diff --git a/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM b/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM index 939fc9bb58..e87efa70fc 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM +++ b/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ { - "spec": "36ba74a6e69cf3a8fcebc9e96b7e1aff", - "manifest": "7121f3fca33d1a61d3481ed694b0d7f2", - "setup": "a2f5e62e2c394da1865fe71ce5d2c476", + "spec": "508054b97b90d27c1263e2828dfac9ed", + "manifest": "6945707cd6658b1d844960516afa483e", + "setup": "fac6b6b40ef74e588ece433b704b2430", "schemas": [ { "identifier": "delete/schema.py", - "hash": "31d8ea573b5c9402b53db6d5f35c75f4" + "hash": "2701d05919734fb0007389bbf34a3d32" }, { "identifier": "get/schema.py", - "hash": "5004e5b85876853a676ae0f866f9b617" + "hash": "0cbad0600e9678d22924bd7b1d0b282a" }, { "identifier": "patch/schema.py", - "hash": "88bf9441f40c3f69bc89a4c265617bd2" + "hash": "eb90dca9b47905d15130a84c0318acb4" }, { "identifier": "post/schema.py", - "hash": "efba11c6934e31ddb5ff2c0bb2066361" + "hash": "a9fdc31073dbd073235b5c9d2193ff6c" }, { "identifier": "put/schema.py", - "hash": "f408a0e4088e62f0b620fb58c9af6eb6" + "hash": "d53c60a8347a9f3e434296061153a83e" }, { "identifier": "connection/schema.py", - "hash": "7f5b53d7dc040ff42ee3d2e2eabc5ffa" + "hash": "d76e7ec346d4a6d0bb4bf461031d07c4" } ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest b/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest index 496ebdb6db..48af35e65f 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest +++ b/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import os import json from sys import argv Name = "HTTP Requests" Vendor = "rapid7" -Version = "6.0.2" +Version = "6.0.3" Description = "The HTTP Requests plugin to make it easy to integrate with RESTful services" @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def main(): monkey.patch_all() import insightconnect_plugin_runtime - from komand_rest import connection, actions, triggers + from komand_rest import connection, actions, triggers, tasks class ICONRest(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Plugin): def __init__(self): @@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ def main(): description=Description, connection=connection.Connection() ) - self.add_action(actions.Delete()) - self.add_action(actions.Get()) - - self.add_action(actions.Patch()) - + self.add_action(actions.Post()) - + self.add_action(actions.Put()) - + + self.add_action(actions.Patch()) + + self.add_action(actions.Delete()) + """Run plugin""" cli = insightconnect_plugin_runtime.CLI(ICONRest()) diff --git a/plugins/rest/help.md b/plugins/rest/help.md index 3d9347d581..9e95ddf466 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/help.md +++ b/plugins/rest/help.md @@ -1,20 +1,23 @@ # Description -The HTTP Requests plugin to make it easy to integrate with RESTful services + +The HTTP Requests plugin to make it easy to integrate with RESTful services The HTTP Requests plugin allows users to automate HTTP requests to API services such as [RESTful based services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer). This plugin is often used to integrate with ad-hoc 3rd party API's in a workflow without going through the process of [building a new plugin](https://komand.github.io/python/index.html). It supports DELETE, GET, PATCH, POST, or PUT requests to the provided URI. # Key Features + * Make RESTful API calls - * Quickly integrate with 3rd party API's over HTTP # Requirements + * A RESTFUL HTTP/HTTPS resource and supported authentication, if any # Supported Product Versions -* 2022-09-05 + +* 2022-09-05 # Documentation @@ -33,7 +36,7 @@ The connection configuration accepts the following parameters: |private_key|file|None|False|Private key for mutual TLS (requires Client Certificate)|None|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| |secret|credential_secret_key|None|False|Credential secret key. Provide a Bearer Token, Rapid7 Insight, OpsGenie, Pendo or using "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" in the Default Headers field for Custom authentication type|None|9de5069c5afe602b2ea0a04b66beb2c0| |ssl_verify|boolean|True|True|Verify TLS/SSL certificate|None|True| - + Example input: ``` @@ -59,11 +62,11 @@ Example input: ## Technical Details ### Actions - + #### DELETE -This action is used to make a DELETE request. +This action is used to make a DELETE request ##### Input @@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ Example output: #### GET -This action is used to make a GET request. +This action is used to make a GET request ##### Input @@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ Example output: #### PATCH -This action is used to make a PATCH request. +This action is used to make a PATCH request ##### Input @@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ Example output: #### POST -This action is used to make a POST request. +This action is used to make a POST request ##### Input @@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ Example output: #### PUT -This action is used to make a PUT request. +This action is used to make a PUT request ##### Input @@ -320,18 +323,17 @@ Example output: "status": 200 } ``` - ### Triggers *This plugin does not contain any triggers.* ### Tasks -*This plugin does not contain any tasks.* +*This plugin does not contain any tasks.* ### Custom Types -*This plugin does not contain any custom output types.* +*This plugin does not contain any custom output types.