From fdce59d8fddcabd5feb8892c49f8434b2d38e45d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: igorski-r7 <> Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:40:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Rest - 16962 - Initial updates for fedramp compliance | Updated SDK to the latest version (#2781) --- plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM | 6 +- plugins/rest/Dockerfile | 2 +- plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest | 2 +- plugins/rest/ | 107 +++++++++++++++++----------------- plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml | 48 ++++++++++++++- plugins/rest/requirements.txt | 1 - plugins/rest/ | 2 +- 7 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM b/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM index 539f586370..90aa7f681c 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM +++ b/plugins/rest/.CHECKSUM @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "spec": "097258d7623c14121f7c7e47aa43f4e6", - "manifest": "7b11571c8f236466479dff5366cdbd5f", - "setup": "af61c496247996a0dd95e95b11a7d1ff", + "spec": "f425e921d555b8b8506def03985faca1", + "manifest": "682e0c73e6860a545d766c54eba69bb3", + "setup": "4aafb58bbcb649945c459ed1d720e6f7", "schemas": [ { "identifier": "delete/", diff --git a/plugins/rest/Dockerfile b/plugins/rest/Dockerfile index 4b59eb475b..135856c394 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/Dockerfile +++ b/plugins/rest/Dockerfile @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -FROM --platform=linux/amd64 rapid7/insightconnect-python-3-plugin:5.4.4 +FROM --platform=linux/amd64 rapid7/insightconnect-python-3-plugin:6.1.0 LABEL organization=rapid7 LABEL sdk=python diff --git a/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest b/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest index 94a4fedfc3..e76178d691 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest +++ b/plugins/rest/bin/komand_rest @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from sys import argv Name = "HTTP Requests" Vendor = "rapid7" -Version = "6.0.7" +Version = "6.0.8" Description = "The HTTP Requests plugin makes it easy to integrate with RESTful services" diff --git a/plugins/rest/ b/plugins/rest/ index de858619ff..b11188414c 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/ +++ b/plugins/rest/ @@ -7,36 +7,36 @@ The HTTP Requests plugin allows users to automate HTTP requests to API services This plugin is often used to integrate with ad-hoc 3rd party API's in a workflow without going through the process of [building a new plugin]( It supports DELETE, GET, PATCH, POST, or PUT requests to the provided URI. # Key Features - -* Make RESTful API calls + +* Make RESTful API calls * Quickly integrate with 3rd party API's over HTTP # Requirements - + * A RESTFUL HTTP/HTTPS resource and supported authentication, if any # Supported Product Versions - -* 2023-10-19 + +* 2024-09-10 # Documentation ## Setup - + The connection configuration accepts the following parameters: -|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example| -| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -|authentication_type|string|No Authentication|False|Type of authentication|["Basic Auth", "Digest Auth", "Bearer Token", "Rapid7 Insight", "OpsGenie", "Pendo", "Custom", "No Authentication"]|Basic Auth| -|base_url|string|None|True|Base URL e.g.|None|| -|basic_auth_credentials|credential_username_password|None|False|Username and password. Provide if you choose Basic Auth or Digest Auth authentication type|None|{"username": "", "password": "mypassword"}| -|client_certificate|file|None|False|Client certificate for mutual TLS (Certificate or Certificate/Key combination)|None|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| -|default_headers|object|None|False|Custom headers to include in all requests associated with this connection. To pass a encrypted key as a header value, enter your key in the Secret Key input and set the value of the header in this field to "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" instead of secret key. The plugin will replace "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" with the encrypted key stored in the Secret Key input when the plugin runs.