- Advantage shuffle
- Append characters to string to make subsequence
- Apple redistribution into boxes
- Apply operations on array to maximize sum of squares
- Apply operations to make all array elements equal to zero
- Apply operations to maximize score
- Assign cookies
- Bag of tokens
- Best time to buy and sell stock ii
- Boats to save people
- Candy
- Check if a parentheses string can be valid
- Construct string with repeat limit
- Course schedule iii
- Determine the minimum sum of a k avoiding array
- Divide array in sets of k consecutive numbers
- Divide array into arrays with max difference
- Dota2 senate
- Earliest possible day of full bloom
- Earliest second to mark indices i
- Earliest second to mark indices ii
- Eliminate maximum number of monsters
- Final array state after k multiplication operations i
- Final array state after k multiplication operations ii
- Find minimum diameter after merging two trees
- Find polygon with the largest perimeter
- Find the largest palindrome divisible by k
- Find the lexicographically largest string from the box i
- Find the lexicographically smallest valid sequence
- Find the maximum number of marked indices
- Find the maximum sequence value of array
- Find the minimum possible sum of a beautiful array
- Find the value of the partition
- Find valid matrix given row and column sums
- Frog jump ii
- Furthest building you can reach
- Furthest point from origin
- Gas station
- Hand of straights
- Happy students
- Is subsequence
- K th smallest in lexicographical order
- Largest number
- Least number of unique integers after k removals
- Lemonade change
- Length of the longest increasing path
- Lexicographically minimum string after removing stars
- Lexicographically smallest string after operations with constraint
- Lexicographically smallest string after substring operation
- Longest happy string
- Longest subsequence with limited sum
- Magnetic force between two balls
- Make array zero by subtracting equal amounts
- Make costs of paths equal in a binary tree
- Make string a subsequence using cyclic increments
- Max chunks to make sorted
- Maximize greatness of an array
- Maximize happiness of selected children
- Maximize score of numbers in ranges
- Maximize sum of weights after edge removals
- Maximize the minimum powered city
- Maximize the number of target nodes after connecting trees i
- Maximize the total height of unique towers
- Maximum average pass ratio
- Maximum bags with full capacity of rocks
- Maximum distance in arrays
- Maximum element after decreasing and rearranging
- Maximum ice cream bars
- Maximum length of pair chain
- Maximum matching of players with trainer
- Maximum matrix sum
- Maximum number of coins you can get
- Maximum number of consecutive values you can make
- Maximum number of distinct elements after operations
- Maximum number of groups entering a competition
- Maximum number of groups with increasing length
- Maximum number of integers to choose from a range i
- Maximum odd binary number
- Maximum palindromes after operations
- Maximum performance of a team
- Maximum points after enemy battles
- Maximum product difference between two pairs
- Maximum product of two elements in an array
- Maximum score from removing substrings
- Maximum spending after buying items
- Maximum swap
- Maximum tastiness of candy basket
- Maximum total importance of roads
- Maximum units on a truck
- Maximum value after insertion
- Maximum value sum by placing three rooks i
- Maximum value sum by placing three rooks ii
- Maximum xor product
- Mice and cheese
- Minimize maximum pair sum in array
- Minimize the maximum adjacent element difference
- Minimize the maximum difference of pairs
- Minimum amount of damage dealt to bob
- Minimum amount of time to fill cups
- Minimum array end
- Minimum array length after pair removals
- Minimum cost for cutting cake i
- Minimum cost for cutting cake ii
- Minimum cost to equalize array
- Minimum cost to make array equal
- Minimum deletions to make string k special
- Minimum difference between largest and smallest value in three moves
- Minimum division operations to make array non decreasing
- Minimum equal sum of two arrays after replacing zeros
- Minimum increment to make array unique
- Minimum levels to gain more points
- Minimum money required before transactions
- Minimum number of arrows to burst balloons
- Minimum number of changes to make binary string beautiful
- Minimum number of coins to be added
- Minimum number of days to make m bouquets
- Minimum number of groups to create a valid assignment
- Minimum number of increments on subarrays to form a target array
- Minimum number of k consecutive bit flips
- Minimum number of moves to seat everyone
- Minimum number of operations to make all array elements equal to 1
- Minimum number of operations to make arrays similar
- Minimum number of pushes to type word i
- Minimum number of pushes to type word ii
- Minimum number of swaps to make the string balanced
- Minimum number of taps to open to water a garden
- Minimum operations to make a special number
- Minimum operations to make array equal ii
- Minimum operations to make array equal to target
- Minimum operations to make array values equal to k
- Minimum operations to make binary array elements equal to one i
- Minimum operations to make binary array elements equal to one ii
- Minimum operations to make median of array equal to k
- Minimum operations to make the array increasing
- Minimum processing time
- Minimum rectangles to cover points
- Minimum replacements to sort the array
- Minimum score by changing two elements
- Minimum sum of squared difference
- Minimum time to complete all tasks
- Minimum time to make array sum at most x
- Minimum total cost to make arrays unequal
- Minimum total distance traveled
- Most profit assigning work
- Non overlapping intervals
- Number of matching subsequences
- Partition labels
- Patching array
- Prime subtraction operation
- Put marbles in bags
- Queue reconstruction by height
- Reach end of array with max score
- Rearrange array to maximize prefix score
- Rearranging fruits
- Reduce array size to the half
- Reducing dishes
- Remove adjacent almost equal characters
- Remove duplicate letters
- Remove k digits
- Remove stones to minimize the total
- Reorganize string
- Replace question marks in string to minimize its value
- Score after flipping matrix
- Sell diminishing valued colored balls
- Smallest divisible digit product ii
- Smallest missing non negative integer after operations
- Smallest substring with identical characters i
- Smallest substring with identical characters ii
- Split array largest sum
- Split with minimum sum
- Zero array transformation iii