- 01 matrix
- Amount of time for binary tree to be infected
- As far from land as possible
- Bus routes
- Detonate the maximum bombs
- Divide nodes into the maximum number of groups
- Find the safest path in a grid
- Jump game iv
- Maximum level sum of a binary tree
- Maximum number of moves to kill all pawns
- Minimum genetic mutation
- Minimum moves to capture the queen
- Minimum number of visited cells in a grid
- Minimum operations to convert number
- Minimum reverse operations
- Nearest exit from entrance in maze
- Open the lock
- Pacific atlantic water flow
- Second minimum time to reach destination
- Shortest bridge
- Shortest path to get all keys
- Shortest path with alternating colors
- Special permutations
- Find a safe walk through a grid
- Minimum cost to make at least one valid path in a grid
- Minimum obstacle removal to reach corner
- Add edges to make degrees of all nodes even
- Collect coins in a tree
- Construct 2d grid matching graph layout
- Find champion i
- Find champion ii
- Find the town judge
- Maximum total importance of roads
- Minimum number of vertices to reach all nodes
- Restore the array from adjacent pairs
- Valid arrangement of pairs
- Validate binary tree nodes
- Amount of time for binary tree to be infected
- Check if dfs strings are palindromes
- Count number of possible root nodes
- Count pairs of connectable servers in a weighted tree network
- Count paths that can form a palindrome in a tree
- Count the number of good nodes
- Count valid paths in a tree
- Create components with same value
- Critical connections in a network
- Delete nodes and return forest
- Detect cycles in 2d grid
- Difference between maximum and minimum price sum
- Employee importance
- Find if path exists in graph
- Find number of coins to place in tree nodes
- Find subtree sizes after changes
- Find the maximum sum of node values
- Jump game iii
- Keys and rooms
- Longest increasing path in a matrix
- Longest path with different adjacent characters
- Maximize amount after two days of conversions
- Maximize sum of weights after edge removals
- Maximize the number of target nodes after connecting trees i
- Maximum number of k divisible components
- Maximum points after collecting coins from all nodes
- Maximum score after applying operations on a tree
- Minimize the maximum edge weight of graph
- Minimize the total price of the trips
- Minimum edge reversals so every node is reachable
- Minimum edge weight equilibrium queries in a tree
- Minimum fuel cost to report to the capital
- Minimum number of operations to sort a binary tree by level
- Minimum score after removals on a tree
- Minimum score of a path between two cities
- Minimum time to collect all apples in a tree
- Most profitable path in a tree
- Number of increasing paths in a grid
- Number of nodes in the sub tree with the same label
- Reachable nodes with restrictions
- Remove methods from project
- Reorder routes to make all paths lead to the city zero
- Shortest cycle in a graph
- Time needed to inform all employees
- Time taken to mark all nodes
- Validate binary tree nodes
- Is graph bipartite
- Maximize the number of target nodes after connecting trees ii
- Possible bipartition
- Count the number of complete components
- Count unreachable pairs of nodes in an undirected graph
- Divide nodes into the maximum number of groups
- Evaluate division
- Most stones removed with same row or column
- Number of islands
- Number of operations to make network connected
- Number of provinces
- Count sub islands
- Flood fill
- Making a large island
- Max area of island
- Maximum number of fish in a grid
- Minimum number of days to disconnect island
- Number of closed islands
- Number of enclaves
- Shortest bridge
- Design graph with shortest path calculator
- Digit operations to make two integers equal
- Find minimum time to reach last room i
- Find minimum time to reach last room ii
- Minimum cost of a path with special roads
- Minimum time to visit a cell in a grid
- Minimum time to visit disappearing nodes
- Modify graph edge weights
- Network delay time
- Number of ways to arrive at destination
- Path with maximum probability
- Path with minimum effort
- Reachable nodes in subdivided graph
- All ancestors of a node in a directed acyclic graph
- All paths from source to target
- Find champion i
- Find champion ii
- Shortest distance after road addition queries i
- Shortest distance after road addition queries ii
- Find the city with the smallest number of neighbors at a threshold distance
- Minimum cost to convert string i
- Minimum cost to convert string ii
- Number of possible sets of closing branches
- Minimum edge weight equilibrium queries in a tree
- Step by step directions from a binary tree node to another
- As far from land as possible
- Find the safest path in a grid
- Shortest bridge
- Shortest path with alternating colors
- Divide nodes into the maximum number of groups
- Minimize the maximum edge weight of graph
- Minimum number of days to disconnect island
- Shortest cycle in a graph
- Count the number of houses at a certain distance i
- Count the number of houses at a certain distance ii
- Count visited nodes in a directed graph
- Destination city
- Find closest node to given two nodes
- Longest cycle in a graph
- Node with highest edge score
- Where will the ball fall