|None|{ "User-Agent": "Rapid7 InsightConnect", "Custom-Key-Header": "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" }| -|fail_on_http_errors|boolean|True|False|Indicates whether the plugin should fail on standard HTTP errors (4xx-5xx)|None|True| -|private_key|file|None|False|Private key for mutual TLS (requires Client Certificate)|None|LS0tLS1CRudJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQpQSUlFcFFJQkFBS0NBUUVPMUdUQ2o3dFNodnBMSEQ0ekgraGlvbUw2MXQ4MzQvVS9tWfFOSFoxRHhUbm4rdjF4CjFWaHBGbHZtd1NCUVNDTU1CZ01WRpRQcExrcnU4a01uK3djVVFVcXR3Q2x0RzUxVllQeElZUU1IUTIvN0RraFoKYzIvQ1p0TndFelBBVjRyWHBIZ0hOL0VKNFA4cVhYL05uYW1nTWkxZGk1ZUFiM2wrRzJpYjVMWWxVeHo2RzM0WgpXcW56QjdkMXdrNW91aUZIVVZlOTRFcFM4SW5EYTE4SnJzdWpzQ01SaVFhQXZWVjF6T0RzOWZYK21LeGd2UzRkCjNXM2F1emRuNkl4M1BlVDdnWVlXa1BtOCtYQUNMZjJuejNRL25QZHNLY1lBVUN4RTQ0Mkk5REcyUXFZNEpDa3YKUEVKOVhNbWVSWENGT0t6WlRQemlRejRLU3M5UTVGS1dFSHZ6R1FJREFRQUJBb0lCQVFDOWFiYVJsQTcvVFF2YQovaVY5MlRLYmlmWUYxai96emUyUU94YVBTSWI5eHF4NWk3a08rSytQUHhwRk5Wb2pXdzRIOW92QXd2Q2lYYTFEClV5UytuQXVXUnRFNVJEaUhuZ0pjWWVEeWswOHR0c29BYk1sSlIydnBZN3JaaFJlTmVzYmhhQ0dYNUNCVnRFSEcKQ1JQSC9WUmVLMUwzZ0g4TDZ4OXB0aHNCRnVlbWU5c2pmdXpaUlVMUkx4YkxZVS9hQWJoSDlxR2Z1NEwyY0RDMgozSGV1MVNrdjZzTllWbzNPQW9mVkY4dWFDUUtzeWhPWGJ2b1REM1lvR3NycTh2Q1ZPNHdIRWhvdG8zZFVzNGs5Cm8zMVdvcnprNndYYVV3b0pUcGZxbWRBUnRlb0twdWZ3aFZ6K0k1c1Ezb1c4U3RjM0FXSTk4RTFSdmRmTHc2elAKeGxRbVIvaDVBb0dCQU96bGZxSzlEeUdJMTJLUkdqYjR1bTdrNUFSUWZaVllYNVdndW9iYmNraVk0b1JtVlBIZgpOYm5hTkloVjN6ZjVHWEgwQk9CR2lvOUU3N0FiMUphMXE3d2FPRnJlUURPeHRCZ1BuTXo5OHRJMWJrOXEvZTB5CmlUNTI4OFFLUXV3TTM3QkNOZmtLZUdTOFhIN2gxZm9FZVUxb1k1M1NLWjFvOEM5YkdMc242UWp6QW9HQkFPV0YKYlROK2MvTG50OUprQ2Z0eDhJdk1vcU05TkJLNStXTmRUMU1CcjlxcmhPYmNsZ0d0TzAvaUs3aEpSY0Q3alpIZwpnMnVrU01iUkR1VUo0ZjFSUlNveFBDZWJrcktyNllNQmRTZ2IrZFIyRWJVQ2NReU5oMFJ3L1ovQlNSQ29SSGxUClhPb29iazlnUUN2WHNROUlUK3lTNFlaaE5iNFQ0eXE4bDBpQlJkYkRBb0dBTE11Y2p6cWJibTB0d3hoTHZkR2QKeEFoUnY5TTFBdndyLzkySklqZDNVOG9mOEZGdldZQW5ualg2Y0pGaE0rK28vU2pYbUx4NGcxVWcyVXZJSUthMworWjR2bmtKdVRsdG1ITWFhRUNDbXhTOHRqTWt1bXpqWmRXTkp5TWJCMHlqYUpnWFo2USt6Tzl5UkhnNURFMXg3CkxZRmhaVVJDcE8vR1RkSG9YTjJIQm1NQ2dZRUF1ZXRWNU5OMjJ2bW1wcTlRZ3JUdUZHQkVFaFQrdkhpWE1rMGcKZDIyelpGOXh2WXhMbXJvWGhJTUJ4VHJkWFJDbndkWHF2dVFKNjdybjVOTVhrNW9rZTZQOFJWMDQvTEJTN0VMZgpBd2wrV3dMMUh2b0dWeFBCMGNmeE9scFlkRHpKa3JuYlZ2WS9QTjhMdkRmdy9oOG1WczA0RUNGb1pqcG9kM0xpCjNPR1NqLzhDZ1lFQWthekw5UDJTVHVPck1HYncrK2xSVER2RVlSUXp2b3U0UEFudHlOQUtNSFo3MmNwc0pRRG8KMXdIelFweHRwc0I3bzNoMTEweFdId2xMQ3BzaXFueExoVlRIek9WUVFaQnR5cjhMTVMwVDY5UVc1ekhmcS9hZQpSeGtYdDR0bmUrL0dQdzFPMlN6d3IxcmxUV2tNRGxoM2VEU3R2TjVaaW9qZXM2OVMwb3QzZWVMPQotLS0tLUVORCBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQo| -|secret|credential_secret_key|None|False|Credential secret key. Provide a Bearer Token, Rapid7 Insight, OpsGenie, Pendo or using "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" in the Default Headers field for Custom authentication type|None|9de5069c5afe602b2ea0a04b66beb2c0| -|ssl_verify|boolean|True|True|Verify TLS/SSL certificate|None|True| - +|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example|Placeholder|Tooltip| +| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | +|authentication_type|string|No Authentication|False|Type of authentication|["Basic Auth", "Digest Auth", "Bearer Token", "Rapid7 Insight", "OpsGenie", "Pendo", "Custom", "No Authentication"]|Basic Auth|None|None| +|base_url|string|None|True|Base URL e.g.|None||None|None| +|basic_auth_credentials|credential_username_password|None|False|Username and password. Provide if you choose Basic Auth or Digest Auth authentication type|None|{"username": "", "password": "mypassword"}|None|None| +|client_certificate|file|None|False|Client certificate for mutual TLS (Certificate or Certificate/Key combination)|None|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|None|None| +|default_headers|object|None|False|Custom headers to include in all requests associated with this connection. To pass a encrypted key as a header value, enter your key in the Secret Key input and set the value of the header in this field to "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" instead of secret key. The plugin will replace "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" with the encrypted key stored in the Secret Key input when the plugin runs.