, rgb255 204 102 102, rgb255 204 153 102, rgb255 255 229 128, rgb255 204 204 102, rgb255 153 204 102, rgb255 51 102 51, rgb255 102 204 102, rgb255 102 204 153, rgb255 102 204 204, rgb255 51 102 102, rgb255 127 229 255, rgb255 102 153 204, rgb255 51 51 102, rgb255 102 102 204, rgb255 153 102 204, rgb255 102 51 102, rgb255 204 102 204, rgb255 204 102 153, rgb255 178 76 76, rgb255 76 178 76, rgb255 76 178 178, rgb255 77 77 178, rgb255 177 77 178, rgb255 179 178 76, rgb255 255 102 102, rgb255 255 153 102, rgb255 255 204 102, rgb255 255 255 102, rgb255 204 255 102, rgb255 153 255 102, rgb255 102 255 102, rgb255 102 255 153, rgb255 102 255 204, rgb255 102 255 255, rgb255 102 153 255, rgb255 102 102 255, rgb255 153 102 255, rgb255 204 102 255, rgb255 255 102 255, rgb255 255 102 204, rgb255 255 102 153, rgb255 73 25 25, rgb255 73 73 25, rgb255 25 73 25, rgb255 25 73 73, rgb255 25 25 73, rgb255 73 25 73, rgb255 153 51 51, rgb255 153 102 51, rgb255 102 153 51, rgb255 51 153 51, rgb255 51 153 102, rgb255 51 153 153, rgb255 51 102 153, rgb255 51 51 153, rgb255 102 51 153, rgb255 153 51 153, rgb255 153 51 102, rgb255 230 79 255, rgb255 77 204 255, rgb255 204 51 51, rgb255 204 102 51, rgb255 204 153 51, rgb255 204 204 51, rgb255 153 204 51, rgb255 102 204 51, rgb255 51 204 102, rgb255 51 204 153, rgb255 51 153 204, rgb255 51 102 204, rgb255 51 51 204, rgb255 102 51 204, rgb255 153 51 204, rgb255 204 51 204, rgb255 204 51 153, rgb255 204 51 102, rgb255 255 51 51, rgb255 51 153 255, rgb255 51 102 255, rgb255 51 51 255, rgb255 102 51 255, rgb255 153 51 255, rgb255 204 51 255, rgb255 255 51 255, rgb255 255 51 204, rgb255 255 51 153, rgb255 255 51 102, rgb255 230 29 255, rgb255 255 0 0, rgb255 153 0 0, rgb255 102 0 0, rgb255 204 0 0, rgb255 51 0 0, rgb255 25 0 0, rgb255 255 51 0, rgb255 204 51 0, rgb255 153 51 0, rgb255 255 102 0, rgb255 102 51 0, rgb255 204 102 0, rgb255 177 103 0, rgb255 255 153 0, rgb255 153 102 0, rgb255 204 153 0, rgb255 255 204 0, rgb255 255 255 0, rgb255 153 153 0, rgb255 102 102 0, rgb255 204 204 0, rgb255 51 51 0, rgb255 25 25 0, rgb255 204 255 0, rgb255 153 204 0, rgb255 102 153 0, rgb255 153 255 0, rgb255 51 102 0, rgb255 102 204 0, rgb255 102 255 0, rgb255 51 153 0, rgb255 51 204 0, rgb255 0 255 0, rgb255 0 153 0, rgb255 0 102 0, rgb255 0 204 0, rgb255 0 51 0, rgb255 0 25 0, rgb255 0 204 51, rgb255 0 153 51, rgb255 0 255 102, rgb255 0 102 51, rgb255 0 204 102, rgb255 0 255 153, rgb255 0 153 102, rgb255 0 204 153, rgb255 0 255 204, rgb255 0 255 255, rgb255 0 102 102, rgb255 0 204 204, rgb255 0 153 153, rgb255 0 51 51, rgb255 0 25 25, rgb255 0 204 255, rgb255 0 153 204, rgb255 0 102 153, rgb255 0 153 255, rgb255 0 51 102, rgb255 0 102 204, rgb255 0 102 255, rgb255 0 51 153, rgb255 0 51 204, rgb255 0 51 255, rgb255 0 0 255, rgb255 0 0 153, rgb255 0 0 102, rgb255 0 0 204, rgb255 0 0 51, rgb255 0 0 25, rgb255 51 0 255, rgb255 51 0 204, rgb255 77 0 255, rgb255 51 0 153, rgb255 102 0 255, rgb255 51 0 102, rgb255 102 0 204, rgb255 153 0 255, rgb255 102 0 153, rgb255 153 0 204, rgb255 204 0 255, rgb255 255 0 255, rgb255 102 0 102, rgb255 153 0 153, rgb255 204 0 204, rgb255 51 0 51, rgb255 25 0 25, rgb255 255 0 204, rgb255 204 0 153, rgb255 153 0 102, rgb255 255 0 153, rgb255 102 0 51, rgb255 204 0 102, rgb255 255 0 102, rgb255 153 0 51, rgb255 204 0 51, rgb255 255 0 51 ] [ "24bit", "24bitto8bit", "24to8bit", "32bit", "32bitto8bit", "32to8bit", "highcolor", "truecolor" ] (Just "FriendlyPolygon") ""
