- All oone data structure
- Construct quad tree
- Data stream as disjoint intervals
- Design a food rating system
- Design a number container system
- Design a stack with increment operation
- Design add and search words data structure
- Design authentication manager
- Design browser history
- Design circular deque
- Design circular queue
- Design hashmap
- Design hashset
- Design memory allocator
- Design movie rental system
- Design parking system
- Design task manager
- Design underground system
- Encode and decode tinyurl
- Find consecutive integers from a data stream
- Find x sum of all k long subarrays i
- Find x sum of all k long subarrays ii
- Frequency tracker
- Implement trie prefix tree
- Insert delete getrandom o1
- Iterator for combination
- Lfu cache
- Longest uploaded prefix
- Lru cache
- Maximum frequency stack
- Min stack
- Number of recent calls
- Online majority element in subarray
- Peeking iterator
- Random pick with weight