TalentConnex is a web application developed with .NET technologies that offers a variety of features which enhances the job posting and job search experience when looking for qualified candidates for a job openings. It is designed to simplify the job search process by connecting job seekers with relevant job opportunities.
- C#, .NET 7
- .NET Core MVC Web Application
- .NET Core Web API
- SQL Server 2022
- Docker and Kubernetes
We used Figma to design the user interface of the web application. Click the link below to view the figma project. https://www.figma.com/file/x2tz6aYkjHnn4f6VTH527o/JobScout?node-id=139%3A170&t=z4EKNYEg3jP7USpk-1
To run the applications, make sure you have docker and kubernetes installed and running on your computer. Once done, follow the step below.
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/ramirezraph/JobBoards.git
Go to the project's root directory.
cd JobBoards
Go to the
directory and apply the kubernetes file.cd k8s kubectl apply -f .\jobboards.yaml
Check if all the services is running with this command:
kubectl get all -n jobboard
To access the web applications, you can use the
kubectl port-forward
command to forward the webapp or webapi service port to your local machine.To port-forward the web application:
kubectl port-forward svc/jobboardswebapp <port>:5001 -n jobboard
To port-forward the web api:
kubectl port-forward svc/jobboardsapi <port>:6001 -n jobboard
Then, you can now access the web application or web api in your browser by going to