Dream Bajar is Multi-Product and Vendor Ecommerce website, build with Nodejs, React js and Mongodb
- Navigation bar
- Homepage
- Player [desktop in bottom]
- login page
- registration page
- user dashboard [ANY USER]
- favorite list
- playlists
- change password form
- change avatar
- avatar
- admin dashboard [ONLY FOR ADMIN]
- add new song
- update song
- delete song
- delete user
- add artist
- add genre
- add playlist for everyone
- Social Google Authentication
- Local Authentication.
- Hash password
- Email verification
- Forgot password.
- block user
- Mongodb
- _id?: ObjectId
- username: string
- firstName: string
- lastName?: string
- email: string,
- password?: string
- createdAt?: Date
- updatedAt?: Date
- roles: Roles[]
- avatar?: string
- accountStatus?: boolean
- _id?: ObjectId
- title: string
- price: number
- discount?: number
- attributes?: object
- coverPhoto: string
- images?: string[]
- qty: number
- sold?: number
- views?: number
- brandId?: ObjectId
- categoryId?: ObjectId
- sellerId?: string
- authorId: string
- createdAt?: Date
- updatedAt?: Date
- isApproved: boolean
User2 endpoint
- POST /auth/login [public]