* ## Troubleshooting @@ -341,6 +343,7 @@ Any issues connecting to the remote service should be present in the log of the # Version History +* 6.0.3 - Added empty `__init__.py` file to `unit_test` folder | Refreshed with new tooling * 6.0.2 - Fixed a bug that would cause an incorrect error message whenever a 400 error was received and the response object was a list * 6.0.1 - Improved ability of 'Body Any' input to handle non-standard characters and JSON input * 6.0.0 - All actions: Changed body as array to body as any (string input) diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/__init__.py index 45fa32612a..ee6fdf910c 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/__init__.py @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT -from .delete.action import Delete +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT + from .get.action import Get -from .patch.action import Patch + from .post.action import Post + from .put.action import Put + +from .patch.action import Patch + +from .delete.action import Delete + diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/__init__.py index 414f7280cd..1a89540f13 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/__init__.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT from .action import Delete diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/schema.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/schema.py index 66e0761bac..8dc6d815db 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/schema.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/delete/schema.py @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import insightconnect_plugin_runtime import json class Component: - DESCRIPTION = "Make a DELETE request" + DESCRIPTION = "This action is used to make a DELETE request" class Input: @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ class Input: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" HEADERS = "headers" ROUTE = "route" - + class Output: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" BODY_STRING = "body_string" HEADERS = "headers" STATUS = "status" - + class DeleteInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ class DeleteInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): }, "required": [ "route" - ] + ], + "definitions": {} } """) @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(self): class DeleteOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class DeleteOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): "description": "Status code of the response from the server", "order": 3 } - } + }, + "definitions": {} } """) diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/__init__.py index 7cff8fa89a..98f445da3c 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/__init__.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT from .action import Get diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/schema.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/schema.py index 78b0dcf109..858e1f2776 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/schema.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/get/schema.py @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import insightconnect_plugin_runtime import json class Component: - DESCRIPTION = "Make a GET request" + DESCRIPTION = "This action is used to make a GET request" class Input: @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ class Input: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" HEADERS = "headers" ROUTE = "route" - + class Output: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" BODY_STRING = "body_string" HEADERS = "headers" STATUS = "status" - + class GetInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ class GetInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): }, "required": [ "route" - ] + ], + "definitions": {} } """) @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(self): class GetOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class GetOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): "description": "Status code of the response from the server", "order": 3 } - } + }, + "definitions": {} } """) diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/__init__.py index ec47e8ff74..6a077fa55e 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/__init__.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT from .action import Patch diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/schema.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/schema.py index 109e1d15a6..6884b0be6a 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/schema.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/patch/schema.py @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import insightconnect_plugin_runtime import json class Component: - DESCRIPTION = "Make a PATCH request" + DESCRIPTION = "This action is used to make a PATCH request" class Input: @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ class Input: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" HEADERS = "headers" ROUTE = "route" - + class Output: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" BODY_STRING = "body_string" HEADERS = "headers" STATUS = "status" - + class PatchInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ class PatchInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): }, "required": [ "route" - ] + ], + "definitions": {} } """) @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(self): class PatchOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class PatchOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): "description": "Status code of the response from the server", "order": 3 } - } + }, + "definitions": {} } """) diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/__init__.py index baec2c0ae6..d4e91ca70b 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/__init__.