+{-| Fallen31 by v3sp\_
+fallen31 : Palette.Palette
+fallen31 =
+    createPalette "Fallen31" [ rgb255 70 29 46, rgb255 125 63 93, rgb255 128 76 101, rgb255 149 102 132, rgb255 175 141 162, rgb255 88 34 37, rgb255 108 44 31, rgb255 126 60 34, rgb255 145 52 38, rgb255 176 78 41, rgb255 184 109 48, rgb255 126 52 64, rgb255 179 98 103, rgb255 186 122 120, rgb255 200 147 158, rgb255 204 172 177, rgb255 208 189 182, rgb255 89 47 47, rgb255 142 82 63, rgb255 192 149 134, rgb255 95 65 44, rgb255 151 119 67, rgb255 189 172 146, rgb255 206 200 182, rgb255 62 71 54, rgb255 110 128 84, rgb255 160 167 124, rgb255 65 44 55, rgb255 95 83 90, rgb255 141 134 128, rgb255 184 179 173 ] [ "autumn", "halloween", "octoberpalettecontest", "spooky", "warm" ] (Just "v3sp_") ""
 {-| Fallin by Zant
@@ -6237,14 +6253,6 @@ iroshizuku16 =
     createPalette "Iroshizuku16" [ rgb255 232 225 209, rgb255 181 195 199, rgb255 108 119 135, rgb255 61 57 69, rgb255 194 217 104, rgb255 83 224 208, rgb255 73 150 209, rgb255 46 89 143, rgb255 255 188 54, rgb255 3 128 113, rgb255 171 119 116, rgb255 92 13 51, rgb255 230 64 128, rgb255 140 29 89, rgb255 250 111 90, rgb255 181 33 55 ] [ "ink", "paper", "pen" ] (Just "Anaday") ""
-{-| Isa's 20 by Isa
-isas20 : Palette.Palette
-isas20 =
-    createPalette "Isa's 20" [ rgb255 20 19 28, rgb255 144 60 74, rgb255 138 56 138, rgb255 129 70 65, rgb255 41 98 51, rgb255 95 83 71, rgb255 123 65 181, rgb255 74 89 87, rgb255 45 95 120, rgb255 60 91 135, rgb255 82 87 114, rgb255 63 194 206, rgb255 118 194 81, rgb255 237 143 246, rgb255 233 159 133, rgb255 221 166 111, rgb255 200 179 75, rgb255 174 178 161, rgb255 156 184 194, rgb255 249 249 235 ] [ "isasstudio" ] (Just "Isa") ""
 {-| islandshore by polyphrog
@@ -6453,6 +6461,14 @@ juiciful8 =
     createPalette "Juiciful-8" [ rgb255 255 247 244, rgb255 255 198 198, rgb255 255 130 130, rgb255 255 47 78, rgb255 198 10 95, rgb255 130 10 95, rgb255 66 10 66, rgb255 2 2 2 ] [ "fruit", "juiciful8", "pink", "purple", "raspberry" ] (Just "ArmaZen") ""
+{-| JuicyFruit 16 by Shrimpcat
+juicyfruit16 : Palette.Palette
+juicyfruit16 =
+    createPalette "JuicyFruit 16" [ rgb255 17 15 14, rgb255 43 30 23, rgb255 85 51 45, rgb255 156 87 73, rgb255 193 48 78, rgb255 254 104 84, rgb255 242 168 83, rgb255 243 214 175, rgb255 47 159 108, rgb255 145 232 122, rgb255 242 229 124, rgb255 229 239 238, rgb255 47 56 168, rgb255 82 115 221, rgb255 119 195 246, rgb255 161 232 213 ] [ "bright", "cheery", "colorful", "fruit", "fruity", "hueshift", "jedi", "juice", "obnoxious", "pastel", "shrimpcat", "simple", "sunny", "wierd" ] (Just "Shrimpcat") ""
 {-| JYB - JuicYBits by mór
@@ -9061,14 +9077,6 @@ oria20 =
     createPalette "Oria20" [ rgb255 244 237 213, rgb255 231 179 155, rgb255 236 86 53, rgb255 105 19 30, rgb255 242 244 153, rgb255 223 228 39, rgb255 145 172 12, rgb255 173 231 162, rgb255 48 223 74, rgb255 11 110 66, rgb255 143 203 231, rgb255 64 154 215, rgb255 32 52 86, rgb255 228 167 197, rgb255 188 108 176, rgb255 113 56 137, rgb255 204 207 170, rgb255 92 122 123, rgb255 40 53 83, rgb255 9 9 27 ] [ "20", "faded", "retro", "vintage" ] (Just "The Ziuk") ""
-{-| Original Gameboy by Sans 7657
-originalGameboy : Palette.Palette
-originalGameboy =
-    createPalette "Original Gameboy" [ rgb255 15 56 15, rgb255 48 98 48, rgb255 139 172 15, rgb255 155 188 15 ] [ "gameboy" ] (Just "Sans 7657") ""
