- Count triplets that can form two arrays of equal xor
- Find the longest substring containing vowels in even counts
- Maximum or
- Minimum number of k consecutive bit flips
- Number of wonderful substrings
- Unique length 3 palindromic subsequences
- Xor queries of a subarray
- 132 pattern
- Best sightseeing pair
- Best time to buy and sell stock
- Best time to buy and sell stock iii
- Count subarrays with fixed bounds
- Find the score of all prefixes of an array
- Global and local inversions
- Increasing triplet subsequence
- Partition array into disjoint intervals
- Time taken to mark all nodes
- Using a robot to print the lexicographically smallest string
- Apply operations to maximize frequency score
- Binary subarrays with sum
- Check if grid can be cut into sections
- Contiguous array
- Continuous subarray sum
- Count beautiful substrings i
- Count beautiful substrings ii
- Count complete substrings
- Count days spent together
- Count non decreasing subarrays after k operations
- Count number of nice subarrays
- Count of interesting subarrays
- Count subarrays where max element appears at least k times
- Count subarrays with median k
- Count subarrays with score less than k
- Count substrings that satisfy k constraint ii
- Count tested devices after test operations
- Count the number of inversions
- Count vowel strings in ranges
- Defuse the bomb
- Delivering boxes from storage to ports
- Execution of all suffix instructions staying in a grid
- Find maximum non decreasing array length
- Find the count of monotonic pairs i
- Find the count of monotonic pairs ii
- Find the highest altitude
- Find the n th value after k seconds
- Find the original typed string ii
- Find the score of all prefixes of an array
- Find the substring with maximum cost
- Gas station
- Left and right sum differences
- Longest subsequence with limited sum
- Longest valid parentheses
- Make sum divisible by p
- Max sum of rectangle no larger than k
- Maximal rectangle
- Maximum good subarray sum
- Maximum nesting depth of two valid parentheses strings
- Maximum product subarray
- Maximum score from grid operations
- Maximum score of spliced array
- Maximum subarray
- Maximum subarray min product
- Maximum subarray sum with length divisible by k
- Maximum sum circular subarray
- Maximum sum of 3 non overlapping subarrays
- Maximum xor for each query
- Minimum absolute difference queries
- Minimum amount of time to collect garbage
- Minimum cost to make all characters equal
- Minimum cost to merge stones
- Minimum edge weight equilibrium queries in a tree
- Minimum moves to pick k ones
- Minimum number of chairs in a waiting room
- Minimum operations to make all array elements equal
- Minimum positive sum subarray
- Minimum size subarray in infinite array
- Minimum space wasted from packaging
- Minimum swaps to group all 1s together ii
- Minimum value to get positive step by step sum
- Movement of robots
- Number of good leaf nodes pairs
- Number of ways to split array
- Palindrome rearrangement queries
- Random pick with weight
- Random point in non overlapping rectangles
- Range sum of sorted subarray sums
- Range sum query immutable
- Reducing dishes
- Remove zero sum consecutive nodes from linked list
- Shift distance between two strings
- Sorted gcd pair queries
- Subarray sums divisible by k
- Substring with largest variance
- Sum of absolute differences in a sorted array
- Construct product matrix
- Construct quad tree
- Count submatrices with equal frequency of x and y
- Count submatrices with top left element and sum less than k
- Disconnect path in a binary matrix by at most one flip
- Increment submatrices by one
- Maximal square
- Number of submatrices that sum to target
- Number of ways of cutting a pizza
- Range sum query 2d immutable
- Apply operations to make all array elements equal to zero
- Count the number of good partitions
- Count the number of houses at a certain distance i
- Count the number of houses at a certain distance ii
- Increment submatrices by one
- Invalid transactions
- Maximize the minimum powered city
- Minimum array changes to make differences equal
- Zero array transformation i
- Zero array transformation ii