- Binary search
- Block placement queries
- Capacity to ship packages within d days
- Construct binary search tree from preorder traversal
- Count non decreasing subarrays after k operations
- Count subarrays with score less than k
- Data stream as disjoint intervals
- Design movie rental system
- Dungeon game
- Earliest second to mark indices i
- Earliest second to mark indices ii
- Find building where alice and bob can meet
- Find first and last position of element in sorted array
- Find in mountain array
- Find k closest elements
- Find k th smallest pair distance
- Find products of elements of big array
- Find right interval
- Find smallest letter greater than target
- Find the duplicate number
- Find the longest valid obstacle course at each position
- Find the maximum number of marked indices
- Find the median of the uniqueness array
- Find the occurrence of first almost equal substring
- Find the smallest divisor given a threshold
- Find the sum of subsequence powers
- First bad version
- Guess number higher or lower
- H index
- H index ii
- House robber iv
- K th smallest prime fraction
- Koko eating bananas
- Kth smallest amount with single denomination combination
- Kth smallest element in a sorted matrix
- Kth smallest number in multiplication table
- Length of the longest increasing path
- Longest palindromic substring
- Longest subsequence with limited sum
- Magnetic force between two balls
- Maximize score of numbers in ranges
- Maximize the minimum powered city
- Maximum distance between a pair of values
- Maximum number of alloys
- Maximum number of removable characters
- Maximum number of robots within budget
- Maximum running time of n computers
- Maximum tastiness of candy basket
- Maximum value at a given index in a bounded array
- Maximum width ramp
- Maximum xor of two numbers in an array
- Median of two sorted arrays
- Minimize maximum of array
- Minimize the maximum adjacent element difference
- Minimize the maximum difference of pairs
- Minimize the maximum edge weight of graph
- Minimized maximum of products distributed to any store
- Minimum cost for tickets
- Minimum limit of balls in a bag
- Minimum number of days to make m bouquets
- Minimum number of removals to make mountain array
- Minimum number of seconds to make mountain height zero
- Minimum number of valid strings to form target ii
- Minimum operations to make all array elements equal
- Minimum speed to arrive on time
- Minimum time to complete trips
- Minimum time to repair cars
- Nth magical number
- Partition array such that maximum difference is k
- Peak index in a mountain array
- Prime subtraction operation
- Range sum of sorted subarray sums
- Sell diminishing valued colored balls
- Smallest divisible digit product ii
- Smallest substring with identical characters i
- Smallest substring with identical characters ii
- Sorted gcd pair queries
- Split array largest sum
- Two best non overlapping events
- Zero array transformation ii
- 132 pattern
- Closest room
- Contains duplicate iii
- Count of range sum
- Maximum balanced subsequence sum
- Maximum number of points from grid queries
- Maximum sum queries
- Minimum absolute difference between elements with constraint
- Minimum absolute sum difference
- Minimum reverse operations
- My calendar i
- Online majority element in subarray
- Random pick with weight
- Random point in non overlapping rectangles
- Snapshot array