- Count servers that communicate
- Count unguarded cells in the grid
- Design neighbor sum service
- Difference between ones and zeros in row and column
- Difference of number of distinct values on diagonals
- Find all groups of farmland
- Find the grid of region average
- Find the minimum area to cover all ones i
- Increment submatrices by one
- Largest submatrix with rearrangements
- Maximum matrix sum
- Maximum strictly increasing cells in a matrix
- Minimum number of flips to make binary grid palindromic i
- Minimum number of flips to make binary grid palindromic ii
- Modify the matrix
- Regions cut by slashes
- Right triangles
- Count paths with the given xor value
- Disconnect path in a binary matrix by at most one flip
- Dungeon game
- Find minimum time to reach last room i
- Find minimum time to reach last room ii
- Find the maximum number of fruits collected
- Last day where you can still cross
- Longest increasing path in a matrix
- Maximum amount of money robot can earn
- Maximum number of moves in a grid
- Minimum falling path sum
- Minimum falling path sum ii
- Minimum path sum
- Most frequent prime
- Path with maximum gold
- Paths in matrix whose sum is divisible by k
- Where will the ball fall