|None|{ "User-Agent": "Rapid7 InsightConnect", "Custom-Key-Header": "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" }|None|None| +|fail_on_http_errors|boolean|True|False|Indicates whether the plugin should fail on standard HTTP errors (4xx-5xx)|None|True|None|None| +|private_key|file|None|False|Private key for mutual TLS (requires Client Certificate)|None|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|None|None| +|secret|credential_secret_key|None|False|Credential secret key. Provide a Bearer Token, Rapid7 Insight, OpsGenie, Pendo or using "CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT" in the Default Headers field for Custom authentication type|None|9de5069c5afe602b2ea0a04b66beb2c0|None|None| +|ssl_verify|boolean|True|True|Verify TLS/SSL certificate|None|True|None|None| + Example input: ``` @@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ This action is used to make a DELETE request ##### Input -|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example| -| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data| -|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}| -|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}| -|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users| +|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example|Placeholder|Tooltip| +| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | +|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data|None|None| +|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}|None|None| +|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}|None|None| +|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users|None|None| Example input: @@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ This action is used to make a GET request ##### Input -|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example| -| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data| -|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}| -|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}| -|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users| +|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example|Placeholder|Tooltip| +| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | +|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data|None|None| +|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}|None|None| +|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}|None|None| +|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users|None|None| Example input: @@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ This action is used to make a PATCH request ##### Input -|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example| -| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data| -|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}| -|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}| -|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users| +|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example|Placeholder|Tooltip| +| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | +|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data|None|None| +|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}|None|None| +|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}|None|None| +|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users|None|None| Example input: @@ -226,12 +226,12 @@ This action is used to make a POST request ##### Input -|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example| -| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data| -|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}| -|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}| -|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users| +|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example|Placeholder|Tooltip| +| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | +|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data|None|None| +|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}|None|None| +|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}|None|None| +|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users|None|None| Example