 {-| Original Lego palette by José Iñaki Deschamps Hernández
@@ -12005,14 +12013,6 @@ solarize =
     createPalette "Solarize" [ rgb255 255 255 78, rgb255 254 206 132, rgb255 229 156 123, rgb255 245 112 75, rgb255 168 101 119 ] [ "warm" ] (Just "Glamdring804") ""
-{-| Sonic Mania Main Palette by Maximus Schmidt
-sonicManiaMainPalette : Palette.Palette
-sonicManiaMainPalette =
-    createPalette "Sonic Mania Main Palette" [ rgb255 33 124 219, rgb255 0 0 0, rgb255 0 0 129, rgb255 0 53 193, rgb255 0 104 240, rgb255 17 137 240, rgb255 44 161 240, rgb255 104 209 240, rgb255 17 87 104, rgb255 96 161 178, rgb255 153 201 201, rgb255 161 225 225, rgb255 193 104 44, rgb255 225 145 96, rgb255 240 178 145, rgb255 240 209 193, rgb255 62 0 0, rgb255 145 0 0, rgb255 225 0 0, rgb255 129 0 0, rgb255 177 44 0, rgb255 225 113 0, rgb255 225 161 0, rgb255 225 193 0, rgb255 26 0 2, rgb255 113 0 7, rgb255 225 0 26, rgb255 233 70 70, rgb255 233 121 121, rgb255 233 153 153, rgb255 113 0 0, rgb255 193 0 7, rgb255 35 26 35, rgb255 53 44 62, rgb255 70 70 104, rgb255 87 113 145, rgb255 129 161 178, rgb255 153 193 201, rgb255 177 209 209, rgb255 193 225 225, rgb255 225 225 225, rgb255 240 240 240, rgb255 62 7 0, rgb255 137 53 0, rgb255 185 104 0, rgb255 240 178 0, rgb255 240 217 0, rgb255 240 240 0, rgb255 26 0 0, rgb255 70 0 2, rgb255 145 0 7, rgb255 240 141 17, rgb255 96 62 129, rgb255 161 161 193, rgb255 35 53 153, rgb255 44 79 170, rgb255 137 7 26, rgb255 193 62 0, rgb255 79 87 121, rgb255 128 0 0, rgb255 173 19 0, rgb255 206 78 0, rgb255 221 121 0, rgb255 229 143 0, rgb255 237 168 0, rgb255 0 87 0, rgb255 0 161 0, rgb255 0 201 0, rgb255 217 209 26, rgb255 87 0 17, rgb255 153 0 44, rgb255 209 0 62, rgb255 233 35 87, rgb255 240 96 129, rgb255 240 129 137, rgb255 62 0 104, rgb255 145 0 137, rgb255 240 0 153, rgb255 240 161 201, rgb255 79 7 7, rgb255 137 26 26, rgb255 169 44 44, rgb255 201 62 62, rgb255 225 104 104, rgb255 240 145 153, rgb255 169 96 26, rgb255 209 137 62, rgb255 233 170 96, rgb255 240 209 145, rgb255 121 0 0, rgb255 169 0 0, rgb255 2 121 87, rgb255 1 201 145, rgb255 137 44 0, rgb255 161 104 0, rgb255 185 137 7, rgb255 209 170 8, rgb255 225 193 26, rgb255 233 209 53, rgb255 240 225 121, rgb255 177 79 0, rgb255 201 113 70, rgb255 233 161 121, rgb255 87 0 185, rgb255 161 0 240, rgb255 201 17 240, rgb255 233 35 240 ] [] (Just "Maximus Schmidt") ""
 {-| Sotc12 by Éden Jordan
@@ -12157,12 +12157,12 @@ spongbob14 =
     createPalette "Spongbob14" [ rgb255 7 3 5, rgb255 112 122 146, rgb255 184 203 217, rgb255 235 234 238, rgb255 126 195 192, rgb255 33 124 133, rgb255 49 58 45, rgb255 155 192 87, rgb255 232 225 144, rgb255 140 117 9, rgb255 210 123 41, rgb255 96 33 37, rgb255 199 69 67, rgb255 230 153 172 ] [ "artist", "julysummertimepalettecontest", "nostalgia", "spongebob" ] (Just "Springy") ""
-{-| SpooHouse by Hadd\_
+{-| spooky 13 by green guy
-spoohouse : Palette.Palette
-spoohouse =
-    createPalette "SpooHouse" [ rgb255 255 211 201, rgb255 235 87 137, rgb255 146 25 115, rgb255 58 8 78 ] [ "gameboy" ] (Just "Hadd_") ""
+spooky13 : Palette.Palette
+spooky13 =
+    createPalette "spooky 13" [ rgb255 183 177 174, rgb255 141 135 133, rgb255 89 82 82, rgb255 68 59 61, rgb255 50 41 53, rgb255 187 157 104, rgb255 177 124 99, rgb255 154 88 72, rgb255 108 70 59, rgb255 133 144 82, rgb255 108 115 71, rgb255 145 85 134, rgb255 107 58 113 ] [ "13", "brown", "desaturated", "gray", "green", "grey", "octoberpalettecontest", "purple", "red", "yellow" ] (Just "green guy") ""