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT from .action import Post diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/schema.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/schema.py index b497efe1f8..d6c13a3178 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/schema.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/post/schema.py @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import insightconnect_plugin_runtime import json class Component: - DESCRIPTION = "Make a POST request" + DESCRIPTION = "This action is used to make a POST request" class Input: @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ class Input: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" HEADERS = "headers" ROUTE = "route" - + class Output: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" BODY_STRING = "body_string" HEADERS = "headers" STATUS = "status" - + class PostInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ class PostInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): }, "required": [ "route" - ] + ], + "definitions": {} } """) @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(self): class PostOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class PostOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): "description": "Status code of the response from the server", "order": 3 } - } + }, + "definitions": {} } """) diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/__init__.py index 96036baabc..e3b57c360b 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/__init__.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT from .action import Put diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/schema.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/schema.py index 893b9c01fe..32f487ec1a 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/schema.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/actions/put/schema.py @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import insightconnect_plugin_runtime import json class Component: - DESCRIPTION = "Make a PUT request" + DESCRIPTION = "This action is used to make a PUT request" class Input: @@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ class Input: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" HEADERS = "headers" ROUTE = "route" - + class Output: BODY_OBJECT = "body_object" BODY_STRING = "body_string" HEADERS = "headers" STATUS = "status" - + class PutInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ class PutInput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): }, "required": [ "route" - ] + ], + "definitions": {} } """) @@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ def __init__(self): class PutOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -92,7 +93,8 @@ class PutOutput(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Output): "description": "Status code of the response from the server", "order": 3 } - } + }, + "definitions": {} } """) diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/connection/schema.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/connection/schema.py index 963d263b23..85870b0f73 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/connection/schema.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/connection/schema.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT import insightconnect_plugin_runtime import json @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ class Input: PRIVATE_KEY = "private_key" SECRET = "secret" SSL_VERIFY = "ssl_verify" - + class ConnectionSchema(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): - schema = json.loads(""" + schema = json.loads(r""" { "type": "object", "title": "Variables", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class ConnectionSchema(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): "default_headers": { "type": "object", "title": "Default Headers", - "description": "Custom headers to include in all requests associated with this connection. To pass a encrypted key as a header value, enter your key in the Secret Key input and set the value of the header in this field to \\"CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT\\" instead of secret key. The plugin will replace \\"CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT\\" with the encrypted key stored in the Secret Key input when the plugin runs.", + "description": "Custom headers to include in all requests associated with this connection. To pass a encrypted key as a header value, enter your key in the Secret Key input and set the value of the header in this field to \"CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT\" instead of secret key. The plugin will replace \"CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT\" with the encrypted key stored in the Secret Key input when the plugin runs.", "order": 4 }, "fail_on_http_errors": { @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ConnectionSchema(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): "secret": { "$ref": "#/definitions/credential_secret_key", "title": "Secret Key", - "description": "Credential secret key. Provide a Bearer Token, Rapid7 Insight, OpsGenie, Pendo or using \\"CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT\\" in the Default Headers field for Custom authentication type", + "description": "Credential secret key. Provide a Bearer Token, Rapid7 Insight, OpsGenie, Pendo or using \"CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT\" in the Default Headers field for Custom authentication type", "order": 3 }, "ssl_verify": { @@ -99,63 +99,63 @@ class ConnectionSchema(insightconnect_plugin_runtime.Input): "type": "object", "title": "Credential: Secret Key", "description": "A shared secret key", + "required": [ + "secretKey" + ], "properties": { "secretKey": { "type": "string", "title": "Secret Key", - "displayType": "password", "description": "The shared secret key", - "format": "password" + "format": "password", + "displayType": "password" } - }, - "required": [ - "secretKey" - ] + } + }, + "file": { + "id": "file", + "type": "object", + "title": "File", + "description": "File Object", + "properties": { + "filename": { + "type": "string", + "title": "Filename", + "description": "Name of file" + }, + "content": { + "type": "string", + "format": "bytes", + "title": "Content", + "description": "File contents" + } + } }, "credential_username_password": { "id": "credential_username_password", - "type": "object", "title": "Credential: Username and Password", "description": "A username and password combination", + "type": "object", "properties": { + "username": { + "type": "string", + "title": "Username", + "description": "The username to log in with", + "order": 1 + }, "password": { "type": "string", "title": "Password", - "displayType": "password", "description": "The password", "format": "password", + "displayType": "password", "order": 2 - }, - "username": { - "type": "string", - "title": "Username", - "description": "The username to log in with", - "order": 1 } }, "required": [ "username", "password" ] - }, - "file": { - "id": "file", - "type": "object", - "title": "File", - "description": "File Object", - "properties": { - "content": { - "type": "string", - "title": "Content", - "description": "File contents", - "format": "bytes" - }, - "filename": { - "type": "string", - "title": "Filename", - "description": "Name of file" - } - } } } } diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/tasks/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/tasks/__init__.py index 797e426edf..7020c9a4ad 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/tasks/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/tasks/__init__.py @@ -1 +1,2 @@ # GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT + diff --git a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/triggers/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/triggers/__init__.py index bace8db897..7020c9a4ad 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/komand_rest/triggers/__init__.py +++ b/plugins/rest/komand_rest/triggers/__init__.py @@ -1 +1,2 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT + diff --git a/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml b/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml index 101058a36d..162002b49a 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml +++ b/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ products: [insightconnect] name: rest title: HTTP Requests description: The HTTP Requests plugin to make it easy to integrate with RESTful services -version: 6.0.2 +version: 6.0.3 vendor: rapid7 support: community supported_versions: ["2022-09-05"] @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ resources: source_url: https://github.com/rapid7/insightconnect-plugins/tree/master/plugins/rest license_url: https://github.com/rapid7/insightconnect-plugins/blob/master/LICENSE docs_url: https://docs.rapid7.com/insightconnect/http-requests -key_features: ["Make RESTful API calls"] -requirements: ["None"] -references: ["https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "https://docs.rapid7.com/insightconnect/http-requests"] +key_features: ["Make RESTful API calls", "Quickly integrate with 3rd party API's over HTTP"] +requirements: ["A RESTFUL HTTP/HTTPS resource and supported authentication, if any"] +references: ["https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", "[InsightConnect HTTP Request Plugin Guide]https://docs.rapid7.com/insightconnect/http-requests"] tags: - rest - request @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ connection: actions: get: title: GET - description: Make a GET request + description: This action is used to make a GET request input: route: title: Route @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ actions: example: {"Host": "rapid7.com"} post: title: POST - description: Make a POST request + description: This action is used to make a POST request input: route: title: Route @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ actions: example: {"Host": "rapid7.com"} put: title: PUT - description: Make a PUT request + description: This action is used to make a PUT request input: route: title: Route @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ actions: example: {"Host": "rapid7.com"} patch: title: PATCH - description: Make a PATCH request + description: This action is used to make a PATCH request input: route: title: Route @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ actions: example: {"Host": "rapid7.com"} delete: title: DELETE - description: Make a DELETE request + description: This action is used to make a DELETE request input: route: title: Route diff --git a/plugins/rest/setup.py b/plugins/rest/setup.py index 0e2be4a265..29ef44538d 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/setup.py +++ b/plugins/rest/setup.py @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -# GENERATED BY KOMAND SDK - DO NOT EDIT +# GENERATED BY INSIGHT-PLUGIN - DO NOT EDIT from setuptools import setup, find_packages setup(name="rest-rapid7-plugin", - version="6.0.2", + version="6.0.3", description="The HTTP Requests plugin to make it easy to integrate with RESTful services", author="rapid7", author_email="", diff --git a/plugins/rest/unit_test/__init__.py b/plugins/rest/unit_test/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2