input: @@ -278,12 +278,12 @@ This action is used to make a PUT request ##### Input -|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example| -| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | -|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data| -|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}| -|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}| -|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users| +|Name|Type|Default|Required|Description|Enum|Example|Placeholder|Tooltip| +| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | +|body_any|string|None|False|Payload (string) to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call. This can be any type of input, such as an array or integers etc.. If a data object is to be sent, please use the 'Body Object' input|None|test data|None|None| +|body_object|object|None|False|Payload to submit to the server when making the HTTP Request call|None|{"user": ""}|None|None| +|headers|object|None|False|Headers to use for the request. These will override any default headers|None|{"Host": ""}|None|None| +|route|string|None|True|The route to append to the base URL e.g. /org/users|None|/org/users|None|None| Example input: @@ -335,13 +335,14 @@ Example output: *This plugin does not contain any custom output types.* ## Troubleshooting - + Any headers set in the action will overwrite the default ones in the connection. +Any issues connecting to the remote service should be present in the log of the job that ran. If you find any issues that represent bugs in the plugin itself, please contact someone at Komand directly. -Any issues connecting to the remote service should be present in the log of the job that ran. If you find any issues that represent bugs in the plugin itself, please contact someone at Komand directly. # Version History +* 6.0.8 - Initial updates for fedramp compliance | Updated SDK to the latest version * 6.0.7 - Connection: fix hard overriding custom header from `CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT` * 6.0.6 - Updated the SDK to the latest version to address memory usage issues * 6.0.5 - Fixed a bug where we dropped the slash at the end of URLs when joining them together @@ -375,13 +376,13 @@ Any issues connecting to the remote service should be present in the log of the * 0.1.3 - Fix post and put actions by using JSON argument instead of body * 0.1.2 - SSL bug fix in SDK * 0.1.1 - Update tags -* 0.1.0 - Initial plugin +* 0.1.0 - Initial plugin # Links * [HTTP Request Architecture Style]( ## References - -* + +* * [InsightConnect HTTP Request Plugin Guide]( \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml b/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml index be913e529e..e355610c26 100644 --- a/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml +++ b/plugins/rest/plugin.spec.yaml @@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ products: [insightconnect] name: rest title: HTTP Requests description: The HTTP Requests plugin makes it easy to integrate with RESTful services -version: 6.0.7 +version: 6.0.8 connection_version: 6 vendor: rapid7 support: community -supported_versions: ["2023-10-19"] +supported_versions: ["2024-09-10"] +fedramp_ready: true status: [] resources: source_url: @@ -31,8 +32,49 @@ hub_tags: enable_cache: true sdk: type: full - version: 5.4.4 + version: 6.1.0 user: root +troubleshooting: | + Any headers set in the action will overwrite the default ones in the connection. + Any issues connecting to the remote service should be present in the log of the job that ran. If you find any issues that represent bugs in the plugin itself, please contact someone at Komand directly. +version_history: + - "6.0.8 - Initial updates for fedramp compliance | Updated SDK to the latest