 {-| Spooky 15 by Orbitron
@@ -16078,6 +16078,7 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "autum-villan-6", autumVillan6 )
         , ( "autumn-berry", autumnBerry )
         , ( "autumn-breeze", autumnBreeze )
+        , ( "autumn-butterfly", autumnButterfly )
         , ( "autumn-comfort-18", autumnComfort18 )
         , ( "autumn-harvest-37", autumnHarvest37 )
         , ( "autumn-thanksgiving-meal", autumnThanksgivingMeal )
@@ -16396,6 +16397,7 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "detective-bass", detectiveBass )
         , ( "deuteraruzi", deuteraruzi )
         , ( "deuterospill", deuterospill )
+        , ( "devil-food", devilFood )
         , ( "dewdrop-dynasty-40", dewdropDynasty40 )
         , ( "dewdrop-dynasty-96", dewdropDynasty96 )
         , ( "dharm32-15-bit", dharm3215Bit )
@@ -16474,7 +16476,6 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "enchanted-purple", enchantedPurple )
         , ( "endless", endless )
         , ( "endless-warmth", endlessWarmth )
-        , ( "enhanced-graphics-adapter", enhancedGraphicsAdapter )
         , ( "enneagon", enneagon )
         , ( "ennis-blade", ennisBlade )
         , ( "enon-32", enon32 )
@@ -16500,6 +16501,7 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "faded-world-12", fadedWorld12 )
         , ( "fadedpage12", fadedpage12 )
         , ( "fake-24-bit-modded-web", fake24BitModdedWeb )
+        , ( "fallen31", fallen31 )
         , ( "fallin", fallin )
         , ( "famicube-16", famicube16 )
         , ( "fancade32", fancade32 )
@@ -16728,7 +16730,6 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "iridescent-crystal", iridescentCrystal )
         , ( "iris-mod-logo", irisModLogo )
         , ( "iroshizuku16", iroshizuku16 )
-        , ( "isas-20", isas20 )
         , ( "islandshore", islandshore )
         , ( "isolated16", isolated16 )
         , ( "it-crowd", itCrowd )
@@ -16755,6 +16756,7 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "jr-tattoo", jrTattoo )
         , ( "jugdral21", jugdral21 )
         , ( "juiciful-8", juiciful8 )
+        , ( "juicyfruit-16", juicyfruit16 )
         , ( "jyb-juicybits-rejected-ptqh", jybJuicybitsRejectedPtqh )
         , ( "k-arambole", kArambole )
         , ( "kalimba-26", kalimba26 )
@@ -17081,7 +17083,6 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "orange-you-sad", orangeYouSad )
         , ( "orchids4", orchids4 )
         , ( "oria20", oria20 )
-        , ( "original-gameboy", originalGameboy )
         , ( "original-lego-palette", originalLegoPalette )
         , ( "orsage", orsage )
         , ( "otterpop14", otterpop14 )
@@ -17449,7 +17450,6 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "soggy-20", soggy20 )
         , ( "soggy-newspapers", soggyNewspapers )
         , ( "solarize", solarize )
-        , ( "sonic-mania-main-palette", sonicManiaMainPalette )
         , ( "sotc12", sotc12 )
         , ( "soul-of-the-sea", soulOfTheSea )
         , ( "soulscape", soulscape )
@@ -17468,7 +17468,7 @@ paletteList =
         , ( "spirit-4x", spirit4X )
         , ( "splashy-08", splashy08 )
         , ( "spongbob14", spongbob14 )
-        , ( "spoohouse", spoohouse )
+        , ( "spooky-13", spooky13 )
         , ( "spooky-15", spooky15 )
         , ( "spooky6", spooky6 )
         , ( "spoopy-knight", spoopyKnight )