version" + - "6.0.7 - Connection: fix hard overriding custom header from `CUSTOM_SECRET_INPUT`" + - "6.0.6 - Updated the SDK to the latest version to address memory usage issues" + - "6.0.5 - Fixed a bug where we dropped the slash at the end of URLs when joining them together" + - "6.0.4 - Custom Auth: Fix bug where we could not pass the API Key from the input into the Authentication header if the header value included a prefix" + - "6.0.3 - Added empty `` file to `unit_test` folder | Refreshed with new tooling | Updated `requirements.txt`" + - "6.0.2 - Fixed a bug that would cause an incorrect error message whenever a 400 error was received and the response object was a list" + - "6.0.1 - Improved ability of 'Body Any' input to handle non-standard characters and JSON input" + - "6.0.0 - All actions: Changed body as array to body as any (string input)" + - "5.2.0 - All actions: Added body as an array input for remaining actions" + - "5.1.1 - Get: Fix issue where requests were failing when certificate file input field was empty" + - "5.1.0 - Add support for Get with Body with new Body input of type object | Add support for TLS by providing new inputs for the connection, Client Certificate and Private Key of type file" + - "5.0.3 - POST supports x-www-form-urlencoded | PATCH to now take in an array of objects" + - "5.0.2 - Fix issue with JSON data parser for PATCH request" + - "5.0.1 - Update to make 'No Authentication' the default connection type" + - "5.0.0 - Add ability for user to choose if the plugin should fail on standard HTTP error codes (4xx-5xx) | Add 'No Authentication' as another authentication type" + - "4.0.5 - Fix issue where if an API returned a list it would crash the plugin" + - "4.0.4 - Fix issue with SSL Verify" + - "4.0.3 - Update `requests` to the latest version | Update python version to `python-3-38-plugin:4` | Add `USER` in Dockerfile | Use input and output constants | Code refactor | Strip leading and trailing whitespace from route" + - "4.0.2 - Updated `docs_url` to [HTTP Requests - Plugin Connection Guide](" + - "4.0.1 - Fix issue where the connection test fails when a base URL is provided with a web resource path for the Rapid7 Insight and Pendo auth types" + - "4.0.0 - Support new authentication types: Digest Auth and Bearer Token | Add a workaround to encrypt a secret key when used in custom HTTP headers | Add built-in authentication for services: Insight Platform, Pendo and OpsGenie" + - "3.0.5 - Fix issue where a null body return on a successful request would crash the plugin" + - "3.0.4 - Update REST plugin title to HTTP Requests" + - "3.0.3 - Add `docs_url` to plugin spec with link to [plugin setup guide](" + - "3.0.2 - Update to v3 Python plugin architecture | Support get endpoints returning lists" + - "3.0.1 - New spec and format for the Extension Library" + - "3.0.0 - Add basic auth support" + - "2.0.0 - Update connection to handle SSL verification" + - "1.0.0 - Update to v2 Python plugin architecture | Support web server mode" + - "0.1.4 - Bug fix for CI tool incorrectly uploading plugins" + - "0.1.3 - Fix post and put actions by using JSON argument instead of body" + - "0.1.2 - SSL bug fix in SDK" + - "0.1.1 - Update tags" + - "0.1.0 - Initial plugin" +links: + - "[HTTP Request Architecture Style](" connection: base_url: title: Base URL diff --git a/plugins/rest/requirements.txt b/plugins/rest/requirements.txt index 4aea334199..a1f01b1446 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/requirements.txt +++ b/plugins/rest/requirements.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ # List third-party dependencies here, separated by newlines. # All dependencies must be version-pinned, eg. requests==1.2.0 # See: -requests==2.31.0 parameterized==0.8.1 diff --git a/plugins/rest/ b/plugins/rest/ index de1e427d11..d8b594c0eb 100755 --- a/plugins/rest/ +++ b/plugins/rest/ @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ setup(name="rest-rapid7-plugin", - version="6.0.7", + version="6.0.8", description="The HTTP Requests plugin makes it easy to integrate with RESTful services", author="rapid7", author_email="",